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基督信仰和中国本土文化的关系的问题 ,是基督宗教进入中国以后所面临的一个重大问题。从传教士对中国文化的态度及传教方式、中国文化对基督宗教的反应、非基督运动与本土化运动等三个层面可以看出 ,基督宗教与中国文化的矛盾冲突 ,源于不同思想理念的混淆 ,没有分清基督宗教的超越信仰的价值维度和现实的社会政治维度  相似文献   

鲁枢元 《阅江学刊》2010,(4):143-148
在空间上,桃花源是一个封闭自守、绝不与外交通的世界;在时间上,桃花源中的时间如果不说是停滞的,也该是"循环"的,周而复始的。桃花源正是由于守护了自己的时间与空间,才成了与外面截然不同的另一个世界。将莫尔、培根们的"乌托邦"对照陶渊明的"桃花源",莫尔、培根的社会理想尽管各有侧重,但都是建立在柏拉图的《理想国》的理性主义传统之中的;陶渊明的桃花源则是建立在老庄哲学的社会理想之中的,如果还要将其称为乌托邦,那么西方莫尔、培根的社会理想是一种"光明的"、"进取的"的乌托邦,东方陶渊明的桃花源则是一种"幽晦的"、"退隐的"古典的乌托邦。20世纪以来日渐强化的"反乌托邦"运动以挖苦、嘲弄、批判的方式表达了对于启蒙主义乌托邦的"反拨",却有意无意地表达了对于自然生态、社会生态、精神生态的深切关怀。陶渊明的古典乌托邦思想在当今地球人类面临的生态时代,仍然具有深刻的启发性及不可忽视的现实意义。  相似文献   


The Māori call to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi is arguably the oldest continuous social movement in Aotearoa New Zealand since the Treaty for European settlement was signed. A much more recent Pākehā and Tauiwi activism for the Treaty has supported the Māori movement, but is often overlooked as a social movement. Responsibility for ensuring that Tauiwi understand the Treaty remains contentious—is Treaty education a Tauiwi or a Māori responsibility? This article describes the emergence in the 1980s of a consensus among Māori and Tauiwi activists that, as Treaty partners, Pākehā/Tauiwi should take responsibility for their own learning about Te Tiriti and colonisation. Six reasons for overlooking such decolonising education as a social movement are explored through reflexive scholarship by Treaty educators: 1. hegemonic views of social change movements as only class- or race-based and adversarial; 2. Tiriti education as counter-hegemonic education that encourages transformation of the Māori–Pākehā relationship; 3. confusion over whether the aims of Treaty education are counter-hegemonic or assimilatory; 4. the movement’s evolving membership to include many cultural identities and activism about diverse neo-colonialisms; 5. its focus on mutually-agreed relationship-building; and 6. the complexity of assessing its impact and contribution to a decolonisation agenda.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(3-4):153-173
Group work aims both at helping individuals cope with personal difficulties and at eliminating social problems through collective action. Women's groups have made a unique contribution to linking personal and social change through their explicit dual focus. This paper deals with the different ways women use groups to mobilize their strengths towards social change. It begins by explaining why women chose all-female groups as the primary tool for building both individual strengths and a social movement. Key features of different group types are presented, including those focused primarily on social change and those in which social action is a secondary goal. The paper ends with a discussion of obstacles to social change and some ways women's groups can overcome them.  相似文献   

彭澎 《阅江学刊》2013,(6):87-93
农村市场化改革使原来的乡村社会体系、农村政治空间和基层治理体制发生了全方位的根本性变化。农村的经济社会转型是一个涵盖基层治理和农村政治在内的系统改革过程,系统中任何一个环节发展的滞后或者停顿都会给整个社会的转型带来不确定性结果,其艰巨性和复杂性也为农村基层自治制度的发展带来契机,使得基层自治和乡村民主政治转型具有现实的必要和发展的必然。  相似文献   

徐峰 《北京社会科学》2015,(10):103-110
对“应得”概念的讨论可以追溯至古希腊时期。亚里士多德等人认为所谓“应得”是根据公民的“德性”分配公共职务,启蒙运动宣扬的自由、平等与民主等理念改变了“应得”的历史传统,它赋予公民以“自治”和权利意识,让人们意识到可以依凭个体的自主行动来“应得”社会的基本益品。当代正义理论家罗尔斯等人区分了“应得”和“反应得”,将超出个人控制、受运气因素影响的“应得”(如自然天赋、社会地位等)排除在分配正义之外。罗尔斯等人的区分深化了“应得”理论的思考。当代社会对“应得”的讨论还进一步扩展到人类与动物、当代人与未来世代以及民族国家和全球共同体之间。  相似文献   

The transformation and change of social knowledge in Modern Turkish Republic has begun with the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Whilst the transformation of knowledge took place in daily knowledge, the change that took place in the political structures had a broad influence in the language, religion and tradition. The appearance of a new form of daily knowledge created a new common sense and this has opened the road towards the possibility of investigating social representations of various phenomena. Among these the social representations of madness in daily knowledge have already existed in common sense knowledge for a long time. With this in mind, the main goal of this paper is to explore contemporary urban Turkish social representations of madness. This study has shown that both scientific and common sense knowledge exist at present in citizens' daily knowledge and practices.  相似文献   

For some time, social movement research and political science have studied protests and activists. However, little empirical research attempts to relate movements to the type of social change they endeavour to achieve. In this paper, we suggest that different psychosocial processes may distinguish between different types of movement and protest. In particular, we cross lines between classical social psychology studies on the individual–authority relationship and studies on protest and social movements. We focus attention on the psychological processes triggered in obedience/disobedience. Our results show that when disobedience is associated with attitudes of inclusiveness, it is also positively linked to prodemocratic individual attitudes and to the enhancement of democracy at institutional levels.  相似文献   

魏伟 《社会》2008,28(1):77-77
在西方学术语境中,都市运动(或称都市社会运动)代表了和主流社会运动研究截然不同的学术和理论传统。都市运动成为近年中国社会学研究领域的一个热点,但没有被置于一个系统的理论框架之中。本文从批判性地考察中国学者对“都市运动”这一术语的“借用”开始,然后对西方的都市运动研究的理论脉络进行梳理,突出揭示都市运动研究和主流社会运动在理论观点和研究旨趣方面的差异。文章认为,西方都市运动研究注重学者参与和立足社区的传统,对今天中国的实证研究具有启示意义。  相似文献   

庄晓惠  侯钧生 《社会》2008,28(2):128-128
20世纪80年代,俄罗斯社会开始转型,90年代以后,俄罗斯的社会阶层发生了明显的分化。本文主要从以下几个方面描述和分析俄罗斯的社会阶层分化:1、社会收入的差距(包括个人的收入差距,政府各部门之间、社会各行业之间的收入差距,俄罗斯区域间的收入差距)。2、“社会边缘群体”和“新贫困者”。“社会边缘群体”是一些不能确定自己的社会地位和群体归属的“被社会边缘化”的人群。“新贫困者”是指前苏联时期,以教授、工程师和医生等知识分子为主体的社会阶层,俄罗斯社会改革前,他们生活安逸,有很高的社会地位,而现在却生活艰难,变成了俄罗斯的穷人。3、新中产阶级。 俄罗斯在社会政治、经济转型过程中,旧的以知识分子为核心的社会中间阶层消失了,出现了新的以企业主为中心的中产阶级,俄罗斯新中产阶级的出现使俄罗斯的社会阶级结构发生了巨大的变化。  相似文献   

社会发展:涵义、结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会发展是一个评价性范畴,其本质是社会实践,其核心是人的发展,其形式是社会时间和社会空间.社会发展既有自己内在的基本要素,又有外在的基本形式,其结构是内在要素与外在形式的统一.社会发展有四大功能改造变革的功能、满足维护的功能、调控功能和创新功能.  相似文献   

This article analyses the arguments for the integration between the cognitive and social sciences. We understand interdisciplinary integration as an umbrella term that includes different ways of bringing scientific disciplines together. Our focus is on four arguments based on different ideas about how the cognitive sciences should be integrated with the social sciences: explanatory grounding, theoretical unification, constraint and complementarity. These arguments not only provide different reasons why the cognitive social sciences—i.e. disciplines and research programs that aim to integrate the social sciences with the cognitive sciences—are needed but also subscribe to different visions as to how these sciences might look like. We discuss each argument in three stages: First, we provide a concrete example of the argument. Second, we reconstruct the argument by specifying its premises, inferential structure and conclusion. Third, we evaluate the argument by analyzing its presuppositions, the plausibility of its premises, the soundness of its inferences and potential conceptual ambiguities. In the final discussion, we compare these arguments and identify the most compelling reasons why the cognitive social sciences are needed.  相似文献   

Global social work defies concise definition. In this article, the key terms of the definition of social work formulated by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) are critically analysed. It is argued that this definition cannot claim to be 'universal' given the assumptions on which it is built and the rapidly changing global society in which social work is undertaken. This is demonstrated in the form of an analysis of social welfare provision and its implications for contemporary social work in China to assess whether the IFSW definition is applicable in this context. The conclusion is that the emerging aims and practice of social work in China are likely to be quite different from those in the West, and that the IFSW definition of social work has value as a point of reference rather than as a definitive definition or a statement of intent. Failure to recognise the limitations of a global definition risks ignoring the lived experience of social workers in China and those they work with.  相似文献   

郭于华  黄斌欢 《社会》2014,34(4):49-66
面对新时代的劳工问题,特别是“新生代农民工”问题,经典理论遭遇“中国特色”的诸多挑战。本文从社会结构性视角探讨权力、资本和劳工的关系与互动,讨论在中国特定的制度背景与转型过程中,工人阶级的形成与公民社会的生成有着怎样的关系。研究认为,对工人而言,公民的基本权利就体现为各项劳动权利的实现和保障、劳工的组织化权利的落实;公民权利是工人阶级形成的前提条件,劳工阶级的出路在于形成自主的社会力量。工人的公民化过程,劳工权利亦即公民权利的获得与保护是解决劳资矛盾和转型正义的根本途径。就劳工问题而言,以能动社会的建设为先导,同时推进公民社会的建设,也许更为可行。  相似文献   

Emotional intelligence (EI) has become one of the new management‘buzz’ terms. It is suggested that this is the missingingredient that separates average from top management or performance.However, despite its potential relevance for social work practice,there has been little investigation and few reports about itsapplication in social work settings. This paper seeks to stimulatedebate about the role of EI in social work practice by consideringits development, definitions and problematics. Whilst the empiricalevidence supporting the existence of a separate and measurableEI is ambiguous and emergent, the role of emotion in the organizationof human behaviour is more firmly established. The paper examinesthe role of EI and emotion in relation to five core social worktasks: engagement of users; assessment and observation; decisionmaking; collaboration and co-operation; dealing with stress.The paper situates itself in the rapidly changing context ofsocial work: the merger of social services departments withlarger more powerful bureaucracies; the movement towards integratedservice delivery; and the new social work degree. It is arguedthat social work needs to identify its claims to professionalcompetence at a time of such change, one of which is the abilityto use relationships to address users’ needs. This requiresthe capacity to handle both one’s own and others’emotions effectively.  相似文献   

There is a gap between concern about environmental degradation such as climate change and effective action taken against the forces that drive degradation. This paper argues that real helplessness, a social condition producing powerless, stupefied, and repressed actors, is a fortified barrier between climate concern and effective climate action. Political-economic analysis has theoretical and methodological implications for environmental social science and helps explain a current conundrum in critical sociology: Why are alternatives to a system that drives climate change and other catastrophic risks still seen as unrealistic? We suffer from a political-economic system impervious to transformation before we suffer from a lack of alternative ideas.  相似文献   

Unemployment emerged as a specific social issue in the late‐19th century, but the nature of the threat it posed and the governing instruments available to address it varied widely. Using Britain and France as strongly contrasting cases, this article demonstrates the variable and historically contingent constructions of unemployment as a problem, and demonstrates how policy to address it was developed using administrative agencies that embodied specific, normative visions of how society and employment should operate. The different governing trajectories through which the issue was tackled is analyzed in terms of the context within which the problem of unemployment originally emerged. The article demonstrates the socio‐political nature of unemployment's construction and, with reference to recent labour market change, questions its utility as a means of assessing economic or social well‐being.  相似文献   

社会转型期的各种政治、经济、社会等问题直接冲击高校思想政治教育工作,如何适应这种变化,了解新情况,研究新问题,把握新特点,探讨新方法,与时俱进地开展学生工作,是提高大学生思想政治教育工作的针对性、实效性和创新性的必然要求。  相似文献   

Many people with disabilities do not identify themselves as disabled or choose not to be part of a politically active community of disabled persons. This paper discusses both the barriers to the formation of a social movement of disabled people and the ways in which these barriers have been overcome. The role of public policy in the evolution of this movement is discussed, as are the current status and prospects of the disability rights movement.  相似文献   

In the field of the central core theory of social representations, research which has focused on the normative aspects is relatively recent as it dates back little more than ten years. The theory of conditionality which developed from research into the periphery of representation results from this. It is a particularly fruitful theory to explain “normative latitudes” and the behaviour accruing to them. One of the particularities of these works stresses the importance of linking the normative aspects with specific methods and/or analyses. In this paper, we will illustrate it via a specific tool developed in the field of traffic psychology: the Conditional Script Questionnaire (CSQ). This approach makes it possible to highlight the interactions between two systems of norms: the legal system and the social system. The implication of norms is fundamental in different processes already studied such as social influence or identity processes, and this article can be considered as an illustration of the place of norms in the field of social thinking.  相似文献   

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