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黄丹阳  张力文 《统计研究》2021,38(12):131-144
随着互联网产业的高速发展,双模符号网络已经成为一类常见的复杂网络,然而针对此 类网络的分析较少。本文在传统非符号网络局部社团理论和符号网络结构平衡理论的基础上,首次提出了双模符号网络下的局部社团理论。这一理论不仅考虑了符号网络中共同邻居的信息,还引入了共同邻居间存在的连接。进一步地,本文推导出符号网络中基于局部社团信息的加权平衡回路增益指数,该指标可以表示双模符号网络中用户节点和产品节点间的符号关系。为了将该指标更好地应用于双模 符号网络链路预测问题,本文提出了加权平衡回路增益分类器算法。实验结果表明,相比其他经典链路预测算法,新算法具有更好的预测能力。  相似文献   

黄丹阳等 《统计研究》2021,38(6):145-160
随着电子支付的普及,市场涌现出越来越多的第三方支付平台,而当前关于第三方支付平台商户风险方面的研究相对较少。故本文提出基于高斯谱聚类的风险商户聚类方法,首先使用高斯混合模型构建交易-交易群体的双模网络;其次借助网络中信息传递的思想构建“商户-交易群体网络”的双模网络;再次使用双模网络聚类方法中的谱聚类方法同时对网络中的两类节点聚类,对商户节点聚类的结果可区分出不同风险级别的商户,对交易群体节点聚类的结果可以进一步描述风险商户的交易特征;最后本文分别在模拟数据和某第方支付平台的实际数据中验证了模型的有效性。实验结果表明,本文提出的方法不仅可以准确地区分出不同风险级别的商户群体,而且能总结归纳风险商户的交易特征,为风险商户的监管提供参考。  相似文献   

在对现实网络的研究中,很多学者都发现节点间的连接概率并不仅仅取决于节点度数的大小。因此本文参照BA模型建立了一个幂律指数可变的无标度网络演化模型(NABA模型),该模型中节点的连接概率是由节点的度和吸引度共同决定的。并且,在此基础上,计算出了NABA模型的度分布函数。由结果可知,通过调节模型的参数,NABA模型可以退化为BA模型。因此可以说BA模型是NABA模型的一种特殊形式。  相似文献   

网络节点重要度评价方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章通过对已有网络节点重要性评价指标在计算复杂度、体现节点属性等方面缺陷进行分析,提出了基于节点的度和凝聚度线性加权的节点的重要性测度指标;以网络信息连通性和连通成本为目标,描述了节点重要度概念;论证了度和凝聚度与网络平均最短距离的等价性;通过节点度和凝聚度的权重设计,体现了实际网络节点间的不同属性。文章还用供应链网络案例说明了该方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

利用体现复杂网络结构特征的指标,比较了IT微博网络与小世界网络和无标度网络的平均最短路径长度和聚集系数,分析了网络节点的度数、介数和接近数,利用最小二乘法对度分布进行拟合,并分析了"度-度"相关性,基于SIS传播模型比较了相同平均度条件下的小世界网络与微博网络的传播规律。结果显示:IT微博网络具有小世界和无标度的特征;绝大多数用户只有少量的关系人,介数最大的节点不一定是接近数最大的节点;关系网络的度服从幂律分布;实验网络具有度的异配性,即度值小的节点倾向于与度值大的节点连接,新增加的个体更倾向于与大度数的个体建立联系;微博网络对舆论传播具有脆弱性。  相似文献   

随着大数据和网络的不断发展,网络调查越来越广泛,大部分网络调查样本属于非概率样本,难以采用传统的抽样推断理论进行推断,如何解决网络调查样本的推断问题是大数据背景下网络调查发展的迫切需求。本文首次从建模的角度提出了解决该问题的基本思路:一是入样概率的建模推断,可以考虑构建基于机器学习与变量选择的倾向得分模型来估计入样概率推断总体;二是目标变量的建模推断,可以考虑直接对目标变量建立参数、非参数或半参数超总体模型进行估计;三是入样概率与目标变量的双重建模推断,可以考虑进行倾向得分模型与超总体模型的加权估计与混合推断。最后,以基于广义Boosted模型的入样概率建模推断为例演示了具体解决方法。  相似文献   

基于尾部风险溢出思想,采用2007-2017年的周收益率数据,运用CoVaR模型测度银行、证券、保险及房地产四行业40家上市公司之间的风险溢出效应,并结合系统性风险指数,得出各机构风险吸收与扩散能力排名。运用极大平面过滤图(PMFG)算法对风险溢出网络进行化简,构建仅包含关键路径信息的ΔCoVaR有向加权风险溢出网络,并结合网络中节点关联特征指标,为系统重要性金融机构的有效识别提供了全新视角。总体来看,各行业依风险传递方向不同而对风险的敏感程度各异,网络中关键节点对系统的整体结构影响较强;证券公司内部风险关联较为紧密,房地产机构承受行业间风险多源自银行业,大型国有商业银行对其他行业的风险发散能力较强。  相似文献   

蒋翠侠  许启发 《统计研究》2014,31(5):95-101
基于分位数回归理论与非线性回归方法,提出一个包容性较强的模型:非线性参数异质Phillips曲线模型,并给出其估计、检验与条件密度预测方法。该模型不仅可用于刻画Phillips曲线的非线性与非对称等典型特征,而且还可以揭示在不同经济环境下通货膨胀的完整分布变动规律,从而能够准确掌握通货膨胀的不确定性,便于科学决策。最后,将该模型应用于中国Phillips曲线特征研究,结果显示:该模型在拟合优度、结构分析、预测能力等方面优于其他Phillips曲线模型。  相似文献   

黄祖南  郑正喜 《统计研究》2021,38(5):147-160
近年来,基于图论的网络科学方法在经济分析领域受到较多关注,但如何正确使用有着不同的观点。本文将投入产出经济学与网络科学相结合,视经济系统为一个循环流,形成连接稠密、有向加权及自循环的复杂网络拓扑结构,以需求驱动的后向关联技术网络和供给驱动的前向关联技术网络分别构建入强度、出强度、总强度及综合强度中心性指标,并给出相应的经济解释。基于我国2017年投入产出表的测算结果表明,有向加权网络度中心性有效克服了由威弗组合指数形成的有向无权网络度中心性与关联系数矩阵的变异系数相关性显著的缺点,其测算结果更符合产业部门的经济基础特征,且具有信息熵更大、分辨率更高的特点。研究表明,基于有向加权产业网络可以构造出更加全面和有效的度中心性指标,对关键产业部门的识别能够起到补充和完善作用。  相似文献   

本文提出一套省际人口迁移空间格局及演变趋势研究系统,以省级行政区和迁移人口构建复杂网络模型,应用群集发现和互信息节点重要性评估的算法对人口迁移空间格局进行分析,同时引入人口迁移选择指数改进链路预测算法来预测迁移人口的潜在趋势.在此基础上,以第六次全国人口普查数据为例进行实证分析,其结果与已有的研究及我国省际人口迁移空间格局的现实状况相符,验证了这套方法的实践性和应用价值.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new hybrid model of vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) models and Bayesian networks is proposed to improve the forecasting performance of multivariate time series. In the proposed model, the VARMA model, which is a popular linear model in time series forecasting, is specified to capture the linear characteristics. Then the errors of the VARMA model are clustered into some trends by K-means algorithm with Krzanowski–Lai cluster validity index determining the number of trends, and a Bayesian network is built to learn the relationship between the data and the trend of its corresponding VARMA error. Finally, the estimated values of the VARMA model are compensated by the probabilities of their corresponding VARMA errors belonging to each trend, which are obtained from the Bayesian network. Compared with VARMA models, the experimental results with a simulation study and two multivariate real-world data sets indicate that the proposed model can effectively improve the prediction performance.  相似文献   

In numerous situations, we use ranks dataset to exhibit preferences of a group of respondents towards a set of items. While assigning ranks, judges may consider several factors contributing to overall ranks of items. In this study, an attempt is made to model factors influencing the judges’ evaluations of items through mixture models for preference datasets. Both the probabilistic features of the mixture distribution and inferential as well as computational issues emerging out of the maximum likelihood estimation are addressed. Moreover, empirical evidences from observed dataset confirming the plausibility of the proposed model to preference dataset are provided.  相似文献   

Overfitting occurs when one tries to train a large model on small amount of data. Regularizing a neural network using prior knowledge remains a topic of research as it is not concluded how much prior information can be given to the neural network. In this paper, a novel algorithm is introduced which uses regularization to train a neural network without increasing the dataset. A trivial prior information of a class label is supplied to the model while training. Laplace noise is introduced to the intermediate layer for more generalization. The results show significant improvement in accuracy on the standard datasets for a simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). While the proposed method outperforms previous regularization techniques like dropout and batch normalization, it can also be applied with them for further improvement in the performance. On the variants of MNIST, proposed algorithm achieved an average 48% increment in the test accuracy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider partially linear additive models with an unknown link function, which include single‐index models and additive models as special cases. We use polynomial spline method for estimating the unknown link function as well as the component functions in the additive part. We establish that convergence rates for all nonparametric functions are the same as in one‐dimensional nonparametric regression. For a faster rate of the parametric part, we need to define appropriate ‘projection’ that is more complicated than that defined previously for partially linear additive models. Compared to previous approaches, a distinct advantage of our estimation approach in implementation is that estimation directly reduces estimation in the single‐index model and can thus deal with much larger dimensional problems than previous approaches for additive models with unknown link functions. Simulations and a real dataset are used to illustrate the proposed model.  相似文献   

随着中国城市机动车保有量的急剧增多,交通拥堵已经成为现代城市病。交通拥堵在道路网络中呈现向四周放射的传导特性,拥堵路段倾向于将拥堵扩散传导到其他相邻路段,该特性此前未被系统研究过,综合比较各种方法的适用性,从时间和大数据规则挖掘角度对拥堵建模;使用时间序列规则挖掘算法建立交通拥堵传导规律模型,并基于传导规则预测未来交通流状况;更重要的是,挖掘出来的拥堵传导规则直观可用,能够用于建立拥堵预警防治机制,完善道路路网建设规划中不合理的部分,从而达到提升交通效率的目的。研究结果证明本模型能够较好达到研究目的,挖掘出的拥堵传导规则可以精确分析交通拥堵状况并预测未来交通流状况,因此可以为交通拥堵治理决策提供重要参考。  相似文献   

百度指数作为一个数据获取的重要工具和途径,对分析和研究相关问题具有重要作用。基于百度指数系统收集了中国各地区邮轮旅游网络关注度的数据,进行了时空特征和影响因素的研究。研究发现:邮轮旅游网络关注度具有时间差异较大,变化显著等特征;邮轮旅游网络关注度根据空间特征可以划分为四种类型:关注强势区、关注发展区、关注平稳区、关注弱势区;各区域邮轮旅游网络关注度指数主要受到人均GDP和网民数量的影响。  相似文献   

Bootstrap forecast intervals are developed for volatilities having asymmetric features, which are accounted for by fitting EGARCH models. A Monte-Carlo simulation compares the proposed forecast intervals with those based on GARCH fittings which ignore asymmetry. The comparison reveals substantial advantage of addressing asymmetry through EGARCH fitting over ignoring it as the conventional GARCH forecast. The EGARCH forecast intervals have empirical coverage probabilities closer to the nominal level and/or have shorter average lengths than the GARCH forecast intervals. The finding is also supported by real dataset analysis of Dow–Jones index and financial times stock exchange (FTSE) 100 index.  相似文献   

An outlier is defined as an observation that is significantly different from the others in its dataset. In high-dimensional regression analysis, datasets often contain a portion of outliers. It is important to identify and eliminate the outliers for fitting a model to a dataset. In this paper, a novel outlier detection method is proposed for high-dimensional regression problems. The leave-one-out idea is utilized to construct a novel outlier detection measure based on distance correlation, and then an outlier detection procedure is proposed. The proposed method enjoys several advantages. First, the outlier detection measure can be simply calculated, and the detection procedure works efficiently even for high-dimensional regression data. Moreover, it can deal with a general regression, which does not require specification of a linear regression model. Finally, simulation studies show that the proposed method behaves well for detecting outliers in high-dimensional regression model and performs better than some other competing methods.  相似文献   

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