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哈尔滨市道里区榆树镇位于哈尔滨市西郊,距市区21公里,面积55.3平方公里,辖6个行政村、14个自然屯,总人口21293人。近年来,我镇统计工作在各级统计部门的领导和支持下,充分发挥信息咨询的职能作用,为我镇经济社会发展做出了突出贡献。在此过程中,镇政府真切地感受到了统计工作在经济社会发展中的重要作用,一致认为,要更好地发挥统计工作的作用,就必须大力加强统计基础工作,充分赋予统计工作话语权。  相似文献   

近日,潘璠在其《统计科研正逢其时》一文中说:解决统计实践中正在面临的诸多现实问题,开展科研,破解难题,也正是统计科研的生命力所在。读张仲梁《碎片语境下的统计话语权》(《统计研究》2011第9期,以下简称《话语权》)。同感潘璠。  相似文献   

张仲梁 《统计研究》2008,25(8):7-12
统计传播由话语构成,其效果与统计话语的特质联系在一起。中国统计目前的话语体系是一种半官方半专业的话语体系,自说自话的色彩比较浓厚,离大众话语体系有相当的距离,离现实社会语境也有相当的距离,应强调用户和公众导向,破解话语惯性,实现统计话语从独白到对话的转变。  相似文献   

在实际工作中,我们深深体会到了统计工作在经济礼会发展中的重要作用,穆棱市市委、市政府达成了共识,要更好地发挥统计工作作用,就必须大力加强统计基础工作,提升统计部门的话语权和地位。  相似文献   

从事统计工作30多年以来,最熟悉的一句话就是统计数据质量是统计人的生命线,是统计部门和统计人员的生存和立命之本,这无疑是在证明统计数据质量的重要性。用现在的话说实际上就是要解决统计话语权或者称之为  相似文献   

话语标记语理论对英语听力水平影响的统计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
话语标记语对非英语专业学生英语听力水平是否具有明显影响,是需要进一步研究的问题,也是有效提高学生英语听力水平的关键问题.通过设计有效的统计实验,通过统计分析研究了话语标记语理论对学生的英语听力水平的影响,得出了话语标记语理论对学生英语听力水平具有显著影响,为有效的提高学生英语听力水平提供了依据.  相似文献   

但凡节庆,必有人在心动,在期盼。共和国政府统计机构成立60周年,60年光辉岁月,统计人用青春、平凡、奉献见证了历史的痕迹,用坚韧的画笔描绘了共和国经济社会发展的宏伟蓝图,用执着记录了大到国家大事小到日常生活的点点滴滴。统计人有太多的话语要诉说,用统计人也只有统计人能懂的语言倾诉。在喜迎共和国政府统计60周年之际,有幸成为"我与统计共成长"征文评委会成员,认真拜读了统计同行用心书写的统计缘,数海情,感受他们从事统计工作的  相似文献   

五年前的春天,伸海鹰同志被任命为龙口市统计局局长。她那明媚的笑脸,像阳光照亮了我们的眼睛,她那温馨的话语,像春风吹开了我们的心扉,她像一脉清泉,荡涤了我们心头的浮躁、焦虑。五年来,她用“阳光心态、快乐工作”的理念启迪我们,把责任心、进取心、使命感植入我们的心田,引领我们感受统计的快乐与多彩!  相似文献   

这里记述的是一位将全部的情和爱献给统计事业的老领导——陈明。陈明是陕西省统计工作的开创者,又是西安统计院校的奠基人,在全国统计界颇有名望。为祝贺中国统计机构创建10周年,我怀着崇敬的心情,在西安一家医院的病房里采访了他。七旬多的陈老神采奕奕,爽朗健谈。一提起统计工作,陈老的话语就滔滔不绝。  相似文献   

“我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人。”习近平总书记的这一金句,满怀信心寄语亿万人民,勇敢踏上追寻梦想的新征程。亲切的话语、殷切的期待、郑重的嘱托,激励着每一个人继续在奔跑中拥抱梦想、成就梦想。为了讲好统计人为中国统计事业发展追梦前行的故事,《中国统计》杂志将在全国统计系统及行业统计部门开展“我们都是追梦人”主题征文活动。  相似文献   

我国统计高等教育的回顾与前瞻   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
袁卫 《统计研究》2001,5(1):45-50
 作为一名统计教育工作者,我有幸亲身经历了最近20多年来我国统计教育拨乱反正、改革开放与发展波澜壮阔的整个过程。在世纪之交,愿以这篇文章回顾过去,展望未来,以迎接新世纪的挑战。  相似文献   

Bob Persing   《Serials Review》2004,30(4):334-342
Several political commentary journals are among America's best-known print journals. This article analyzes their online editions to see how well they are making use of such elements as interactive discussion, rapid publication, and ancillary links. Political discourse has been a mainstay of journal publishing since Addison and Steele started the Spectator, the first periodical for a popular audience, in London in 1711. Some of the oldest American journals are those featuring political commentary. Such journals proliferated in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries when some of their writers and editors like William F. Buckley Jr. grew to be considered powerful political forces in their own right.  相似文献   

This article identifies four problems with the present federal statistical system for economics: (1) lack of comparability of data series; (2) fragmentation and poor data quality; (3) nonoptimal funding patterns; and (4) susceptibility of the system to politicization. Full centralization of the system appears to be both impractical and undesirable as a solution; however, considerable consolidation in the statistics collection process and a substantial increase in the number and professional quality of personnel devoted to planning, developing, and coordinating the federal statistical system are recommended.  相似文献   

We consider the following fragmentation model of the unit interval 𝕀. We start fragmenting 𝕀 into two pieces with uniform random sizes. One of these two subintervals is then chosen at random according to a β-size-biased picking procedure, β ∈ ?. This particular tagged fragment is next broken into two random pieces, one of which is chosen accordingly at random for further splitting; the process is then iterated independently. This model constitutes a recursive β-partitioning procedure where splitting occurs only at one of the two fragments formed in the previous step of fragmentation. We investigate some statistical features of this model.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the mixture of left–right truncated normal distributions, from the spreads between bid and ask prices, as a statistical model for handle non-normality of asset price returns. It has been proved that there is only one maximum for the likelihood function of the new model.  相似文献   

 2010年8月1日新版《国际服务贸易统计制度》开始在中国正式实施,我国的服务贸易统计框架从制度上得以确定。本文首先对《制度》所构建的服务贸易统计框架进行介绍,然后通过与《国际服务贸易统计手册》的比较,找出其与《手册》相关建议的差异之处并结合我国服务贸易统计存在的问题提出相应的建议。  相似文献   


Several political commentary journals are among America's best-known print journals. This article analyzes their online editions to see how well they are making use of such elements as interactive discussion, rapid publication, and ancillary links. Political discourse has been a mainstay of journal publishing since Addison and Steele started the Spectator, the first periodical for a popular audience, in London in 1711. Some of the oldest American journals are those featuring political commentary. Such journals proliferated in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries when some of their writers and editors like William F. Buckley Jr. grew to be considered powerful political forces in their own right.  相似文献   

State fragility is a concept that entered the political discourse in the last decades producing remarkable implications for aid allocation and international policies. The operationalization of this concept has generated a number of composite indices to produce rankings of fragile states. However, the temporal dimension of the driving forces leading to fragility has been rather neglected. This article discusses a statistical procedure that helps to represent the global fragility of a country and the path that a country has followed or will follow in the future when possibly entering into (or escaping from) a fragility condition. Specifically, multiple factor analysis is applied to depict vulnerable and weak countries, and to identify the fundamental forces that determine their overall fragility. Moreover, the trajectories of countries along the years are estimated using partial factor scores. Finally, the path of each country is predicted by means of parsimonious regression models, based on a reduced set of explanatory variables, and according to scenarios elaborated from available international outlooks.  相似文献   

影响统计数据质量的因素是多方面的。提高统计数据质量不仅要改进统计的方法技术,还需要建设优良的统计社会环境,为统计提供良好的条件,所以应当重视“统计生态环境建设”的问题。“统计生态环境建设”包括有利于确保数据质量的思想观念环境、政府统计的体制环境、包含数据真实性的社会信用体系以及保障统计数据质量的法制环境。  相似文献   

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