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A methodological strategy for a one-number census in the UK   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
As a result of lessons learnt from the 1991 census, a research programme was set up to seek improvements in census methodology. Underenumeration has been placed top of the agenda in this programme, and every effort is being made to achieve as high a coverage as possible in the 2001 census. In recognition, however, that 100% coverage will never be achieved, the one-number census (ONC) project was established to measure the degree of underenumeration in the 2001 census and, if possible, to adjust fully the outputs from the census for that undercount. A key component of this adjustment process is a census coverage survey (CCS). This paper presents an overview of the ONC project, focusing on the design and analysis methodology for the CCS. It also presents results that allow the reader to evaluate the robustness of this methodology.  相似文献   

The author describes the trial population census that was scheduled to take place in the USSR in December 1986 to test methodology, programs, and computational techniques to be used in the 1989 census. The sample for the trial census was 800,000 individuals residing in various parts of the country.  相似文献   

"A census of population and housing, which contributes immensely to the development of social statistics and national statistical services in general, has been carried out at least once in every African country except Chad. The common issues and widespread practices of design, implementation, processing, and evaluation of this census are reviewed. Also reviewed are the problems that arise at each of these stages of conducting the census; problems arising as a result of the socio-economic and physical peculiarities of African conditions."  相似文献   

陈小龙 《统计研究》1999,16(3):28-32
中国实行改革开放政策以来,极大地解放和发展了农村生产力,使中国农村社会经济发生了深刻的历史性变化,农村统计也不断面临着挑战,急需改革和完善。1997年首次中国农业普查的成功,为进一步改善中国农村统计工作提供了一个良好的机遇。一、传统农村统计的形成和现...  相似文献   

Selected results from the 1989 Soviet census concerning the urban population are presented for the whole country and for individual republics.  相似文献   

Selected results from the 1989 Soviet census are presented. They concern population size, sex ratio, and age distribution of the rural and urban population for the whole country and constituent republics; and number of families and family size by rural and urban areas for the whole country and constituent republics.  相似文献   

胡桂华 《统计研究》2011,28(3):90-98
 人口普查误差,即普查登记人数与“人口数真值”之差,也叫净误差,实际上是普查遗漏人数抵消普查错误计数人数的结果。净误差掩盖了人口普查中所发生的错误计数和遗漏这两个方面的错误的真实情况。美国普查局决定,在2010年人口普查的事后质量检查中,除了像以往一样继续估计净误差之外,还将估计错误计数人数和遗漏人数。这是对人口普查事后质量检查工作的一项重大改进。本文在解读有关文献的基础上,讨论了估计错误计数人数和遗漏人数的途径、数据准备以及抽样估计的有关问题。  相似文献   

方志华 《统计研究》2007,24(7):41-43
 数据质量是经济普查的生命线。本文在全面总结第一次经济普查工作经验的基础上,紧紧围绕实现第二次经济普查的任务和目标,从总结、改进、精简和提高的角度,深刻剖析经济普查的重点和难点问题,指出要从科学设计和高效组织等方面采取具体措施来更有效地开展新形势下的经济普查。  相似文献   

"The 1991 census contained, for the first time, a question on the ethnic group of each member of the population of Great Britain. This paper reports on how a question was developed which has a sufficiently high degree of acceptance from all the main ethnic groups, and which is answered sufficiently accurately, to justify inclusion in the census."  相似文献   

"This paper gives a brief introduction to multiple imputation for handling non-response in surveys. We then describe a recently completed project in which multiple imputation was used to recalibrate industry and occupation codes in 1970 U.S. census public use samples to the 1980 standard. Using analyses of data from the project, we examine the utility of analysing a large data set having imputed values compared with analysing a small data set having true values, and we provide examples of the amount by which variability is underestimated by using just one imputation rather than multiple imputations."  相似文献   

The logistic model has some limitations when applied to the sparse census data sets, typically available for developing countries. In such a situation, the relative growth rates (RGR) exhibit some unusual trends which are different from the common decreasing trend of logistic law. To explain such irregular trends we extend the logistic law by incorporating nonlinear positive and negative feedback terms. We performed RGR modelling as a function of time, as the size covariate model is not analytically solvable and the underlying model is better identifiable in the former case. It can also detect the demographic phase change point of developing country.  相似文献   

The ethnic composition of the USSR is described using data from the 1979 census of population. Tables provide information for the country as a whole and for individual republics and autonomous districts on nationality, the number of people who speak Russian fluently, and those who consider Russian their native language.  相似文献   

Summary The last censuses in Germany were accomplished in 1987 (former federal states) and 1981 (new federal states), respectively. Germany was the only country which did not participate in the EU-wide census in 2000. A traditional census was not feasible on political scale due to high costs and low acceptance by the population. Complete, precise and actual statistical registers as a condition for a register based census, are non-existent in Germany. Official statisticians developed a model for a register based census with interviewer-based surveys kept to a minimum. As the basic conditions were not favourable the model became very complex and many methods and procedures had to be developed for the special case of German registers. Core model elements were tested in a census test, such as quality of registers (e. g. municipal population registers, registers of the federal labour agency) and practicability of procedures (e. g. merging of registers, household generation). The test result was that a register based census is possible but much development work still has to be done, as the registers do not have an acceptable quality yet. Additional interviewer based surveys will be necessary for correction of errors of the register and survey of additional variables. This is also true if measures to improve municipal population registers, e. g. a feedback procedure and a nationwide tax number are taken into account. So these measures will not substitute the additional interviewer based surveys. Provided that the essential investments in development and preparation will be performed, Germany could participate in the 2011 EU-census-round with a register based census at a fraction of the cost of a traditional census. Finally, the census 2011 will show the real quality of the registers, how the model will work throughout the country and which measures have to be taken before the following census.
Zusammenfassung In Deutschland wurde die letzte Volksz?hlung 1987 (Alte Bundesl?nder) bzw. 1981 (Neue Bundesl?nder) durchgeführt. An dem EU-weiten Zensus um das Jahr 2000 beteiligte sich Deutschland als einziger EU-Staat nicht, da ein herk?mmlicher Zensus aus Kosten- und Akzeptanzgründen politisch nicht durchsetzbar war. Die Voraussetzungen für einen Registerzensus, d. h. Statistikregister, die alle ben?tigten Merkmale mit hinreichender Genauigkeit und Aktualit?t enthalten, waren und sind nicht vorhanden. Amtliche Statistiker entwickelten ein Modell für einen registergestützten Zensus mit einem m?glichst geringen Anteil an prim?rstatistischen Erhebungen. Aufgrund der für einen Zensus auf Basis von Registern ungünstigen Rahmenbedingungen wurde dieses Modell relativ komplex und in vielen Bereichen statistisches Neuland betreten. Wesentliche Elemente des Modells wurden in einem sog. Zensustest überprüft. Getestet wurden insbesondere die Qualit?t und Aktualit?t vorhandener Register, wie Melderegister und Dateien der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, sowie die Eignung und Wirksamkeit der Verfahren, wie Zusammenführungen der Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen und Haushaltegenerierung. Die Tests best?tigten die Machbarkeit des Zensusmodells, zeigten aber gleichzeitig, dass noch umfangreiche Entwicklungsarbeiten erforderlich sind und dass die Register noch keine Qualit?t aufweisen, die einen Verzicht auf prim?rstatistische Erhebungen zur Korrektur und Erg?nzung der Registerergebnisse zulassen. Dies gilt auch unter Berücksichtigung der in den n?chsten Jahren vorgesehenen Ma?nahmen zur Verbesserung der Qualit?t der Melderegister, wie die Einführung eines elektronischen Rückmeldeverfahrens oder die Erg?nzung der Melderegister um eine bundeseinheitliche Steuernummer für jede Person. Soweit in den n?chsten Jahren die erforderlichen Investitionen in Entwicklung und Vorbereitung eines registergestützten Zensus get?tigt werden, k?nnte in Deutschland im Rahmen der n?chsten EU-Zensusrunde ein solcher Zensus im Jahre 2011 zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten eines herk?mmlichen Zensus durchgeführt werden. Erst mit diesem Zensus k?nnte dann letztlich festgestellt werden, welche Qualit?t die Register zu diesem Zeitpunkt aufweisen, wie sich das Modell eines registergestützten Zensus (fl?chendeckend) in der Praxis bew?hrt und welche Ma?nahmen für darauf folgende Zensen in Angriff genommen werden müssen.

郭未 《统计研究》2013,30(6):85-88
人口普查是世界各国广泛采用的搜集人口资料的一种科学方法,它为国家制定政策提供权威的人口数据,但是,历届人口普查都面临着重报、漏报等严重问题。身份证号码虽然仅有18位,但是信息丰富,而且每位公民的号码都是唯一的,不可重复的。在普查中询问身份证号码,可以取代普查表中的多个问题,可以避免重报、漏报问题,还可以通过身份证号码中地址码与问卷登记地的地址码相比较确定流动人口。通过对"五普"和"六普"数据的分析,我们发现,在以后的人口普查中通过加入身份证号码的询问可以帮助提高普查数据的质量。  相似文献   

The program developed to evaluate the coverage and quality of results from the 1981 census of England and Wales is described. "A post-enumeration survey was the main tool used, but for the evaluation of census coverage, this was augmented by a series of demographic checks against statistics from other administrative sources. The main conclusion from the coverage checks was that the census probably missed about 241,000 people net (about half of one per cent of the population) including some 36,000 children aged 0-4. At older ages than this, adults aged 16-44 were more likely to be missed than others and males rather more than females. Students and people out of employment were also more likely to be missed than people in employment. The quality of householders' responses to particular census questions was evaluated in a detailed post-enumeration interview survey. The results of this showed that the questions subject to most response error were those on rooms, various aspects of economic activity and the main means of travel to work."  相似文献   

张勇 《统计研究》2007,24(11):69-73
中国在1984年确定了国家抽样调查县,这些调查县一直使用至今,已有20多年。利用这些调查县,中国进行了许多关于农业的调查,并且有一些原因一直没有改变这些调查县。近年来,有人对这些调查县的代表性提出疑问,是可以理解的。我们应该解释这些调查县能被保持不变的原因,并能找出改进调查的好办法。本文给出一种方法,就是使用调整系数来解决这些调查县的代表性问题,并且利用第一次中国农业普查的数据来对方法进行模拟,得到了较好的结果。我国2007年正在进行第二次全国农业普查,我们可以应用普查结果来完善抽样调查,提高国家抽样调查县的代表性。我们建议结合面积抽样框进行多样框抽样设计,并可以考虑以县作为中国农业调查的初级抽样单元。  相似文献   

The public use sample from the 1991 UK census makes it possible to conduct individual level analyses of ethnic minorities' educational and occupational attainments. Unfortunately, however, the census asked only about higher level qualifications obtained after reaching 18 years of age. A comparison with the Labour Force Surveys (LFSs) shows that the census gives in some respects a misleading impression of qualifications among the first-generation members of ethnic minorities: the LFS data show that ethnic minorities tend to be more polarized in their qualifications than the British-born whites, with relatively large proportions at the two extremes, either with degrees or with no qualifications at all. It follows that the census's treatment of qualifications may tend to exaggerate the scale of disadvantage of ethnic minorities in the labour market, and particularly in access to the salariat where qualifications play a particularly large role in recruitment. Regression analyses of sample of anonymized records and LFS data confirm these expectations although they indicate that the results of the census are not seriously misleading as regards the pattern of ethnic disadvantages in the competition to avoid unemployment. The LFS data also confirm earlier findings that the ethnic penalties are in general of similar magnitude among the second generation to those among the first generation, despite the substantial equalization of educational experience that has taken place. There is some evidence that disadvantages in access to the salariat may have been reduced, but this is counterbalanced by the evidence that disadvantages in the avoidance of unemployment may have deteriorated.  相似文献   

A controlled donor imputation system for a one-number census   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary. The 2001 UK census was a one-number census. An integral part of such a process has been the creation of a transparent census database that has been adjusted for the underenumeration in the 2001 census. The methodology for creating this database is based on a controlled donor imputation system that imputes individuals and households estimated to have been missed in the census. This paper describes this methodology and provides results from a statistical assessment of its performance using data that realistically simulate the census process.  相似文献   

"Net undercount rates in the U.S. decennial census have been steadily declining over the last several censuses. Differential undercounts among race groups and geographic areas, however, appear to persist. In the following, we examine and compare several methodologies for providing small area estimates of census coverage by constructing artificial populations. Measures of performance are also introduced to assess the various small area estimates. Synthetic estimation in combination with regression modelling provide the best results over the methods considered. Sampling error effects are also simulated. The results form the basis for determining coverage evaluation survey small area estimates of the 1900 decennial census."  相似文献   

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