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WHEN I was born, my father was 40 and my mother was 36. Father is a man of few words and an introverted nature. He belongs to that type of people who are very tough and strong-willed; he has worked hard all his life. Mother, on the other hand, is extroverted and eager to excel. My personality is a combination of both of their characters. Father loves playing ping-pong ardently. He used to be a top player of the Henan provincial team and won the men's singles championship in a contest of five provinces in central and southern China. Mother, a worker at the No. 4 National Textile Mill in Zhengzhou, also loved to play ping-pong when she was young. It was because of the sport that she and Father were brought together and got married. When the Henan  相似文献   

Special Services on Trains
During the 2014 Spring Festival travel season (from January 16 to February 24), Qingdao passenger service branch of Jinan Railway Administration, in East China's Shandong Province, provided flee childdelivery service on trains traveling from Qingdao to seven cities. Parents who could not accompany their children, who were between 7-13 years old, could reserve the child-delivery service (five days in advance) and sign an agreement with the service branch. Conductors on the trains would take care of the children and present the children to the people who were designated to pick them up at the destination.  相似文献   

As the 2008 Beijing Olympics approach, people throughout China are operating and/or participating in seemingly countless activities,with full passion,to welcome the grand event.Among them are several people who form a group of folk artists who are combining their great works with the Olympic theme.Fuwa,the Games' lovable mascots,are favorites of those artists. Fuwa are on papercuts,embroideries and paintings.They are even being painted on women's fingernails.The five little cuties seem to be everywhere,w...  相似文献   

ALTHOUGH born in late 1950s, Xie Lijun's experiences and paintings have no obvious reference to that time in history. She is more like a much older woman who grew up under the old system. She paints about everything, from flowers, birds and landscapes to people, legends, and religion. Many of her works have won national awards. In addition to the freehand brushwork and flower-bird paintings that reflect her quiet elegance, her best work can be found in the "Series  相似文献   

Elizabeth's arrival in our life came by a chance event.But she makes me believe that in America,in China and in any other corner of the world,there are people who have lofty minds and who are ready to give their love to others.I believe this is especially true among women,as they communicate with not only language but also with their heart.It is because of women that this world has a better understanding among peoples of all nationalities.It makes this world a better place to live in.  相似文献   

Of all the interpersonal relationships a woman will have, the one with her best friend will be the most special friendship. The special friendship between two women who are best friends has oft been discussed and the center of attention in novels and films. In Chinese, a woman's closest friend is called guhni. Perhaps the writers and playwrights were inspired by their own or their friends' stories about guimi, and that prompted them to produce works that addressed the topic. Such works have reminded many people of their own friends. Guimi has become a popular term in recent years. If you search the term guimi on the lnternet, you will find countless entries, and you will notice that many websites and BBS (bulletin board system) include guimi in their names.  相似文献   

More Pregnancies, Babies in the Year of the Dog 准妈妈狗年扎堆生“狗宝宝” A growing number of women participated in pregnancy examinations in Beijing's health centers for women and children in the weeks leading up to the Year of the Dog. That indicates more babies will be born, compared with recent years, over the next several months. Among the 12 animals (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig) used to symbolize the years in which people are born, Chinese tend to believe the dog has the reputation of being "clever, loyal and reliable." Therefore, many couples hope to have their babies in 2006-the Year of the Dog. However, experts remind prospective parents not to be too superstitious, as the great number of children born in the Year of the Dog will face fierce competition at both school and work when they grow up.  相似文献   

A special fund for premature babies under the China Social Welfare Education Foundation was launched in Beijing on August 8, 2010. It's China's first fund established to help premature babies. More than 20 million babies are born in China every year, 2 million of whom are premature. (Premature babies are defined as those who are born less than 37 weeks into pregnancy.) According to Ma Jianian, the fund's secretary-general, the fund is intended to raise awareness and promote scientific information about premature babies among women of childbearing age. It is also intended to help reduce the premature birth rate.  相似文献   

Millions of urban educated youths were assigned to bordering regions, pastoral areas, as well as agricultural areas, during China's chaotic "cultural revolution" (1966-1976), to take part in Iocal production. Known as "urban educated youths settling down in the mountain and rural areas to join in labor," the movement was rigorously carried out all over the country during that time. Settling down in remote, poverty stricken villages and pastoral lands, these young people spent their youth in hardships. They shared the hard lives of local peasants and herdsman, and were tempered by the most rigorous challenges. Many of them returned to cities when the "cultural revolution" was over. However, their lives in the countryside have been ingrained deeply in their memories. This has become the most unforgettable part of their life. Here are the memories of Zhang Yaping, one of the young urban women who once stayed in Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

No one knows when the people ofMacheng City began to employthe marriage custom of racingfor the bed, once a custom unique to theTujia ethnic minority. It is said that at the end of awedding, bride and bridegroom enter thebridal chamber together and race for thebed. The one who is the first to sit on thebed will be the master of the new familyIt sounds unreasonable, but quite anumber of people believe in it.Therefore, on the wedding night, manybrides and bridegrooms try their best to  相似文献   

If parents are sober- minded,they should try to find the root causes of their children's indulgence in on-line games,rather than merely blaming it on us.Now that children are heavily burdened with all sorts of lessons,in addition to their schoolwork,most of them are attending various extra-curricular courses,such as…English, mathematics,piano and dance. As their schedules are arranged by their parents,they have little time to tend their own interests.  相似文献   

I am 76 years old this year. I was one of the women cadres who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan in 1937. I was born in a village located in Shenxian County, Hengshui Area, Hebei Province. Mine was a big family. Two of my uncles were teachers of an old-style private school. They enjoyed a decent social status and were respected by the local people. My father used to work in the county seat; later on, he also returned to his native village. Though he worked as a farmer, he too had had some schooling. At that time, Dr. Sun Yat-sen had established  相似文献   

The new year brings new hope to China,including to those people who provide psychological counseling,and to the people who receive such services.This month,Women of China focuses on the development of psychology in China. In the past,most Chinese people were not familiar with psychology,and they considered it to be a mysterious  相似文献   

In the early 1900s, when Western women were just starting to fight for their rights to participate in government and political affairs, China's women, who had just broken away from a feudal monarchy, also claimed that they wanted to participate in government and political affairs.In 1912, the Revolution of 1911, led by Sun Yat-sen-pioneer of China's democratic revolution-overthrew the last feudal monarchy and the bourgeois Republic of China was founded. The women following sun Yat-sen were to put into action their demand to participate in government and political affairs.  相似文献   

The Nu Women     
In the northwest of Yunnan Province lies an area of 14,703 square kilometers called Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, which is inhabited by an ethnic group unique to Yunnan—the Nu ethnicity. The Nu people are the most ancient settlers and the earliest pioneers of the region. With a population of 27, 123(13,000 females), the Nu are among the smallest of China's 55 ethnic groups. The Nu live in a mountainous area filled with sloping hills and steep cliffs. The roaring Nujiang River and Lacangjiang River separate the Nu from the outside world. In addition to using rope bridges, the Nu cross the rivers bv means of dugout canoes. The canoes are so small that it is hard to imagine they can be rowed in the rolling waves, but the Nu are good ferrymen. Some people believe that the changeable weather and the complicated natural environment nurtures the Nu to develop rugged and straightforward personalities. The Nu are an optimistic people who take delight in their life. The men like to play the musical instrument k  相似文献   

WOMEN, a powerful force accounting for some 50 percent of world's total population, are deeply involved in social development and are actively joining their male counterparts in promoting the progress of mankind. Nonetheless, people seem to be paying increasingly less attention to the aforementioned facts. Therefore, the following question is meant to call people's attention to the matter. What would happen if women withdraw from economic, political, cultural and family activities? In terms of the economy, it would mean that about one billion people would go on strike due to the fact that some 897 million women across the world are engaged in paid economic activities. The worldwide grain output  相似文献   

It was a custom in Yidu that on New Year's Eve, people eavesdropped outside other people's homes with a bronze mirror hidden in the bosom after reciting a rhyme to it. People believed that what they had heard would often fortell good or bad luck. A family named Zheng once lived in Yidu. The two sons of this family were both considered intellectuals, But the older son was eager to learn while the younger was lazy and sluggish. Their parents only liked the older son. Because of this, the old couple's attitudes toward their two daughters-in-law were also  相似文献   

A special group of people live in the western foothills along the bank of the Ergun River-of Da Xing'an Ling Mountain. They are offspring of Chinese and Russian Slavs. They have Russian features and most have Chinese names, and they can speak both Chinese and Russian. Their grandfathers were Chinese farmers who settled in Northeast China during the early to mid 1900s, when  相似文献   

Photo-raking Impairment Effect
The taking of pictures rather than concentrating fully on people, things and/or events in front of people preventsmemories from taking hold. People so often whip out their cameras, almost mindlessly, to capture a moment, to the point that they are missing what is happening in front of them.  相似文献   

IN those days, when heavy snow sealed the mountain passes, it was only the sight of red paper-cuts on the windows which said to me there were people living in those houses covered with deep and solid snow. Every time I travel to the Northwest, I have come across paper-cutters who touch me so deeply that I can't forget their faces even long after I return to the city. Sometimes in the harsh winters of the Northwest, there is no color but the monotonous white of the snow until the lively red of the paper-cuts spring into sight. These colorful, waiting things like cheerful signals of warmth and humanity,  相似文献   

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