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During the last few decades, globalization of finance markets has come under increasing pressure to manage the many risks that companies face due to the negative impact that certain financial crises have had on securities quoted on the stock exchange. Simultaneously, there is a growing tendency among different institutional investors to take into account nonfinancial aspects—social, environmental, and ethical values—of company management. In this respect, increasing numbers of asset managers are aware of the importance of nonfinancial aspects of company management for finance markets. Asset managers integrate corporate social responsibility, sustainability policies and corporate governance strategies as indicators in risk management and the search for long‐term investments. The largest segment of socially responsible investment (SRI) screened and mutual funds are portfolios that are privately managed on behalf of institutions. Socially responsible investors include private and public pension funds, mutual funds, and private accounts that are managed on behalf of institutional investors such as corporations, universities, hospitals, religious institutions, and nonprofit organizations, among others. The aim of this paper is to analyze the development of SRI‐screened management corporate pension plans in the Spanish finance market. Spain is one of the European countries with a less developed SRI institutional market. Since SRI is still at the fledgling stage in the Spanish institutional market, this analysis is restricted to the awareness of SRI among a sample of the total number of corporate pension funds or schemes in Spain. The paper concludes with some proposals to encourage wider SRI acceptance and practice in Spain.  相似文献   

In an era of dynamic markets, globalisation, telecommunication and volatile stock markets, the board of directors of listed companies have grown familiar with the pressure of shareholders. Nowadays CEO's discus corporate responsible behaviour and sustainability more often. They feel the pressure of external stakeholders. They are aware of the increasing vulnerability of their corporate reputation, an increasing number of financial institutions start demanding social and environmental criteria — and it is more and more difficult to attract new talented people and at the same time, keeping existing employees satisfied. These developments make companies aware of the social dimensions of their organisation, their corporate identity, their role within society and their duty towards future generations.The business environment is beginning to accept that prosperity, profitability and shareholder value alone do not represent the value of the company. The companies’ ability to grow and to improve continuously is also determined by its social competences, ethical responsibility and environmental contributions. This shift of focus leads to a reorientation of the concept of business excellence. At first, quality management focused on the quality improvement of products and services, later on the processes providing these products. Quality was renamed into business excellence when corporations oriented themselves on the quality of the organisation and the chain (or network or hub) in which it operates. With the present challenges at hand, companies are beginning to focus on the quality of society while taking care of their core businesses, an objective that transcends and includes the former quality orientations.This article first introduces the European Business Excellence Model (EFQM model), which have facilitated the transformation toward an integral management approach, including openings to corporate social responsibility (CSR). We will than elaborate on the cultural context of companies engaged in CSR and social responsible investing (SRI) activities. We will end this article with an overview of CSR activities, structured according the EFQM model.  相似文献   

Asia represents one of the most diverse regions of the world in terms of culture, politics and economies. Not surprisingly, there is a comparative variety in who is publicly reporting, where and why. As might be expected, those countries with stronger, more mature economies are the regional leaders, notably Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong. Japan is far ahead in terms of numbers of companies reporting and also has two award schemes in place to reward best practice and innovation. Both South Korea and Hong Kong are increasingly reporting, but with limited sophistication and an emphasis on environmental issues.With the development of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), participating Asian companies are able to access a global network of reporting organisations and substantial collective experience. A number of Japanese companies have already cited using the GRI framework in preparing their reports, whilst five Asian companies are involved in the current GRI feedback process, including one in Singapore and one in Thailand.The region's reporting pioneers are being driven by globalisation and international peer pressure. Moreover, whilst Asian companies have been notorious for limited corporate governance and transparency in their financial affairs, business models are changing and this evolution is likely to promote better disclosure not only of fiscal performance but also on environmental, health, safety and social issues.  相似文献   

A key justification to support plant health regulations is the ability of quarantine services to conduct pest risk analyses (PRA). Despite the supranational nature of biological invasions and the close proximity and connectivity of Southeast Asian countries, PRAs are conducted at the national level. Furthermore, some countries have limited experience in the development of PRAs, which may result in inadequate phytosanitary responses that put their plant resources at risk to pests vectored via international trade. We review existing decision support schemes for PRAs and, following international standards for phytosanitary measures, propose new methods that adapt existing practices to suit the unique characteristics of Southeast Asia. Using a formal written expert elicitation survey, a panel of regional scientific experts was asked to identify and rate unique traits of Southeast Asia with respect to PRA. Subsequently, an expert elicitation workshop with plant protection officials was conducted to verify the potential applicability of the developed methods. Rich biodiversity, shortage of trained personnel, social vulnerability, tropical climate, agriculture‐dependent economies, high rates of land‐use change, and difficulties in implementing risk management options were identified as challenging Southeast Asian traits. The developed methods emphasize local Southeast Asian conditions and could help support authorities responsible for carrying out PRAs within the region. These methods could also facilitate the creation of other PRA schemes in low‐ and middle‐income tropical countries.  相似文献   

在“用工荒”已经出现并将持续存在的情况下,中国劳动密集型制造业企业面临其特有的“生产力困境”.追求高度分工的运营策略虽然提高了企业的运营效率,但也使企业变得脆弱且反应迟钝,难以应对“用工荒”的挑战.本文尝试从企业社会责任的角度寻找帮助企业走出困境的办法.运用结构方程模型(SEM)通过对大样本(N=1185)企业员工问卷数据的分析,我们发现员工感知到的企业的社会责任努力能有效降低员工的离职意愿,同时提高其工作绩效;而且当企业采用高度分工策略时,上述关系变得更强.员工离职率的降低能有效提升企业应对“用工荒”的能力从而降低企业运营风险,员工工作绩效的提升将有助于改善企业整体运营效率.因此,我们认为企业的社会责任行为有助于缓解企业运营效率与运营灵活性之间的矛盾,帮助企业走出“生产力困境”.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research study is to analyze sustainable supply chain (SSC) management practices for Indian automobile industry and to identify the critical factors for its successful implementation. Despite the fact that SSC has been frequently promoted as a means of improving business competitiveness, little empirical evidence exists in the literature validating its positive link with organizational performance. Sustainable supply chain practices (SSCP) not only help in reducing environmental degradation but it also has social and economic implications (as per tipple bottom line approach). For this purpose, empirical data is collected to measure the SSCP prevailing in Indian automobile industry. A structural equation modeling technique is used to build the measurement and structural models. Later, statistical estimates are used to validate the model that has been built. The data analysis helps to determine whether to accept or reject the hypothesis that has been stated based on the structural model. The result shows how SSCP are correlated and help in improving the supply chain performance among the industries being surveyed. It is also observed that environmental and social performance have a positive relationship with economic performance.  相似文献   

The ongoing empirical debate about whether SRI is associated, if anything, with subpar or surpassing financial performance is characterized by a somewhat indistinct focus and the infeasibility of tapping the full potential of existing models. By indistinct focus, we mean an analysis based on an aggregation of a myriad of SRI factors that potentially affect a firm’s financial performance. The inability of taking full advantage of existing models is reflected by the fact that studies with European data have not been able to comprehensively account for systematic risk tilts. This paper presents a portfolio analysis that overcomes these issues by analyzing a distinct selection of small and innovative firms. We argue that both their strategic implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and the general growth in socially responsible investments (SRI) lend themselves to an explanation for positive abnormal returns of this portfolio. We account for the idiosyncratic investment style of SRI by introducing a comprehensive pan-European risk-adjusted portfolio analysis based on the Carhart four-factor model. A novel propensity score matching method in conjunction with the estimation of structural models completes the conventional robustness checks in the literature.  相似文献   

本文利用国泰安数据库和锐思数据库中2010年-2012年的我国上市公司管理层数据、公司财务数据,以及润灵环球责任评级2010年-2012年我国A股上市公司的企业社会责任评级数据,从社会网络的角度出发,探索我国上市公司社会责任履行行为的相似性。研究结果发现,公司之间存在的社会网络会造成企业社会责任履行行为具有一定的相似性。当企业越是处于核心地位,越是容易传播信息,控制能力越强的时候,该公司同与之相关联的公司在社会责任履行行为方面越是具有相似性。这一结论为改善我国企业社会责任履行现状提供了一个全新的思考方向。  相似文献   

The main challenge of microfinance institutions and social economy firms remains their survival, and to meet this challenge, MFIs need to be competitive. The poor performance of MFIs is usually attributed to their decision-making and operational processes. The governance of MFIs is therefore identified as one of their main risks. Despite this, governance is still little explored in these organizations and empirical studies find a weak relationship between classical governance mechanisms and MFI performance, especially for the MFIs situated in Africa (Thrikawala et al. in Asian J Financ Account 5(1):160–182, 2013a). In this study, we examine whether the effect of governance mechanisms on the performance of MFIs differs according to their legal status in the Cameroonian context. On the one hand, our empirical results show that there is a significant relationship between some specific governance mechanisms and MFIs’ performance. On the other hand, adjusting the governance mechanisms according to the MFIs’ legal status improves their efficiency. The analysis of the impact of the governance mechanisms on the performance of MFIs requires not only an approach that is specific to this sector but also an approach that is adapted to their legal status. Moreover, from a managerial point of view, it would be desirable to adjust the governance mechanisms, depending on the legal status of the MFIs, to make them more efficient from the social as well as the financial standpoint.  相似文献   

Sustainable supply chain management has developed at an exponential rate into a distinct research field, but its progress towards sustainability is rather modest, and a coherent theoretical foundation for guiding companies towards a stronger integration of sustainability into their operations and supply chains is still missing. This article outlines how the tradition of critical management studies could foster higher levels of sustainable business and sustainable supply chains. We argue that the underlying instrumental logic of contemporary corporate engagement with sustainability, driven by stakeholder pressures, is a key obstacle when aiming for ‘truly’ sustainable supply chains. Referring to a recognition perspective may dissolve the reified pursuit of profit-seeking and other merely economic performance targets to recall the genuine—and in its essence truly radical—claim that the concept of sustainable development is inherently a normative one imposed on all of us. Recognition may lead the way for companies to adopt a caring stance for people and the surrounding environment and to respond to the legitimate expectations of all groups in society while conceiving themselves as an integral part of such a society. We conclude by discussing how far the theoretical perspective of recognition is enrooted in the European tradition of institutionalised business–society relationships and therefore could be seen as a rediscovery of a genuinely European way of making business and managing supply chains.  相似文献   

The organizational impact of leadership development practices is still not fully understood. Research confirms that in some cases effects can be found and in others not. Most of these attempts search for contribution to a company's human capital. A contribution to social capital development remains an unexplored source of variance in understanding how leadership development impacts organizational performance. This paper therefore explores—from a strategic management perspective—how leadership development practices may contribute to social capital development. We chose the strategic context of a large multibusiness firm in which social capital across business units play an important role for competitive advantage. The exploratory case study reveals that: 1) Social capital differs regarding its intensity and develops through stages characterized by contact, assimilation, and identification experiences. 2) Leadership development practices differ in their potential contribution to social capital development stages and should therefore be designed accordingly.  相似文献   

For a number of years now, public awareness of the social and ecological consequences of the drive to make profit in business—a goal pursued in some cases by radical means—has become increasingly acute. Accordingly, business endeavors nowadays face a full-blown legitimization crisis. This development is accompanied by a flourishing debate on business ethics, or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the main objective of which is to evolve perspectives for a business management culture that is ethically legitimate,—or from a social viewpoint quite simply better. A prominent place in the debate on business ethics is currently occupied by what is referred to as the business case for CSR, whose credo is: Ethics is a success factor! At first sight this approach appears persuasive—after all, it promises more profit for profit-oriented businesses along with more ethics for an ethically sensitized society. But a more careful look lays it open to criticism. On the one hand, this is because—in pragmatic terms—it presupposes a business-specific sanction mechanism that in today’s real world works rudimentarily at best; on the other hand, it is because—in programmatic terms—it demands only a moralization of the markets, but not a moralization of management. In other words, the way in which the business case goes about solving the problems of business ethics relies on the very same exclusive (radical) profit orientation on the part of management that can be regarded as the root cause of the problems in the first place. In contrast to this position, we argue that an ethically better management culture presupposes a moralization of management, which in turn implies a legitimization of profit.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the central strategy question for business is no longer ‘what business are you in?’ but‘why are you in business?’ The traditional answers to this question—‘to make profits’, ‘to grow’ and ‘to give an adequate return to the shareholder’, are all being questioned. In their place others are being suggested—‘to provide satisfying jobs’, ‘to help solve social problems’, ‘to assist in urban and regional development’.In this article, Bernard Taylor suggests that the conflict between business goals and social goals has become the central strategy problem. Business enterprises like other organizations tend to develop their own distinctive sub-cultures with their own value systems which may differ markedly from the values accepted in society generally. The more effective the selection, training and reward systems, the more these business values will be reinforced.But this can lead to difficulties when society begins to reject business values in favour of other social goals; particularly at a time when the power and autonomy of management is being challenged and Corporate Planning is being transformed from an internal dialogue between managers at headquarters and managers in divisions into an open debate involving public servants, employees and self-appointed representatives of community interests.  相似文献   

It has been apparent for several years that changes in people's values in the United States, have been occurring more frequently and having greater impact than has previously been experienced. The most significant impacts appear to be coming from people whose values and lifestyles are considerably less materialistic than traditional American values.Work at SRI, spanning more than a decade, had identified a new and rapidly growing group of people, the ‘inner directeds’; while more traditional groups—‘outer directeds’ and ‘money restricted’—have been declining as percentages of the population. These three major groups and their subdivisions are described in the article and particular emphasis is given to the inner directed group since it is likely to have the greatest impact on business, the market and government.  相似文献   

The scrutiny of corporate performance has escalated with the advent of Internet communications and attention by third-party public interest groups to the three dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental performance. Despite the attention that Philips Petroleum has paid to developing an environmental management system that meets or exceeds ISO 1400 standards—and their participation as a lead company in developing the PERI (Public Environmental Reporting Initiative) standards—Philips found themselves at the tail-end of a ranking of oil refineries by the Council on Economic Priorities.In this article, Barbara Price, Vice President of Health, Environment and Safety (HSE) at Phillips Petroleum, describes a positive approach in communications strategy that works when the results from an external review process are unexpectedly negative.  相似文献   

Verallgemeinerte DEA-Modelle zur Performanceanalyse   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Dyckhoff and Allen derived a generalisation of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in order to measure ecological efficiency. This approach distinguishes between inputs and outputs of an activity on the one hand and their impact on the relevant evaluation criteria—referred to as efforts and benefits—on the other hand. Thereby, the current framework of the DEA for analysing the relative performance of productive units is fundamentally extended. The relevance of this framework is not limited to ecological aspects because many essential problems of DEA application can be solved. Against this background, the paper presents a formalisation of the generalised DEA, applies it to the well-known basic DEA models, and concretises these models for linear effort and benefit functions.  相似文献   

基于Baron为代表的战略CSR观点和一条由上游制造商和下游零售商构成的两级供应链,用制造商和零售商是否被要求实施CSR行为来描述供应链中的CSR配置,分别建立求解了三种CSR配置下的三阶段非合作运作模型。相应的均衡社会业绩和经济业绩之间的比较结果表明,在消费者对供应链中的CSR行为具有积极反应的条件下,由于制造商和零售商的CSR行为之间的策略性互补性导致的相互激励机制,使得“制造商和零售商各自为自己的CSR行为负责”这一CSR配置获得的经济业绩和社会业绩均较高。进一步,合作运作下的Nash讨价还价解显示,由于合作的运作方式可以克服非合作运作中存在于产品交易阶段的双重加价的问题和CSR策略性行为互动阶段的CSR行为动机不足问题,从而可以进一步提高社会业绩和经济业绩。这些结果一方面为解决"哪个节点企业应当对供应链整体的社会责任行为负责"这一争议提供了一个理论回应;另一方面,指出供应链中的CSR行为的管理,重点不是CSR在供应链中如何配置,而在于是否采用合作的运作方式。  相似文献   

Understanding the reliability of hazardous organizations and their protective systems is central to understanding the risk they produce. Work on “high reliability organization” has done much to illuminate the conditions in which social organization becomes reliable in highly demanding conditions. But risk depends just as much on how relying entities do their relying as it does on the reliability of the entities they rely on. Patterns of relying are often opaque in sociotechnical systems, and processes of relying and being relied on are mutually influencing in complex ways, so the relationship between relying and risk may not be at all obvious. This study was an attempt to study relying as a social practice, in particular analyzing how it had ecological validity in a social organization—how practice was responsive to the conditions in which it took place. This involved observational fieldwork and inductive, qualitative analysis on an offshore oil and gas production platform that was nearing the end of its design life and undergoing refurbishment. The analysis produced four main categories of ecological validity: responsiveness to formal organization, responsiveness to situational contingency, responsiveness to information asymmetry, and responsiveness to sociomateriality. This ecological validity of relying practice should be a primary focus of risk identification, assessing how relying can become mismatched to reliability in certain ways, both when relying practice is responsive to circumstances and when it is not.  相似文献   

In response to pressures to be more “socially responsible,” corporations are becoming more active in global communities through direct involvement in social initiatives. Critics, however, question the sincerity of these activities and argue that firms are simply attempting to stave off stakeholder pressures without providing a corresponding benefit to society. By drawing on institutional theory and resource dependence theory, we consider what factors influence the adoption of a “meaningful” social initiative—an initiative that is sustainable and has the potential for a significant positive impact on society—as opposed to a symbolic initiative. In addition, we raise the question of how social initiatives—both meaningful and symbolic—participate in the “institutional war” over the meaning of corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

It is an empirical regularity that the activities of multinational corporations are concentrated in their home region. This has been shown to be the case for a majority of the 500 largest multinationals as well as for subsets of this 500 sorted by region or industry. The analysis has also been applied to the activities of a sample of all US and OECD multinationals, aggregated by country. These concentrations have been explained using theories, such as region-bound FSAs which constrain the ability of multinationals to internationalize, as well as transactions costs which make doing business outside a multinational’s home market more costly. To date, there has been no analysis that focuses on the regional and global character of multinational activity destined for China. This paper works to fill that void. Using data on FDI into China from each investor country over the period 1995–2005, this paper documents a significant regional concentration of Asian multinational activity operating within China. This regional concentration is sustained even after the special relationships with Hong Kong and (other) Offshore Financial Centres are accounted for. The evidence therefore extends the evidence of regional concentrations of MNE activities found elsewhere to China and its relationship with Asia.  相似文献   

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