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中文中的"国家"由"国"和"家"两字组成,表达了中国人对"国家"的独特感悟和理解。绝大多数中国人都非常关注国运的昌盛,都认为国家的安定富强与个人和家庭的安康幸福密不可分,这种感受也是中国人经历了无数的"国破家亡"悲剧后所形成的集体历史记忆。在这个意义上,中国梦是一种"国梦"和"家梦"的结合。国家好,家才好,国家糟,家也糟,"国"和"家"是一个命运共同体。  相似文献   

小到成绩排名,大到升学择校,家长们的心里始终惦记着"别人家的孩子"。记得有人说过,不管是谁,至少有一样应该是出色的。家长们在教育孩子时,如果将精力集中到自家孩子出色之处,而不是将"别人家的孩子"挂在嘴边上,其家庭教育就成功了一半。某机构进行了一项"孩子最反感的家长行为"问卷调查,结果显示,排名第一的是家长总把自己跟别人家孩子作比较,其比例远远超过"家长无休止的唠叨"。这个"别人家的孩子"有时候是广义的,甚至连姓名也没有;有时候是狭义的,具体到孩子  相似文献   

吴家宏  赵远远 《职业》2016,(1):23-25
2010年,在嘉兴职业技术学院牵头下,11所重点中高职院校、7家行业协会、74家企业、2家产业园区管委会、4家专业性研究机构和培训机构抱团借力,组建了嘉兴市欣禾职教集团(以下简称"欣禾").5年来,欣禾"航母"高歌猛进,行企校"三元融合"打破了产业与教育的壁垒:截至2014年,欣禾成员单位从原来的98家增加到180家;校企合作技术研究开发项目从10项增加到48项,教师国家专利数量从7项增加到560多项;产学研共同体实现了从零到13个的突破……  相似文献   

"家""国"关联是理解"差序格局"宏观建构的关键,"家""国"之间"移孝作忠"的伦理设计并不能消解"化家为国"的潜在紧张性,直至宋代科举制的完全确立才标志着绅权与皇权相联结的"家""国"同构真正得以确立起来,但"移孝作忠"的伦理形式背后却是绅权依附于皇权的利益共享机制。其中,"家"之诸子均分制与"国"之嫡长子继承制表面上并不一致,实质上却对巩固皇权起到了关键性的作用,此中也正暗含了"外儒内法"的文化传统。  相似文献   

家作为日本社会的基本组成单位,对日本的政治有深远的影响。本文拟对江户时代建立的"幕藩体制"以及昭和时代的"家族国家观"为中心,试讨论日本的家与政治统治的关系,得出日本的政治统治是以家作为其统治基础,家与日本政治统治紧密相连是日本家的特点。  相似文献   

从2006年9月,广州海珠区江南西路的第一家"乐趣生活"开业至今,樊浩已经连续开了五家连锁店,现在他正着手在天河区开第六家分店.  相似文献   

正如果外国人来中国,一定对一个叫"别人"的人感兴趣,因为几乎每个人都提到过他。尤其是中国的父母们,他们最爱对孩子说的就是"别人家的孩子"。"别人家的孩子那么听话,你怎么就这么闹?""你怎么不跟别人家的孩子学学,成绩这么差!"……我就是在"别人家的孩子"阴影下长大的小孩。不幸的是,如今我已为人父母,却仍有很多小孩还在经历和我一样的痛苦。诚然,关注他人、从他人生活中获取经验,是非常正常和积极的人类生存方法。可是,不少父母运用此法却只完  相似文献   

正婚家微信,关注让你更幸福!欢迎大家多多与我们互动,我们愿意做您心中的树洞,帮您分担解忧。小婚家说:在男男女女的感情世界里,比"一见钟情"还恐怖的字眼,恐怕就是要找个"灵魂伴侣"了。可是,这世上真的有"灵魂伴侣"吗?小婚家认为那些对"灵魂伴侣"深信且执著的人,实际上是对身边伴侣不满意以及对现有关系的逃避,根本就不存在一个真正的灵魂伴侣。没有学会好好爱自己的人,没有看清楚自己灵魂的人,不可能被伴侣圆满。所以,真正的灵魂伴侣正是我们自己,上天入地,与自己的心同在,灵魂在何处都可以安然。各位亲,你认同小婚家的观点吗?你有过"灵魂伴侣"吗?你觉得在婚姻生活以外是否应该寻觅"灵魂伴侣"?  相似文献   

正2014年10月11日,备受业界关注的"超越"拉芳家化2014-2015年度全国经销商会议在美丽海滨城市汕头盛大举行,来自全国各地经销商代表们汇集一堂。在这一年里,他们是拉芳家化在2014年蓬勃发展的见证者,更是创造者。与此同时,本次会议中柔顺拉芳至爱《中国好男儿》的开播倒计时和中科院微生物研究所授予雨洁"创新科研战略合作伙伴"的揭牌这两大仪式的亮相,标志着拉芳家化管理团队与各地经销商在未来的一年里齐心协力打造拉芳  相似文献   

正我们曾是传说中"别人家的孩子"世界上做谁家的孩子最幸福?当然是"别人家的孩子"。2003年大学毕业后,我和哥哥一度是老家人眼中的"别人家的孩子":全都大学毕业留在北京,儿子做房地产风生水起,女儿做外文翻译各种高大上。现实其实没那么酷,哥哥毕业后  相似文献   

This article reports on a research project which explored how anxiety can be managed when social work students receive live supervision as they are learning counselling skills. Eight social work students volunteered to participate in an eight session project in which they role played counselling sessions and received live supervision of their work. Their subjective experience of live supervision was elicited via survey reported surveys over the course of the project. They also submitted pre-and post-project recordings of their counselling role plays which were evaluated for changes in skill level. The participants’ survey results showed that, over the course of the project, each participant became less anxious about live supervision and came to find it a valuable learning experience. Their recorded role plays all showed improvements in skill level across a range of domains. The authors contend the establishment and maintenance of positive and trusting relationships between participants and between participants and the supervisor was crucial to the success of this project, as was attention to power dynamics and differences in learning styles. These results suggest that, under the right conditions, live supervision can be a valuable addition to counselling skills teaching strategies with social work students.  相似文献   

Carved lacquer is one of China's traditional art forms.The technique involves the application of natural lacquer,either red or black,to a wooden surface,and then engraving delicate designs into the lacquer.Three things are required for high quality carved lacquer:Exquisite engraving,radiant luster,and an elegant shape.  相似文献   

近些年来,越来越多的外国人选择在中国居住生活。与他们自己国家的生活相比,住在中国是否更舒适、更有趣,开销低却过得奢侈?让我们看看他们到底怎么说。  相似文献   

时间有客观、主观双重含义。人们既生活在根据自然现象划分的客观时间中,也生活在受自己生活经验和思想感情影响的主观时间中。本文探讨的就是阿拉伯人的客观时间和主观时间。  相似文献   

Becoming alone in old age can be a decisive life event that brings major changes depending on various causes as health status, financial resources, family situation, and available welfare services. This article discusses the situation of older people in Sweden who have transitioned from a two-person to single-person household in recent years and what impact this might have on their everyday lives. Through in-depth interviews with 18 older people, age 67–90, their experiences about life conditions and opportunities were examined. Findings showed large differences between the men and women. They all tried to live as they always had done and they used the same personal life strategies that they always had. But the men could live as before on their own financial merits, while the women needed assistance from children, grandchildren and the welfare system. Transportation options were central and clearly related to both private economy and social services available. Shortcomings in the welfare state's way of caring for the elderly were clearly uncovered. The gap between social policy promises of opportunities for autonomy and independence to live an active life in old age and the everyday reality for older people still seems to be wide.  相似文献   

Homeless people usually live in the urban public space. Properly, public space does not belong to any peculiar social group. Public space is designed to let people circulate, and its borders change quickly. Homeless people who live in the public space break up its rules and transform it into their private environment. That is why homeless are often considered “unbearable people” by others. If homeless people want to go on living in the public space they must learn to be invisible to the others. If they want to survive in their “privatized” public space they must not intrude in everyday life routines. This article tries to visualize the symbols which flexibly define the borders between public and private space.  相似文献   

Nonmarital births and divorce are rare in Cambodia. Because of dramatic levels of adult mortality reached during the late 1970s, however, growing up with a single parent is not rare. Using nationally representative, cross-sectional data, we estimate that about 12% of children under age 18 co-reside with only one of their biological parents. Using longitudinal data representative of the Mekong River Valley, we found this proportion to be declining. Nearly half of these children live in nuclear families (single parent with or without a stepparent), even though they live in multigenerational families more frequently than children who live with both their parents, especially when young and not living with their mother. Finally, we consider differences in socioeconomic conditions and child educational outcomes by number of co-residing parents.  相似文献   

In recent times, increasing numbers of people in the world have migrated to the cities. There they have become a part of asociotechnical-economic system from which they must obtain goods and services with which to live, and to which they should contribute their skills and efforts. Many of the goods and services require much money and time to be made available and require joint funding and public approval to be initiated.  相似文献   

春天是百花盛开的季节,可是你知道吗,百花不仅可以用来欣赏,而且还可以用来保健呢!民间有"常在花间走,活到九十九"的养生谚语。研究发现,从事园林工作的人往往很少得癌症,而且平均寿命比一般人长。  相似文献   

The already existing social political debate about a new culture of citizenship engagement has reached the internal live of traditional independent social care associations. Their specificity is, among others, that, they are not only voluntary organisations based on moral values, but also that they have developed into services companies with a staff of over one million regular employees.  相似文献   

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