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刘燕舞 《南方人口》2013,28(2):57-64,56
调查显示,农村老年人自杀率在近10年来呈快速上升态势。摆脱疾病痛苦而形成的利己型自杀与因生存困境等而致的绝望型自杀则越来越成为农村老年人自杀的主要类型。在不同的文化区域中,农村老年人自杀的诸项特征呈现出较为明显的分布差异,这些差异性分布与不同区域所在地的社会结构与文化结构有关。同时,农村老年人自杀诸项特征在不同区域中趋同发展的趋势则表明。正式的医疗与养老等制度支持的长期缺位急需纠正和完善,从而缓解农村老年人自杀的危机。  相似文献   

中国婴儿死亡率控制:地区差异、实证分析与政府干预   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国婴儿死亡率地区分布不均衡,呈现出从沿海到内地再到边远地区依次递增的特征。文章利用调研所搜集到的1996-2002年数据,运用PANELDATA对中国各地区婴儿死亡率的影响因素进行实证分析。分析结果表明,只有农业人口占总人口的比例、固定电话拥有率和住院分娩率对中国各地区的婴儿死亡率均有显著影响,其他影响因素则只对部分地区的婴儿死亡率有显著影响。  相似文献   

刘爽  朱宇  郑澜 《人口研究》2016,(6):99-110
文章基于全球视角,利用联合国等机构发布的人口政策及生殖健康/计划生育数据,阐述国际社会人口调控与政策干预的总体变化趋势及特点,并在此基础上对未来中国计划生育的改革发展进行了思考,发现:近30多年来,在人口增长、生育水平、老龄化、生殖健康/计划生育以及国内乡-城迁移等人口政策的各个领域,全球采取不干预立场的国家数量和比例均在大幅下降,人口干预是世界性的时代潮流.全球超过90%的国家或地区都在践行计划生育,展现出这项实践的普适性、包容性和强大生命力.生殖健康促进极大地丰富和拓展了传统计划生育实践.建议中国的计划生育在人口政策等基本概念的区分、整合服务、“外围”政策支撑以及发挥社会组织“实体性”作用等方面推进改革创新.  相似文献   

刘庆 《西北人口》2012,33(4):23-26,31
随着中国城市化的加速、老龄化社会的来临,"老漂族"总量会越来越大。从故土来到异乡,由于社会制度、政策、以及老年人自身在心理等方面的弱性,他们在城市生活一定程度都存在着孤独、茫然、失落、无助,使老年人真正适应城市生活举步维艰。他们是一个等待关爱的群体,为消除他们对城市社会的陌生感、疏离感,提升在城市生活的幸福指数,更好地"嵌入"到城市社会体系中,本文拟从社会工作的角度初步探讨使他们能尽快适应城市生活、融入城市社会的策略。  相似文献   

The life course of Canadian women over the last 100–150 years is examined, using data extracted from census and vital statistics publications. Cohort analysis and synthetic cohort analysis are employed as means to focus upon changes in the occurrence and timing of age-related life course transitions related to the family. Three substantive themes emerge: the increased predictability, standardization, and compression in age-related family life course transitions. Major changes and continuities are outlined, as well as implications related to the atypical life course experience of the cohorts of women who produced the “baby boom,” and to the emergence of temporally-related mechanisms of social control.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing environmental problems, conventional environmental policy will not suffice to secure a development path that can be sustainable on a global scale. This article establishes a conceptual framework for general strategies to reach the goals of ecological sustainability and individual well-being. Environmental impact, material input, income/production, the amount of services utilised, and well-being are the fundamental elements of this framework and their linkages are highlighted as possible targets of ecological economic policy. It is clear that current environmental policies, based on a rather narrow, reductionist view of the man-nature relationship, will not suffice. We investigate under which conditions a de-linking of individual well-being from environmental impacts can be achieved; a dramatic dematerialisation of the industrialised economies turns out to be a crucial element. This dematerialisation, we argue, can be achieved only putting a limit to quantitative economic growth, but nevertheless without decreasing the individual well-being, by concentrating the attention on highly valuable eco-efficient services rather than on the production/acquisition of material goods.  相似文献   

刘晓  冯跃 《西北人口》2017,(6):51-57
本文主要探讨在农村空巢趋势背景下,社会工作在养老中所能起到的作用.通过山东省泰安市某村一位老人个案服务的案例,研究在社工介入过程中,案主的需求、社会工作者能提供的帮助、服务的策略、服务方案的设计以及理论分析,并对实施过程中资源的链接、介入的技巧和本土化过程中各方面角色的配合提出了相关的建议.  相似文献   

Sexual minority youth (SMY) face multiple risks in their daily lives that may influence their need for supportive care. Health and social service providers have unique opportunities to provide culturally competent services to these youth. This article describes a community-based educational intervention created to increase providers’ knowledge, skills, and intention to support SMY. Based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model, this pilot study found that for a diverse sample of multidisciplinary professionals (n = 2,850), the odds of behavioral intention (BI) to support SMY were significantly higher when trainings were relevant to the professionals’ experience (OR = 1.3), were sensitive (OR = 1.3), developed skills (OR = 1.1), and incorporated policy (OR = 1.2). Implications for the delivery of community-based trainings are provided.  相似文献   

The Inaugural Ceremony of China Birth Defect Intervention and Relief Foundation was held in Beijing on August 30,2011. China Birth Defect Intervention and Relief Foundation is a public foundation approved by Ministry of Civil Affairs with the purpose  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey approach is used in a largely rural area in the Philippines to examine consistency between migration intentions and subsequent migration behavior. Inconsistencies in movement behavior, the timing of a move, and the destination are analyzed. Discrepancies between intentions and behavior are explained in terms of unanticipated constraints and facilitators as well as changes in the conditions that precipitated the migration intention in the first place. Intended international movers who did not actually move in a 2-1/2 year period were thwarted mainly by legal hurdles that could not be overcome. Intended internal migrants who did not actually move remained in their origin area primarily because of changes in job opportunities or family relationships. Methodological and theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men Gang aft agley, An' la'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy! we must bear in mind the distinction between direct and facilitating factors involved in migration processes . migration analysis should consider some factors that facilitate or impede migration rather than determine migration directly (Goldscheider, 1971:38).This article was originally presented at the annual meetings of the Population Association of American in Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2–5, 1984. The authors wish to thank Lynna Sycip for her assistance in the preparation of the tabulations for this article. In addition to the authors, the co-investigators for this project are James T. Fawcett, East-West Population Institute and Ricardo G. Abad, Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University. Research for this article has been supported by NIH Grant No. R01-HD13115, the Population Center Foundation, Manila, Philippines, and the East-West Population Institute.  相似文献   

A longitudinal analysis of the reproductive behavior of a sample of Catholics who were participants in the 1965 NFS and reinterviewed in 1969 is reported in this paper. Fertility over the period studied varied systematically with the additional number of children intended in 1965. In addition, this study has documented a predictive role for method of contraception and the experience of premarital pregnancy. Women using less effective methods and those premaritally pregnant had higher fertility over the interval net of controls for other variables in the analysis, including life-cycle stage and 1965 intentions. Surprisingly, the planning status of the last pregnancy before 1965 was not found to have any independent association with subsequent fertility.  相似文献   


A principle component of age-related weakness and frailty in women is sarcopenia. This decrease in skeletal muscle mass is a progressive syndrome that will affect the quality of life for elderly women by decreasing the ability to perform many activities of daily living. Strength training is known to be an effective means of increasing muscular strength and size in many populations, and can be utilized successfully to significantly improve muscle strength, muscle mass and functional mobility in elderly women up to the age of 96 years. Such exercise can minimize the syndrome of physical frailty due to decreased muscle mass and strength. Any rehabilitation or exercise program for the elderly woman would benefit from the inclusion of such a training regime.  相似文献   

基于CHARLS2018年数据,本文构建健康相关生命质量指标,系统地衡量老年人健康,实证考察儿子和女儿教育分别带来的影响;同时,通过代际支持这一中介路径探究儿子和女儿教育影响存在差异的原因;此外,进一步讨论农村社会保障政策及亲子关系在儿子和女儿教育影响中的干预效应。研究结果发现:(1)儿子和女儿教育均对农村老年人健康总得分具有积极影响,但影响的维度及力度存在差异。(2)儿子教育主要通过经济支持发挥作用;而女儿教育主要通过情感支持、同住模式发挥作用。(3)农村社会保障、亲子关系对子女教育的影响过程具有一定程度的干预作用。建议提高农村家庭对子女教育的重视程度,并进一步完善农村社会保障制度,同时弘扬传统孝道文化,以期切实提高农村老年人的健康水平。  相似文献   

Abstract Two distinctions appear crucial in the study of human fertility: (1) aggregate versus individuallevel analysis; and (2) true explanations versus 'demographic explanations', using Stinchcombe's terminology. Social demographers analysing fertility have been accustomed to using fertility measurements derived from aggregative population analyses, and have largely terminated their analytic efforts at the level of a 'demographic explanation'. The failure to arrive at a social analysis of the process of fertility decision-making may in part to be due to this measurement heritage, which may be inappropriate for individual-level analyses. As a first step in the direction of creating measurement suitable for such analyses, fertility decision-making is labelled as family formation decision-making, and this is linked to the concept of child dependency. Measures of child-years-of-dependency (CYD) are proposed for use in family formation analysis. These integrate current quantity and tempo measures, and have greater potential for use at the level ofthe family. They require no additional data beyond fertility histories, are flexible in terms of non-modal family situations (e.g. divorce, infant or child mortality) and may be indicators of criteria used by couples in planning their fertility. Refinements of the basic CYD measures are explored. These include analyses of average versus marginal costs of child-rearing, age gradients of costs and social class differentials in costs. All of these are intended to make CYD measures more useful in individual cost-benefit analyses of child-bearing and child-rearing.  相似文献   

The study examined whether men's and women's retirement have a differential impact on several aspects of marital life: Power relations (as reflected in decision-making), spousal resources, division of household tasks, and quality of marriage. Questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 519 pre-retired and retired Israelis. The findings indicate that in general, both men's and women's retirement have a similar impact on marital relations in all of the areas examined. No appreciable change in spousal resources was found after retirement, but there was evidence of change in decision-making patterns about spending time and carrying out feminine and general tasks. Retired respondents of both sexes reported fewer marital complaints than the pre-retired respondents, but also expressed less marital enjoyment. It was also found that men's retirement has a different impact than women's retirement on decisions about house-hold affairs and performance of feminine tasks. In addition, gender-based differences were found in several areas, irrespective of employment status. The women reported higher quality of marriage than did the men, and more resources for strengthening the family, whereas the men perceived themselves as making more decisions in the important areas of life, as more hardy, and as controlling the family's financial resources.  相似文献   

This research quantifies the distribution of toxic releases in Puerto Rico to determine whether environmental inequality exists. We calculate an environmental Gini coefficient using Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data from 2000 to 2008. Our findings suggest Puerto Rico has a relatively constant and unequal distribution of releases over this time period. Based on this result, we investigate linkages between toxic releases and several socioeconomic and demographic indicators. We apply a quantile regression model using TRI data and American Community Survey data from 2005 to 2008 to identify important indicators across the distribution of releases. We find municipios (legal division equivalent to US counties) that have a higher percent of non-Puerto Rican Hispanic origin or high school educated population experience higher releases to all media. This also is true for unemployment, but only for municipios with the largest releases (i.e., highest quintile). The results also reveal municipios that are more densely populated or that have a higher percent of college degrees experience lower releases to all media. Higher proportions of certain age groups also suggest lower releases. These results are not constant across the distribution of releases; they are most significant in those municipios with the largest releases. This is even more obvious when we only examine releases to air.  相似文献   

Summary Many recent fertility studies in developing societies put forward the hypothesis of a negative relation between economic class and fertility. Data showing a positive relationship are frequently dismissed a priori as resulting from the reporting errors of illiterate women. This study draws on data from Indonesia's 1971 Census, a 1973 sample survey of fertility and mortality, and an intensive community study in Java, to argue that an observed positive relation between class and fertility is real, and is related to differences in patterns of marital disruption, postpartum abstinence, and fecundity. The positive relation may be reversed in the future as changes in these patterns, and the impact of the national family planning programme, affect the family structure of each class differently. Had the positive relation in this context been attributed offhand to reporting errors, these important socio-economic changes would have been misunderstood, and possibly ignored.  相似文献   

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