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Much social theory tends to emphasize the external goods of social practices, often neglecting the internal goods of those practices. For example, many analyses of religious rituals over‐emphasize the instrumental and individualistic ends of prayer and liturgy by describing such religious practices as effective means for achieving external ends like positive emotions, psychological benefits, social status, or social capital. By contrast, we use a neo‐Aristotelian virtue ethics perspective to analyze the relational goods, such as trust and intimacy, which are expressed and sustained through ritualized social practices. Using ethnographies of Haitian and Ghanaian Christians in the U.S., we demonstrate that prayer and liturgy can also be understood as constitutive‐ends practices, practices in which human persons engage to sustain relations with others because there are goods inherent to those relationships. We further argue that in many religious practices, the end goals and the means—i.e. specific aspects of the practice—are inseparable. Our approach to developing theory combines critical engagement with numerous other theorists and also exploring how well various theories can explain the motivations and experiences of participants in the religious rituals where we conducted our ethnographies.  相似文献   

激励发生原理:一种心理学解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申来津 《学术交流》2003,42(4):26-29
一般在论及激励时多从实用的角度探讨激励的功能形态 ,侧重于激励诱发因素分析和激励过程描述 ,关注行为取向与公平感知、归因方式等内在机制的相关性。然而激励系统是立体多维的 ,激励发生原理涉及激励本体的各个层面 ,其中人的情绪唤起、意志提升和潜能发掘是激励发生的基本前提 ,对于激励而言 ,选择情绪、意志、潜能的视角来探索激励发生的一般原理无疑是一条创新路径。  相似文献   

We considered how different forms of child knowledge (i.e., mothers’ reports of taking their child's perspective, their accurate knowledge in the form of precise predictions of their child's ratings regarding distress/comforting and compliance/discipline situations, and their perceived knowledge) are differentially associated with mother‐reported autonomy support (i.e., providing meaningful rationales, providing choice, and acknowledging feelings; Koestner, Ryan, Bernieri, & Holt, 1984 ). Mothers and their children (141 dyads, M = 11 years old at Time 1) participated in a two‐wave longitudinal study with assessments made two years apart. The only form of knowledge that predicted changes in autonomy support was perspective‐taking. Autonomy support, in turn, indirectly predicted changes in distress/comforting accuracy through child‐reported self‐disclosure and directly predicted changes in perceived knowledge. These findings underline the importance of differentiating among forms of child knowledge in the study of socialization processes.  相似文献   

《人类行为与社会环境》作为社会工作专业基础课程,其知识体系的构建应基于综合生物、心理、社会视角而成的三维框架。为这一框架引入生物学思想可以丰富其内涵和认知深度。三维框架的具体体现是依据纵横结合和锥形开放式逻辑构建并呈现有关人类行为的知识体系。据此进行教学可兼顾知识性和思想性,从而有助于深化人类行为与社会环境课程教学。  相似文献   

随着科技革命、产业革命蓬勃兴起,国际经济秩序面临深刻调整,地缘政治冲突加剧,中美博弈长期化。2020年新冠肺炎疫情的发生和蔓延,进一步推动了上述趋势。日益增强的不确定性和风险,成为制约各经济体持续稳定发展的潜在因素。在此形势下,主要国家和地区从安全保障的角度强化经济活动,在发展与安全之间寻求新的平衡。近几年,日本不断健全和完善经济安全政策法规,强化政府相关职能,努力提升在关键技术、供应链、战略资源等方面的自主性,同时与欧美等“志同道合国”加强合作,促进形成符合日本利益的国际规则和秩序,实现日本在国际社会“不可或缺”的存在及其国家战略。日本强化经济安全保障,会给自身、地区及世界带来一些影响。  相似文献   

Choice by service users has been promoted in social policy across many developed welfare states, often on the grounds that it will incentivize providers to enhance quality and efficiency. But this instrumental motivation for the promotion of choice overlooks the possibility that choice, understood in the deeper sense of autonomy, has intrinsic value, as suggested by egalitarian and capability‐based theories of social justice. This article argues that the narrow motivation of choice policies leads to a focus on services rather than outcomes for individuals and fails to address deep‐seated inequalities in the opportunities people have for real autonomy. We test this concept using newly collected data for the UK. Our empirical findings indicate that disabled people are more likely to experience constrained autonomy in all respects, while being from a low socio‐economic group and/or lacking educational qualifications is a risk factor across several components. We conclude that improving the ‘choice’ agenda for policy requires: (1) adopting a more sophisticated concept of ‘choice’ such as the conceptualization of ‘choice as autonomy’ outlined here; (2) developing a better understanding of existing inequalities in autonomy, such as we begin to explore in our empirical results; and (3) tackling these inequalities through, for example, the removal of obstacles to active decision‐making by providing effective support and advocacy, especially for disabled people, and addressing the major structural barriers – poverty, ill health and geographical inequality – which place significant restrictions on the autonomy of those who are already disadvantaged.  相似文献   

The most serious long-term threat facing the world is the danger that human actions are producing irreversible harmful changes to the environmental conditions that support life on Earth. If this problem is not overcome, there may be no viable world for our descendants to inhabit. Enormous changes to human lifestyles and cultural practices may be required to reach the goal of a sustainable level of impact on the environment—i.e., one that can be maintained indefinitely. Social science courses can aid in reaching this goal by teaching about environmentally responsible behavior. Such teaching should provide sound information and strengthen motivation and behavioral skills that are necessary to make the needed changes in behavior and lifestyles. This paper discusses major obstacles to the goal of sustainability, describes a variety of motivational approaches toward accomplishing it, and proposes that we should view the achievement of sustainable living patterns as a superordinate goal—a war against the common enemy of an uninhabitable world.  相似文献   

汪和建 《社会》2007,27(6):1-1
是什么决定着中国人将自主经营当作其参与市场实践的首选方式?本文的假设是,自我行动是影响和决定中国人选择自主经营这一市场实践方式的根本力量. 其中,源于自我主义的自治感是引导中国人偏爱以自主经营的方式参与市场实践的主观力量;而来自关系理性的亲友关系运作则是决定个体能否获取社会资源, 从而决定其能否实现自主经营的客观力量. 这一假设给出了有关中国私营企业成长的两个显著特征,即增长迅速,但其组织规模偏小的解释,同时,也使我们得以对中国人参与市场实践的两类变通性策略行动(即合伙经营和打工)及其后果作出一种延伸性的解释.  相似文献   

This research investigated the role of children's implicit theories of peer relationships in their psychological, emotional, and behavioral adjustment. Participants included 206 children (110 girls; 96 boys; M age =  10.13 years, SD =  1.16) who reported on their implicit theories of peer relationships, social goal orientation, need for approval, depressive and aggressive symptoms, and exposure to peer victimization. Parents also provided reports on aggressive symptoms. Results confirmed that holding an entity theory of peer relationships was associated with a greater tendency to endorse performance-oriented social goals and to evaluate oneself negatively in the face of peer disapproval. Moreover, entity theorists were more likely than incremental theorists to demonstrate depressive and aggressive symptoms when victimized. These findings contribute to social–cognitive theories of motivation and personality, and have practical implications for children exposed to peer victimization and associated difficulties.  相似文献   

For advocates of critical realism emergence is a central theme. Critical realists typically ground their defence of the relative disciplinary autonomy of various sciences by arguing that emergent phenomena exist in a robust non‐ontologically, non‐causally reductionist sense. Despite the importance they attach to it critical realists have only recently begun to elaborate on emergence at length and systematically compare their own account with those developed by others. This paper clarifies what is distinctive about the critical realist account of emergence by comparing it with an alternative. Critical realism and interactivism are shown to independently converge on the same general process (or constraint) view of emergence and develop complementary accounts of particular emergents.  相似文献   

Considered here is the last one of the six basic concepts of consciousness that The Oxford English Dictionary identifies in its several entries under consciousness . The referent of the sixth concept, which I call "consciousness6", is rightly understood to be a certain general operating mode of the mind. Any psychological account of consciousness6 must distinguish this operating mode from (a) the "particular consciousness or awarenesses", i.e., the specific thoughts, feelings, perceptions, intentions, and the like (including William James's succession of total states of consciousness), that occur while the mind is so operating, and from (b) the other, alternative, general operating modes of the mind: such as those that are sometimes in force in place of consciousness6, when one is awake.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of the factors on independent living readiness among youth under out‐of‐home care. Specifically, this study focused on the effects of caregivers' autonomy support and psychological capital on independent living readiness through personal growth initiative. A total of 215 youth who were expected to be discharged from caring institution within three years were gathered for the survey, and the final sample was 194 after excluding incomplete responses. Structural equation modeling with Mplus (version 7) was used to test research model and hypotheses in the study. Results showed that the research model was appropriated with several fit indices satisfied and that all the hypotheses were supported. Also, direct and indirect effects of independent variables were fully supported. However, the indirect effect of psychological capital was marginally significant. The results implicate that both caregiver's autonomy support and psychological capital are important for increasing personal growth initiative and that personal growth initiative served as a motivation to facilitating the readiness for independent living among children under institutional care.  相似文献   

凌鹏  孟奇 《社会》2023,43(1):173-202
《茧》是费孝通在《江村经济》后完成的一部英文小说,具有丰富的纪实与理论意涵。对《茧》的先行研究主要集中于社会经济与家庭结构的分析,较少探讨小说中最重要的人物情感与心态变化的意义。本文通过引入“生活世界”的概念与视角,对小说中人物的情感与心态变化过程进行分析,发现费孝通通过塑造宝珠的形象,展现了他理想的中国现代个体的诞生过程,即,现代个体在家(即“茧”)与工厂的意义重叠与张力中得以真正成长,随之确立的是基于现代个体而成立的新的生活世界的结构。在这个结构中,家既是个体的养育之所,也是个体的动力之源与安居之所。王婉秋的形象则展示缺少真实的家的个体可能呈现的纠结状态。这两个形象的对照,真正揭示了费孝通所理解的中国人与中国社会由传统走向现代的复杂可能性。  相似文献   

This study treats the relatively unknown fact of Kenneth Burke and Talcott Parsons's personal friendship as a context within which to develop a dramatistic account of friendship and its character in the theoretical inquiry of sociology. Friendship is formulated according to four dramatistic properties in Burke's work—identification, dialectical substance, an ultimate perspective, and the comic attitude. The example of Burke and Parsons's relationship is used to explicate the significance of these four properties for articulating the symbolic action of friendship in both theoretical inquiry and everyday life. The result is the construction of a theory of friendship with universal and critical import, a construction which honors these two important theorists.  相似文献   

Vygotsky, at the end of his life, advanced a new representation of a psychological system that was ruled by a cognitive‐emotional unity, a theorization that remains inconclusive due to Vygotsky's early death. This article discusses the advances made by Vygotsky in the comprehension of human motivation through his concepts of sense and perezhivanie at the end of his work. Through these concepts, he further advanced the discussion of motivation, despite the fact that these concepts have only very recently been considered a relevant part of his legacy in both Russian and Western psychology. This paper discusses the departure from and the historical presentations of the concept of motive in the following two main approaches of Soviet psychology that were mistakenly equated in Western interpretations: Vygotsky's approach, mainly at the first as last moment of his work, and Leontiev's Activity Theory. Based on the final theoretical positions of Vygotsky and of other Soviet authors, and further developing this legacy, this article proposes a new definition of motivation as a specific quality of subjectively configured systems and defines motive as intrinsic to the functioning of all psychological function defines subjective functions as subjectively configured processes. This new proposal of human motivation within a new way of defining subjectivity defines new categories as subjective senses and subjective configurations on which the author bases a specific approach for advancing the topic of subjectivity and motivation within a cultural‐historical framework.  相似文献   

This paper explores new avenues of research on social bases of cognition and a more adequate (than those extant) framework to conceive the phenomena of the human mind. It firstly examines Bartlett's work on social bases of cognition, from which three pertinent features are identified, namely multi-level analyses, evolutionary perspective and embodied mind approach. It then examines recent works on social origins of cognition in ethology and paleoanthropology, and various forms of the embodied mind approach recently proposed in neuroscience and cognitive science. The paper concludes that extending the embodied mind approach would provide the most potent framework to enable, amongst others, the conceptual integration of the biological, psychological and social bases of the human mind, which have in the past been treated mainly as competing alternatives.  相似文献   

网络互动的社会功能分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
岳丽君 《学术交流》2004,(4):113-116
关于网络互动的研究大体是沿着两个理论框架展开:一是社会互动理论,二是符号学的视角。从这两种分析框架出发,学者们深入探讨了网络互动的过程和形式,即互动行为本身。但是网络行动除了动机和意义外,更对互动参与者以及他人产生了影响和作用。这种影响和作用表现在对他人影响的隐功能、互动者在互动过程中获取了情感支持的功能以及对互动者的社会化功能等三个方面。  相似文献   

This essay provide an overview of the "interpretive" or "hermeneutic" approach to psychological research. It draws primarily on the work of Wilhelm Dilthey (1833–1911), a philosopher and literary historian who is generally recognized as the "father" of the modern hermeneutic enterprise in the social and human sciences. Dilthey argued that the human world was sufficiently different from the natural world that special methods were required for its study. Hermeneutics, the deliberate and systematic methodology of interpretation, was the approach Dilthey proposed for studying and understanding the human world. This essay summarizes Dilthey's vision of hermeneutics and considers his conception of the so-called hermeneutic circle, which characterizes the complex dynamics involved in the process of interpretation. It then illustrates Dilthey's approach by interpreting a brief interview narrative using a method based on his work. It concludes with an exploration of some of the ethical implications of adopting a hermeneutic approach to psychological research.  相似文献   

中国式的生存哲学的阐释——解读《活着》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑阿平 《唐都学刊》2007,23(4):122-125
余华的小说《活着》通过反复渲染的苦难和死亡来表现中国底层老百姓特有的人性的善良和光辉,他们对苦难的承受和忍耐。零度感情的叙述策略和对内心世界的真实的描绘为读者打开了一片奇妙的心灵视域:以哭的方式笑,在死亡的伴随下活着。《活着》从一个独特的角度阐述了中国式的生存哲学和局限。  相似文献   

吕玉华 《唐都学刊》2013,29(5):110-115
文与道的关系几乎是中国古代文学理论中最重要的问题,“文以载道”成为普遍应用的思维模式。小说理论以散文理论为母体,既借鉴其概念术语,又移植其观念模式。散文理论的文以载道模式也影响到小说理论,并成为小说理论的核心理念。散文理论文以载道模式的着重点是道,而小说理论文以载道的关注重点却是文,将儒家道德伦理观念之“道”泛化为有益于世道人心的思想观念。借助这种模式,“文”假“道”威,提升通俗小说的社会地位。持此论调的小说理论家们对小说独有的审美特点和艺术规律关注不够。  相似文献   

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