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The three classic pillars of risk analysis are risk assessment (how big is the risk and how sure can we be?), risk management (what shall we do about it?), and risk communication (what shall we say about it, to whom, when, and how?). We propose two complements as important parts of these three bases: risk attribution (who or what addressable conditions actually caused an accident or loss?) and learning from experience about risk reduction (what works, and how well?). Failures in complex systems usually evoke blame, often with insufficient attention to root causes of failure, including some aspects of the situation, design decisions, or social norms and culture. Focusing on blame, however, can inhibit effective learning, instead eliciting excuses to deflect attention and perceived culpability. Productive understanding of what went wrong, and how to do better, thus requires moving past recrimination and excuses. This article identifies common blame‐shifting “lame excuses” for poor risk management. These generally contribute little to effective improvements and may leave real risks and preventable causes unaddressed. We propose principles from risk and decision sciences and organizational design to improve results. These start with organizational leadership. More specifically, they include: deliberate testing and learning—especially from near‐misses and accident precursors; careful causal analysis of accidents; risk quantification; candid expression of uncertainties about costs and benefits of risk‐reduction options; optimization of tradeoffs between gathering additional information and immediate action; promotion of safety culture; and mindful allocation of people, responsibilities, and resources to reduce risks. We propose that these principles provide sound foundations for improving successful risk management.  相似文献   

The paper complements Abu-Orf's theory about violent settings by setting out a theory of fear in urban planning in ordinary urban contexts around three arguments: spatialization of fear; (modernist) spatialities and the encounter and political economies of urban fear. The three theoretical arguments are used to re-frame the planning history of Chelas, an affordable housing district in Lisbon, Portugal, and debate the way fear shapes, and is shaped in turn by, planning practice. Confirming that (growing) fear in ordinary urban contexts is not just an effect of the contemporary organization of cities, the paper argues for a theorization of fear that combines global (hegemonic) and a local (discursive/contingent) perspectives in the theorization of urban fear, and advocates for the need to put fear, and its capacity to create a crisis in urban policy, at the heart of planners' agendas.  相似文献   

饭店企业核心竞争力概念探析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
面对经济全球化下新的竞争态势,饭店企业迫切需要适合饭店经营特点的核心竞争力理论的指导,以实现可持续的竞争优势。本文从对国内外核心竞争力的概念分析出发,运用普拉哈拉德和哈默的核心竞争力"树型"理论推出饭店企业核心竞争力的基本概念,并对概念的内涵进行了剖析,为核心竞争力理论在服务业企业中的运用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

中国管理本土研究:理念定义及范式设计   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
李平 《管理学报》2010,7(5):633-641,648
长期以来学术界一直有人认为本土研究有益并且重要,因为它能对研究任何国家及文化的本土现象及问题提供深度的认识.本土研究表面上类似于某些学者常说的情境化研究,但本土研究的难度和挑战更大.该文的目的是更为清晰地阐明本土研究的理念定义,同时也更为系统性地提供本土研究的范式设计,特别是如何应用阴阳思维方式整合西方理论.  相似文献   

Resilience is a concept incorporating a vast range of contemporary risks and over recent years has become increasingly important to our understanding of contemporary planning policy and practice. This paper examines the changing nature of resilience strategies since 2000 and highlights how planners increasingly are asked to contribute to this agenda. Drawing on the emerging theories of urban resilience, this paper charts the emergence of different ‘styles’ of resilience over the last decade in the UK, with an emphasis on a range of policies associated with designing safer spaces. Emerging lessons are then deployed to highlight how a new generation of urban resilience practice is now emerging associated with embedding resiliency into local place-making activities. This paper concludes by reflecting upon the multiple uses of resilience in planning practice.  相似文献   

This paper recognizes the failure of management research to communicate with practitioners, and speculates over the reasons why this may be the case. It is possible that the researchers’ interests may not always coincide with management practitioners’; however, even when such interests are congruent, it seems that relatively little management research is published in practitioner journals. We suggest that this is because academic research is written in a style that tends to alienate most practitioners. This paper isolates the stylistic conventions associated with research targeted to academics (typically published in academic journals) and research targeted to practitioners (typically published in practitioner‐oriented journals). Such stylistic differences are illustrated through a study of organizational change whose findings have been published in both academic and practitioner format, namely in the Administrative Science Quarterly and the Harvard Business Review. We suggest that the gap between these two types of research could be narrowed through processes of translation (i.e. academic jargon could be translated in practitioner language). In addition we might consider greater use of Mode 2 research over Mode 1 research (academic). Mode 2 research presupposes that teams of academics and practitioners assemble to define the research problem and methodology in terms appropriate to a particular context and in a way that accounts for all existing interests so that translation processes are seamless. However, Mode 2 creates its own gap in that the knowledge is more contextual and may not reach a wide audience.  相似文献   

本文以新经济形态下的网络组织交易模式--网络治理为研究对象,试图回答网络治理之所以成为企业竞争优势源泉的原因.为此,本文在新制度经济学交易成本思想的分析背景中,在治理结构连续体的基础上,将网络治理对应于这种分析背景中的混合治理模型展开分析.然后,根据经济学和管理学中已有的治理和战略、价值贡献要素以及竞争优势的规范逻辑关系,得到网络治理和竞争优势的关系.最后,本文应用资源基础论中一个关于企业战略选择价值分析的VRIO模型,尝试解析网络治理作为企业竞争优势源泉的原因,并为此提供了一个基本的概念分析框架和相应的研究假设.  相似文献   

艾时钟  杜荣 《管理学报》2009,6(4):432-434,443
为治理管理学领域学术界与企业界脱节的顽症,基于法理学和指示优先级程式方法,提出指示优先级的程式化管理科学研究方法:将研究复杂管理问题的过程分解成相互关联的4个活动方面和8个主要活动,构成管理科学研究中的"指示优先级轮",以保持各个活动方面和主要活动的均衡为原则,纠正研究过程中的不平衡现象.分析了该方法的理论含义,剖析这一方法为什么有助于促进理论与实践相结合,从而解决理论与实践脱节问题,并阐述指示优先级程式方法的实践应用.实践应用表明:该方法的应用,可避免管理科学研究中重理论轻实践或重实践轻理论2种偏向,使管理研究过程的管理科学理论与管理实践行为相结合.  相似文献   

韩杨  罗瑾琏  钟竞 《管理科学》2016,29(1):70-85
领导力及组织双元领域的研究认为,领导者的悖论认知模式和管理行为对于组织中任何一种双元形式的构建都发挥着重要的作用。然而,目前学术界对于这种复杂领导方式的具体作用效果及影响机制,尤其是对于团队创新过程中如何有针对性地处理团队整体性与个体差异性间存在的突出矛盾这一问题仍然缺乏深入的研究。 基于社会认知理论、组织双元理论和动态能力理论,从团队惯例视角出发,构建双元领导行为-团队双元文化-团队创新绩效的影响过程模型,探讨领导行为的协调作用,同时以成员自我调节导向和环境动态性作为调节变量,研究在此影响过程中团队内、外部情景因素的调节作用。采用SPSS 17.0和AMOS 17.0进行多层次回归分析和组间方差分析,对来自长三角区域高新技术型企业中123个知识团队的调研数据进行实证分析。 研究结果表明,①双元领导对团队创新绩效具有积极影响并且显著优于单一领导方式,而变革型领导和交易型领导对团队创新绩效的影响并无显著差异,但要显著优于无明显领导风格的团队,且这两种领导方式能够产生协同效应,其交互正向影响团队创新绩效;②双元领导主要通过团队双元文化部分中介作用直接或间接影响团队创新绩效,但其所包含的变革型和交易型领导行为对团队创新绩效的作用机理存在差异,变革型领导主要通过适应性文化的部分中介作用直接和间接影响创新绩效,交易型领导则通过一致性文化的部分中介作用直接和间接影响创新绩效;③自我调节导向在双元领导与团队创新绩效关系间发挥正向调节作用;④环境动态性在双元领导与团队创新绩效关系间发挥正向调节作用。  相似文献   

从神经经济学和神经营销学到神经管理学   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
神经科学是20世纪最重要的科学之一,随着脑成像和脑电测量技术的日益成熟,近年来在心理学、社会学、经济学、管理学等领域的应用与交叉融合取得了重要的发展.本文介绍了21世纪出现在经济与管理领域中的两个重要的、与神经科学交叉发展的学科:神经经济学和神经营销学.从它们的发展以及最新的研究成果来看,两者虽然同采用神经科学方法,都是研究个体行为的脑活动,却受各自学科研究方法的影响,表现出较大的差异.进而,本文分析了神经科学引入管理科学的可行途径,提出了神经管理学的概念及其主要的可能发展的方面,提出神经科学对管理科学的交叉,其将引起管理科学的革命性的发展,开创新的广阔的研究领域.  相似文献   

Employees need to regulate their own emotions as well as the emotions of others to enhance the quality of interactions with their colleagues. How well this is achieved has important outcomes for both employees and the organizations in which they work. In the field of organizational science, however, differing approaches have emerged regarding the conceptualization and operationalization of emotion regulation (ER) particularly in terms of interpersonal interactions. The present review examines contemporary theoretical perspectives of ER and its measurement with a view to resolving the confusion that currently exists around interpersonal ER in a workplace context. To understand how this field of research has developed so diversely, the authors begin by demonstrating the influence of three major individual‐level ER models on interpersonal‐level approaches: (1) the ER process model; (2) emotional labor; and (3) emotional intelligence. Moreover, to make sense of the range of interpersonal‐level research underpinned by these theories, the authors present a 2×2 categorization, developed by Zaki and Williams (2013), which shows how workplace researchers have variously approached interpersonal ER as an intrinsic vs. extrinsic process, with activation of either response‐dependent or response‐independent categories. This categorization broadly shows interpersonal ER theory used in work contexts tends to fall into four groupings as: (1) a purely extrinsic process; (2) a differentiation of extrinsic interpersonal from intrinsic individual ER; (3) co‐occurring intrinsic and extrinsic interpersonal ER; or (4) interpersonal coregulation. This paper also discusses the measurement of interpersonal ER and concludes by highlighting emerging research directions.  相似文献   

From QA to TQM     
Tyler RD 《Physician executive》1991,17(3):25-6, 28
In the decade from 1950 to 1960, two quality-related processes--medical audit and total quality management--were being developed, one directly in the health care field and the other in the manufacturing sector. These processes remained isolated from each other until the mid-1980s. Each would have a separate but major effect on the health care industry.  相似文献   

上个世纪80年代,蓝里集团总经理任建新及其团队开拓了中国的工业清洗市场。随后,蓝星以整合者的姿态进入化工新材料行业.成为新格局中的领航者。2005年后,蓝星通过三次大规模的跨国并购,奠定了自己在化工新材料行业的主导者地位。在机会、资源和能力共同推动的企业成长过程中,蓝星集团成长的战略逻辑跃然纸上。  相似文献   

随着中国管理实践研究的深入发展,其研究主体多元化的格局正逐渐清晰起来。除了高校和研究机构中的管理学者是重要的研究主体之外,诸如管理咨询机构、企业研究院等也日益成为不可忽视的研究力量。研究主体与评价主体之间存在多种不同的对应关系,这其中蕴藏着关于客户的深层次问题。金蝶的管理研究实践,不仅对这一问题予以回应,也引发了对由实践客户驱动的评价路径与策略的探索。管理学者可以寻求社会中的多股力量,来共同推动中国管理实践研究的发展及其评价系统的优化。  相似文献   

Strategic coalignment involves a configuration comprising the external environment, internal organizational arrangements and organizational effectiveness. Each of the above elements is constrained, quasi-deterministic (especially in the short-term) and multidimensional. For the open systems property of equifinality to be satisfied, organizational effectiveness profiles need to be considered endogenous to a gestalt containing all the three elements. Strategic fit would then be assessed in terms of the consistency of the gestalt. This approach would also position coalignment research more consistently with strategic management's goal of adaptive fit, as well the other open systems property of homeostasis. A modified analytical approach is suggested.  相似文献   

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