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电子网络环境下的营销渠道管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
庄贵军  周筱莲 《管理学报》2006,3(4):443-449
首先,给出电子网络环境一个明确的定义,即特指那些在生产、经营或管理中使用了电子网络的企业的生存环境;接着根据电子网络和营销渠道管理的基本知识和理论,以营销渠道管理程序为分析框架,从渠道设计、渠道成员选择、物流配送、渠道协调和渠道控制等方面,讨论了电子网络环境下营销渠道管理可能发生的变化和特点,得到了一些初步的、但对企业具有指导意义的推论。  相似文献   

分析了IT招标项目的基本风险特征,并针对因IT招标项目中风险因素多、不确定性大而导致复杂的复合决策问题,在传统决策支持系统的基础上设计了综合推理方式的.NET架构下Web环境IT项目风险评价决策支持系统,分析了系统的功能、特点和设计方法,详细讨论了系统的结构,并给出系统运作过程和实现方法.  相似文献   

项寅 《中国管理科学》2021,29(11):237-248
“一带一路”战略加深了我国与邻国的交流,也为境外恐怖分子潜入提供可乘之机。政府可通过在交通网络中有效地分配阻断(或安检)资源,来提前识别和拦截正在潜入的恐怖分子。特别地,考虑各路段阻断资源需求、袭击后果为模糊不确定的情形,结合政府与恐怖分子的互动行为构建双层规划模型,并设计一类改进遗传算法求解。最后,结合南疆交通网络进行仿真分析,结果发现:通过边境反恐交通网络设计可以降低境内恐袭风险,恐怖分子偏好袭击边境口岸城市和境内重要城市,政府应优先针对口岸城市周围路段实施强化安检,还须重视安检资源投入的“边际效用递减规律”,以及安检资源和安检能力间的“替代关系”,合理优化两者比例,提高反恐效率。  相似文献   

Hubert Pun 《决策科学》2013,44(4):785-796
In the high‐tech industry, firms can be partners in one respect (e.g., resellers) and competitors in another. In this article, we investigate the channel structure problem for two firms‐each selling competing products in two complementary markets—who are deciding whether to sell their products to customers directly or distribute one of them through a competitor. The customers are heterogeneous and both firms have products that are horizontally differentiated. When selling products directly, the firm can coordinate the prices of the two complementary products and avoid the inefficiency of double marginalization. However, selling (indirectly) through the competing manufacturer can mitigate competition because the competitor shares the profit of both competing products and therefore does not price its own products aggressively. One might expect that when the externality across the markets is strong, firms would prefer to sell both products directly (rather than through the competitor) in order to take advantage of the complementarity between markets and eliminate the inefficiency of double marginalization. Interestingly, we find that even though the first mover chooses to sell both products directly, the second mover forsakes the opportunity to coordinate the prices of its products and instead opts to distribute one of the products through the first mover.  相似文献   

Introducing environmental innovations in product and process design can affect the product's cost and demand, as well as the environmental impact in different stages of its life cycle (such as manufacturing and use stages). In this article, we advance understanding on where such design changes can be most effective economically to the firm and examine their corresponding environmental consequences. We consider a profit maximizing firm (newsvendor) deciding on the production quantity as well as its environmentally focused design efforts. We focus our results along the two dimensions of demand characteristics and life‐cycle environmental impact levels, specifically functional vs. innovative products, and higher manufacturing stage environmental impact vs. higher use stage environmental impact. We also discuss the environmental impact of overproduction and how it relates to the different types of products and their salvage options. We find that although the environmental impact per unit always improves when firms use eco‐efficient or demand‐enhancing innovations, the total environmental impact can either increase or decrease due to increased production quantities. We identify the conditions for such cases by looking at the environmentally focused design efforts needed to compensate for the increase in production. We also show that the environmental impact of overproduction plays an important role in the overall environmental impact of the firm. We conclude by applying our model to different product categories.  相似文献   

叶强  高超越  姜广鑫 《管理世界》2022,38(1):229-240
碳市场建设是完成双碳目标的重要保障,而个人级碳交易作为目前企业级碳交易的有效补充,将会助力双碳目标的高效达成。本文拟利用区块链技术赋能碳市场建设,面向未来大数据环境下的碳市场,设计碳市场区块链系统架构,提出了区块链碳市场中个人碳资产价格驱动机制模型。本文首先分析了碳市场的发展趋势,指出个人级碳交易的重要性;进而利用区块链公链技术与侧链扩容技术,提出公链+侧链的碳市场体系设计方案,即公链上进行企业级碳交易,侧链上进行高频小额的个人级碳交易。该方案利用区块链技术的诸多优点降低管理成本、加强监管力度的同时,解决了个人碳资产大数据导致的公链拥堵问题,实现了个人碳资产聚合,保证了交易效率。各侧链生态可以根据区域或项目特色编制智能合约进行自治化运行,既实现了因地制宜,又降低了运行成本,还可以保证用户隐私与数据提供商的数据资产安全。最后,本文对该方案进行了经济学建模分析,通过模型推导和数据模拟论证了其社会效益,为政府决策提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

针对航运企业的重组与全球扩张引起的竞争问题,提出了竞争环境下的轴-辐式集装箱海运网络设计模型。模型采用基于路径的变量作为决策变量,利用离散函数来表示航运企业与航运联盟的竞争可吸引的流量(或客户),目的在于通过设计混合轴-辐式集装箱海运网络,实现以更低的服务成本和更短的服务时间最大化可吸引的流量,建立了枢纽港口数量约束、航线连接约束、航线中转约束、流量竞争约束等,运用多点交叉遗传算法进行求解,最后结合亚欧航线的集装箱海运市场进行实例分析,对考虑客户需求多样性与航运联盟对策下的轴-辐式集装箱海运网络进行设计,并验证了算法的计算效果。  相似文献   

城市公交线路的布设受到诸多影响因素的作用,单纯的追求线路单一指标的"最优"在实际公交线路优化时往往难以取得满意的效果。首先针对传统公交线路优化算法在求解线路优化问题中存在的不足,基于蚁群优化算法的寻优特性,结合Dijkstra算法在局部路径寻优中的优点,提出了Dijkstra蚁群混合优化算法。其次对于线路优化所得到的可行备选方案集,基于分层聚类主成分分析评价法进行优化效能评价。最后以合肥市一环内公交线路优化为实例进行验证。结果表明, 本文提出的方法在兼顾客流密度最大、出行路径最短的同时给出了有效公交线路备选方案,优化结果也符合合肥市的实际情况。同时,该方法对我国大中城市公交线网优化问题的研究具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

动态、异质性环境中的组织设计与管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
考特里特等人的研究表明,在动态、异质性的环境中,组织应该采用有机式结构。但在动态、异质性环境中,信息非对称和信息不确定导致员工行为过程具有低度可观察性,行为结果具有低度可区分性,进而导致道德风险和外在激励机制失调。因此,必须将外在激励转化为内在激励,并辅之以强有力的约束机制,才能保证组织的有效运行。  相似文献   

Web文档聚类系统的实现方法探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马辉民  李卫华 《管理学报》2005,2(Z1):136-139
提出了一个易于实现,且可扩展性较好的Web文档聚类系统,包括用户界面和需求传递、Web文档收集、文档预处理和特征表示、聚类处理、Web文档聚类结果输出5个主要模块,并对文档预处理和特征表示、聚类处理做了重点分析.  相似文献   

Listed here are some medical management and health care related Web sites on the Internet worth visiting, as well as favorite search engines and how to use them. From health care systems and hospitals, to health plans and insurers, the industry is using Web technology to promote programs and outcomes, and to provide information on health and wellness.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Risk analysis》2001,21(2):395-397
Books reviewed:
Curtis Travis, World Risk Society
D. Warner North, Science at EPA: Information in the Regulatory Process  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Risk analysis》2000,20(5):755-757
Books reviewed:
Ragnar Lofstedt and Lynn Frewer, eds., The Earthscan Reader in Risk & Modern Society
Charles Vincent and Bas De Mol, eds. Pergamon Press, Amsterdam, 2000 Safety in Medicine
Hans Marquardt, Siegfried Schafer, Rodger McClellan, and Frank Welsch, eds., Toxicology  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Risk analysis》2000,20(2):293-296
Books reviewed: S. Moolgavkar, D. Krewski, L. Zeise, E. Cardis, and H. Møller, Quantitative Estimation and Prediction of Human Cancer Risks Jacqueline Karnell Corn, Environmental Public Health Policy for Asbestos in Schools: Unintended Consequences Andrew Ford, Modeling the Environment. An Introduction to System Dynamics Modeling of Environmental Systems James Hamilton and W. Kip Viscusi, Calculating Risks? The Spatial and Political Dimensions of Hazardous Waste Policy Sharon M. Friedman, Sharon Dunwoody, and Carol L. Rogers, Communicating Uncertainty: Media Coverage of New and Controversial Science  相似文献   

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