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The present study was conducted to improve implementation fidelity of discrete trial training procedures. Three participants were selected from a special education school providing services for students with intellectual disabilities. Staff behaviors measured included the correct implementation of a prompt hierarchy, the accuracy of data recorded, the correct delivery of prompts, and whether procedures were correctly set up for the following day's activities. Intervention consisted of daily verbal and graphic feedback and a lottery-based incentive system in which staff had to perform at a set goal level for the week in order to be eligible for entry into a drawing. A multiple-baseline-across-participants design was utilized to evaluate the effects of the intervention package, and integrity improved consistently for all participants during the intervention.  相似文献   

The banquet staff at a north Texas hotel were responsible for setting up 11 different functions for conferences and meetings. The functions were often set up late and items were often omitted. An analysis suggested that performance problems were Ihe result of weak antecedents, inefficient work procedures, inadequate training, and weak performance contingencies. A treatment package consisting of task checklists, feedback, goal setting, monetary bonuses for quality performance, training and job aids was designed to enhance the accuracy and timeliness of function setups. Performance increased from an average of 68.8% on a quality measure (accuracy plus timeliness of setups) in baseline to 99.7% during the treatment phase. Performance decreased to 82.3% during a second baseline phase in which the intervention was discontinued by hotel management. Performance increased to 99.3% with the reintroduction of the treatment package. Customer satisfaction ratings of banquet setups and service were high during the interventions. Treatment effects are discussed with respect to rule-governed behavior.  相似文献   

We evaluated the impact of a customized training program developed using an observation and behavioral coding software system (i.e., Train-to-Code) to teach implementation of Phase 3A of the Picture Exchange Communication System to four undergraduate students. The training program coached participants on all relevant steps of the procedure. To accomplish this, participants viewed multiple video exemplars of correct and incorrect implementation of each step in the sequence of behaviors, and coded these behaviors in accordance with a taxonomy developed by the experimenters. The training program provided prompts and feedback in real time based on participants’ current level of performance and required mastery of seven levels of training, each with fewer prompts and feedback, until an expert level of unprompted coding performance was demonstrated. A multiple baseline design across participants was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program on levels of procedural integrity during performance test probes conducted with a confederate learner before and after the completion of the training program. Results showed improved performance relative to baseline following training, and maintenance of performance at 2–4 weeks follow-up. A conceptual analysis of these findings will be discussed, along with implications for staff training in applied settings.  相似文献   

To study the differential effects of two types of performance feedback described as either cueing or evaluative "knowledge of results," two monthly reports embodying one or the other type of feedback were distributed to staff in a community mental health center. Evaluative reports consisted mainly of summary statistics in the form of service delivery indices presented in a manner that allowed each service area to compare its current perform that allowed each service area to compare its current performance with its past performance and with the performancec of all other service areas. Although it was found that the effects varied among and within feedback groups and across the dependent variables, the indices fluctuated primarily as a function of instructional antecedents and evaluative feedback. Aside from the quantitative analyses it was widely observed that the performance feedback system had contributed extensively to orienting the Center toward data-based management.  相似文献   


Baked anodes are used in finished aluminum production. Employees of a large multinational aluminum smelter were responsible for the production of more than 3500 baked anodes per week. During a 74 week long baseline (A) condition, production of unusable anodes exceeded 300 per week or 8.6 percent of their nominal 3500 anode production requirement. A problem analysis suggested that this high rate of defective anodes might have been due to weak antecedents, inefficient work procedures and weak performance contingencies. An intervention package that included a combination of goal setting, performance feedback, and tangible rewards was designed to strengthen antecedents and consequences of job performance. A performance feedback system was introduced with and remained constant across the three types of performance contingent rewards and three successively higher goal levels. The three reward and goal combinations were introduced to “strengthen” antecedents and performance contingencies within an A-B1-B2-B3-A with reversal to baseline conditions design. Anode reject rates were lower (better performance) during the three intervention phases compared to both the pre- and post-intervention baseline phase data. A dramatic performance improvement (lowered rate of rejects) was observed during the B3 phase that included the highest performance goal. These data demonstrate that a treatment combination of specific goal setting, feedback and tangible rewards can “strengthen” antecedents and performance contingencies resulting in improved objective performance in a manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of 3 training procedures on the correct implementation of a dog walking and enrichment protocol (DWEP). During the shelter’s typical training, volunteers correctly implemented just over half of all DWEP steps (M = 55.2%). Correct implementation of the DWEP procedure improved when participants completed a video-based self-training package (M = 75.3%) but did not reach the preestablished mastery criterion of 85% fidelity with 0 safety errors. Correct implementation improved during coaching (M = 90.6%), which consisted of modeling and positive and corrective feedback, and was maintained during 1-week and 1-month follow-up probes. Criterion performance was demonstrated by 2 of 3 participants at the conclusion of the study.  相似文献   

Audits of store order pallets or totes performed by auditors at five distribution centers (two experimental and three comparison distribution centers) were used to check for picking accuracy prior to being loaded onto a truck for store delivery. Replacing the paper audits with wireless handheld computers that included immediate auditory and visual feedback was instrumental in increasing the number of audits by nearly 89% without incurring overtime hours for the auditors. Increasing the number of audits meant that more orders were checked for accuracy within an 8-hr shift. The errors and inefficiencies noted with paper audits were eliminated immediately at implementation. The role of the organizational behavior management (OBM) practitioner in designing work procedure changes using technical solutions to accelerate key operational processes was examined.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported. In the f i s t it was shown that the introduction of activity period procedures by ward staff in a mental handicap hospital resulted in a marked increase in the level of residents' engaged behavior (mean 6.5% to mean 49.5%). with corresponding reductions in the incidence of neutral and inappropriate behavior. However, resident improvement alone did not result in the maintenance of these procedures during a 6 month follow-up period. The second study involved all levels of staff in the introduction of maintenance procedures, including private feedback to individuals, public display of resident engagement data, a reporting system using the existing hospital hierarchy, and a multidisciplinary management group. The introduction of this system in parallel with the reintroduction of the activity period procedures resulted in (a) further improvement in resident behavior (mean engagement levels increased from 19.1% to 6.16% and (b) consistency by the staff in following specified procedures. These high levels of resident engagement (mean 62%), and consistent staff practices were still maintained 30 weeks after the study ended.  相似文献   

Under some circumstances such as the lack of commitment of peers or the imposition of excessive authority, many employees tend to turn a blind eye to either the development of new, more effective procedures or recognise that new or modified customer needs have developed. In these situations, organisational commitment is a preliminary step not only to the effective implementation of current procedures but also to questioning values of the organisation and future needs of customers. This study proposes that organisational commitment helps alleviate these problems by maintaining an ambidextrous perspective between procedural memory and peripheral vision to promote continuous learning. This research has therefore been conducted to explain both conceptually and empirically how peripheral vision could interact with and influence procedural memory, and hence facilitate continuous learning (CL) within the business. While peripheral vision is often associated with developing and supporting knowledge structures for the exploration of new opportunities and with identifying and addressing new clients, many consider these knowledge structures as examples of organisational routines and procedures, and thus as aspects of the ‘procedural memory’ of an organisation. To contribute to the understanding of these relationships, this study addresses two questions: (1) Are outcomes of CL processes within the organisation determined by the presence of organisational procedural memory – both skills and knowledge, and (2) Does an improved peripheral vision result in higher levels of learning? After using PLS-SEM on a sample of 203 employees of Spanish banks, our findings support the theory that peripheral vision facilitates the emergence of new and unconventional behaviours within a culture, which in turn has a positive effect on the firm’s continuous learning.  相似文献   


Despite the documented benefits Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) applications can have on service provision for people with developmental disabilities, OBM is not widely practiced in service systems. One variable that may impact the utilization of OBM is how acceptable the associated procedures are to staff. The research on procedural acceptability in OBM is summarized in terms of two primary methods for determining consumer satisfaction with management procedures-rating scales and discrete choices. Results of acceptability assessments utilizing ratings scales have repeatedly indicated high degrees of staff acceptance for virtually all OBM procedures. However, when staff have been asked to choose among management procedures, clear and consistent differences in acceptability have been apparent. Suggested directions for future research focus on improving acceptability assessment methodology, developing guidelines for implementing effective OBM procedures in a manner that is most acceptable to staff, and involving supervisory and professional staff in acceptability evaluations.  相似文献   

This study was designed to improve an important service for severely mentally retarded adolescents and adults. The overall objective was to investigate the effect on client and staff behavior of implementing procedures designed to achieve change in three priority service areas selected by the families and staff. The experimental design was a three phase time series design. In the final phase, three procedures designed to achieve change in the selected areas were introduced sequentially. The service areas selected were staff organization, staff-family communication and clients' recreational activities. The setting supervisors monitored staff use of the procedures by means of a structured checklist and gave staff direct feedback on their performance. Checklists used by the researchers revealed consistent use of the procedures by staff. Observational measures showed marked changes in the behavior of both staff and their clients. Comparisons of interviews with staff and families conducted prior to and following the interventions revealed general satisfaction with changes achieved and increased staff emphasis on client teaching. This study demonstrated the feasibility and desirability of involving staff and families in making plans for service improvement.  相似文献   

This study investigated factors associated with the perceptions of stress reported by nurses in a general hospital environment in the UK. The levels and sources of stress experienced by nursing staff were examined in relation to the type of ward or department, and nursing grade. The association between reported stress and job satisfaction was also examined. By means of a self-completion questionnaire survey, data were collected from 234 nurses from 24 wards in a single general hospital. The Brayfield and Rothe job satisfaction index was used to provide data for analysis. Factor analysis, analysis of variance, and Pearson product moment correlation procedures were performed on these data. The factor analysis identified two main factors concerned with sources of stress: interpersonal relations and resource problems, and dealing with death. Although there were no differences found across wards, the analyses of variance revealed that reported stress varied over different nursing grades. It was also found that job satisfaction was correlated with nursing experience and negatively related to stress.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of staff performance feedback delivered by a supervisor verbally, and combined with written feedback on geriatric nursing assistants' (GNAs) completion of assigned prompted voiding. The goal of the staff management procedures was to increase the frequency of prompted voiding which would consequently maintain improvements in continence brought about on a specialized continence unit. The basic staff management system included GNA self-monitoring of their performance of prompted voiding, periodic supervisory monitoring, and verbal and graphic feedback provided to all GNAs on their performance. At a later time, the staff management program was modified to include letters of praise or disapproval sent bi-weekly to all GNAs based on their performance of the prompted voiding procedure. Also, a letter was sent to all GNAs every three months summarizing their performance during this period. These summary letters were placed in the GNAs' personnel file and used as part of their annual performance evaluation. Results suggest that, although individual verbal feedback alone resulted in acceptable maintenance of prompted voiding, the addition of written feedback produced significant improvements in the number of assigned prompted voiding completed. This study displays the utility and practicality of employing formalized staff management procedures in nursing homes.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Australian university sector has undergone large-scale organizational change, including restructuring, downsizing and government funding cuts. At the same time, research from across the globe reports an alarming increase in the occupational stress experienced by university staff. We report on the first phase of a longitudinal investigation of occupational stress. A total of 22 focus groups were conducted with a representative sample of 178 academic and general staff from 15 Australian universities. The groups focused on understanding staff 's experience of occupational stress, and perceptions of the sources, consequences and moderators of stress. Both general and academic staff reported a dramatic increase in stress during the previous 5 years. As a group, academic staff reported higher levels of stress than general staff. Five major sources of stress were identified including: insufficient funding and resources; work overload; poor management practice; job insecurity; and insufficient recognition and reward. The majority of groups reported that job-related stress was having a deleterious impact on their professional work and personal welfare. Aspects of the work environment (support from co-workers and management, recognition and achievement, high morale, flexible working conditions), and personal coping strategies (stress management techniques, work/ non-work balance, tight role boundaries and lowering standards), were reported to help staff cope with stress. The findings provide a timely insight into the experience of stress within universities.  相似文献   

如何提升应聘者的公平感、降低拒聘带来的负面溢出效应是招聘实践中亟待解决的问题。基于甄选过程采取纵向研究设计,以416名应届毕业生求职者为样本,分别在应聘前、应聘后结果知晓前和结果知晓后3个时点收集数据,运用层次回归分析方法,考察落选者报复意愿的预测变量、甄选程序公平感的来源及其中介效应。研究结果表明,工作吸引力和雇佣期望对应聘者的甄选程序公平感有显著的正向预测作用,消极情感的预测作用不显著;工作吸引力、甄选程序公平对落选者的报复意愿有显著的负向预测作用,雇佣期望和消极情感对报复意愿有正向预测作用;甄选程序公平的中介效应不显著;良好的工作设计和合理公平的招聘过程有助于降低招聘的负面溢出效应。  相似文献   


In recent years, the Australian university sector has undergone large-scale organizational change, including restructuring, downsizing and government funding cuts. At the same time, research from across the globe reports an alarming increase in the occupational stress experienced by university staff. We report on the first phase of a longitudinal investigation of occupational stress. A total of 22 focus groups were conducted with a representative sample of 178 academic and general staff from 15 Australian universities. The groups focused on understanding staff 's experience of occupational stress, and perceptions of the sources, consequences and moderators of stress. Both general and academic staff reported a dramatic increase in stress during the previous 5 years. As a group, academic staff reported higher levels of stress than general staff. Five major sources of stress were identified including: insufficient funding and resources; work overload; poor management practice; job insecurity; and insufficient recognition and reward. The majority of groups reported that job-related stress was having a deleterious impact on their professional work and personal welfare. Aspects of the work environment (support from co-workers and management, recognition and achievement, high morale, flexible working conditions), and personal coping strategies (stress management techniques, work/ non-work balance, tight role boundaries and lowering standards), were reported to help staff cope with stress. The findings provide a timely insight into the experience of stress within universities.  相似文献   

This is a review of published longitudinal empirical research on the impact of restructuring on employee well-being. We investigated whether restructuring accompanied by staff reductions impacts differently on worker well-being than restructuring without staff reductions, and the differences between short- and long-term effects of restructuring. Furthermore, we investigated the mechanisms that explain these effects. We conducted a literature search on longitudinal, peer-reviewed, English-written studies from the period 2000–2012. Thirty-nine papers fulfilled the inclusion criteria. We found that restructuring events, with and without staff reductions, mainly have a negative impact on the well-being of employees. The majority of studies showed negative changes over time, in the short and the long term. Some groups of workers reacted less negatively: for example, workers with a high organizational status before a merger and workers who underwent a change in workgroup. Variables that intervened in the relationship between restructuring and well-being were physical demands, job control, communication, provision of information, training, procedural justice, job insecurity and change acceptance. Further high-quality longitudinal research is needed to get more insight into the impact of restructuring over time and into the part played by intervening variables.  相似文献   

Federal and State regulations regarding education for handicapped children require that teachers document plans and evaluate instructional programs on a regular basis. This study investigated the performance of teachers on their documentation of services provided their students. The study employed a multiple baseline across schools designed to assess a performance feedback intervention. Following the initiation of feedback, large increases over baseline were observed for teachers in both schools on two performance measures: Percentage of instructional programs (IPs) planned: and percentage of teachers recording evaluation information on IPs. Results of the study are discussed with respect to the usefulness of performance feedback ss a practical, cost-effective intervention procedure for supervisors and administrators in organizational settings.  相似文献   

Employee-based errors result in quality defects that can often impact customer satisfaction. This study examined the effects of a process change and feedback system intervention on error rates of 3 teams of retail furniture distribution warehouse workers. Archival records of error codes were analyzed and aggregated as the measure of quality. The intervention consisted of a process change where teams of 5 employees who had previously been assigned a specific role within the process were cross-trained to know and help with other team members' functions. Additionally, these teams were given performance feedback on an immediate, daily, and weekly basis. Team A reduced mean errors from 7.47 errors per week during baseline to 3.53 errors per week during the intervention phase. Team B experienced a reduction in mean number of weekly errors from a baseline of 11.39 errors per week to 3.82 errors per week during the intervention phase. Team C did not experience significant error rate reduction.  相似文献   

The effects of a behavioral attendance program on the amount of absences of 15 chronic attendance abusers in a state institution were investigated. The program involved three primary components of low monetary cost: systematic supervisory counseling with each staff member, commendation letters for criterion-achieved attendance levels, and a behavioral lottery system. The program was implemented on two workshifts in multiple baseline fashion and was accompanied by absentee reductions for the majority of staff on each shift. In total, 11 of the 15 chronically absent staff reduced their absenteeism during the program, although considerable variability across individual staff was observed. Results are discussed regarding the need for effective, low cost procedures for reducing absenteeism in state institutions and the advantages of focusing on those staff persons exhibiting chronic absenteeism.  相似文献   

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