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In this article we introduce the concept of the firm’s organizational logic and how it influences organizational change processes. Characteristics and the essence of the organizational logic are explained and then illustrated by mean of a real-world case. Depending on the level of organizational change – whether it leads to single-loop, double-loop or deutero learning – we provide different implications for change agents to make use of the organizational logic to steer organizational change successfully.  相似文献   

Graduates of the German dual system of vocational education and training differ in their chances of directly entering horizontally and vertically matching labour market positions. This article discusses how structural characteristics of training occupations impact such differences. I focus on three characteristics: the average training costs, the degree of occupational closure and how broadly applicable the qualifications are. Using data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), I analyse the first labour market position for individuals who graduated from apprenticeship training between 1974 and 2004 in West Germany. I develop measures for occupational characteristics based on data from the BIBB Cost Benefit Studies and the BIBB/IAB Employment Surveys and merge these measures with the individual-level data. Applying multinomial logistic regression models, I simultaneously analyse the influence of the occupational characteristics on the probability to find employment in the first place and to reach horizontally and vertically matching positions. The results show that the occupational characteristics provide different opportunities within the training occupation but also within other occupations. The article, thus, helps us understand how occupational characteristics structure individual labour market chances and sheds light on the long-term consequences of unequal access to training occupations.  相似文献   

This article of the magazine “Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation (GIO)” shows how the digital transformation changes the understanding of leadership in a fundamental and disruptive way. It highlights different approaches for business strategies and human resource management that seem necessary to succeed within the new, digital age. The digital transformation of the Haufe Group offers a valid example and is being outlined with reference to their practical experience and to scientific research. The case of the Haufe Group indicates clearly: the digital transformation requires a profound social transformation!  相似文献   

Based on Allbus data, stability and change of the impact of social structurally defined interests on party preference in Germany is investigated. We use both traditional cleavage indicators like union membership or frequency of church attendance and further social structural characteristics like class identification, occupation or unemployment experience. We apply a two-level model with varying intercepts for the 16 Allbus surveys from 1980 to 2008. Beyond the expected results we observe some deviations from the stable relationship between social structural variables and party preference. (1) The younger generation of active Catholics prefers the Christian Democrats less than the older cohorts and the East German working class leaned towards this party immediately after unification. (2) Union members got alienated from the Social Democrats since 2004 due to reforms of unemployment benefits for people being out of work for a longer period of time with the consequence that Die Linke could profit from this trend in West and East Germany. (3) This left socialist party and its forerunner, the PDS, has always been the preferred party of people with unemployment experience. (4) The Greens and the Liberal Party are enduringly supported by specific social groups, the Greens by the social and cultural service class and the FDP by the self-employed, at least since this latter party ended the social liberal coalition with the SPD in 1982.  相似文献   

Traditional forms of personal identity are tending to disappear or dissolve. The current development does not allow us to conceive identity with a specific content This process is often considered destructive for personality. I suggest, seeing it as a chance to stop glorifying identity and to approach the concept and reality of the ?Empty Self“.  相似文献   

Against the background of existing patterns of recruitment within academics the article deals with the socio-structural composition of the professors in the field of sociology. The basis is a full survey of professors at departments of sociology at German universities and a number of selected research institutes. The parameters of interest are the share of female professors, the share of foreign professors, the social background of professors in terms of coming from East or West Germany and the age distribution. In order to capture changes over time, we differentiate the data according to birth cohorts. All in all with the exception of the feminization of the profession we find a great structural stability of the composition of sociology professors, which indicates the ongoing dominance of specific pattern of recruitment. In particular the inclusion of East Germans and the internationalization of the professorial personal have not advanced.  相似文献   

Following Boudon social disparities at educational transitions can be linked to primary and secondary effects of social origin. Whereas primary effects describe social differentials in scholastic performance, secondary effects represent social differences in educational choices that are independent of performance. We use four panel surveys of graduate cohorts that have obtained eligibility for higher education between 1983 and 1999, provided by the German Higher Education Information System (HIS). By applying counterfactual decomposition methods we estimate the relative importance of primary and secondary effects at the transition to tertiary education. Our results indicate that secondary effects are the main driving force in the creation of social disparities at the transition to tertiary education, accounting for more than 80% of the differential between service class and working class offspring. Particularly financial aspects connected to the choice of post-secondary alternatives, interest in academic work and the type of Abitur degree can explain these effects. Furthermore, even though we observe a small increase in social selectivities at the transition to higher education, the relative importance of primary and secondary effects does not change within our observation period.  相似文献   

There are several plausible arguments which make it obvious to apply Rational Choice Theory to the process of educational opportunities and equality. Looking more closely at an empirical application or RC theory, several serious problems emerge: They concern the operationalization of the variables, the explanatory power of the central variables related to Subjective Expected Utility, the systematic omission of important variables relating to individual persons and their identity, and to social structural and institutional factors; the latter seem to be much more important than those indicated by RC approaches.  相似文献   

Associations and unions are under high optimisation pressure because of fewer public money and general changes in society. Many try to cope with this hard situation by looking for business management instruments. Quick solutions are however not easy to get. These organisations are for their members, to a high degree, social communities as well as political action communities and economic or services communities. These three different forms of communities constitute subsystems in associations with their own very specific organisatinal logic. If one of those subsystems get out of balance it would affect the two others. Modern management instruments are useless in changes projects handling changes, as long as the managing committee doesn’t initiate broad and extensive internal discussions about the future direction of the association. Project handling changes have only a chance to succeed, if they equally take into consideration all three subsystems.  相似文献   

The study combines survey data from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (GS?O?E?P) to address the role of changing parental resources in explaining the long-run historical trend of women’s rising educational attainment in Germany. For West German cohorts, the analysis suggests a distinction between two historical periods: a first one for birth cohorts up until the mid-1960s, when daughters’ educational attainment increased uniformly across all social strata, and a second period among women from younger birth cohorts, for whom all observable change in educational attainment can be explained as a pure compositional effect due to rising levels of parental resources. Rising educational attainment among East German cohorts has followed a more complex historical pattern, however, as women first benefitted from rapid educational expansion and the equalization of educational opportunity during the first two decades of the GDR. With educational policies reversed since the 1970s, East German women saw their educational progress stalled, and class-specific educational attainment actually in decline up until the point of German reunification. With reunification, women’s educational attainment increased sharply, but, as among Western cohorts, mostly as a reflection of the growth of parents’ private resources. In both parts of Germany, parental education rather than class has been the key factor at the family level, and increasingly so the rising education of mothers.  相似文献   

In analysing the religiousness of youth positions vary between the hypothesis that religiousness has decreased and the hypothesis that there is a specific youth religion. In this paper it is assumed that the development of religious identities and convictions depends on social contexts and family environments. The paper analyses different religious interpretative patterns adolescents generate in order to position themselves in relation to concepts of life and meaning in societies who are marked by the pluralization of values, the secularization of social relations and the individualization of life styles. Through case studies of youth from West Germany, East Germany and youth from migrant’s milieus—each group of which are brought up religiously in a different environments—it is shown how the religious identities of youth become established under specific social-historical conditions and conditions of socialisation.  相似文献   



ZURUECKGEZOGEN: Ver?nderungen in der Mitgliedschaft der DGS  相似文献   

Financial incentives to work (in-work benefits) are an instrument of labour market policy to motivate the unemployed to re-enter employment. Following neoclassical economic reasoning, such financial incentives should be effective, since the unemployed are expected to maximize financial utility. However, one common empirical finding is that such wage-subsidized employment is rather unstable. Applying Boudons cognitivist model to the ending of wage-subsidized employment the hypotheses are derived that firstly the in-work benefit is interpreted by the employee as a signal for the firm’s violation of the norm of reciprocity and secondly that the employee’s resulting sanctioning behaviour can raise the probability for job terminations. Survey data on in-work benefit recipients is used to test the hypotheses, performing ordered logit and event history analysis in combination with propensity score matching. Results from the empirical analysis support the hypotheses. It is concluded that labour market policy should be based not only on the assumption of economically rational behaviour, if labour market programmes are to be effective.  相似文献   

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