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In both practical and subjective terms, birth control became more available in Victoria after 1971. During 1971 to 1975, this change seems to be more considerable than changes in social and economic factors affecting wanted births. Therefore it is hypothesized that, during this period, unwanted fertility declined more steeply than wanted fertility. Evidence of a growing use of more effective methods of birth control, and of the differential rates of change in various categories of births, appear to support this hypothesis. Births designated ‘unwanted’ declined more than those designated ‘wanted’, and within the ‘unwanted’ categories, declined most for those women who had best access to birth control.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in life expectancy and lowered fertility, especially in more advantaged countries, has resulted in people living longer and in more complex family structures. Other important changes affecting the family include greater geographical mobility, increased racial and ethnic diversity, new patterns of immigration and identity reformulation, as well as changing work and family roles. With reduced governmental resources available, it is especially important to understand the changing nature of multigenerational family structures, functioning, and roles in individual well-being in order to maximize the effectiveness of informal and formal supports available to those in need. This special issue addresses basic factors related to multigeneration support systems that will be needed to anticipate, understand, and design support programs to cope with the challenges facing individuals in all generation positions, families, and communities in the United States and around the world.  相似文献   

In May 1993 the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh - one of the most successful and internationally best-known self-help projects - launched a programme to provide poor people in rural areas with basic health care. The first four medical centres were followed by six more by July 1995. The organization and methods of operation of the Grameen Health Programme are based on the tried and tested self-help principles underlying the loan programme which has been in operation since 1976. The services offered include medical care at reduced fees and free counselling. Target groups are primarily poor women, to whom the programme's women field workers initially give information on simple preventive measures plus advice on avoidance of unwanted pregnancies. This article presents a provisional evaluation based on two primary inquiries conducted in 1994 and 1995. The overall conclusion was that the health programme has still far to go in order to attain the longer-term objective of becoming self-financing. Nevertheless, it demonstrates that decentralized access to health services, and preventive healthcare counselling in particular, can be of real assistance to poor people in rural areas.  相似文献   

On the basis of the findings of 227 surveys of Chinese fertility intentions over the years 1980-2011, this paper investigates the longitudinal changes in fertility intentions through cross-temporal meta-analysis. It is found that the ideal number of children for the Chinese trended downwards from 1980, but since 2000 the average number has remained basically stable at 1.6 to 1.8. In the 1980s, people’s fertility levels were higher than their fertility intentions. With economic and educational progress in China, both fertility levels and fertility intentions showed a downward trend, with the former declining faster than the latter. Since 1990, people’s fertility levels have been lower than their fertility intentions; that is, their actual number of children has been less than their ideal number. This provides an empirical basis for examining the changes in China’s fertility intentions and fertility levels.  相似文献   

Dorairaj K 《Social action》1984,34(3):286-306
The efficacy, the ability of Indian women to use the Billings' Ovulation Method, and its effectiveness in helping them to control their fertility was studied in a sample of urban poor living in the Delhi slums. No attempt was made to develop a design which would rigorously test the acceptability of the method because the study was concerned with: the question of the ability of poor women to define fertility and to avoid an unwanted pregnancy by avoiding sexual relations during the fertility period; and the efficacy and use-effectiveness of the modified method which had not been tested. The study, which extended over 36 months, recruited a sample of 5752 eligible acceptors of fertility living in the urban slums. Natural family planning (NFP) use requires recurrent decision making at 2 stages: in the beginning of the menstrual cycle to check for signs of fertility; and to abstain from sexual relations in the fertility period. Age was an important variable in the use of sexual abstinence oriented methods and fertility determining methods. 192 of the acceptors were below 19 years, 1545 between 20-24 years, 2089 between 25-29 years, 1236 between 30-34 years, 520 between 35-39 years, and 170 between 40-44 years. Of 4380 of the 5302 acceptors in Treatment 1 who began to use the method after menstruation, 7 (0.16%) had a profuse discharge and could not distinguish the change in mucus because of cervicitis which was treated in cycle 2. 663 (5.4%) acceptors did not see or feel fertile mucus but noticed patches of infertile mucus throughout the cycle. 419 (69.19%) of them had a family income of less than Rs300 and 25 (3.77%) were open cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. 16 acceptors (0.37%) noticed wetness and lubrication characteristic of fertile type mucus for about 2 hours, 145 (3.31%) for 3-4 hours, and 218 (4.98%) for nearly half a day. 867 (19.79%) had 1 day, 406 (9.27%) 1-1/2 days, 939 (21.44%) for 2 days, 291 (6.64%) 2-1/2 days, 636 (14.52%) for 3 days and 187 (4.27%) 3-1/2 to 4 days of fertile mucus. 1 acceptor had 5 days of fertile mucus. 4 acceptors failed to check regularly and therefore may have missed the fertile period. In Treatment 2 the initial decision to accept the use of the method was made by the 450 husbands before instructing their wives. The continuation rate of 91.86% for 12 months with a standard error of 0.67% was surprisingly high for a sample with low literacy and occupational status, low female work participation rates, small family size and a preference for sons with low motivation to use other methods. There were 9 unplanned pregnancies classified as method failures--pregnancies which occurred in acceptors who followed the method accoring to the instruction but got pregnant. The 1 year efficacy rate (life table analysis) was 99.86%. The 1-year use-effectiveness rate was 97.43% for the 5752 cohort. The high efficacy rate of the method can be due to 2 factors: the correct identification of the fertile mucus; and the ability to clearly distinguish between infertile and fertile mucus.  相似文献   

The present population of Sri Lanka (17.7 million) is sufficient to create concern about the use, limitations, and waste of natural resources. Between 1871 and 1946, the population grew at an average rate of 1.4% annually, with high fertility and mortality. The population doubled between 1946 and 1981, and mortality declined. Between 1971 and 1991, the rate of growth declined due to a decrease in fertility and an increase in emigration. With a growth rate of 1.4%, the population will again double to 35 million by 2040. Technological improvements in Sri Lanka have led to an eight-fold increase in metric tons of rice production, but the growth in population has caused a deficiency in output so that basic per capita caloric requirements are not being met. Increased productivity has almost depleted the area available for cultivation, and the use of fertilizers to increase yields has environmental drawbacks. The high fertility of the 1970s contributed to increased labor force participation rates of 2.2%, which resulted in more people joining the labor force than leaving. Thus, the employment market has been unable to absorb the unemployed or potential new workers. Growth of the employment market may also conflict with environmental protection, as exemplified by the mining of the coral reef on the southwestern coast. The conversion of forests to agriculture resulted in forest losses of about 42,000 hectares per year during 1956-83. Deforestation is also occurring in the high forests due to increased pressure for fuelwood. In the wet zone, the use of forests for fuelwood is declining, but rubber wood is being harvested for industrial production. In order to slow population growth to replacement levels by the year 2000 (with a total population of 25 million), contraceptive prevalence must be increased to 72% at a cost of about $25 million.  相似文献   

Using existing data from the 1999 Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study, this study analyzes the social predictors of unwanted sexual advances experienced by college women and where this type of victimization occurs. Routine activities theory informed the analysis. While attendance and increased alcohol consumption at bars have a significant effect on experiences of unwanted sexual advances, attendance at parties, attendance at drink promotions, and participation in drinking games does not. Furthermore, while less satisfaction with education, having more sexual partners and friends that binge drink, and having more alcohol-related problems increase the likelihood of experiencing unwanted sexual advances, so does drinking less in general, having higher educated parents, and having a higher grade point average. These findings show that the predictors of unwanted sexual advances may differ somewhat from those that predict more serious forms of sexual victimization. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Population size is growing rapidly in southern Africa in the context of constrained resources, sociopolitical turmoil, and weak economies. Child health suffers as a result. Smaller families and a reduced rate of population growth would, however, reduce the level of demand upon available resources. A comparatively greater share of resources would therefore be available for investment in each child. It tends to be taboo to publicly endorse population control in southern Africa. It is instead common practice in Africa to attach great value to large-sized families. These prevailing religious, cultural, political, and ideological beliefs opposed to political control over fertility should be respected. In the interest of maximizing child survival, however, people in the region must begin to understand that the large-family norm is outdated and that they should try to understand when population control policies can be effective. Indeed, the economic and political situations in the region warrant the discussion of population control mechanisms, with understanding in the interest of communal well-being rather than individual self-determination.  相似文献   

Knodel J 《Social science》1987,72(1):52-56
Thailand has achieved a remarkable population revolution in the past 15 years, resulting in a fertility decline of 44%, the 3rd greatest decline of the major developing countries. Thailand is quite distinct from either China or South Korea, the leaders in fertility decline. It has neither China's authoritarian power system to enforce population control nor the highly developed, Westernized outlook of South Korea. Instead it achieved its astounding fertility drop through a noncoercive family planning program operating within a context of rapid social change and a cultural setting. Thailand's drop in population growth has touched almost all segments of Thai society. The preferred number of children among couples married less than 5 years has dropped in both rural and urban families at almost exactly the same rate, from about 3.2 in 1969 to 2.3 in 1984. Religious groups represent the only substantial difference in family size preference; Moslem women married less than 5 years stated a desired average of 3.1 children versus 2.3 for Buddhist women. The direct case of the fertility drop is a national increase in contraceptive use. In 1984, 65% of Thai women reported using contraception. The Thai population, however, was ripe for using contraception when it became available due to 1) mass media creating a desire for consumer goods, 2) the increased costs of education to parents, 3) the willingness of parents to trade off "parent repayment" from many children for a few quality children, 4) couples' autonomy in fertility decision making, 5) the high status of women in Thailand, and 6) the fact that Buddhism poses no barriers to contraception. Current trends show no immediate sign of change.  相似文献   

Despite employment being consistently identified as a key factor in successful refugee resettlement, people from refugee backgrounds in Aotearoa New Zealand are overrepresented in unemployment statistics. Of those who do gain employment, few secure work that is adequately remunerated and commensurate with the person's skills and qualifications. This paper explores whether the two recent government-driven initiatives, the welfare reforms and the New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy, provide an opportunity to address these issues. Based on previous research, the authors identify the main employment barriers facing people from refugee backgrounds. They argue that while the welfare reforms and the Refugee Resettlement Strategy are underpinned by a desire to see more people in employment, for real change to occur, an integrated holistic approach is needed. This approach needs to include additional resourcing for government-funded specialist one-on-one employment programmes that are available in all regions where refugees are resettled. These programmes combined with access to fully funded English language tuition and work experience and internship opportunities would help reduce the barriers people from refugee backgrounds face when seeking employment.  相似文献   

There has been considerable debate in the literature regarding the social security-fertility hypothesis. By analyzing 81 countries for which data was available, numerous econometric models were developed to test both the relative importance of social security as a causal factor affecting fertility and the subsequent effect of lower fertility levels on social security expenditures. By controlling for economic development and testing the model at different points in time, the social security variable was found to be causally linked to subsequent fertility levels as well as fertility levels being causally linked to subsequent social security expenditures. Furthermore, the appropriate response lag was identified and various nonlinear functional forms were utilized to control for economic development. Finally, a Chow test was employed to show the existence of structural change between the developed and less developed nations.  相似文献   

This article describes the phenomenon of nostalgia, which in some cases may lead to severe psychosomatic symptoms, agitated depression, psychotic and dissociative episodes. The author suggests that these symptoms are associated with loss of Home, being understood as a transitional space between people the environment. Nostalgia, even at the risk of losing one's sanity, recreates the flow with the past; prevents unknown environment from intruding and jeopardizing a sense of self; and precludes unwanted and intolerable knowledge about oneself from occurring in the absence of cultural points of references.  相似文献   

农村"空心化"已成为中国社会经济发展过程中中西部地区的一种普遍现象,年轻人的流失突显了农村的养老问题。在年轻人回乡事亲孝亲和农村社会化养老服务在短时间内都难以做到的情况下,加强农村社区社会资本建设,以协助老年人解决日常生活中的困难,成为破解"空心化"农村养老困境的现实选择和可行之路。  相似文献   

This study combines current theories and methods from the field of disability studies and cognitive anthropology in the development of a cross culturally replicable and comparative model for evaluating stigma toward, versus social integration of, people with disabilities in society. Weaknesses in previous ways of measuring and comparing ‘social integration’ are addressed, as well as known challenges of measuring attitudes and stigma toward disability, especially in a cross-culturally applicable and comparative way. A new application to previously existing methods in the field of cognitive anthropology is introduced which addresses these challenges. A case study conducted in Poland is described which illustrates the proposed methods. In conclusion, a roadmap for future research is provided which briefly reiterates the steps needed to replicate the study in various cultural contexts. Understanding the ways in which people with disabilities are perceived to deviate from culturally shared norms in a society may pave the way for the development of more effective and culturally targeted social policies in an effort to promote the social integration of all members of society.  相似文献   

Long-term pension schemes in Morocco and Tunisia, taking all elements together, are very much in decline and for the moment there is no serious option available to make up for the limited scope of the contributory model of social insurance. Furthermore, efforts to coordinate and harmonize these schemes are only just getting going. Eligibility conditions are very strict and the benefits paid — to people with disabilities, to retirees or their surviving dependants — are frugal. Privatization of pensions helps only those able to take out private insurance, benefiting a tiny proportion of the target population. Tunisia, however, has provided its people with better safeguards than Morocco, a more populous country whose rulers are less inclined to be generous in this respect. Whatever the case, those in charge of social insurance in both countries have a long way to go before their rapidly ageing populations can aspire to a relatively decent quality of life.  相似文献   

Competence in family planning possessing the ability to limit conception so that children are produced by choice. More attention must be directed toward family planning by social workers because of its importance in family welfare. They should help clients know that family planning might help in preventing family problems and promoting family health. The workers should determine whether their clients use or have ever used family planning, and who takes responsibility for it. Discussion of the physiology of the various methods can help alleviate many unwanted fears. The subject of family planning is also important in dealing with adolescent groups. As social work practice incorporates family planning as an integral part of its profession, it will become more effective.  相似文献   

This article presents findings on 4 themes associated with the personalization of social care for older people: integration of health and social care services; initiatives that prevent the need for more costly interventions; services to maintain people at home; and systems that promote choice, control, and flexibility. The quantitative study utilized data from a national postal survey conducted in England. Findings suggest variable progress regarding the range and style of support available to older people. These are discussed in the context of service integration, community-based services, and consumer-directed care. Implications for service development and future research are highlighted.  相似文献   

People's attitudes towards four aspects of labour-market flexibility corresponding to demands in the unemployment insurance regulations in Sweden were examined. Hypotheses of resistance versus adaptation to these demands were tested. The study showed that unemployed individuals took a relatively more negative stand towards demands on financial flexibility and spatial flexibility. Individuals in low-skilled socio-economic positions were relatively more negative towards demands on financial flexibility, flexibility on time and spatial flexibility, but had the opposite attitude towards functional flexibility. The youngest people in the sample were very similar to the middle-aged in their attitudes, but were more positive towards spatial flexibility. The oldest in the sample were the most negative towards all flexibility aspects. Women took a more negative stand towards flexibility in time and spatial flexibility. Family situation constrained willingness to be flexible. Women with children and single parents were the most negative towards being available in time. Generally, having children diminished willingness for spatial flexibility, but increased it for functional flexibility.  相似文献   

This article presents findings on 4 themes associated with the personalization of social care for older people: integration of health and social care services; initiatives that prevent the need for more costly interventions; services to maintain people at home; and systems that promote choice, control, and flexibility. The quantitative study utilized data from a national postal survey conducted in England. Findings suggest variable progress regarding the range and style of support available to older people. These are discussed in the context of service integration, community-based services, and consumer-directed care. Implications for service development and future research are highlighted.  相似文献   

The visualization of social theory is an important part of the development and communication of our theoretical ideas. While most theorists use figures of some kind, few if any have formal training, or guiding rules or principles for the representation of theory. This has often led to poor visualization efforts, and the visual culture of sociology continues to lag behind the natural sciences. The intent of this paper is to serve as a practical and empirically aided guide for social theorists, by providing insights surrounding the cognitive and perceptual properties of certain elements and figures. Through these properties we identify four major problems in theory visualization: vagueness, reduction, unwanted spatial inferences and unwanted metaphorical inferences. We offer solutions to these problems, and to improving theory visualization more generally. Our hope is that this paper will serve as a resource for more thoughtful and informed visualization for practicing social theorists.  相似文献   

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