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This study examines the impact of social media-based drama therapy and family counselling in reducing symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) in women aged 18–34. The researchers used a quasi-experimental design and randomly assigned the participants (n = 303) to the control, drama therapy, and family counselling groups. The key findings of the study are as follows. First, at baseline, women not only showed more symptoms of PPD than their male counterparts, but men also reached the PPD threshold of 12/13. Second, the difference between women and men regarding their PPD scores achieved statistical significance (p = 0.004). However, during the post-intervention assessment, men who received drama therapy intervention reported a significant drop in their PPD below the threshold of 12/13. Only women whose spouses received family counselling on spousal support reported a significant drop in their PPD. However, those whose partners did not receive family counselling on spousal support still reported PPD scores within the threshold. In both instances, women in the control group still had high PPD scores. Finally, during the 6-month follow-up assessment, even men in the control group did not have significant symptoms of PPD as their scores dropped below the threshold. On the contrary, women in the control group still had high PPD, indicating that PPD lasted more in women than in men. Also, women whose husbands received family counselling on spousal support reported PPD scores below the threshold. However, women whose husbands did not receive spousal counselling still had PPD scores at the threshold, even though their scores marginally dropped.  相似文献   

This exploratory case study conducted in Manitoba, Canada examined a unique social justice issue in the field of mental health, namely, how Deaf adults, all American Sign Language first-language users who were diagnosed with Depression, manage their symptoms in a mental health system that is based on spoken, not signed communication. Using in-depth individual interviews, and a hand-drawn Person and Environment Map, this study offers rich in-depth narratives of the experiences and challenges faced by members of the Deaf community seeking mental health assessment and intervention.  相似文献   

Grounded in the networked stakeholder management theory and two-way communication, this study provides a snapshot of networks between companies and publics on Twitter in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication. Results showed that CSR communication activities (i.e., informing, retweeting, and mentioning) empowered a corporation through centralizing its network position and gaining public support (i.e., emotional, influencer, and knowledge support). In addition, degree centrality mediated the relationship between corporate retweets and stakeholder support and between corporate response and stakeholder support.  相似文献   

An exploratory investigation of the variables linking adolescent substance abuse and depression was conducted using the “grounded theory” qualitative research approach. A convenience sample was drawn from African American adolescents, aged 12 to 18 years, who reside in a public housing community in Baltimore, Maryland. The results revealed approximately 5% of the sample openly admitted to using drugs because they are sad, feel like a failure, lack energy and because they have family problems. Moreover, 26% of the respondents reported drinking alcoholic beverages; 26% of the population reported smoking marijuana and 16% of the respondents reported they smoke cigarettes. Additionally, life stressors (i.e. an absent parent from the home, childhood illnesses, family discord, living in kinship or foster care environments, living in single-parent households and unemployment) are adversely impacting the lives of African American adolescents residing in a public housing community.  相似文献   

John Bowlby developed attachment theory to explain connections between infant and caregiver behavior and how these impacted children’s behavior. Extended and researched heavily in a variety of contexts, attachment theory has advanced clinical thinking over time. Its core ideas regarding infant and caregiver connections are very useful to mental health practitioners today and have particular ramifications for clinical work with adults. This paper discusses the application of Bowlby’s attachment theory to the clinical treatment of adult depression and explores a relevant case example.  相似文献   

The timely transition from Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)2 to another modern family planning method contributes to healthy spacing of pregnancies by increasing the adoption of family planning during the first year postpartum. Yet, literature suggests challenges in completing a timely LAM transition. To guide program implementation in Bangladesh, this study identified factors influencing women's transition decisions.Eighty postpartum women, comprising 40 who transitioned from LAM3 and 40 who did not,4 participated. Half of each group participated in in-depth interviews to explore the decision-making process. All participants responded to a “Barrier Analysis” questionnaire to identify differences in eight behavioral determinants.More than half of transitioners switched to another modern method before or within the same month that LAM ended. Of the 18 transitioners who delayed,5 15 waited for menses to return. For non-transitioners, key barriers included waiting for menses to return, misconceptions on return to fertility, and perceived lack of familial support. The LAM transition can help women prevent unintended pregnancy during the first year postpartum. Increased emphasis on counseling women about the risk of pregnancy, and misconceptions about personal fertility patterns are critical for facilitating the transition. Strategies should also include interventions that train health workers and improve social support.  相似文献   


Translational research facilitates the application of knowledge gained from research, bridging the divide between research and practice. In the context of work and family studies, translational research can take a variety of forms, depending upon the degree of engagement with stakeholders or end-users of the research. In this study, we defined and examined indicators of translational research in exemplary work and family research publications, in an effort to shed light on the adaptation of translational research perspectives to the work and family field. Using content analysis, we examined indicators of translational research in the 46 articles nominated for the 2018 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for work and family research. Of the 46 articles in the study, 24 (52.2%) included content suggesting translational research. The most common indicators of translational research involved presenting practical and policy applications or implications of research findings, while fewer articles mentioned developing sustained research-practice partnerships or engaging stakeholders in study design or implementation. We identify several implications of these findings for work and family scholars, academic organizations, professional associations, and the field of work and family research as a whole.  相似文献   

Network stability is of increasing interest to researchers as they try to understand the dynamic processes by which social networks form and evolve. Because hospital patient care units (PCUs) need flexibility to adapt to environmental changes (Vardaman et al., 2012), their networks are unlikely to be uniformly stable and will evolve over time. This study aimed to identify a metric (or set of metrics) sufficiently stable to apply to PCU staff information sharing and advice seeking communication networks over time. Using Coefficient of Variation, we assessed both Across Time Stability (ATS) and Global Stability over four data collection times (Baseline and 1, 4, and 7 months later). When metrics were stable using both methods, we considered them “super stable.” Nine metrics met that criterion (Node Set Size, Average Distance, Clustering Coefficient, Density, Weighted Density, Diffusion, Total Degree Centrality, Betweenness Centrality, and Eigenvector Centrality). Unstable metrics included Hierarchy, Fragmentation, Isolate Count, and Clique Count. We also examined the effect of staff members’ confidence in the information obtained from other staff members. When confidence was high, the “super stable” metrics remained “super stable,” but when low, none of the “super stable” metrics persisted as “super stable.” Our results suggest that nursing units represent what Barker (1968) termed dynamic behavior settings in which, as is typical, multiple nursing staff must constantly adjust to various circumstances, primarily through communication (e.g., discussing patient care or requesting advice on providing patient care), to preserve the functional integrity (i.e., ability to meet patient care goals) of the units, thus producing the observed stability over time of nine network metrics. The observed metric stability provides support for using network analysis to study communication patterns in dynamic behavior settings such as PCUs.  相似文献   

The paradigm of work–family conflict is challenged by the fluid realities of the actual world. Through an innovative phenomenographic study of women's understanding of their lives, we show that the social imaginary of work–family conflict assumes that vulnerability is a constitutive reality for women. Consequently, with respect to the perspectives through which women are invited to make sense of their lives, the metaphor of conflict enforces a worldview based on traditional gender roles. Organizational policies that rely heavily on a social imaginary of work–family conflict may prove ineffective. On the one hand, they ignore the diversity of morphologies and vocabularies used by women today to understand themselves in relation to their family and workplace. On the other, work–family conflict arises as a product of policy measures and bureaucratic practices rather than as an experiential reality. Policy statements on work–family conflict have a performative character: they communicate a message about women's social status and identity. Therefore, effective organizational policies should integrate vocabularies and assumptions that make women aware of themselves in a confident manner by relying on social imaginaries that encourage agency and empowered participation in the world.  相似文献   

The study investigates factors associated with the individual intentions to change the family financial situation of 337 farm respondents. The hypotheses are that intentions to change are influenced by (a) resource flexibility or constraints existing at the time of the decision situation, including off-farm employment, education, age, and household size, and (b) perceptual factors of perceived income adequacy, locus of control, degree of discrepancy between standard and level of the family financial situation, and dissatisfaction or satisfaction with the discrepancy. Older respondents and those experiencing more external control are less likely to intend to change. Younger respondents and those who perceive their incomes as more adequate are more likely to perceive that they have control over their situation. The lower the perceived income adequacy, the greater the discrepancy between standard and level of the family financial situation and the lower the satisfaction with the discrepancy. Significant indirect effects were consistent with theoretical expectations.Research was supported by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Projects 52-055, 52-054, and 52-058 and the Minnesota Extension Service. The authors wish to thank Jean W. Bauer, Ph.D., for research collaboration and Susan Keskinen and Cathy Schultz for research assistance.Her research interests include social, economic, and technical decision processes, discrepancies between standards and levels, and the interrelationship of work and family roles, particularly for farm women. Her Ph.D. is from Iowa State University.Her research interests in family resource management theory include social decision making processes and social decision rules, family life quality, and the economic consequences of divorce. Her Ph.D. is from Michigan State University.  相似文献   

Situational communication crisis communication theory (SCCT) and Weiner's attribution theory are used in this research to explain the public's responses to a corporation that caused an oil spill accident. Consistent with SCCT, people made higher internal attributions and lower external attributions about the oil spill accident when low distinctiveness information was provided, compared to when high distinctiveness information or no information was provided. Higher internal attributions and lower external attributions, in turn, resulted in greater punitive opinions and punitive behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to apply Bowen family systems theory to work with families involved in the child welfare system. An overview of family systems theory is provided, and then specific tenets of Bowen family systems theory are presented. The authors highlight incidents within the child welfare setting that can be conceptualized through Bowen family therapy terms and concepts. A case study is used to highlight how this theory could be applied in practice. Furthermore, recommendations for child welfare practice and policy implications are discussed, utilizing the lens of a Bowenian family systems approach.  相似文献   

The family environment is considered an important influence on a young person's well‐being. The ‘Safety First Assessment Intervention’ is a model of care that considers and incorporates the importance of family environment when assessing and managing distressed young people. This pilot study explores the influence of the ‘Safety First Assessment Intervention’ on the family environment of young people referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. A pre‐ and post‐design was used, with families completing the Family Survey before and after their assessment/intervention. The Family Survey was correlated with a validated measure of family function, the APGAR, and pre‐intervention. Significant changes in multiple dimensions of family environment, including reduced level of distress for the adult, increased level of distress for the young person, improved sense of how the family felt the adult was managing currently, and improved confidence in family communication were found. There was no significant change in how the adult understood their role in helping the young person manage their distress. A thematic analysis showed trends in the current concerns for young people and adults as well as the difficulty young people in distress have in identifying their strengths. This pilot study demonstrates that the ‘Safety First Assessment Intervention’ can influence the family environment in a positive way and highlights the importance of using a family‐based approach for distressed young people.  相似文献   

With the increase in separations, family recomposition, and new modes of cohabitation, the contours of the family have become less clearly defined. It has become important to separate the family group from its statistical framework – the household – while taking account, in both time and space, of the interpersonal relationships built up over the life-course. In response to these objectives, the French National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) conducted two surveys, Proches et Parents in 1990 and Biographies et Entourage in 2001, which use new concepts to address these new family realities: the local family circle which, for an individual, includes family members living in the same municipality, with whom he/she has a close and strong relationship in terms of mutual support and regular contact, and the concept of entourage (contact circle), which includes close relatives, all co-resident persons, whether relatives or not, but also significant others who have marked the individual's life. Far from being limited to the immediate family, the universe of familial and elective relationships covers a much more complex reality whose contours may be limited to the family or extended to a wider circle of relatives and friends. It describes an affective and residential proximity that reveals a mutual support network of varying strength, which may or may not be solicited, which may be avoided or, on the contrary, revived in response to events affecting its members.  相似文献   

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth. It’s Time to Talk about It: A Family Guide for Youth Suicide Prevention is a consumer-driven, easy to read educational print resource to guide families in efforts to prevent suicide. This study utilized a retrospective, cross-sectional survey design to evaluate if this recently developed health promotion written resource increased perceived knowledge, attitudes, confidence, and intentions to engage in suicide prevention activities. Ninety community members participated in the study. After reading the guide, participants felt significantly more knowledgeable and had significantly greater intentions to participate in suicide prevention activities. Additionally, 71% of participants reported positive attitudes due to the guide, 80% reported feeling confident in their ability to help an at-risk youth, and, overall, 94% reported that the guide was a helpful resource. The results suggest that this family guide has potential to prepare families to be the first line of defense in helping to identify and connect at-risk youths to sources of help.  相似文献   

This study integrates two theoretically driven methods—network analysis and fantasy theme analysis—to present a message-focused operationalization for the communication dimension of social capital. The results find empirical support for scholars’ theorizing that public relations-facilitated messages cultivate shared meaning and foster social capital. The relationship between shared meaning and social capital was especially evident in network subgroups (cliques). This article contributes to social capital theory building by focusing on the meaning making process that strengthens social capital in networks. Public relations practitioners’ communicative roles in social capital cultivation are made evident with a message-focused measurement.  相似文献   

This study develops a model for analyzing the flow of frames and the multiple levels of framing effects in Chinese crisis communication both online and offline. To investigate the convergence and/or divergence of traditional media and social media in framing a crisis event in China, the study uses the sample of a celebrity scandal case that received extensive attention both online and offline. The empirical findings showed that crisis communicative strategies (CCSs), that is, the frames used in crisis communication, were correlated with those used in newspaper coverage (i.e. frames in representation) but were not correlated with the CCSs used by the online public (i.e. frames in thoughts). Specific and defensive CCSs, such as attacking the accusers and denial, led to fewer favorable responsibility-oriented frames than ambiguous strategies, such as excuses and justification. This finding supports the assumptions of classic situational crisis communication theory. However, none of the above-mentioned CCSs significantly predicted the relationship-oriented frames in thoughts. Relationship-oriented frames were found to be a predictor of the valence of online public opinion whereas no CCS was observed to be influential in the online public opinions expressed by social media users.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how strategic communication is being used in the case of regions, “imagined communities,” or the so-called “stateless nations,” for nation-building purposes. It focuses on the case of Spain's Catalonia region in the years since the devolution of power and approval of the Second Statute of Autonomy in 1979. The different successive Catalan governments have made intensive use of mass media campaigns and other soft power methods to enhance Catalan identity. Main efforts have focused on the promotion of the Catalan language, culture, sports, and symbols through public relations, mass media campaigns, the implementation of laws, and the deployment of public diplomacy tactics with the dual purpose of reaching internal audiences. Although a significant part of the Catalan population is alienated from politics, the overall outcome has been positive for Catalan nationalism: identification with Spain has decreased while dual Catalan/Spanish and Catalan-only identification has grown during this period.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing proportion of marriageable females who are single, the mass media still relegate unmarried womanhood to a stereotypical, second-tier life trajectory, which contrasts the ideal of happiness and fulfillment provided by marriage. The study explores single women’s responses to the media’s stereotyping of single womanhood. Drawing on the third-person effect framework, the study uses data gathered from survey of single women in urban China to examine how they perceived stereotyped media message as influencing both themselves and two important stakeholders in marriage choices (parents and unmarried peers). The results revealed significant third-person perceptions in judging the perceived influences of a prejudicial advertisement for a matchmaking service. The third-person effect appeared to be larger when unmarried peers were picked as the reference group for single women with higher education levels and for single women from families scoring high in conformity communication orientation and low in conversation orientation. The behavioral component of third-person perceptions was more aligned with the influence of the presumed effect, which suggests that single women counteracted because they were concerned with the negative effects of media on parents and peers.  相似文献   

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