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The paper focuses on some organizationaldynamics that have characterized the pharmaceuticalindustry in the last thirty years, whenbiotechnology and the development of lifesciences have defined a new technologicalparadigm, reshaping many aspects of theindustry, especially the organization ofinnovative activity. We suggest an original interpretation of someorganizational settings, as the increasedimportance of skilled scientists within firmsand the development of inter-organizationalalliances for the division of scientific labor.Following recent theorizing on corporategovernance issues, which points out theintrinsic organizational and relationaldimensions of the resource allocation processesand strategic decision-making, we propose a roleof the organizational practices mentioned aboveon corporate governance, and, in turn, aninfluence of different governance arrangementson innovative activity. We recall moretraditional approaches to the analysis ofcorporate governance, and give a broaderinterpretation to the relevant variablesproposed. Further, relying on more recenttheories and on literature on firm's boundariesand sectoral systems of innovation, we proposeindustry-specific variables forpharmaceuticals, including internal settings aswell as relations with external actors.Preliminary empirical support is given to ourhypotheses, concerning a panel of large USpharmaceutical companies.  相似文献   

This article addresses governance in the age of globalization, the confusion over the meanings of governance, and the flaws of ‘good governance,’ while offering a novel theory of ‘sound governance’ with many elements or dimensions. It also discusses the implications, challenges, and opportunities for governance and administration in South and South East nations in a rapidly changing world of predatory globalization, and suggests strategies for coping with and managing global pressures while practicing sound governance at home.  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - Governance capacity and legitimacy as two important dimensions in crisis management are crucial for preparing for, making sense of, handling, and learning from crises...  相似文献   

Insularity, smallness and remoteness help explain specific tendencies noted in the governance of French Polynesia, a partially self-governing French overseas territory in the South Pacific, with a population of 220,000. Professional relations tend to become personalized, and impersonal and impartial procedures are hard to apply. The market for experts is small: some people are able to claim a monopoly on some type of expertise and then defend it by every means. Solidarity is vertical, not horizontal, which makes for a fragile democracy.  相似文献   

Governance is hybrid to the extent that it involves diverse organizational forms, jurisdictional domains, and stakeholders across the public and private sectors. This article analyses the governance of household solid waste management in Sweden from a hybridity perspective, with the City of Helsingborg in North-Western Scania in Sweden as an example. The governance arrangements comprise municipal and company-based organizations, conflicting legislation, and long planning and investment horizons. The latter has resulted in significant innovations over the last 20 years, while changes in organizational forms, tasks, networks and jurisdictions have caused tensions in governance processes and relationships.  相似文献   

Technology‐led innovation represents an important driver of European economic and industrial competitiveness and offers solutions to societal challenges. In order to facilitate responsible innovation and public acceptance, a need exists to identify and implement oversight approaches focused on the effective risk governance of emerging technologies. This article describes a foresight study on the governance of new technologies, using nanotechnology as a case example. Following a mapping of the governance landscape, four plausible foresight scenarios were developed, capturing critical uncertainties for nanotechnology governance. Key governance elements were then stress tested within these scenarios to see how well they might perform in a range of possible futures and to inform identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for nanotechnology governance in Europe. Based on the study outcomes, recommendations are proposed regarding the development of governance associated with the responsible development of new technologies.  相似文献   

张国萍 《管理科学》2006,19(1):7-14
在改革攻坚阶段国有企业的公司治理结构与机制建设成为中国转轨经济时代的重要命题,在理论回顾的基础上,通过一个国有企业改制案例说明国有资产流动、国有产权制度调整中的公司治理现状;在分析改革进展的基础上,着重辨析改制中的治理结构与机制问题;从理论和实践两个角度提出对策,旨在强化产权改革中制度建设的重要意义,探索国有资产流动中公司治理的有效方法及国有企业深层次改革的成功之路.  相似文献   

The majority of the rural people in the developing world are subject to severe poverty, inequality and unemployment. Over the years, a number of institutional approaches have been experimented to eradicate poverty from society. Despite the historical role accorded to the state, the states in many developing countries have not been quite effective in poverty alleviation. Following the global trends many developing country states have created space for the market forces and civil society organizations to contribute to poverty alleviation. This is what is popularly known as the new perspective of governance. This article intends to analyze the new perspective of governance and its role in poverty alleviation with empirical evidence from Bangladesh.
Mohammad Habibur RahmanEmail:

During the last few decades, globalization of finance markets has come under increasing pressure to manage the many risks that companies face due to the negative impact that certain financial crises have had on securities quoted on the stock exchange. Simultaneously, there is a growing tendency among different institutional investors to take into account nonfinancial aspects—social, environmental, and ethical values—of company management. In this respect, increasing numbers of asset managers are aware of the importance of nonfinancial aspects of company management for finance markets. Asset managers integrate corporate social responsibility, sustainability policies and corporate governance strategies as indicators in risk management and the search for long‐term investments. The largest segment of socially responsible investment (SRI) screened and mutual funds are portfolios that are privately managed on behalf of institutions. Socially responsible investors include private and public pension funds, mutual funds, and private accounts that are managed on behalf of institutional investors such as corporations, universities, hospitals, religious institutions, and nonprofit organizations, among others. The aim of this paper is to analyze the development of SRI‐screened management corporate pension plans in the Spanish finance market. Spain is one of the European countries with a less developed SRI institutional market. Since SRI is still at the fledgling stage in the Spanish institutional market, this analysis is restricted to the awareness of SRI among a sample of the total number of corporate pension funds or schemes in Spain. The paper concludes with some proposals to encourage wider SRI acceptance and practice in Spain.  相似文献   

本文以我国资本市场上中小股东首次在董事会选举中击败控股股东并成功控制董事会的上市公司"深康佳"为例,探讨中小股东参与公司治理的动因、途径及局限性。主要发现和结论是:首先,互联网时代下,随着法制环境的改善和信息渠道的日益畅通,中小股东的维权意识更强,更容易了解和辨识控股股东对上市公司利益的侵害行为,也更可能借助网络等新媒体渠道沟通协作并联合制衡大股东;其次,股东网络投票制度降低了中小股东投票的成本,而累积投票制则大大提高了中小股东选派董事代表的可能性,成为中小股东制约控股股东、参与公司治理的有效渠道;最后,由于中小股东利益联盟脆弱、治理角色定位不当、短期偏好等局限,中小股东掌握控制权可能造成公司在治理和经营管理等方面的混乱。因此,我们需要客观全面地评价中小股东参与公司治理的积极意义及其局限性。本文提供了一个中小股东参与治理的完整分析框架,丰富了现有中小股东治理的相关文献,也对有关当局完善投资者保护制度尤其是股东投票机制有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

公共服务外部购买是涉及公共服务提供模式和治理的创新政府行为。本文旨在提供一个测量公共服务对外依赖程度的概念框架和计算框架,并据此对中国公共服务外部购买水平作实证性的分析。实证测量表明,在2001~2004年间,中国公共服务外部购买的总体水平处在20%~30%之间的一个幅度约为5个百分点的区间,并显示出年均1个百分点的增长趋势。这表明中国公共服务提供已经从封闭自持的系统,发展为相当程度对外依赖的开放系统。中国公共服务外部购买主要依托了中国国家能力重点由汲取转向支出,同时国家治理资源外部化的大背景;通过利用增长的国家财力购买外部治理资源,实现治理资源的内部化和治理质量的提高。政府必须增强网络治理的意识和能力,积极构建一个复合、稳定和多元开放的以政府为核心的国家治理网络。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the presence of different managerial approaches in a public organization, the Tuscany Region of Italy. In particular, it highlights the phenomenon of the plurality of frameworks working in the organization, namely Old Public Administration (OPA), New Public Management (NPM) and Public Governance (PG). The transformation and coexistence of the above-mentioned models is tested with a content analysis based on the perspectives of policy makers and top-level managers expressed in interviews and on the context of administration planning and control systems found in documents. Each managerial logic has a different relevance in the organization.  相似文献   

张广才 《管理科学》2004,17(1):53-58
公司治理的内涵是非常广泛的,从深层次意义上说,公司治理结构是为适应外部竞争环境和自身发展战略所作的一种"组织战略回应".公司治理结构不但要构建保护投资者利益的制度安排,更要不断调整内部的组织设置和运行机制,以适应企业战略尤其是财务战略的需要,保持企业的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中央和地方关系的调整及其带来的一系列演变,被认为是推动中国经济社会高速发展的重要原因之一。本文基于治理现代化的视角,试图用从"泛化治理"(diffused governance)到"分化治理"(differentiated governance)转型的理论框架来描述中国中央和地方关系演变的总体过程。在分析和解释中国中央和地方关系基本模式和重要特征的基础上,本文探讨改革开放以来中国中央和地方关系由泛化治理模式向"中央管大事、地方管小事"的分化治理模式的转型实践中所取得的成绩与面临的困难,并提出了推进未来改革的建议。  相似文献   

德鲁克论21世纪管理挑战——信息挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彼得·德鲁克在其新著中解释,一个新信息革命正在进行中,它将彻底改变信息对企业和个人的意义。它不是技术革命,而是概念革命。至今,信息技术集中在数据,聚焦在“IT”中的“T”;新信息革命聚焦在“I”。 德鲁克论述了15世纪印刷技术的历史教训,对比了传统成本会计与基于活动的成本核算,说明企业需要的信息,具体提出了管理现行企业所需要的四套诊断工具与战略所要求的外部信息,明确了主观人员工作所需的信息观念,其形成必须由主管提出两个问题开始“我给什么?”“我要什么?”然后论述了组织信息问题,提出若干方法学概念。德鲁克敦促企业与个人必须学会组织信息作为它们的关键性资源,以迎接21世纪的管理挑战。  相似文献   

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