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Alcohol and substance use can challenge military veterans who live in rural communities. In 2016, the screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in Alabama (AL-SBIRT) program was implemented in west Alabama. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether current tobacco use modified the relationship between veteran status and substance misuse. Self-reported wellness data was collected regarding substance, alcohol, or tobacco consumption. Risk levels for alcohol and drug use were measured using the United States Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (US-AUDIT) and the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST)-10. Substance and tobacco use were significantly and positively correlated. Veterans had a higher US-AUDIT and DAST score than nonveterans, and tobacco appeared to be an exacerbating factor. Effective evidence-based interventions are needed in rural settings. Technology based programs and motivational interviewing with trained clinicians may serve as beneficial and cost-effective interventions for tobacco use prevention and cessation efforts.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about Asian American tobacco and alcohol use patterns. This is particularly true of Chinese living in the United States--either U.S.-born or non-U.S.-born Chinese. This article presents data from a research project studying tobacco and alcohol use patterns in San Francisco's Chinese community. Data were secured both from focus groups and a self-report telephone survey of a random sample of 1,808 Chinese residents in San Francisco. This results indicate that the prevalence of both tobacco and alcohol use is lower for San Francisco's Chinese population than for the general population. Moreover, those persons who report smoking tend to be different from those who report consuming alcohol. The study concludes that specific, culturally relevant tobacco and alcohol prevention programs should be designed to better reach this target population.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influence of friends in class on adolescents’ problematic school behavior (i.e. inattention in class and not doing homework). We examine whether this influence is moderated by ego (i.e. the adolescent's indegree), alter (i.e. friends’ indegree) and dyadic characteristics (i.e. friendship reciprocity). Influence processes are analyzed with a stochastic actor-based model (SIENA), while controlling for friendship selection. Using a 4-wave panel dataset, we find that friends influence adolescents’ problematic school behavior. Adolescents with a higher indegree are less likely to be influenced. The influence of friends is not significantly moderated by friends’ indegree and friendship reciprocity.  相似文献   

Correlates of heavy episodic alcohol and alcohol reduction intervention preferences were examined among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) adults in romantic relationships. Anonymous data were collected online; analyses included logistic and multinomial regression models. One-fourth of participants reported recent heavy episodic alcohol use. Perceptions of partners' engaging in heavy alcohol use was associated with an increased odds of engaging in heavy alcohol use. Perceptions of partners' heavy alcohol use was associated with an increased odds of preferring a couples-based alcohol intervention compared to preferring no intervention. Findings highlight the need to consider partners in alcohol interventions for LGBQ couples.  相似文献   

Vietnamese males have one of the highest rates of smoking and alcohol consumption in the world. Research on the role of social and family resources in promoting healthy behaviours among Vietnamese youth is very limited. We examine the proposition that family support, attachment to school and peer influence are strongly associated with cigarette use, alcohol consumption and violence among Vietnamese youth. We used data from a nationally representative survey of males aged 14–25 years in 2009 (N?=?4705). Three measures of social and family resources and three indicators of health-compromising behaviours were used. Multinomial and logistic regression models were employed to examine the relationships. The regression results showed that a positive and cohesive family environment and attachment to school reduced the odds of smoking, alcohol consumption and violence. However, peer pressure had the opposite effect of increasing the odds. Higher socio-economic status was associated with lower odds of smoking, but higher odds of alcohol consumption among those at school. Excessive alcohol consumption increased the odds of violence by over three times. We conclude that positive and supportive environments within family, at school and among peers can discourage smoking, alcohol consumption and violence among Vietnamese youth.  相似文献   

Self-disclosure is a crucial part of developing close interpersonal relationships during adolescence. In particular, sharing information with a greater depth of intimacy is thought to strengthen social bonds and thus support mental health. The current study investigated the value for different depths of self-disclosures to close others (mothers and best friends) during adolescence and its association with mental health and well-being. Fifty-four girls (11.0–15.9 years) completed a forced-choice monetary paradigm to assess value for self-disclosures and questionnaires on mental health. Participants significantly valued (i.e., forfeited monetary reward) for disclosures to both mothers and best friends, although intimate disclosures were more “costly” than superficial disclosures. Greater value for intimate self-disclosures to mothers was also associated with better mental health and well-being.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the influences of social, attitudinal, and intrapersonal factors at three levels on tobacco use among female adolescents in South Korea using longitudinal national data. The study analyzed data from the Korean Youth Panel Study, with a study population consisting of middle-school second-graders (N = 1594). Using time dependent Cox regression, our analyses yielded the following main findings: the theory of triadic influence was verified to provide a theoretical framework for smoking among Korean female adolescents. All of the social factors at the three levels, including parental supervision, attachment to friends, and peer smoking prevalence, were found to influence tobacco use among Korean female adolescents. Stigma on the distal level and attitude towards smoking on the proximal level were significant attitudinal factors. Among intrapersonal factors, self-control on the distal level and stress on the proximal level were found to be significant. The study findings suggest that including parental education and promoting attachment to non-smoking friends, as well as enhancing sound relationships with them, would provide an effective strategy for the prevention and cessation of smoking. Prevention and cession should include strategies that alleviate stigma and stress, and improve negative attitude toward smoking and the level of self-control.  相似文献   

Social capital has emerged as a promising theoretical approach to understanding political influence in the public relations literature. However, the rationale of using social capital to influence corporate government relations in authoritarian societies is indistinct. To remedy this, we integrate Bourdieu’s (1986) and Lin’s (2001) social capital theories to explore how applying a variant form of social capital (e.g., guanxi) might shape corporate government relations in authoritarian China. A multi-method, qualitative approach was employed involving 44 interviews, participant observation and document review. The findings highlighted an underexamined “vertical” dimension of social capital (i.e., links with authority in a hierarchy), which enables corporations to exercise agency over the pre-existing and often vague regulatory environment. This study adds a new perspective to social capital with hierarchical guanxi that enriches our understanding of guanxi-based political influence in Chinese corporate government relations.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to understand substance use patterns of alcohol, marijuana, and simultaneous alcohol and marijuana (SAM) use among 2- and 4-year college students. Participants: Participants were 526 young adults aged 18–23 (n?=?355 4-year students; n?=?171 2-year students) recruited from February 2015 to January 2016 who were participating in a larger longitudinal study. Methods: Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to identify past-month classes of alcohol, marijuana, and SAM use. Results: Among both 2- and 4-year students, a four-class solution yielded the best-fitting model, with 2-year classes tending to include greater marijuana use and less alcohol use and 4-year classes tending to include heavy alcohol use. Demographic characteristics were largely similar across classes. Conclusions: Classes of alcohol, marijuana, and SAM use differed by education status. Screening and prevention efforts for 4-year students may need to be tailored for the needs of 2-year students.  相似文献   

Adolescence is the critical age when adopting high-risk and health-threatening behaviors including smoking, drug and alcohol use is at its peak. Accordingly, this meta-analysis aimed to provide comprehensive nationwide estimates of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use among Iranian adolescents; and to compare their habits with other societies.Electronic databases, including PubMed, Medline, Embase, Google scholar and National Persian databases of SID, Magiran, and IranMedex were utilized in identifying relevant articles. The included studies were those having publications of quantitative estimates and standard errors of the prevalence of cigarette and drug use among 14–19-year-old high school students in Iran from 2000 to 2014. Random-effects meta-analyses were done including a total of 80,588 high school students.The most common drugs among adolescents in Iran were hallucinogens [25.3% (95% CI: 23.9–26.8)], sleeping pills and tranquilizers [25% (95% CI: 24–26.1)], hookah [23.1% (95% CI: 22.2–23.9)], opiates [22% (95% CI: 21.3–22.7)] and central nervous system (CNS) stimulants [20.1% (95% CI: 19.1–21.1)]. Furthermore, overall estimates for cigarette smoking, alcohol and chewing tobacco/Pan/Nas in the participants were 16.8% (95% CI: 16.4–17.2), 14.7% (95% CI: 14.2–15.3) and 10.0% (95% CI: 8.7–11.4), respectively. However, there was some heterogeneity in the pattern of drug use across the country (P < 0.01). Additionally, the risk of smoking, drinking and drug use by boys was considerably greater than girls. Moreover, data showed a varying trend of drug use over three studied periods of time.In conclusion, a diverse pattern and trend of tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking and drug use among adolescents in Iran was verified. Therefore, preventive and control measures (i.e. education) provided in schools should be compatible with age groups, with emphasis being laid on pattern of use in different parts of the country.  相似文献   

Objective: Popular media have highly publicized alternative forms of alcohol use (eg, eyeballing, inhaling alcohol vapor) among college students as a growing concern, possibly associated with severe health risks. Formative research indicates rarity of use. Participants and Methods: College students (Study 1: n = 411; Study 2: n = 687) completed an online survey. Results: Findings confirmed infrequent use of alternative methods of alcohol use and low likelihood of trying them in the future (Study 1). Participants indicated varied reasons for possibly trying each alternative form of alcohol use, but consistently perceived consequences for all forms (ie, health concerns), as well as very low perceived approval from close friends (Study 2). Social and environmental contextual factors associated with possible use were also explored. Conclusions: College students in the current sample have low prevalence and future likelihood of alternative forms of alcohol use. This information can be used by campus health practitioners to promote accurate normative data for alternative forms of alcohol use. However, with increased perceptions of approval and media presence, future trends could change. Findings revealed important risk factors for these potentially hazardous forms of alcohol use.  相似文献   

Labor force and school attachment may influence alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use in the US and Canada. Differences in social welfare provision, which provide protections for individuals with insecure attachments to the labor force or education, may in turn impact the behavior and health of youth in these countries. Yet, there is little research to understand the health consequences for youth of being out of the labor force and school (OLFS). Data of 25–29 year old participants of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (year 2010) and the Canadian Community Health Survey (2009–2010) were used to examine differences in substance use by labor force and school attachment. Logistic regression suggests that OLFS in the US and Canada were less likely to report alcohol uptake and more likely to use tobacco compared to employed youth. Unemployment was differentially associated with substance use behaviors by country. Country of residence and subsequent exposure to social welfare policy does not appear to impact substance use behaviors among OLFS. However, associations of unemployment and gender by country indicates differences in substance use behavior. More research should seek to understand factors that influence alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use among OLFS and unemployed youth.  相似文献   

Tobacco is a leading contributor to morbidity and mortality and a primary reason for health disparities among African Americans. In this study we explore the role of stress in smoking and cultural factors that protect against stress among African-American adolescents. Our sample consisted of 239 youth who were recruited into the study while enrolled in 8th and 12th grade. Measures of risk factors (stress, school transition stress, and community disorganization), moderator or protective factors (religious support and intergenerational connections), and 30-day tobacco use were collected. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted. Intergenerational connections moderated the effect of stress on past 30-day tobacco use. Religious support moderated the effect of neighborhood disorganization on past 30-day tobacco use. Religious support also moderated the effect of stress on past 30-day tobacco use. The findings have implications for prevention efforts to consider religious beliefs and practices and also to link youth with supportive adults in their community.  相似文献   

This study examines the actual and perceived effects of political advertising on the voting intention of less-experienced eligible voters. Elaborating on the demobilization, stimulation, and influence of presumed influence hypotheses, this study examines the effects of political disaffection, presumed influence, and political efficacy on political mobilization. The study analyzes the effects of political advertisements on 311 college voters. The results of the structural equation modeling (SEM) suggest that instead of demobilizing turnout, self-reported exposure to political advertisements boosts young voters' sense of political efficacy and stimulates their political participation by raising the degree to which they perceive that campaign advertisements affect other voters.  相似文献   

Objective: This study fills a gap in the literature by examining the relationship between two types of narcissism, vulnerable and grandiose, and five alcohol-related outcomes (ie, alcohol use, alcohol problems, evaluation and expectancies of problems, and readiness to change).

Participants: 345 college students (28% men, 72% women) from a Midwestern university were recruited from undergraduate psychology courses from April 2015 to October 2016.

Methods: Participants completed an online survey with questionnaires measuring the variables of interest. Multiple regression analyses were used to test the hypotheses.

Results: Grandiose narcissism was a positive predictor of alcohol consumption and a positive (ie, good) evaluation of alcohol-related problems. Vulnerable narcissism was a positive predictor of alcohol-related problems, problem recognition (ie, readiness to change), and problem expectancies.

Conclusions: The results speak to the effects that different types of narcissism have on alcohol use, alcohol problems and attitudes towards alcohol problems among young adults.  相似文献   

This article represents a comprehensive review of the literature on the predictors, consequences and prevalence of alcohol and tobacco use among South Korean youth. A systematic review of the literature in Korean and English social science journals was undertaken. Findings suggest that processes at multiple levels may lead to problems with alcohol and tobacco among these youth. In particular, the literature suggests that risk factors at the socio-demographic (age, gender, and depression), micro- (family, peer, and teachers), meso- (relations between home and school), exo- (parent-related life events and media), macro- (parenting practices and academic stress), and chrono-systems levels (Asia-Pacific financial crisis in 1997) are associated with increased alcohol and tobacco use. Higher quality of relationships with parents, peers, and teacher can contribute to reductions in alcohol and tobacco use and may offer insights for developing prevention and treatment programs that are appropriate for this population.  相似文献   

Questions concerning sexual abuse before and after the age of 16 years were included in a general population survey of a representative sample of 1052 UK women and 975 UK men. A total of 12.5% of women reported experiencing some form of sexual abuse before the age of 16 years. The corresponding ?gures for men in this category were 11.7%. After the age of 16, the ?gure for women remained at this level. However, the proportion of men reporting these traumatic experiences dropped to 3.2%. Sexual abuse both pre and post age 16 was associated with being single or cohabiting, with higher levels of cigarette‐smoking, alcohol consumption, experience of alcohol‐related problems and use of illicit drugs. The relationship between drinking and other forms of psychoactive drug use and sexual abuse is complex. Some possible explanations for this connection and its therapeutic and practical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A model of alcohol use based on the theory of planned behavior, expectancy theory, and the developmental literature on the influence of parents and peers was examined with 87 eleventh grade students, 105 college freshmen, and 107 college juniors. Specifically, the influence of attitudes about the positive and negative consequences of drinking, perceived parental and peer norms about alcohol consumption, and perceived control over drinking predicted self-reported alcohol use. The results suggest that, during adolescence, decisions to consume alcohol are rational, based on the consideration of the positive consequences of alcohol use and perceptions of control over drinking; however, the negative consequences of alcohol use are discounted. While perceived peer norms predicted alcohol consumption in all three age groups, the influence of perceived parental norms varied such that they predicted alcohol use only among the college juniors. Implications and avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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