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经济增长与就业机制、模式、观念的变革   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章认为中国的失业问题是人口过剩型失业、经济转型的体制性失业与结构性失业的纵横交错与叠加 ,是转型期的特殊现象。文章指出 :在显化隐性失业、治理公开失业 ,借鉴国际经验 ,培育现代劳动力市场 ,实施反收入政策、人力资本投资政策及社会保障制度市场化的同时 ,还应有中国特色的解决就业问题的新思路、新对策 ,包括弹性就业、阶段性就业模式 ,及与就业机制、模式变革相适应的就业观念的变革。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,面对凯恩斯主义就业政策的失灵、全球化的迅速发展和大规模失业这种共同挑战,西方国家却采取了多样性的劳动就业政策选择,即以英美等国为代表的新自由主义劳动就业政策、以瑞典等北欧国家为代表的合作主义劳动就业政策、以法国与西班牙等欧洲大陆国家为代表的保守主义劳动就业政策和以丹麦等国为代表的灵活安全性劳动就业政策.从一定程度上来讲,这种多样性的劳动就业政策选择根源于对失业的多样性解释、多样的资本主义制度和各国多样的历史文化传统.这对我国有着重要启示:新自由主义劳动就业政策并非是解决失业与就业问题的唯一选择,更不是最优选择;高福利与充分就业是能够结合在一起的;多样性劳动就业政策选择本身也包含着一定的共同原则.  相似文献   

孔德威 《学术交流》2008,(1):100-103
新自由主义认为,只有英美式的劳动力市场灵活化改革才能够解决失业问题,促进就业.而劳动就业政策的国际比较研究表明,灵活化并非是提高就业率的唯一选择,从社会和谐与公平的角度来讲,更不是最优选择.也正因如此,面对凯恩斯主义就业政策的失灵与合作主义就业政策的局限性等困境,荷兰最终放弃了英美式的劳动力市场灵活化改革,采取了既有利于提高就业率,又有利于维护社会和谐与公平的灵活安全性劳动就业政策,并取得了成功.荷兰劳动力市场的灵活化改革历程表明,尽管灵活化是全球化时代劳动力市场的一种发展趋势,但是,灵活化必须以劳动者的安全性、社会的和谐与公平为前提."促进社会和谐"是党的十七大所确定的战略目标,由此,灵活安全性也应成为我国劳动力市场模式的一种政策选择.  相似文献   

赵慧娟  魏中龙 《创新》2021,15(6):73-83
数字经济的发展对于就业的影响是一种"创造性破坏",具有替代效应和抑制效应.数字技术应用对劳动力市场的冲击会带来结构性失业和摩擦性失业,但同时也会创造新的就业机会和就业岗位.文章探究了数字经济对就业总量和就业结构的影响机理,建议加大人力资本投入,健全职业培训体系改善供需匹配度,加强职业教育提升劳动者教育水平,提供良好的政策治理体系支持,完善与新就业形态匹配的社会保障制度,加快推进新基建释放"数字红利"促进就业.  相似文献   

二十世纪二、三十年代,在经济危机严重、大批劳 动者失业、劳资矛盾尖锐的背景下,以凯恩斯为代表的经济学家,主张国家全面干预经济生活。战后,西方市场经济国家以及一些新兴工业国家,为了实现西分就业和经济振兴的发展目标,不同程度地加强了对劳动力市场的全面干预和宏观调节。 西方各国采用积极的劳动力市场政策,从消极救济转为积极促进就业,将失业保险费用用于促进就业。相对于消极的劳动力市场政策而言,“积极”意味着为劳动者创造条件,促进其就业;而“消极”主要是在周期性变化中,用救济等办法暂时在经济萧条时期将失业者“…  相似文献   

建国初期的失业压力引发了北京市劳动就业制度的变革,并最终建立起统一的劳动力介绍和招聘制度,从根本上解决了失业问题,提高了私营企业职工的政治和经济地位。这一变革在客观上推动了私营工商业社会主义改造的实现,但也对后来的经济发展产生了不利影响。  相似文献   

社会投资型国家(social investment state)理念已成为全球化和后工业化时代巩固经济增长和福利之间良性循环的方案。然而,单纯依靠积极劳动力市场政策不能实现经济增长与福利之间的良性循环。为了同时实现扩大就业和社会平等,应该在社会政策中做到积极劳动力市场政策与消极劳动力市场政策的平衡,并与限制工资水平的收入政策相结合。  相似文献   

同失业率一样,劳动参与率也是反映就业状况的一个重要指标。在失业严重的情况下,那些年龄偏大、教育水平偏低的劳动者,因长期找不到工作而丧失信心,退出劳动力市场;同时,本拟进入劳动力市场的新生劳动力可能推迟或放弃寻找工作。这种劳动参与率的降低造成一种隐蔽性失业现象。本文利用第五次人口普查和五个城市的调查数据,展示了近年来在下岗和失业现象日益严峻化的同时,劳动参与率的下降趋势,并提示了城镇失业率与劳动参与率之间的关系,表明劳动参与率的下降是失业的结果。通过建立两个计量经济学模型,对影响劳动者就业、失业或退出劳动力市场等三种状态的因素进行了分析,并在此基础上阐述了相关结论的政策含义。  相似文献   

数智时代,劳动力市场出现新特征:新就业形态蓬勃发展、劳动力工作流动性增强、工作价值观发生重大转变、以学历为标识的人力资本投资竞争更为激烈、劳动力市场脆弱性加剧。就业风险呈现新变化:人们面临着技术性失业、群体性失业、规模性失业、长期性失业等就业数量风险,以及劳资关系失衡导致的工作贫困、长时间工作、就业歧视等就业质量风险,这些就业风险在范围、规模、种类、程度及发生频率上并未缩小而是扩大。这意味着,社会进步虽使人们抵御就业风险的能力增强,但并未从根本上消除甚至降低就业风险,应通过思维转向、多维治理、制度建设和能力提升治理就业风险,提高风险治理韧性,进而稳存量提质量,实现稳就业、保就业的目标。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本.就业是劳动者生存、发展、实现自我价值的重要前提和基本途径,是经济和社会发展的重要基础和表现方式.而充分就业则是国人对社会主义的特有理解.我国由于历史、发展和时代原因,致使人口过剩性失业、大学毕业生摩擦性失业、农村富余劳动力和城市国企下岗职工的体制性失业、经济结构升级的结构性失业等多种失业将集中呈现在本世纪前30年,这对扩大就业在时间和岗位上提出了挑战.立足劳动就业国情,借鉴建国后特剐是新时期以来我国扩大就业的有益做法和市场经济国家成熟理论,扩大就业一定要坚持以人为本,坚持市场与政府调节相结合,坚持当前发展与长远发展兼顾,坚持经济、社会与就业协调发展.我国扩大就业的基本路径为提高劳动者技能、拓宽就业渠道、强化社会保障.  相似文献   

This study examines the re‐entrance of female workers into the Korean labor market. We highlight that women in their 40s have the highest rate of employment among all female workers and that a large proportion of these women are entering into non‐standard employment. In approaching this question, we examine the political economy of this phenomenon by first discussing the demand side of the Korean labor market using the gendering of the varieties of capitalism argument and then the supply side with the work–life balance argument. When examining re‐entrance into the labor market, women with general skills with lower education and higher education both found it more feasible to re‐enter the labor market as non‐standard workers. While work–life balance is a prominent reason for women's choice of opting out of the labor market, work–life balance choice mattered less for women re‐entering the labor market as non‐standard workers in their 40s and 50s but instead firmly based skill formation mattered more. In addition, the retail service industry is suggested to absorb a large number of female workers with lower skill levels who would have had difficulties in re‐entering other male‐oriented companies.  相似文献   

在构建社会主义和谐社会进程中,农民工的合法权益备受关注。农民工维权的道路异常艰辛,劳资冲突的形式复杂多样,双方博弈的结果令人堪忧。在寻求解决冲突的路径方面,工会组织纳入研究者的视野。在工会作为农民工维权载体的可行性论证中,工会的内涵揭示其保护工人权益的本质,彰显其壮大工人维权的力量。深入剖析现代西方工会职能,在批判中借鉴,在发展中重构我国工会运行机制,相信我国工会组织在制度创新中一定会成为包括农民工在内的广大劳动者维护自身合法权益、缓解劳资关系紧张的不可替代的角色。  相似文献   

Objective. I seek to assess the quality of relations between labor unions and environmental organizations and to identify economic, political, and organizational factors that influence those relations. Methods. A survey of state labor leaders was conducted in order to determine the quality of relations between unions and environmental organizations around the United States. Ordinary least squares regression is used to identify associations between state level economic and political indicators and the quality of labor-environmental relations. Results. Relations between labor unions and environmentalists are generally positive. Except for the timber industry, there is no evidence of hostility between environmentalists and unions in industries that may be threatened with job loss due to environmental measures. Republican control of state government and labor-industry cooperation are associated with poor labor-environmental relations. Conclusions. Popular beliefs about entrenched "jobs versus the environment" conflict are largely unfounded. Instances of conflict between unions and environmental advocates are rare and largely isolated in certain employment sectors. Although unions and environmentalists share certain interests, Republican political control reduces cooperation between these two constituencies. Unions can be seen as situated between employers and environmentalists in regard to environmental issues. Cooperation with employers results in poorer relations between unions and environmentalists.  相似文献   

The widely-held belief that imports into America have been responsible for job losses in labor intensive industries is examined. It is shown that economic growth impacts on these industries, and that productivity growth and chaning demand patterns, have been quantitatively larger than changes in trade levels affecting employment in individual industries. It is concluded that protection can do very little to affect employment trends in affected industries.  相似文献   

刘文勇 《求是学刊》2007,34(6):82-87
自从2002年中央明确提出振兴东北老工业基地以来,解决产业结构调整、升级与就业问题之间的矛盾成为必须要解决的"瓶颈性"障碍。本文将老工业基地就业问题基于经济增长与结构调整的背景之下进行了探讨,明确总结了现阶段黑龙江省的三次产业以及工业内部的就业结构性特征,并结合国外典型就业特征的分析,提出了促进黑龙江省就业水平提升的对策建议。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本,现阶段总体就业形势严峻。随着高校的大规模扩招,毕业生总体供大于求。大学生就业难仅仅是一般劳动就业问题,女大学生就业难除了劳动就业问题以外,还附带有劳动力市场上的性别歧视问题。本文首先对女大学生的现状进行分析,然后对女大学生就业难提出具体有针对性的对策,以便消除女大学生就业中的"性别歧视",实现男女大学生的平等就业,充分发挥女性人力资源的重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper tests the validity of the proposition that there is a causal relationship between fertility choice and female employment in a multivariate framework during the period 1958–1998 in the United Kingdom. Following recent advances in economic and demographic theory the nexus between female employment and fertility is reexamined taking into account changes in the labor market and the overall real economic activity. Our key finding is that expanding the estimating equations to control for the influences of changes in real wages and real output creates a positive relationship between fertility and female employment and a negative relationship between fertility and real wages. Finally, fertility choice should not be considered exogenous to the female employment, the labor market or the growth process.  相似文献   

This study investigated if and how active labour market policies (ALMPs) and employment protection interact with each other in light of long‐term unemployment reduction. We argue that how well the interaction between both labour market institutions reduces long‐term unemployment depends on the level of economic growth. To improve analytical clarity, two types of ALMPs were differentiated, namely training and employment programmes. Using data on 20 European countries over 16 years, our results suggest that employment protection moderates the relationship between employment programmes and long‐term unemployment. The combination of high spending on employment programmes and less strict employment protection is associated with less long‐term unemployment. This moderation effect is stronger during an economic downturn. A moderation effect from employment protection on the relationship between training programmes and long‐term unemployment was not found, even when the economic climate was taken into account as a contextual factor.  相似文献   

田富强  张丹 《唐都学刊》2010,26(3):54-60
陕西农村劳动力流动的影响因素包括内部和外部两个方面。内部因素包括流动劳动力的自身素质、劳动力流动的组织形式及家庭因素,其中,劳动力的自身素质普遍偏低,组织形式以自发外出为主,劳动力平均年龄呈下降趋势。外部因素包括流动劳动力的权益保障、就业压力、子女教育等方面,内部和外部因素的交互作用必然影响农村劳动力的合理流动。  相似文献   

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