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We investigate the problem of orienting the edges of an embedded graph in such a way that the resulting digraph fulfills given in-degree specifications both for the vertices and for the faces of the embedding. This primal-dual orientation problem was first proposed by Frank for the case of planar graphs, in conjunction with the question for a good characterization of the existence of such orientations. We answer this question by showing that a feasible orientation of a planar embedding, if it exists, can be constructed by combining certain parts of a primally feasible orientation and a dually feasible orientation. For the general case of arbitrary embeddings, we show that the number of feasible orientations is bounded by \(2^{2g}\), where \(g\) is the genus of the embedding. Our proof also yields a fixed-parameter algorithm for determining all feasible orientations parameterized by the genus. In contrast to these positive results, however, we also show that the problem becomes \(N\!P\)-complete even for a fixed genus if only upper and lower bounds on the in-degrees are specified instead of exact values.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the off-line and on-line two-machine flow-shop scheduling problems with rejection. The objective is to minimize the sum of the makespan of accepted jobs and the total rejection penalty of rejected jobs. For the off-line version, Shabtay and Gasper (Comput Oper Res 39:1087–1096, 2012) showed that this problem is NP-hard and then provided a pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm, two 2-approximation algorithms and a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme. We further study some special cases in this paper. We show that this problem is still NP-hard even when all jobs have the same processing time on one of the machines or all jobs have the same rejection penalty. Furthermore, we also showed that this problem can be solved in polynomialtime algorithm when all jobs satisfy the agreeable condition on their processing times and rejection penalties. For the on-line version without rejection, Chen and Woeginger [in: Du DZ, Pardalos PM (eds.) Minimax and Applications, 1995] showed that the competitive ratio of any determined on-line algorithm is at least 2. We further show that the competitive ratio of any determined on-line algorithm is at least 2 even when all jobs have the same processing time on the first machine. Finally, for the on-line version with rejection, we present a class of on-line algorithms with the best-possible competitive ratio 2.  相似文献   

In this paper we present approximation algorithm for the following NP-hard map labeling problem: Given a set S of n distinct sites in the plane, one needs to place at each site a uniform square of maximum possible size such that all the squares are along the same direction. This generalizes the classical problem of labeling points with axis-parallel squares and restricts the most general version where the squares can have different orientations. We obtain factor-4 and factor- approximation algorithms for this problem. These algorithms also work for two generalized versions of the problem. We also revisit the problem of labeling each point with maximum uniform axis-parallel square pairs and improve the previous approximation factor of 4 to 3.  相似文献   

The problem of finding the maximum number of vertex-disjoint uni-color paths in an edge-colored graph (called MaxCDP) has been recently introduced in literature, motivated by applications in social network analysis. In this paper we investigate how the complexity of the problem depends on graph parameters (namely the number of vertices to remove to make the graph a collection of disjoint paths and the size of the vertex cover of the graph), which makes sense since graphs in social networks are not random and have structure. The problem was known to be hard to approximate in polynomial time and not fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) for the natural parameter. Here, we show that it is still hard to approximate, even in FPT-time. Finally, we introduce a new variant of the problem, called MaxCDDP, whose goal is to find the maximum number of vertex-disjoint and color-disjoint uni-color paths. We extend some of the results of MaxCDP to this new variant, and we prove that unlike MaxCDP, MaxCDDP is already hard on graphs at distance two from disjoint paths.  相似文献   

A safe set of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is a non-empty subset S of V such that for every component A of G[S] and every component B of \(G[V {\setminus } S]\), we have \(|A| \ge |B|\) whenever there exists an edge of G between A and B. In this paper, we show that a minimum safe set can be found in polynomial time for trees. We then further extend the result and present polynomial-time algorithms for graphs of bounded treewidth, and also for interval graphs. We also study the parameterized complexity. We show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the solution size. Furthermore, we show that this parameter lies between the tree-depth and the vertex cover number. We then conclude the paper by showing hardness for split graphs and planar graphs.  相似文献   

The MAX-MIN dispersion problem, which arises in the placement of undesirable facilities, involves selecting a specified number of sites among a set of potential sites so as to maximize the minimum distance between any pair of selected sites. We consider different versions of this dispersion problem where each potential site has an associated storage capacity and a storage cost. A typical problem in this context is to choose a subset of potential sites so that the total capacity of the chosen sites is at least a given value, the total storage cost is within the specified budget and the minimum distance between any pair of chosen sites is maximized. Since these constrained optimization problems are NP-hard in general, we consider whether there are efficient approximation algorithms for them with good performance guarantees. Our results include approximation algorithms for some versions, approximation schemes for some geometric versions and polynomial algorithms for special cases. We also present results that bring out the intrinsic difficulty of obtaining near-optimal solutions to some versions.  相似文献   

In this paper we define the exact k-coverage problem, and study it for the special cases of intervals and circular-arcs. Given a set system consisting of a ground set of n points with integer demands \(\{d_0,\dots ,d_{n-1}\}\) and integer rewards, subsets of points, and an integer k, select up to k subsets such that the sum of rewards of the covered points is maximized, where point i is covered if exactly \(d_i\) subsets containing it are selected. Here we study this problem and some related optimization problems. We prove that the exact k-coverage problem with unbounded demands is NP-hard even for intervals on the real line and unit rewards. Our NP-hardness proof uses instances where some of the natural parameters of the problem are unbounded (each of these parameters is linear in the number of points). We show that this property is essential, as if we restrict (at least) one of these parameters to be a constant, then the problem is polynomial time solvable. Our polynomial time algorithms are given for various generalizations of the problem (in the setting where one of the parameters is a constant).  相似文献   

Hypergraph 2-colorability, also known as set splitting, is a widely studied problem in graph theory. In this paper we study the maximization version of the same. We recast the problem as a special type of satisfiability problem and give approximation algorithms for it. Our results are valid for hypergraph 2-colorability, set splitting and MAX-CUT (which is a special case of hypergraph 2-colorability) because the reductions are approximation preserving. Here we study the MAXNAESP problem, the optimal solution to which is a truth assignment of the literals that maximizes the number of clauses satisfied. As a main result of the paper, we show that any locally optimal solution (a solution is locally optimal if its value cannot be increased by complementing assignments to literals and pairs of literals) is guaranteed a performance ratio of . This is an improvement over the ratio of attributed to another local improvement heuristic for MAX-CUT (C. Papadimitriou, Computational Complexity, Addison Wesley, 1994). In fact we provide a bound of for this problem, where k 3 is the minimum number of literals in a clause. Such locally optimal algorithms appear to subsume typical greedy algorithms that have been suggested for problems in the general domain of satisfiability. It should be noted that the NAESP problem where each clause has exactly two literals, is equivalent to MAX-CUT. However, obtaining good approximation ratios using semi-definite programming techniques (M. Goemans and D.P. Williamson, in Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1994a, pp. 422–431) appears difficult. Also, the randomized rounding algorithm as well as the simple randomized algorithm both (M. Goemans and D.P. Williamson, SIAM J. Disc. Math, vol. 7, pp. 656–666, 1994b) yield a bound of for the MAXNAESP problem. In contrast to this, the algorithm proposed in this paper obtains a bound of for this problem.  相似文献   

Approximation Algorithms for Bounded Facility Location Problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bounded k-median problem is to select in an undirected graph G = (V,E) a set S of k vertices such that the distance from any vertex v V to S is at most a given bound d and the average distance from vertices V\S to S is minimized. We present randomized algorithms for several versions of this problem and we prove some inapproximability results. We also study the bounded version of the uncapacitated facility location problem and present extensions of known deterministic algorithms for the unbounded version.  相似文献   

The problem of computing the strength and performing optimal reinforcement for an edge-weighted graph G(V, E, w) is well-studied. In this paper, we present fast (sequential linear time and parallel logarithmic time) on-line algorithms for optimally reinforcing the graph when the reinforcement material is available continuously on-line. These are the first on-line algorithms for this problem. We invest O(|V|3|E|log|V|) time (equivalent to (|V|) invocations of the fastest known algorithms for optimal reinforcement) in preprocessing the graph before the start of our algorithms. It is shown that the output of our on-line algorithms is as good as that of the off-line algorithms. Thus our algorithms are better than the fastest off-line algorithms in situations when a sequence of more than (|V|) reinforcement problems need to be solved. The key idea is to make use of ideas underlying the theory of Principal Partition of a Graph. Our ideas are easily generalized to the general setting of polymatroid functions. We also present a new efficient algorithm for computation of the Principal Sequence of a graph.  相似文献   

We study an online scheduling problem with rejection on \(m\ge 2\) identical machines, in which we deal with unit size jobs. Each arriving job has a rejection value (a rejection cost or penalty for minimization problems, and a rejection profit for maximization problems) associated with it. A buffer of size \(K\) is available to store \(K\) jobs. A job which is not stored in the buffer must be either assigned to a machine or rejected. Upon the arrival of a new job, the job can be stored in the buffer if there is a free slot (possibly created by evicting other jobs and assigning or rejecting every evicted job). At termination, the buffer must be emptied. We study four variants of the problem, as follows. We study the makespan minimization problem, where the goal is to minimize the sum of the makespan and the penalty of rejected jobs, and the \(\ell _p\) norm minimization problem, where the goal is to minimize the sum of the \(\ell _p\) norm of the vector of machine completion times and the penalty of rejected jobs. We also study two maximization problems, where the goal in the first version is to maximize the sum of the minimum machine load (the cover value of the machines) and the total rejection profit, and in the second version the goal is to maximize a function of the machine completion times (which measures the balance of machine loads) and the total rejection profit. We show that an optimal solution (an exact solution for the offline problem) can always be obtained in this environment, and determine the required buffer size. Specifically, for all four variants we present optimal algorithms with \(K=m-1\) and prove that in each case, using a buffer of size at most \(m-2\) does not allow the design of an optimal algorithm, which makes our algorithms optimal in this respect as well. The lower bounds hold even for the special case where the rejection value is equal for all input jobs.  相似文献   

On dual power assignment optimization for biconnectivity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Topology control is an important technology of wireless ad hoc networks to achieve energy efficiency and fault tolerance. In this paper, we study the dual power assignment problem for 2-edge connectivity and 2-vertex connectivity in the symmetric graphical model which is a combinatorial optimization problem from topology control technology.The problem is arisen from the following origin. In a wireless ad hoc network where each node can switch its transmission power between high-level and low-level, how can we establish a fault-tolerantly connected network topology in the most energy-efficient way? Specifically, the objective is to minimize the number of nodes assigned with high power and yet achieve 2-edge connectivity or 2-vertex connectivity.We addressed these optimization problems (2-edge connectivity and 2-vertex connectivity version) under the general graph model in (Wang et al. in Theor. Comput. Sci., 2008). In this paper, we propose a novel approximation algorithm, called Candidate Set Filtering algorithm, to compute nearly-optimal solutions. Specifically, our algorithm can achieve 3.67-approximation ratio for both 2-edge connectivity and 2-vertex connectivity, which improves the existing 4-approximation algorithms for these two cases.  相似文献   

The performances of two types of pure random walk (PRW) algorithms for a model of constraint satisfaction problem with growing domains (called Model RB) are investigated. Threshold phenomenons appear for both algorithms. In particular, when the constraint density \(r\) is smaller than a threshold value \(r_d\), PRW algorithms can solve instances of Model RB efficiently, but when \(r\) is bigger than the \(r_d\), they fail. Using a physical method, we find out the threshold values for both algorithms. When the number of variables \(N\) is large, the threshold values tend to zero, so generally speaking PRW does not work on Model RB. By performing experiments, we show that PRW strategy cannot do better than other fundamental strategies.  相似文献   

Motivated by the dynamic resource allocation problem for device-to-device (D2D) communications, we study the online set multicover problem (OSMC). In the online set multicover, the set X of elements to be covered is unknown in advance; furthermore, the coverage requirement of each element \(x \in X\) is initially unknown. Elements of X together with coverage requirements are presented one at a time in an online fashion; and a feasible solution must be maintained at all times. We provide the first deterministic, online algorithms for OSMC with competitive ratios. We consider two versions of OSMC; in the first, each set may be picked only once, while the second version allows each set to be picked multiple times. For both versions, we present the first deterministic, online algorithms, with competitive ratios \(O( \log n \log m )\) and \(O( \log n (\log m + \log k) )\), repectively, where n is the number of elements, m is the number of sets, and k is the maximum coverage requirement. By simulation, we show the efficacy of these algorithms for resource allocation in the D2D setting by analyzing network throughput and other metrics, obtaining a large improvement in running time over offline methods.  相似文献   

The (online) bin packing problem with LIB constraint is stated as follows: The items arrive one by one, and must be packed into unit capacity bins, but a bigger item cannot be packed into a bin which already contains a smaller item. The number of used bins has to be minimized as usually. We show that the absolute performance bound of algorithm First Fit is not worse than 2+1/6≈2.1666 for the problem, improving the previous best upper bound 2.5. Moreover, if the item sizes do not exceed 1/d, then we improve the previous best result 2+1/d to 2+1/d(d+2), for any d≥2. (Both previously best results are due to Epstein, Nav. Res. Logist. 56(8):780–786, 2009.) Furthermore, we define a problem with the generalized LIB constraint, where some incoming items cannot be packed into the bins of some already packed items. The (in)compatibility of the incoming item with the items already packed becomes known only at the arrival of the actual item, and is given by an undirected graph (and, as usual in case of online graph problems, we can see only that part of the graph what already arrived). We show that 3 is an upper bound for this general problem if some natural transitivity constraint is satisfied.  相似文献   

Fixed-parameter tractability of anonymizing data by suppressing entries   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A popular model for protecting privacy when person-specific data is released is k -anonymity. A dataset is k-anonymous if each record is identical to at least (k−1) other records in the dataset. The basic k-anonymization problem, which minimizes the number of dataset entries that must be suppressed to achieve k-anonymity, is NP-hard and hence not solvable both quickly and optimally in general. We apply parameterized complexity analysis to explore algorithmic options for restricted versions of this problem that occur in practice. We present the first fixed-parameter algorithms for this problem and identify key techniques that can be applied to this and other k-anonymization problems.  相似文献   

Manufacturing network flow (MNF) is a generalized network model that can model more complicated manufacturing scenarios, such as the synthesis of different materials to one product and/or the distilling of one material to many different products. Minimum distribution cost flow problem (MDCF) is a simplified version of MNF optimization problems, in which a general supplier wants to proportionally distribute certain amount of a particular product from a source node to several retailers at different destinations through a distribution network. A network simplex algorithm has been outlined in recent years for solving a special case of MDCF. In this paper, we characterize the network structure of the bases of the MDCF problem and develop a primal simplex algorithm that exploits the network structure of the problem. These results are extensions of those of the ordinary network flow problems. In conclusion, some related interesting problems are proposed for future research. This research is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10371028) and a grant from Southern Yangtze University (No. 0003182).  相似文献   

In this paper we study a class of selective newsvendor problems, where a decision maker has a set of raw materials each of which can be customized shortly before satisfying demand. The goal is then to select which subset of customizations maximizes expected profit. We show that certain multi-period and multi-product selective newsvendor problems fall within our problem class. Under the assumption that the demands are independent and normally, but not necessarily identically, distributed we show that some problem instances from our class can be solved efficiently using an attractive sorting property that was also established in the literature for some related problems. For our general model we use the KKT conditions to develop an exact algorithm that is efficient in the number of raw materials. In addition, we develop a class of heuristic algorithms. In a numerical study, we compare the performance of the algorithms, and the heuristics are shown to have excellent performance and running times as compared to available commercial solvers.  相似文献   

We consider an augmentation problem on undirected and directed graphs, where given a directed (an undirected) graph G and p pairs of vertices \(P=\left\{ {\left( {s_1 ,t_1 } \right) ,\ldots ,\left( {s_p ,t_p } \right) } \right\} \), one has to find the minimum weight set of arcs (edges) to be added to the graph so that the resulting graph has (can be oriented to have) directed paths between the specified pairs of vertices. In the undirected case, we present an FPT-algorithm with respect to the number of new edges. Also, we have implemented and evaluated the algorithm on some real-world networks to show its efficiency in decreasing the size of input graphs and converting them to much smaller kernels. In the directed case, we consider the complexity of the problem with respect to the various parameters and present some parameterized algorithms and parameterized complexity results for it.  相似文献   

The market split problem was proposed by Cornuéjols and Dawande as benchmark problem for algorithms solving linear systems with 0/1 variables. Here, we present an algorithm for the more general problem A · x = b with arbitrary lower and upper bound on the variables. The algorithm consists of exhaustive enumeration of all points of a suitable lattice which are contained in a given polyhedron. We present results for the feasibility version as well as for the integer programming version of the market split problem which indicate that the algorithm outperforms the previously published approaches to this problems considerably.  相似文献   

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