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揭示了目前我国高职高专院校英语教学面临的挑战和危机,指出基础英语和专业英语的有机融合是当前我国高职高专院校英语教学改革的必由之路。为了实现这一改革目标,应该以基础英语为主干、专业英语为枝叶开展英语教学,把高职教育的行业性特点体现在英语教学中,并结合岗位培养高职学生的英语应用能力,实现专业知识内容和英语语言形式的有机结合。  相似文献   

在揭示了目前我国高职高专院校英语教学面临的挑战和危机之后,指出基础英语和专业英语的有机融合是当前我国高职高专院校英语教学改革的必由之路。为了实现这一改革目标,我们应该以基础英语为主干,专业英语为枝叶开展英语教学,把高职教育的行业性特点体现在英语教学中,结合岗位培养高职学生的英语应用能力,实现专业知识内容和英语语言形式的有机结合。  相似文献   

新时代外语专业人才培养目标是要培养创新型的英语人才,这一目标已成为我国教育改革的焦点和教学改革的核心,而创新型英语人才需具有复合型的知识结构和创新素质。作为外语教学改革新课题,英语公众演讲把学生从纯语言训练中解放出来,运用相对真实的语言形式、语境教学与思维训练融为一体相辅相成的教学辅助模式,为学生在知识面、人际沟通能力、跨文化交际能力、逻辑思辨能力、领导力和道德力培养上奠基了一定的基础,使学生成为成功的交流者和创新型外语人才。  相似文献   

Reading is a very important way to gain the language information. The scientific research shows that most of person's language information comes from reading. So reading is the key to learn English well. However, there are many problems need to be solved for English majors in reading activity. The necessity and special advantages of English newspapers and magazines reading activity make the after-class reading possible. The paper will mainly analyze the problems of English majors reading habits, and also elaborate the necessity and special advantages of English newspapers and magazines reading activity in detail.  相似文献   

王月露 《现代交际》2010,(9):194-195
主位连接属主述位理论范畴,是研究语篇衔接与连贯的一大功能。语篇的衔接与连贯语篇就其自身而言必须是连贯的,意思应该是彼此相关联的,这样方能成为一个连贯的整体。本文通过对主述连接的描述,就大学英语写作中的某些语篇作了分析,旨在讨论主位连接在英语写作教学中的应用,以此来帮助学习者提高写作水平。  相似文献   

歧义是一种语言形式能够表达两种或两种以上意义的语言现象,它普遍存在于世界各种语言中。一般认为歧义会有碍交流,但如果人们加以巧妙运用,却也能起到积极的作用,更好地达到某一交际目的。文章主要分析了几类英语歧义现象以及歧义在幽默笑话、广告、文学作品中的积极运用。  相似文献   

Abstract This article seeks to demonstrate that the gendered structuring of property relations in England can be understood in terms of the historical development of modes of production and reproduction. Society at the barbarian chiefdom, feudal, and capitalist stages of development is analysed. It is argued that gender relations within barbarian chiefdoms were contradictory, and that these contradictions had detrimental implications for women under feudalism. Given this historical legacy, it is then argued that the specificity of capitalist property rights laid the basis for the division of classes along the lines of gender.  相似文献   

It is argued by Mannheim that conservative thought, of which he takes Romanticism as an example, is anti-bourgeois thought. However English Romantic Conservatism does not appear to fit this model. English conservative thought (for example, Burke and Disraeli) is not anti-bourgeois. Furthermore English Romantic conservatism exhibits certain parallels with Wesleyan Methodism (hereafter referred to as Methodism) which acts, via its work ethic, as an ideological support for the bourgeoisie. The article explores the relationship of English Romantic conservatism to the bourgeosie, its similarities and differences regarding the thought of the latter, and the cultural functions it performs. This throws light on the sociological determinants of Romanticism. These are complex, it is argued, but basically there is an interplay of traditional pre-capitalist and more modem influences, reflecting the interpenetration of different stages of social development. Romantic conservatism, it is claimed, provides a rich source of symbolism for the modem bourgeoisie and traditional (mercantile and agricultural) capital, demonstrating its ambivalence regarding modern and traditional milieux. At the same time, it remains a non-bourgeois, pre-capitalist type of thought. Its major significance lies in its contribution to the elaboration of more hegemonic forms of dominant culture than would otherwise have been possible, it is concluded.  相似文献   

Elton Mayo remains a controversial but elusive figure in the development of applied social science. A re-examination of the principal myths surrounding him is made possible by new evidence chiefly from family letters. These show the importance of England to him both personally and professionally and throw a new light on his lack of integration into American academic life and on the nature of his influence in Britain.  相似文献   

范艳梅 《现代交际》2011,(3):207+206-207,206
"浸入式"教学法作为一种第二语言习得教学方法在国外语言教学领域得到了深入的研究并得以推广和普及。本文通过对加拿大语言浸入式教学法的介绍,结合目前高校教学的困难,对浸入式教学模式在中国高校中的发展进行讨论。在我国,一些高校已经将该方法应用于一些专业学科的双语教学当中,并取得了一定的成效。所以"浸入式"教学法完全可以作为一种新的教学模式被应用于高级英语教学的改革当中。  相似文献   

高职院校英语教育与高中教育并无区别,这直接导致大学英语课堂教学质量下滑。针对这一现状,基于对已有问题的分析,探讨了行业英语的定义及实行行业英语教学对师资的要求:"双师素质"。就如何建设高职院校英语教师"双师素质"提供了策略,以期为大学英语教学改革提供一种思路。  相似文献   

Recent occupational injury data shows a rising trend, which happens to coincide with both increases in the foreign-born population in the U.S. and changes in its composition. This study aims to explore the presence of a statistical relationship between occupational injuries and the level of English proficiency of foreign-born using cross-sectional data on the rate of injury and count of injury incidents. A cultural gap hypothesis is also examined as an alternative explanation for the rise in work injuries. While there is some support for the adverse effect of inadequate English language proficiency of foreign-born, the results for the cultural gap hypothesis are more robust.  相似文献   

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