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社会频发关于爱国行为是与非的争议凸显爱国主义教育中单一的"榜样动力行为引导模式"的不足。这种以精英化、时机化、大事化、镜像化为特征的爱国行为建构逻辑导致其内容的固定化和实践的形式化。在法治国家,爱国行为的建构还应遵循个人自己生活工作中做出的合理合法行为的原则,旨在实现一种具有普通化、日常化、生活化、个体化为特征的"生活动力行为引导模式"。只有同时构建两种模式以形成公民责任的内驱力、榜样作用的外引力的人生意义合力,才能使人们自我完善地践履爱国行为,才能汇聚共筑中国梦的最佳合力。  相似文献   

大学语文是一门综合性的课程,其范围涉及到爱国教育、个人价值观以及思想政治等方面。大学语文是思想政治教育的一种载体,因此在大学语文的教学中必须重视思想政治教育的重要性。将思想教育渗透到大学语文教学中,能够充分发挥思想政治教育的作用,让学生能够更好的接受思想政治教育。  相似文献   

思想政治教育价值的实现是指思想政治教育通过其育德功能的发挥满足个体和社会对德性需要的结果。思想政治教育价值实现可以从教育对象的思想道德素质提升需要能否从思想政治教育得到契合性的满足,教育对象的思想道德素质追求动机能否从思想政治教育得到不断提升,教育对象的思想品德行为能否从思想政治教育得到有效指导和评价等方面做出评价。研究思想政治教育价值实现问题,把握好思想政治教育即时实现与渐进实现、整体实现和差异实现的原则并在操作上细化,是破解思想政治教育实效性难题的新视角。  相似文献   

大学英语课堂不仅培育学习者的英语能力,更是立德树人、培养具有爱国情怀的中国特色社会主义建设者的重要场所。提炼每一单元的主题和思想政治教育的融入点,挖掘主题思政教育元素是实施大学英语课程思政育人的重要途径,实施大学英语主题思政教学需遵循四项原则:充分利用中国故事素材、用真挚朴实的话语激励学生、要有文化的深度、具有创新性。  相似文献   

政治思想工作在提高人们的思想觉悟、构建社会主义精神文明方面有着重的作用,也是我国经济发展的重保证。同时,政治思想教育必须坚持依法展开的原则。在法治的框架内实现改变人们的意识形态,指导人们社会行为的政治目标。本文将就高校思想政治教育法制化的意义与构建的途径展开讨论。  相似文献   

在政治课教学中唱响爱国主义旋律刘竹生技工学校政治课教学中,爱国王义教育内容包含进行有中国特色社会主义理论教育、社会主义教育、中国国情教育、近现代史教育、中国优秀文化传统教育等。这些都是技校现用政治教材的核心内容,是政治课教学中的重要环节。如何通过政治...  相似文献   

爱国是中华民族的光荣传统,是社会主义核心价值体系的重要内容.爱国主义教育是高校政治思想工作和思想教育的基本内容.不断探索对当代大学生进行爱国主义教育的新途径,是加强新时期大学生爱国主义教育的必然选择.要坚持以社会主义核心价值观为指导,提高其理性表达爱国情感的行为能力,引导其将爱国热情转化为刻苦学习的实际行动,自觉维护国家利益和社会稳定,增强时代责任感和社会使命感.  相似文献   

爱国行为失范作为道德失范行为的一种类型,它揭示的是公共精神层面的某种危机或剧烈冲突状态。针对目前社会频发的有关爱国行为失范现象,以社会学的"失范理论"为切入点,结合近几年的系列社会热点事件,从心理学、社会学、伦理学的视角对当前爱国行为失范现象的成因进行学理分析。在分析成因的基础上,从制度创新、舆论监督、道德教育三个维度提出爱国行为失范现象的规避路径,以期为探索爱国行为失范现象的不同发生机制、剖析爱国失范行为的深层社会机理、增强爱国行为的规范性提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

弘扬以"爱国、进步、民主、科学"为基本内容的五四精神,是新时代高校思想政治教育的一个重要内容。将科学的五四精神与课程理论教学、社会实践活动、网络信息结合融入高校思想政治教育中,激活高校思想政治教育的生命力,培养青年学生的爱国主义与民族主义精神、社会责任与担当,并树立正确的三观,承担国家富强、民族振兴应有的责任。  相似文献   

爱国主义是思想政治教育的一个永恒的主题,要让青少年接受爱国主义思想,思想政治教育选择的是在施体指导下的接受。施教方是主动的,受教方是被动的,受教过程是由施教方安排的,力图在青少年思想观点的形成、发展、变化过程中接受认同爱国思想的观点、理论主张,促进爱国主义目标实现。指导下的接受的爱国主义教育的实践教学最佳途径之一是体育。  相似文献   

This study discusses the transformation of Turkey's education policies towards Syrian refugees in three major stages. It argues that education policies in these different stages reflect the general perception of and political vision for Syrian refugees by the Turkish state, and that they are also instruments through which this political vision is materialized and declared. The remarkable evolution of Turkey's education policies towards Syrian refugees, from early policies that aimed at temporary accommodation to later policies that have aimed at full integration, needs to be understood in this framework of a changing vision in addition to the security concerns. Lastly, the article argues that, while the current strategy of complete integration of Syrians into formal education system is certainly positive, it also brings about a number of significant challenges related to the political and legal context in Turkey that will have to be handled in its realization.  相似文献   

1968年毛泽东号召知青"接受贫下中农再教育"是知青上山下乡政策的转折点,自此,知青下乡的主要任务由在"广阔天地"里"大有作为"转变为"接受贫下中农教育"。运动对于改造知青思想起到了一定的积极作用,同时也留下了深刻的历史启示:知识青年的思想政治素质关系着我国社会主义建设事业的成败,对他们的思想政治教育时刻不能放松;社会实践是实现知识青年思想改造的大课堂,但在动员方式上应因人而异地提出倡导性要求,而不能强迫;知识青年思想政治教育必须坚持理论与实践相结合的原则,坚持正面引导,不能采取轰轰烈烈的运动方式;让知识青年在社会实践中接受教育无可厚非,但同时应注意对他们大胆培养使用,建立公平合理的人才流动机制。  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,网络语境下当代青年的爱国主义教育缺失日渐凸显,在部分青年群体中存在潜在的网络极端化爱国主义舆论倾向。分析发现:从问题的出现或偶然性事件的刺激到多数个体发表的评价性意见,再到"群体极化"现象的出现,最终极端化爱国主义舆论在互联网上广泛传播是网络极端化爱国主义舆论的基本形成机制。如此网络极端化爱国主义舆论不可避免地对国家、社会、制度和青年自身产生一系列的危害。网络语境下当代青年的爱国主义引导是新时期爱国主义教育的重要课题:应该正视青年的爱国情感,加强爱国主义教育;立足祖国长远利益,培养青年的理性爱国情感;增强舆论引导,减少青年非理性情绪的蔓延,对青年的网络极端化爱国主义舆论进行积极有效的引导。  相似文献   

仇志海 《职业时空》2013,(2):79-81,84
人文素质教育是高职院校人才培养工作不可或缺的内容。思想政治教育同人文素质教育内容相融、目标相似、功能相同、形式和途径可相互借鉴,是高职院校开展人文素质教育的有效载体。在思想政治教育视阈下开展人文素质教育,要充分利用思想政治理论课程主阵地的作用,要利用社会实践和青年志愿者活动增强人文素质教育实效性,要利用校园文化活动内化人文素质教育的成果。  相似文献   

This paper explores the question of the impact of illegal migration on American unity and cultural pluralism in the US. Assuming that over time the descendants of undocumented workers now in the US will behave substantially like descendants of those who immigrate legally, the long-term impact of illegal migration barely will be noticeable provided it is reduced substantially in the future. The process of acculturation will work in the same way for both groups as it has for other ethnic groups in the past, given comparable levels of education and length of family residence in the US. The author takes special notice of the illegal migration of Spanish-speaking workers and hypothesizes that the behavior of their descendants will not differ from that of the descendants of other immigrants, legal or illegal, in ways that disrupt fundamental patterns of American political unity and cultural pluralism.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen the rapid development of transnationalism research, but transnationalism from below in situations of mass refugee influx has received little attention. However, the case study of Burmese refugees in Thailand clearly demonstrates that those refugees can maintain economic, social, cultural and political links with co‐nationals in all the domains of the refugee diaspora, even if their capabilities are in principle strained. It is argued here that the legal status of the person or diaspora organization concerned, as well as the country of origin and the host country have a larger influence on the type of transnationalism than the label ‘migrant’ or ‘refugee’. The concept of transnationalism should thus be conceived in a more encompassing sense, both geographically, thematically and including all emigrants regardless of their original motivations for migration. The article is based on fieldwork, including over 150 interviews with Burmese refugees and political activists.  相似文献   

Are Political Freedoms Converging?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article tests for convergence of freedom using Freedom House's (2002) indices of political rights and civil liberties in 136 countries from 1972 to 2001. Time-series tests, using structural breaks, are employed to test for stochastic and β-convergence. Cross-section tests are performed to examine the impact of legal systems, education, natural resources, economic freedom, and other variables. We find that political freedoms are converging for one-half of the countries. Additionally, we find that the level of freedom is significantly related to the legal system, education, economic freedom, and natural resources. (JEL O57 , O40 , C3 )  相似文献   

石磊  李新殿 《现代交际》2011,(10):207-208
现代社会是一个信息化的时代,随着现代科技的进步、网络技术的广泛推广,网络对人们生活的影响作用越来越明显。大学生日益成为重要的网民,网络环境下,大学生思想政治教育不仅关系到大学生自身的发展,更关系到一个民族的进步。本文从网络环境下大学生思想政治教育研究的相关概念及起源和发展、面临的机遇和挑战及相应的对策三个方面进行了论述。我们应该充分利用网络环境,趋利避害加强大学生思想政治教育,提高大学生的综合素质,从而为中国特色社会主义现代化建设贡献力量。  相似文献   


This analysis focuses on parent involvement in public schooling within the United States of America from the colonial period to present. The analysis is framed by four major forces that influence the kind and degree of parent involvement: the cultural beliefs of families; the social structure of families; economic influences; and political pressures within the nation. The contemporary institutional and legal structure of schools tends to disconnect teachers and families. A tension appears to exist between professionals, on the one hand, who espouse the concept that they alone are qualified to make complex decisions affecting the education of our nation's children, and parents, on the other hand, who believe that they should have a voice in their children's compensatory public education.  相似文献   

Throughout the last decade sex education has been a site of intense political struggle. This article identifies how the legal regulation of sex education operates in such a way as to incorporate conflicting discursive problematisations of HIV/AIDS and childhood sexuality through the construction of distinct categories within the sex education curriculum and the legitimisation of distinct roles for parents, teachers and health professionals within those categories. In particular it seeks to explain why sex education in schools fails at present to be a primary source of information about HIV/AIDS for young people and, consequently, identifies the urgent need for new guidance from the Department of Education and Employment.  相似文献   

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