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《Journal of Socio》2006,35(2):268-284
This paper contributes to the development of the capabilities approach by showing that capabilities can, counter prevailing wisdom, be measured. By operationalising the capabilities element of Sen's non-welfarist theory, the paper develops the data required by this novel approach to welfare economics and by exploring relations to life-satisfaction (happiness) it also examines new economic co-variates of experienced utility. A postal questionnaire is designed to examine elements of Sen's theory of capabilities and implemented on a random sample of English voters. Analysis of survey results includes ordinal logistic regression models of overall capabilities, rank correlations between own capabilities and views about the distribution of capabilities, rank correlations between capabilities and achievements and a set of ordered logit models explaining achievements as a function of corresponding capabilities. Furthermore, results show that it is possible to make statistically significant distinctions between different capabilities, that perceptions of others’ capabilities are sometimes related to own capabilities and that achievements appear, in general, to be related to corresponding capabilities. Finally, and in keeping with oft-found paradoxes in the happiness literature, an examination of co-variates suggests that satisfaction with capabilities might be negatively related to objective measures of opportunity.  相似文献   

We examined correlations of child sexual abuse among 300 adolescent girls in psychiatric inpatient treatment. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.)-based psychiatric diagnoses were obtained from the Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children—Present and Lifetime and from data on family and behavioral characteristics from the European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI). A total of 79 girls (26.3%) had experienced child sexual abuse during their lifetime. Child sexual abuse was associated with an adolescent’s home environment, sibling status, smoking, posttraumatic stress disorder diagnosis, self-mutilating behavior, and suicidal behavior. At least 62% of the perpetrators were acquaintances of the victims. Correlates of child sexual abuse can be used to identify child sexual abuse victims and persons at heightened risk for child sexual abuse.  相似文献   


The experience of a human service organization which made the commitment to computerizing their client records early in the 1980s is described. The development of this system was plagued by several difficulties due, in part, to the fact that personal computer LAN technology was fairly new and few consulting companies had direct experience with these types of applications. As well, for certain human service organizations the 1980s was a time for reconceptualizing how services were provided based on the ideologies of consumer empowerment, community integration and normalization. This shift translated into new ways of making service decisions, hence new needs for information and strategies for its use.  相似文献   

This article examines factors that are associated with parenting success for caregivers of children with disabilities using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems framework. Although numerous studies have investigated risk factors for negative parenting among caregivers of children with disabilities, there are relatively few research findings on parenting success. More specifically, we examine factors for parenting success within the context of micro- (parenting practices, parent-child relations), meso- (caregivers' marital relations, religious social support), and macro-systems (cultural variations, racial and ethnic disparities, health care delivery system), which is then followed by implications for social work practice.  相似文献   


This paper reviews John Gottman's research on marriages through an overlay of the recently developed Relational Systems Model (RSM) by Ray Bardill. Gottman's findings, which identified three styles of marriages that sustain themselves over time and identified those actions that indicate the resolution of conflicts or the eventual ending of the marital relationship, can be interpreted by Bardill's RSM model. Such an interpretation can be made through the concepts of self-differentiation; the realities of self, other, context and spirituality; multigenerational transmission of values and beliefs; and emotionalized right/wrong.

The RSM model effectively illuminates Gottman's work and develops additional categories for illustrating why people stay in or leave relationships. The introduction of the emotionalized right/wrong concept produces a self-regulating component for the individual and a self defining component for the family. In keeping with Gottman's research, the RSM model provides integration of both positivistic and constructionistic elements as well as familiar insights into the eco-systemic nature of the marital system.  相似文献   

Geographic Information Systems (GISs) are pictorial representations of information and are quite useful in understanding social welfare problems and showing social work clients in their environment. This paper presents GIS as a potential tool for social work research, planning, management, and administration. It includes sections defining GID, explaining the possibilties for GIS use in human services, presenting a case study using geographic information, advising potential GIS users, and discussing the implications for social work education.  相似文献   


This paper examines issues related to applying information technology in behalf of mental health service delivery systems. Each of these issues has an impact on how well information technology has been able to serve the mental health system. These are not primarily information technology issues. They are concerns that have to do with the structure of the mental health system; the way management might use an information system; and the role of money and power in the mental health system. How these issues are resolved will have a major impact on how well the promise inherent in information technology is realized in the coming decade.  相似文献   

This article aims to develop a taxonomy and a further definition of the concept of political asymmetry for operationalization into social science research inquiry. On the one hand the article accounts the single main categories to offer a taxonomy of the concept, exposing the semantic context of symmetry and asymmetry, and depicting the idea of the political sphere from a classical Aristotelian tradition as well making use of public political science and philosophy of law. Later on, drawing on contributions of critical constructivism and particularly Habermas communicative action theory, the article depicts how political asymmetry can be found in contemporary social structures at the level of subsystems of administration such as institutions as well as at the level of individual interaction. The question this article aims to address is how political asymmetry can be represented for political science, and how it can be further operationalized for organizational and social research inquiry. The concept of political asymmetry is taken into account since it is often isolated on debates regarding the way in which institutions transforms historically, and how such settings affect normative constructions enacted and developed within contemporary governance structures. On the other hand it aims to reflect about its role over governance practices that avoid to ensure free and enough interaction within political actors with different cultural baggage and normative representations.  相似文献   

A review of current issues and approaches to the problem of marital violence is presented. In order to understand volatile relationships, these attachments are discussed within the context of the normal progression of events in the formation and development of a marriage. A systems model that integrates current conceptual thinking is presented, The article concludes with a paradigm for therapeutic decision-making and strategies that flow from the integrated systems model.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of rice technology adoption on gender work roles of husbands and wives is examined in two rice ecosystems in the Philippines. Technology use is likely to be less labor-constrained if the work roles of men and women are flexible. Labor substitution between farming husbands and wives then occurs in response to economic pressures rather than being restricted by predetermined gender roles. The analysis of farm-level data from four villages indicates that work roles are more fluid than suspected and labor substitution occurs between husbands and wives in response to economic opportunities. The adoption of the labor-saving direct-seeded rice technique releases wives' labor on partially-irrigated rice farms more than on rainfed rice farms.  相似文献   

This study explores differences between patients who completed outpatient sex offender treatment and those who dropped out prior to completion. Subjects were 173 men who entered outpatient treatment after having committed a sexual offense; Seventy-nine subjects who successfully completed treatment, and 94 who did not Two questions are addressed: Fist, what demographic factors, offending pattems, and psychological characteristics are related to completion of treatment; and second, are there differences in reoffending behaviors depending on whether or not one completes treatment? Two psychometric measures were used: the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Tennessee Self-concept Scale. Official arrest and conviction records were requested from Minnesota and surrounding jurisdictions. The results indicate that there are demographic and psychological factors that differentiate those who complete treatment from those who do not, and that those who fail to complete treatment do appear to be at higher risk for reoffending. The results further point to the need for future studies to focus on social interaction and therapy process measures, rather than individual differences.  相似文献   

卢瑜  罗程渊 《城市观察》2009,3(3):169-174
以广州市白云区“国际单位”项目为案例,分析了“生态、创意、共赢”的可持续发展文化理念对于提升区域文化软实力的作用。  相似文献   

An attempt is made to unite diverse principles of contemporary sociology by viewing social systems as adaptive systems whose members are also adaptive systems, the general class of systems that attempt to maximize internal values by modifying their behavior and/or structure. Large numbers of sociological and behavioral propositions were examined and those that met criteria of relevance, clarity, and empirical support were restated in a standardized format. A systems-theoretical reductionist perspective was applied to these selected propositions with the aid of a theorem-generating computer program developed as part of the research, in order to identify the subset that, as axioms, would most efficiently generate those remaining as theorems. The resulting axiomatic theory appears to satisfy the scientific criteria of generality and parsimony, as well as the additional design goals of ready comprehension and application, the latter tested in part by social-system simulations. Among the nontrivial derivatives illustrated are principal propositions related to learning, values, economic models of decision making, social exchange, arms races, coalition formation, segregation, and cultural evolution.  相似文献   


Standardised case management systems were designed to address poor outcomes for abused or neglected children. Their introduction has been controversial, with some social workers identifying them as undermining the social worker–service user relationship, and professionalism. This paper reports on a qualitative study of service users of two widely used systems in Australia: “Looking After Children” (LAC) and “Supporting Children and Responding to Families” (SCARF) (both based on adaptations of United Kingdom systems). There has been relatively little evaluation of the long-term use of these systems relevant to Australian social work. The experiences of service users can contribute to debate because they provided lived experiences of these systems and family members' inclusion is a central goal. Children, young people, and parents reported positive experiences of case-managed interventions: the goals of the intervention were usually clear, processes productive, and relationships with social workers possible. However, service users did identify barriers to participation, limitations in assessment, and described diverse experiences of interventions. While these findings challenge critics, they also suggest that LAC and SCARF could be further developed to better meet expectations of families.  相似文献   

In recent decades, typologies have been developed to better understand the way in which different countries create systems to protect the interests of vulnerable children and their families. A child protection system typology is a classification of a set of characteristics that capture and define different approaches to child protection. Typologies are helpful in enabling comparisons of systems across international contexts, helping also to illuminate the various strengths and weaknesses of child protection systems. Typologies can also guide or redirect the development of a system, as they illustrate the varied ways in which children might be better protected. They explain how a cultural value base underpins approaches to child protection and can suggest alternative ways in which a system might evolve, based on the experiences of other countries. This article builds upon early typology building work and presents an international child protection system typology that has universal application. Country examples are used to illustrate the development of systems across two dimensions: whether they are oriented towards an individual or community focus; and whether systems are more, or less, regulated.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research was to propose a framework centred on the dynamic capabilities approach, and to be applied in the context of family businesses’ adaption to their changing business environment. Data were gathered through interviews with ten FBs operating in Western Australia. Based on the findings, the clusters of activities, sensing, seizing, and transforming emerged as key factors for firms’ adaptation, and were reinforced by firms’ open culture, signature processes, idiosyncratic knowledge, and valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable attributes. Thus, the usefulness of the proposed framework was confirmed. Implications and future research opportunities are presented.  相似文献   

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