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1982-2000:我国非农职业的性别隔离研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴愈晓  吴晓刚 《社会》2008,28(6):128-152
本文利用中国1982年、1990年和2000年人口普查微观数据和详细的职业类别,探索了改革以来我国非农职业性别隔离的水平及其变化趋势,并表明这种变化对劳动力市场中的性别不平等所造成的影响。数据分析结果显示,20世纪80年代,我国非农职业的性别隔离总体水平呈上升趋势;而在90年代,非农职业的性别隔离水平却呈下降趋势。我们认为导致这种非线性变化趋势的原因在于,在不同的历史阶段,影响职业性别隔离的主要因素发生了变化。我们还发现,不同地区、不同职业类型、不同教育程度或户口性质的就业人员,其职业性别间隔离程度有着明显的差异。  相似文献   

贺光烨 《社会》2018,38(2):213-241
高等教育的扩张大大缩小了两性受教育程度的差距,年轻一代的女性接受大学教育的比例甚至超过了男性。研究高等教育横向分层维度对理解劳动力市场的性别不平等尤为必要。基于“首都大学生成长追踪调查”数据,本研究从大学专业隔离的角度入手,分析大学毕业生初职获得的性别差异。分析发现,首都高校存在明显的专业性别隔离:女生更多地集中在文学、历史、艺术等专业,而男生更多地集中在理工科类专业。大学专业对毕业后个体能否进入男性主导职业具有显著影响。相较于男性,女性进入男性主导职业的概率更低,在控制了专业后,这一差异显著降低。非线性Blinder-Oaxaca分解结果进一步显示,若男女在专业分布上没有差异,不同性别群体进入男性主导职业的概率差异会减少40%~50%。该发现对理解城市高等教育水平劳动力市场中职业性别隔离现象的形成机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李汪洋  谢宇 《社会》2015,35(6):153-177
本文使用1982年、1990年、2000年和2010年四次中国人口普查数据,采用详尽、统一的职业分类系统,探索中国经济体制改革以来职业的性别隔离水平变化趋势及其原因。研究发现,全部职业的性别隔离程度自1982年至今持续上升。非农职业的性别隔离经历了一个先升后降的过程,从20世纪80年代开始提高,自1990年以来不断下降。本研究明确区分了职业结构的变化和性别构成的变化对职业性别隔离的影响,后者对理解性别不平等更有实质意义。  相似文献   

王文卿 《社会工作》2016,(3):104-110
社会工作场域中存在明显的性别隔离,主要体现在职业和岗位两个层次上。照顾服务的女性化和社会工作作为照顾服务提供者的形象是导致职业性别隔离的重要原因,而男性权力在社会工作场域中的再生产则是导致岗位性别隔离的重要原因。社会工作场域中的性别隔离之所以值得关注,不仅因为它是一种隐蔽的性别不平等,而且因为这种不平等会妨碍社会工作推动性别平等的使命。为了消除性别隔离,笔者建议提升社会工作场域的性别意识;推动职业期望的去性别化,促进每个从业者的自我实现;重塑社会工作形象,吸引更多男性加入。  相似文献   

使用2009年中国社会网络与职业经历调查(JSNET2009)广州、上海、厦门、济南和西安五城市数据,检验了改革以后影响中国城市劳动者职业流动模式以及经济地位获得的因素。研究结果表明,高学历劳动者与低学历劳动者群体处于两个分割的劳动力市场中,他们的经济地位获得路径完全不同。对于低学历劳动者,职业流动是提升他们收入水平的最重要因素,而人力资本因素(受教育年限和工作经验)对他们的收入没有影响。高学历劳动者的情况刚好相反,职业流动对收入获得没有任何作用,影响他们收入分层的最重要因素是人力资本。本研究揭示了转型期中国城市地区不同劳动力市场劳动者的经济地位获得的二元路径模式。  相似文献   

使用“2009年中国社会网络与职业经历调查”(JSNET2009)广州、上海、厦门、济南和西安五城市数据,检验了改革以后影响中国城市劳动者职业流动模式以及经济地位获得的因素。研究结果表明,高学历劳动者与低学历劳动者群体处于两个分割的劳动力市场中,他们的经济地位获得路径完全不同。对于低学历劳动者,职业流动是提升他们收入水平的最重要因素,而人力资本因素(受教育年限和工作经验)对他们的收入没有影响。高学历劳动者的情况刚好相反,职业流动对收入获得没有任何作用,影响他们收入分层的最重要因素是人力资本。本研究揭示了转型期中国城市地区不同劳动力市场劳动者的经济地位获得的二元路径模式。  相似文献   

吴帆  谭琳 《浙江学刊》2005,(2):209-211
性别多元化主要指:无论男女,所有的员工均应受到鼓励向一切可能的职业目标发展,享有平等的职业发展机会,而不受传统的社会性别角色的限制.由此,社会性别因素在员工的职业进入和职业发展过程中的负面影响逐渐降低,女性获得了更多平等的就业和职业发展机会.  相似文献   

由于全球经济发展导致的劳动力需求的增长、贫困带来的家庭对于妇女工资需求的强化及妇女运动的冲击,无论在工业化进程中国家还是在工业化进程中国家,妇女的就业率都有了提高,尤其在妇女非传统就业的行业中。但这并不意味着就业中的性别隔离的消除。以工业化国家的美国和工业化进程中的泰国为例,在典型的女性非传统就业行业──建筑业中,女性仍集中在低工资、低技术领域,女性的技术培训不被重视。事实表明,国家政治经济政策的不同和劳动力组织化的不同是导致职业性别隔离的一个关键性因素,经济的发展并不意味着男女平等的实现。  相似文献   

70年代以来,随着加拿大妇女就业人数的增加,大批妇女进入过去被男人垄断的专业职业领域,促使这些职业中的男女构成发生变化.但是,妇女职业的多样化基本上没有改变男性控制专业职业的局面;而且,无论是在男性占多数还是女性占多数的专业职业中,无论在这些职业内部,还是职业之间,都存在着严重的性别差别。  相似文献   

走出性别刻板化印象的误区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余红 《社会》2001,(3):30-31
妇女多少与低收入和低职业地位联系在一起 ,无论在国内还是在国外这都是现实。关于这个现象已经有诸多的理论论述。例如劳力市场歧视理论认为在劳力市场上 ,雇主具有性别歧视倾向 ,没有平等对待能力相当的男女两性 ,从而造成女性在劳力市场上的劣势地位。人力资本理论则从男女两性人力资本的不同积累角度 ,解释了女性由于生育使得职业生涯间断 ,使得在职培训、受教育程度和经验方面逊色于男性 ,因此得到的回报较男性少。这两种理论从不同的角度阐述了妇女在劳力市场的劣势地位。如果说妇女的低收入和职业地位不高主要是劳力市场歧视造成的 ,…  相似文献   

This article analyzes the 1970 and 1980 Public Use Samples of the decennial census and the 1983 Current Population Survey to determine if the degree of occupational feminization, i.e., the change in the percent female, affects men changing occupations. The results lend some support to the contention that men do not leave feminizing occupations. Men in occupations with the greatest increases in their percentage of female workers had the lowest percentage of men leaving their occupations. As the change in the percent female decreased, the percentage of men leaving the occupation increased. However, occupation was a critical factor in this relationship. While men from nonmanufacturing occupations followed a pattern similar to that found in the entire labor force (described above), men in manufacturing occupations left occupations that feminized the most. Men who changed occupations, in fact, often entered occupations that feminized. In the wake of these findings, I discuss how occupational sex segregation may be maintained.  相似文献   

Women earn less than men. The reason may be due to either industrial segmentation or occupational segregation or both according to the current research. Researches focusing on one structure tend to neglect the other or to use an inadequate representation. This article examines the simultaneous impact of industrial sector and gender on imputed wages with labor force incumbents in four detailed occupations. These occupations are from a set identified as relatively internally homogeneous on measures of task performed from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Thus, within-occupational differences in work performed between males and females are minimized. The findings reinforce the importance of industrial sector for economic outcomes and demonstrate the value of an improved representation of occupation. The decomposition shows wage discrimination exists against females in each of these occupations, and in two sector-by-sector occupation comparisons, females should earn more than males.  相似文献   

This article addresses the effect of a more open market under NAFTA on the economic status of Mexican women. It is assumed that increases in export processing and tourism, industries that have a high demand for female labor, will result from the agreement. The approach of this study is to use regression and correlation analysis to compare wage and occupational differences in two Mexican cities: Tijuana, on the U.S.-Mexican border, and Torreon, in the interior. A major findings is that the overall wage gap is statistically significantly lower where there is increased export processing activity, but there appears to be very little change in occupational segregation. Three additional impacts are: first, that labor force participation rates increase for both men and women, but proportionally more for women. Second, the higher labor demand appears to weaken the relationship between the job qualifications of education and experience and wages. Third, wages by gender are more equal, but for the labor force as a whole there is a greater level of wage dispersion.  相似文献   

陈煜婷  张文宏 《社会》2015,35(6):178-205
本文使用2009 JSNet全国数据,考察市场化背景下社会资本作用的变化及其对性别收入差距的影响。研究发现:第一,市场化程度较高的情况下,网络资源对收入回报的作用更小,阶层网络对收入回报的作用更大;第二,体制外部门两性的网络资源对收入回报的作用没有差异,体制内部门男性的网络资源对收入回报的作用小于女性;第三,男性的阶层网络对收入回报的作用无论在体制外部门还是体制内部门都高于女性。综上所述,对于女性而言,其所拥有的网络资源所能带来的收入回报优势被市场化的推进所消减;对于男性而言,其所拥有的阶层网络所能带来的收入回报优势被市场化的推进所提升。因此,随着市场化的不断推进以及社会资本在市场化背景下作用的变化,两性的收入差距在进一步拉大。  相似文献   

This study examines the re‐entrance of female workers into the Korean labor market. We highlight that women in their 40s have the highest rate of employment among all female workers and that a large proportion of these women are entering into non‐standard employment. In approaching this question, we examine the political economy of this phenomenon by first discussing the demand side of the Korean labor market using the gendering of the varieties of capitalism argument and then the supply side with the work–life balance argument. When examining re‐entrance into the labor market, women with general skills with lower education and higher education both found it more feasible to re‐enter the labor market as non‐standard workers. While work–life balance is a prominent reason for women's choice of opting out of the labor market, work–life balance choice mattered less for women re‐entering the labor market as non‐standard workers in their 40s and 50s but instead firmly based skill formation mattered more. In addition, the retail service industry is suggested to absorb a large number of female workers with lower skill levels who would have had difficulties in re‐entering other male‐oriented companies.  相似文献   

In the past decade, Canadian federal and provincial governments have designed programmes to facilitate entry into trades in an attempt to stimulate economic growth. As part of these efforts, increasing attention is focusing on programmes to encourage women to enter skilled trades, while paying little attention to those trades traditionally dominated by females. In this article, we explore the gendered dimensions of apprenticeship programmes in Canada, demonstrating the ways in which gender inequality is reproduced by programmes that situate employers and women as responsible for change. In particular, using a case study, we illustrate that the gendered structure of the labour market is preserved and reproduced. While efforts have targeted women to facilitate entry into non‐traditional occupations such as electricians and plumbers, female‐dominated trades such as hairstylists remain untouched, thereby sustaining the gendered wage structure of the economy. Thus women remain segregated in low‐paying trades and receive fewer public supports when pursuing training in these segregated trades. The article argues that apprenticeship training and certification is constructed to respond to the needs of male‐dominated trades, but not the needs of female‐dominated trades. Ultimately, the public policy decisions that make up the apprenticeship training and certification system in Canada reproduce gender inequality.  相似文献   

职业是决定就业人员劳动收入,继而影响居民收入差距程度的重要变量。本文利用国家统计局2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据中的子样本,对职业与收入差别之间的关系做了经验分析,结果发现职业间收入差距可以解释城镇就业人员收入总体差距的12-17%。造成这种差别的主要原因有二:一是由于各职业对就业人员人力资本上的要求有差异,从而导致了职业间劳动要素报酬上的差异;二是劳动力市场、地区分割所带来的不同职业问人员自由流动的障碍,造成了这种收入差别。前一种原因强调了人力资本的作用,这应当是市场化改革的积极成效;而后一种原因反映的却是现阶段的市场化改革还不彻底。因此,为了缩小职业间不合理的收入差距,我们还应进一步深化改革,尽可能地排除由于市场、地区分割造成的不同职业间人员自由流动的障碍。  相似文献   

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