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Correspondence to University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Studies, 31 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9JT, UK. E-mail: richard.perry{at}ed.ac.uk. Summary Data gathered at a Scottish institute of higher education between1986 and 2000 indicate a significant reduction in the scaleof self-reported offending behaviour by social work students.The change coincided with the introduction by the Central Councilfor Education and Training in Social Work (CCETSW) in 1989 ofa requirement that applicants for training disclose prior toadmission any criminal convictions recorded against them. Thearticle suggests that more prolific offenders have been deterredfrom applying to DipSW programmes and the social work professionneeds to take steps to create a more positive climate for therecruitment of those offenders who represent no more of a threatto users than non-offenders.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Moira Kirwan, Gateside House, Hill Road, Gullane, East Lothian EH31 2BE. Summary With the publication of Paper 30 (CCETSW 1991) and the developmentof Dip.S.W. programmes which incorporate a strong emphasis onequal opportunities, it might be reasonable to expect that socialwork training is now going to take on board the issue of gender.Dip.S.W. programmes are immersed in concerns about anti-discriminatorypractice and aim to provide up-to-date training for an up-to-dateprofession. This paper is based on a study of the Dip. S.W.programmes running in Scotland in 1991/92. This was when thefirst Dip.S.W. qualified social workers emerged from the newtraining. Do these social workers have a new way of lookingat issues such as gender? This paper argues that the Dip.S.W.programmes are focusing on practice issues while ignoring theissues within the profession. Practice issues cannot be separatedout in this way. Social work cannot be anti-oppressive as longas the social work profession itself continues to oppress itsfemale workforce. Dip.S.W., as it is currently provided, doesnot offer the prospect of a change in the gender imbalance ofthe profession and thus it will not make a difference to howemerging Dip.S.W. social workers can tackle the issue with colleaguesor clients.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Beverley Hughes, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, School of Social Work, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL. Summary This paper reports the findings of a study on the views of birthparents on openness and contact and, in the light of the findings,examines the current trend towards a presumption in favour ofdirect contact between birth parents, child and/or adopters.It argues for a child-centred approach which must discriminatemore clearly between the implications for the child of differentpost-adoption arrangements. The assumptions underlying a presumptionin favour of direct contact are critically reviewed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Lena Dominelli, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 ZTU Summary Social Work is in a state of flux. One of the key factors impactingon the direction it is currently taking is market forces. Thisarticle argues that the globalization of the economy and theinternationalization of the state are affecting social workeducation and practice in Britain through the competency-basedapproach being promoted by CCETSW and the government. This isleading to the demise of the autonomous, reflective practitioner,creating instead, a fragmented, deprofessionalized senice thatis poorly placed to meet the requirements of anti-oppressivepractice.  相似文献   

Summary The research reported in this paper is based on the findingsof a postal questionnaire survey with former students who had,over the last seven years, successfully completed either theCertificate in Social Service (CSS) or the Certificate of Qualificationin Social Work (CQSW) at one institution of higher education. The purpose was to collect data in a systematic way about employmentcircumstances, career development, aspirations, reflectionson the course and views of the future of education for socialwork and social service. For many of these areas a lack of comparableBritish studies is noted. The findings would seem to indicate that the type of qualificationobtained is an important variable where work setting, clientgroup, perceived professional status, job choice and attitudeto certain aspects of the course are concerned. Both groupswere largely supportive of a single award for social work throughfull-time education and training, but were ambivalent aboutthere being different routes to this qualification.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Carole Smith, School of Social Work,, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Dover Street Building, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL Summary In their contributions to the debate about social work, modernityand postmodernity Parton(1994) and Howe (1994) argue that therecent changes in social work practice can best be understoodas features of, or responses to, the postmodern social orderin which it is located. This has led, they argue, to an increasingfragmentation of the profession and an undermining of its formalknowledge base. We will argue here that, not only does suchan argument oversimplify the nuances of the ‘postmodernity’question, but it represents a misreading of the pressures affectingpractice at this time, which are more properly attributableto the operation of the discourses and ideologies of a particularphase of late capitalism and high modernity.  相似文献   

Summary It is suggested that T groups might be of value in Social Worktraining as a means of encouraging Social Workers to make greateruse of group techniques. T groups have been criticized on ethicalgrounds and for their tendency to produce psychological disturbancein predisposed individuals. In he context of Social Work trainingT groups have a dual function, promoting self awareness in theparticipants and increasing their knowledge of group dynamics.A procedure is described which emphasizes the necessity of focusingon group behaviour as opposed to individual psychopathology.It is believed that by doing so the psychological hazards arereduced. A brief outline is given of the manner in which materialproduced in the group sessions may illustrate theoretical materialintroduced elsewhere on the course  相似文献   

Correspondence to Annie Hudson. Lecturer in Social Work. Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Manchester. Manchester M13 9PL Summary This article addresses some of the issues and problems inherentin the assessment of practice placements. and discusses theefforts of one course to devise a method of managing the assessmentprocess. It begins with an identification and brief discussionof those problems, then moves on to review the development ofthe method and describe the system as it currently operates.The second part of the article discusses the need for continuingattention to both the design of the system and its implicationsfor the roles of those most involved, with particular emphasison the role of the tutor. The article concludes by posing somequestions raised therein which have relevance for current debatesabout the future of social work training.  相似文献   

Please address requests for reprints to Professor F. M. Loewenberg, School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University, 52100 Ramat Gan, Israel. Summary More effective social work practice will require increased effortstoward knowledge building and theory development. Until a unifiedsocial work theory is available social workers will choose eclecticallyrelevant theoretical formulations from the large number of middlerange theories available to them from other professional disciplines.New middle range theories and innovative theoretical formulationsappear continually, resulting in a smorgasbord of theories,from which social work practitioners can choose. This articleexamines the effectiveness of an aclectic theory base for apractice profession. In the discussion of the findings noteis taken of the need for explicating social work's professionalideology as a next step in knowledge building.  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Professor Noel Timms, 157 Kingsway, Pens Wood, Kent BR5 1PP Summary This article explores a largely ignored account of the practicecalled social work, that was developed by what is known in theUSA as the Functional School of Social Work. Their views werehewn out of a fierce controversy within social work. This articleargues that a reconsideration of the Functional School is due:it presented an explicit psychology, though not sociology, ofhelping and centred the nub of practice in the social welfareagency, served by disciplined professionals. Reflection on thetheorizing and practice of the Functionalists illuminates presentconcerns over the knowledge and the value base of social workand leads to a reconsideration of the place of coherence ineach.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr K. J. Bentley, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1001 West Franklin Street, Richmond, V A 23284-2027, USA. Summary The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of ashort-term model of intervention on schizophrenic out-pattentsand their relatives. The author implemented an in-home ten sessioneducational and skills training programme adapted from existingmodels. The intervention's effects on patient's clinical statusand social functioning, relative's attitudes, and family stresswere evaluated using a multiple baseline acroos four cases,as well as pre, post, and follow-up data.  相似文献   

to Juliet Koprowska, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK. E-mail: jk11{at}york.ac.uk Summary There is a gradually expanding literature addressing the teachingand learning of interviewing skills in social work education.The process of professional learning in the wider field is notfully understood; empirical studies are rare and methodologicaldifferences make comparison difficult. Few papers offer a theoreticalbasis for methods of teaching. The article starts with a shortaccount of the literature, with more explication of papers whosethemes are closely related to those of this article; a considerationof skills training on social work qualifying programmes follows.Next, Agazarian's (1997) theoretical framework is presentedand then the theory and methods of practice are employed tomake sense of obstacles to learning and to demonstrate how toovercome them. Finally, potential areas for further researchare suggested.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Raymond Jack, Reader in Social Work, Anglia Polytechnic University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT Summary Social work is undergoing fundamental changes in terms of theway it is organized and how it is practised. If, in this shiftingscenario of occupational deconstruction, the output of socialwork education is to be relevant to the workforce needs of welfareagencies—no matter how organized—it is importantto know more about the client group preferences of social workstudents and what factors influence them. This longitudinalstudy inquired into student preferences at the beginning andend of three Diploma in Social Work programmes and its findingssuggest that the sociodemographic characteristics of studentsare less demonstrably influential than previous experience andplacement experience whilst on the programmes. In addition,students attribute far less influence to lectures and tutorialsas change agents than they do to placements, service users orother students. The implications of this for social work educationare discussed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Phil Slater, School of Health and Social Sciences, Middlesex University, Queensway, Enfield EN3 4SF, UK. E-mail: p.slater{at}mdx.ac.uk Summary This paper analyses the Prescribed Curriculum of the new Degreein Social Work in relation to the Department of Health themeof ‘protecting vulnerable adults from abuse’. Areview of post-war social policy first establishes the significanceof these terms, both individually and in varying combinations.Subsequently, the phrase as a whole provides the focus for acontent analysis of the three constituents of the PrescribedCurriculum, namely, the Secretary of State’s Requirementsfor Social Work Training, the employment-focussed National OccupationalStandards for Social Work, and the academically oriented BenchmarkStatement for Social Work. With the exception of ‘abuse’,the key terms are all registered, albeit unevenly. This presenceis subsequently enhanced via strategic considerations of ‘logicalimportance’ and ‘organising rubrics’. Finally,terminological variants of ‘abuse’ are traced, withparticular regard to the emerging language of ‘rights’.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Clive Sellick, School of Social Work and Psychosocial Sciences, Elizabeth Fry Building, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK. E-mail: c.sellick{at}uea.ac.uk Summary Foster care is the preferred placement option for children andyoung people in the public care system in Britain. In recentyears, fostering has been the subject of extensive policy andresearch review and its practice and services have been widelyexamined. Although still provided principally within the public,local authority sector, there has been a significant growthin the use of independent fostering agencies and a steady useof the fostering services of established voluntary child-careorganizations. This paper reports a recent review of innovativefostering practice in all sectors across the four countriesof the UK, which was commissioned by the Social Care Institutefor Excellence. All British fostering agencies were invitedto submit examples of what they considered to be innovativeor effective in respect of six main categories: foster carerrecruitment and training; retention and job satisfaction; placementprovision; fostering children with complex needs; service provision;and user evaluation. These were examined in the light of relevantresearch knowledge to determine the extent of ‘research-mindedness’amongst fostering agencies. The authors conclude with a critiqueof four key factors which are impacting upon contemporary fosteringpractice in Britain.  相似文献   

Professional Values and Ethics in Social Work: Reconsidering Postmodernism?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Professor Richard Hugman, School of Social Work, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. E-mail: r.hugman{at}unsw.edu.au Summary The ‘postmodern turn’ in social theory has raisedquestions for understanding the social world. The implicationsof these debates for social work values and ethics are the centralfocus of this article. The implications of a postmodern viewof social work are examined and compared with criticisms ofpostmodern theory. It is argued that a critical considerationof postmodern insights may assist social work to examine thediverse, provisional and uncertain nature of all aspects ofour world, including knowledge and skills, values and ethics.Such an approach strengthens the case for a discursive modelof ethics.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Michael Sheppard, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, UK Summary In the last few years there have been significant developmentsin conceptualizing the role and nature of knowledge in socialwork. This has been based on a fundamental review of epistemological,ethical and theoretical facets of social work and its knowledgebase. Amongst some of the most significant developments havebeen the emergence of new concepts (for social work) such asprocess knowledge, reflexivity and a range of ideas relatingto hypotheses. In a recent article, Susan White (1997) soughtto critique some of my ideas on this matter. This article representsa response to her paper; one which uses the opportunity to drawout wider issues for a general theory of social work knowledge.In particular, it focuses on three key dimensions: the centralityof the concept of practice validity, the importance of a conceptof reflexivity which is not simply transferred from the disciplineof sociology but which has a social work-specific meaning, andthe dangers of an unrestrained relativism.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Margaret Lloyd, School of Social Work, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL Summary This paper examines the contribution of social work practiceto the care of people who are dying or bereaved. It considerscurrent challenges to traditional practice arising from societaland organizational change, reaffirming the importance of thesocial work role but arguing that, in order to face those challenges,social workers must broaden their perspective to incorporatea spiritual dimension. The paper draws on a research study conductedby the author.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Claire Rabin, Tel Aviv University, Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Ramat Aviv, 69 978, Tel Aviv, POB 390470, Israel. Summary Eighty-seven social workers, working in nine different mentalhealth settings, were administered four questionnaires tappingthe following variables: assertiveness in daily life; assertivenessin the job setting; role clarity; and job satisfaction. Stepwiseregression analysis showed assertiveness in the job settingto be strongly correlated with role clarity. Assertiveness indaily life was also significantly correlated with role clarity.Assertiveness in the work setting was significantly correlatedwith job satisfaction, although it was riot as powerful a predictorof satisfaction as of role clarity. Number of years of job experiencewas the most powerful predictor of job satisfaction. The implications for social work training and supervision aredescribed in light of the importance of assertive communicationin maintaining job clarity and job satisfaction within multidisciplinarysettings.  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Dr Tammie Ronen, The Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel Summary The paper aims to explore the complex and important links betweeninterventions with children, cognitive therapy, and social work.Although children comprise about half of the referrals to socialwork services, they do not generally receive direct treatmentin these settings. Social workers are involved with childrenin the roles of mediator or counsellor and as the supervisorwho is concerned with the placement of the child in appropriatesettings. When the need for direct therapeutic interventionarises, children are usually referred to educational or clinicalpsychologists. Social work as a profession has been foundedupon a psychodynamic approach; however, social workers havealways been concerned with effective treatments, the definitionof clear goals, and the clarification of client needs. Thesefeatures link social work to cognitive-behavioural therapy.Cognitive therapy, although not frequently used with children,is presented in this paper as a means for conducting directinterventions with children which fulfil social work's basictargets and needs.  相似文献   

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