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To celebrate Mother's Day, the editors of Society Weekly(published by People's Daily) invited their readers to write and submit "A Sentence for Mother." This activity, which was co-sponsored by the "Program of Happiness," garnered quite an emotional response. Among the contributions we received were several from the 21 students of Class Three, Grade Two of the high school affiliated with the Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology. "Mother, you are a towering tree and I am your shadow. "—ZHANG YE "Mother, you are an umbrella, and we are the children under it. You are the pod, and we are the peas."—XU JING  相似文献   

看电视中的辩论节目,常常目瞪口呆:正方咔咔咔咔开讲,话音刚落地,反方咔咔咔咔一通反驳;反方咔咔咔又开讲,话音未落,那边又咔咔咔反驳上了。我想,这些人反应咋这么快呢,他们的脑子是人脑子还是狗脑子?后来一琢磨,应该是这么回事:在对方说话的过程中,这边厢已经在寻找他的破绽,挖掘问题的对立面。这边厢才不管事理对错,只有一个念头一一把丫驳倒。纵使你得理在手,巧舌如簧,滔滔不绝,但言多必失,总会有点漏洞,一旦抓住七寸,这边厢乘虚而进,迅速将漏洞做成溃堤之穴,对方自然一败涂地。而我正相反,跟人对话的时候,我一定是先顺着对方的思路走,并试图去理解。倒不是我多么善解人意,而是我觉得在别人讲  相似文献   

In this issue, the previous two articles by Hamby and colleagues and Vega and O'Leary are concerned with whether the method of administration and format of the Conflict Tactics Scale influence participant responses. Because they examine different aspects of the same measure, I was asked to conclude the issue by writing a brief summary and integration of the two articles.  相似文献   

This study introduces how technology and humans are part of relationships that influence agency among people with disabilities. It aims to focus attention on the use of, and access to, information and communication technology (ICT), and agency among youths and adults with intellectual disabilities. The study draws on empirical research conducted with youths and adults with intellectual disabilities, as well as staff at a day centre. It shows that by drawing upon interests, previous experiences, and cooperating in ICT activities the participants’ agency changed. Also, it shows how disability is relational and how it can be influenced by ICT. An interdisciplinary approach is adopted to interpret the findings and to explore: How do people of different ages with intellectual disabilities experience the use of ICT in their everyday lives? Are people with intellectual disabilities able to influence their level of activity by using ICT? And if so, in what ways?  相似文献   


For many researchers, medical professionals, and politicians, the gamification of mental health treatment is a possibly innovative and efficient means to utilise the popularity of gaming in order to help combat the ever-growing global rates of mental illness. Despite this optimism, critics of gamification point to this trend as an extension of neoliberal governance, warning that gamification only encourages the further quantification and control of life under metrics of utility, productivity, and competitiveness. Accordingly, this article critically examines the politics of gamifying mental healthcare, and the broader question of the link between play and mental health. By engaging with the works of Donald W. Winnicott, and a host of contemporary critical and cultural theorists, this article attempts to open up a space for considering the value of play and games for sufferers of mental illness, that resist the strictures of the neoliberal governance of play.  相似文献   

ON October 25, 1995, 91-year-old Zhang Yun, lay quietly in the Beijing Hospital. She closed her eyes and ended a life that began in the early years of this century. Her death made her friends, colleagues and subordinates shed tears.  相似文献   


This article reports on interviews conducted with students and educators in various Toronto-area high schools in an attempt to gauge how and to what extent so-called “formal” law (laws, policies, regulations) interacts with other, sometimes, competing normative orders, such as gender codes, sexuality, race, religion, in the educational setting. This approach is necessary to understand how anti-harassment and anti-homophobia policies are complicated by these other regulating influences.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigates the perspectives of two cohorts of elementary preservice teachers on citizenship education in today's culturally and globally diverse classrooms. Both cohorts were enrolled in the same university; however, one group participated in an urban-based teacher education program designed around the needs of urban school children. While participants reported varying views of citizenship and offered diverse strategies for incorporating citizenship in the classroom, findings suggested that those participating in the urban-based cohort viewed citizenship more in terms of culture and valued promoting cultural learning and sharing in the classroom. Implications for teachers wanting to teach for cultural citizenship are discussed.  相似文献   

Millennials, those born in 1982 or later, represent the largest and most racially diverse generation, as well as the fastest-growing segment of the workforce. They have been characterized in the popular press as being entitled and lacking a strong work ethic. Millennial agency practitioners were surveyed to determine how they rate their relationships with their employers. We also explored the role of gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. We asked respondents to identify the stresses they experience in those relationships and to suggest ways in which their employers could improve relations. We find that respondents love what they do, but…  相似文献   

Analyzing interview data from 33 women and men, we examine how perceptions of sexual harassment are linked to age, experience, and historical context. Participants described workplace experiences from adolescence into their late twenties. Three themes emerged. First, as adolescents, respondents perceived some of the sexualized interactions they experienced at work as fun. Second, while participants did not define some of their early experiences as sexual harassment at the time, they do so today. Finally, participants suggested that prior work experiences changed their ideas about workplace interactions and themselves as workers. In sum, we find age is a fundamental dimension of power shaping individuals’ perceptions of sexualized interactions at work.  相似文献   

IN late afternoon, the stadium was bustling with cheers and shouts from the audience at the start of a football game.With a beautiful shot,football player Lin Tianhai makes a final goal for his team bringing the game to a victorious close.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that social statuses strongly influence negative life events’ effects on mental health. Studies also show that identities are linked to mental health and can be partially based on age. However, there are few studies on age identities as they relate to the stress process. Using data from 48 in-depth interviews with 25 unemployed/underemployed people, I identify two work-related problems (constrained employment options and poor self-evaluations) and three coping strategies (social comparisons, alternate identities, and expanded employment options) related to age identities. Results illustrate the links between subjective aspects of age, age-based norms, distress, and coping strategies, and highlight the utility of integrating symbolic interactionist and structural approaches.  相似文献   


An average of 26,560 UK excess winter deaths occur in people 65+ years old each winter, of which 30% are attributed to cold homes. Cold homes are known to exacerbate health problems prevalent in the 65+ demographic. Through conducting interviews in homes occupied by 65+-year-olds known to be achieving less than the World Health Organization (WHO) minimum recommended temperature (18ºC), this article highlights their struggles in maintaining health and managing their homes, with instances of extreme and potentially dangerous methods to achieve thermal comfort identified. Fairer energy provision, better targeted financial aid, and improved support networks are necessary to alleviate current problems.  相似文献   


This article explores the links among identity, sexuality, enigma, and desire in my work with 22-year-old Andrew as he explores his homosexuality. Sexuality is discussed as a developmental and relational construction simultaneously biological and social, inventive and defensive. Elaborating these vertices of sexuality in the treatment opened space to discuss Andrew’s sexual experience and fantasy. In this vein, the article questions the tendency to put aside frank discussion of sex in analytic practice and proposes case vignettes useful for clinically elaborating intimate fantasies rooted in the shared narration of patient and analyst as between psychoanalyst/writer and reader. In doing so, we turn from concrete definitions and explanations of sexuality that risk getting bogged down in details and use narrative to facilitate the uncanny experience of “finding” sexuality in clinical work.  相似文献   

Mostly operating from a risk and risk-reduction paradigm, existing research on migrants in Vietnam tends to conceptualize sex and risky sexual behaviors as isolated life domains. This study begins to develop a contextually rich understanding of migrants’ sex lives by examining the relationships among sex, work, and the constant pendulum-like migrating movements of 23 Vietnamese married migrants in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Using data from in-depth interviews, it was found that most participants had no sex in the city; this was followed by visits to the home village, where they had sex with their spouses as often as possible to make up for the “long drought” in the city. Within this sexual schema, sex came secondary, and even peripherally, to migrants’ working lives; thus, exhaustion from work was cited by migrants as the overwhelming factor leading to their sexual problems. This study suggests that migrants’ intimate lives are more strongly linked to their working lives than has previously been recognized, and that their sexual behaviors should be viewed in tandem with the hardships of their working lives.  相似文献   

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