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潘楚林  田虹 《管理科学》2016,29(3):38-48
近年来环境污染问题严重,利益相关者对企业的环境行为提出了更高的要求。已有研究基于利益相关者理论分析了企业环境战略行为,但忽视了企业环境行为自我规范的作用以及管理者自身的道德动机、环境领导力等因素的影响。 基于利益相关者理论、自然资源基础观理论和领导力理论,探讨利益相关者压力对企业环境伦理和前瞻型环境战略的影响,建立一个从“被动”环境行为自我规范到“主动”实施环境战略的中介和调节模型。通过对环保压力较大的227家制造业企业的问卷调查,应用SPSS和Mplus统计分析软件以及多元回归分析方法,实证检验利益相关者通过企业环境伦理对前瞻型环境战略的作用机理。 研究结果表明,利益相关者压力对企业环境伦理和前瞻型环境战略都有显著的正向影响;企业环境伦理正向影响前瞻型环境战略,且在利益相关者压力与前瞻型环境战略间有显著的中介作用;管理者道德动机正向调节利益相关者压力对企业环境伦理的影响;环境领导力正向调节企业环境伦理对前瞻型环境战略的影响;竞争优势期望正向调节利益相关者压力对前瞻型环境战略的影响。 研究结论丰富了自然资源基础观理论和领导力理论,扩展了对企业环境伦理和企业环境战略的研究,从管理者道德动机、环境领导力和竞争优势期望的视角为企业实施环境战略提供一个全新的方案;激励企业管理者将环境问题视为企业获得竞争优势的机会而非威胁,积极应对来自利益相关者的环境压力,提高环境领导力;为企业有效实施环境战略、绿色发展和可持续发展提供理论参考和管理启示。  相似文献   

气候变暖已成为全球日益关注的重要问题之一,实施环境管制政策是政府控制企业碳排放量的重要手段。基于东道国企业和外资企业产品差异化竞争假设,建立了企业环境研发策略(环境研发卡特尔策略和独立环境研发策略)与政府环境管制的三阶段博弈模型,运用逆向求解法求得各阶段均衡解,比较了不同环境研发策略下企业环境研发水平(及碳减排量)、政策环境管制水平及国家福利。结果表明:企业环境研发投入越多,政府最优碳排放税越低;碳排放对环境造成的损害越大,政府最优排放税越高,企业越致力于环境研发。对关键参数赋值和模拟后进一步发现,总体而言,环境研发卡特尔策略要优于独立环境研发策略,但随着产品差异化程度的缩小和环境研发溢出程度的降低,环境研发卡特尔策略优于独立环境研发策略的程度也在缩小。因此,本文的研究可为外资企业和东道国企业产品策略选择和环境研发策略选择提供理论依据,也可为政府政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

M Barrett 《Omega》1979,7(5):431-439
Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) present the results of a structured appraisal of the likely effects of a proposed development on the environment. Systematic methods of identification and assessment of potential effects of major projects have been developed in response to public concern about environmental quality. EISs were first introduced in the United States (US) in 1970 but they have since been adopted in a number of countries. In the United Kingdom (UK) EISs have been prepared for certain major projects, in particular for developments related to North Sea oil, but the procedure has not been formally introduced into the planning system. In this article the history of EIS in the US, UK and elsewhere is traced. Contents of EISs and methods of appraisal which may be included are described. Many attitudes towards EIS are based on the early years of EIS in the US where it was seen to be a slow, costly procedure frequently involving lengthy court battles. A review of EIS experience in the US shows that these problems have been exaggerated. Two major developers in the UK, BP and British Gas Corporation, consider EIS to be a valuable component of their project planning activities, ensuring that environmental aspects of developments are considered at an early stage. Finally some arguments for and against the formal introduction of EIS in the UK are examined. The article concludes that EIS will play an increasingly important role in the UK planning system.  相似文献   

环境会计控制与企业环境业绩关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚圣 《管理学报》2010,7(8):1215-1220
选用2004~2005年被评定为"环境友好企业"的38家企业之中的12家上市公司作为研究对象,并在这12家上市公司的同行业分别选取1家财务业绩最好的上市公司作为对照样本.通过研究发现,在目前的中国背景下,政府环境控制是提高企业环境业绩的主要因素,企业内部的环境会计控制同样也可以促进企业环境业绩的提高;但在与企业外部政府环境控制配合方面,由于缺乏完善的环境会计控制体系,难以与外部政府环境控制配合共同提升企业的环境业绩,因此,建立完善的环境会计控制体系是目前我国政府与企业的当务之急.同时发现,国内企业为获得较好的财务业绩常以牺牲环境业绩作为代价.  相似文献   

Environmental alliances are a common response to societal sustainability demands. In environmental alliances, firms collaboratively exploit and explore environmental technologies to address market opportunities while simultaneously generating positive environmental impacts. A striking idiosyncrasy is that in addition to economic value, environmental alliances generate two types of external value: environmental value from positive effects on air, water, land and biodiversity, and knowledge value from innovations in environmental technologies. Research on motivations for environmental alliances is dispersed and underdeveloped compared to the well‐established literature on motivations for strategic alliances that emphasize economic value. This study therefore develops a classification of motivations for environmental alliances by combining the literature on strategic alliances and that on environmental and knowledge value. The resulting classification includes motivations for environmental alliances to generate environmental and knowledge value as well as motivations to create economic value by internalizing environmental and knowledge value. A systematic review of 123 articles on environmental inter‐firm alliances identifies specific motivations to populate the new classification. We show that alliance partners are motivated to share sustainable resources, reduce sustainability risk, respond to stakeholders or invest in specific sustainable assets to generate external value. They collaborate to reduce costs or enhance competitive advantage, reputation or legitimacy to internalize external value. The resource‐based view, resource‐dependence view, institutional theory and transaction cost economics have not previously distinguished between motivations to generate and internalize external value. We extend their area of application from strategic alliances to environmental alliances, and thus beyond the exclusive pursuit of economic value.  相似文献   

Advancing Environmental Risk Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article summarizes views on environmental risk education for youth and identifies some challenges to advancing environmental risk education. It is argued that education--in particular, formal (in-school, structured) education--can play an important role in helping to create an environmental risk-literate society. Recommendations focus on developing a framework of environmental risk education goals and objectives, evaluating environmental risk education efforts, and learning more about how to help youth make informed environmental risk decisions and to prepare them to participate in environmental risk management. It is hoped that this article will encourage greater involvement of risk professionals in environmental risk education efforts and related research.  相似文献   

The use of environmental purchasing as corporate and political instruments to further improve the environmental performance of products is becoming increasingly widespread.Information technology and more specifically the Internet, offers a range of new opportunities to make environmental purchasing operational for both small and large, public and private operations. The benefits of internet-assisted environmental purchasing systems include global system access, no paper handling, ease of operation for procurement staff and a uniform and transparent treatment of suppliers.Tele Danmark Communication (TDC) is Denmark's largest provider of telecommunication services and also operates a chain of stores across Denmark selling telephones and other telecommunication products. Co-funded by the Danish EPA and in collaboration with RAMBØLL Consultants and the Institute for Product Development at the Technical University of Denmark, TDC has developed a prototype internet-assisted environmental purchasing system that covers a wide product assortment of telephones and fax machines. This case exemplifies the particular benefits of Internet systems for environmental purchasing.One role of environmental purchasing is to increase the availability of environmentally friendly products to the end consumer, be it companies, public institutions or private consumers. If published, the information that facilitates environmental purchasing may further assist the end consumer in his or her choice of products. Linking environmental purchasing systems with environmental product declarations may form a powerful marketing tool.  相似文献   

吕峻 《管理学报》2012,9(12):1856-1863
在中国情景下实证研究环境披露和环境绩效之间的关系,研究样本来自2007~2009年在沪深两市上市的造纸业和建材业A股公司。研究中对环境披露水平采用内容评分法予以量化评估,环境绩效以公司是否因过量排放受到处罚来衡量。研究发现,我国上市公司环境披露水平较低;环境绩效较差的公司为了缓解利益相关者因其环境问题而对其正常经营和财务绩效的担忧,披露了更多的环境信息;环境披露和环境绩效之间存在显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   

环境税情景下企业环境技术创新模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境技术创新是解决经济发展和环境可持续两难问题的重要途径,为实现环境绩效和经济绩效的双赢,环境税应以诱导企业环境技术创新为重要目的。 关于环境税对企业环境技术创新的激励作用,学者们基于不同的情景假设、研究样本、分析方法和实验模型,取得了并不一致的结论。一方面,环境税可以激励企业实施环境技术创新,并通过创新补偿机制,使企业实现经济绩效和环境绩效的双赢;另一方面,环境税会带来企业生产成本的增加,削弱企业的创新能力。可见,环境税对企业环境技术创新行为的影响是一个动态的、演化的过程,单纯依靠实证或数理方法难以全面认识环境税对企业环境技术创新行为的影响机理。 基于社会科学计算实验方法,将环境税情景下企业环境技术创新行为的研究置于复杂多变的动态市场环境,在识别影响企业环境技术创新行为关键因素及其传导机制的基础上,运用数理方法将微观个体的特征、行为和规则描述为个体与环境的函数,进而构建企业环境技术创新行为动态仿真模型,运用计算机系统模拟不同消费者选择、产品竞争和环境税情景下企业环境技术创新行为演化过程,探索环境税征收时机及强度对企业环境绩效和经济绩效的影响。实验结果表明,在市场机制、产品竞争和环境税的协同作用下,当可替代环境创新技术达到一定水平时,较高的环境税能够推动企业采纳环境创新技术,并实现减排和增效的目标,促使产业向绿色经济方向发展;同时环境税政策的实施时机对于产业向环境创新技术方向演化起关键作用,这与环境创新技术的发展水平密切相关。反之,较低的环境税情景下,可能出现企业花钱买污染的状况,与环境税初衷背道而驰。 本模型同时可以作为环境税设计的参考工具,通过改变模拟参数,观察企业环境技术创新行为及其绩效的演化。  相似文献   

One of the essential factors in enhancing the motivation of companies for increasing environmental efforts is to improve their ability to conduct a positive dialogue on environmental issues with clients and other stakeholders. Efficient communication is a precondition if attention to environmental issues is to contribute to maintaining or increasing market share.But until now many companies have been focusing on putting their own house in order, and expecting that the marketing impact would more or less come of its own. Today, many Danish companies admit that a serious and targeted effort is needed in order to turn a high environmental profile into marketing advantage.The opportunity for companies gaining competitive advantage from environmental management systems and other pollution prevention activities increasingly depends on the ability to communicate attitudes and performance to the stakeholders. The responsibility for environmental communication is often assigned to the person responsible for environmental issues. They will have both the technical insight and the environmental knowledge, but will often need communication skills and, most important, tools to carry out the communication task.Requirements for communication skills on environmental issues have grown, especially because the market's and the public's interest in environmental issues concerning production and product impacts increases day-by-day.In Denmark, authorities are focusing on the fact that information on both production and products plays a key role. This focus is reflected in the Act on Green Accounts, the introduction of eco-labelling, as well as the initiatives taken by the Danish EPA under the enhanced Integrated Product Policy. These developments have caused companies in different sectors to look for tools for environmental communication.This article focuses on tools for improving environmental communications on environmental issues in general, and with different groups of stakeholders.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates tacit knowledge’s relevance in environmental management and explores how organisations can manage this knowledge. Through case studies it reveals how taking the tacit knowledge of employees into account can be particularly useful in three key areas of environmental management: the identification of pollution sources, the management of emergency situations and the development of preventive solutions. In order to take tacit environmental knowledge into account, firms must challenge the predominance of formal knowledge in the management of environmental problems and promote a climate of learning that encourages the recognition and sharing of employees’ experiences. The paper also presents a framework for the analysis of the creation, transfer and retention of tacit knowledge that is not limited to environmental knowledge management.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a process of systematic regional environmental scanning as part of strategic planning in the Ministry of Social Services (MSS) in British Columbia, over the 1987-1990 period. Social Services, a large regionalized social service organization, adopted a formal strategic planning process in early 1988. Ministry services are delivered in ten regions with widely varying characteristics. To ensure that this diversity is reflected in the planning process, it is essential that regional environmental information receive consideration. A simple format was developed and regional directors asked to consult with their staff and to scan their regions for issues that may impact the ministry over the medium term. The information obtained was presented by regional directors at a Senior Management Committee meeting and included in the ministry's annual Business Plan, a document which informs staff, contractors, stakeholders, and the community at large of the ministry's values, objectives, and operational goals. The inclusion of regional analyses adds useful information to the Plan. A second output of the planning process is the ministry budget. The systematic regional scans were found to be extremely useful to regional staff, other directors, and to the ministry executives while setting priorities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the law and economics of informational regulation (IR) of environmental risks. Informational regulation here means regulation which provides to affected stakeholders information on the operations of regulated entities, usually with the expectation that such stakeholders will then exert pressure on these entities to comply with regulations in a manner which serves the interests of stakeholders. As such, IR reinforces and augments direct regulatory monitoring and enforcement through third-party monitoring and incentives. The paper provides two contrasting frameworks, from law and economics, to analyze the costs and benefits likely to arise from IR and concludes with a discussion of the appropriate scope of IR as a substitute for and complement of traditional environmental regulation and law.  相似文献   

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