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“Addiction” to internet‐connected technology continues to dominate media discourses of young people. Researchers have identified negative outcomes, including decreased mental health, resulting from anxieties related to technology, e.g., a fear of missing out and social connectivity related to online technologies. Not enough is known, however, regarding young people's own responses to these ideas. This paper highlights discussions with teenagers around the idea of internet addiction, exploring their experiences and perceptions regarding the idea that “kids today” are addicted to their devices, especially smartphones and the social network sites they often access from them. Thirty‐five focus group discussions with 115 Canadian teenagers (aged 13–19 years old) center on their use of information communication technologies, especially contemporary social network sites such as Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. Our discussions reveal (1) that teens are actively embracing the label of addiction; (2) their ironic positioning occurs despite a felt sense of debased agency in relation to the power of the algorithms and affordances of the technologies mediating their use; and (3) rather than a stark divide between adults as “digital immigrants” versus young people as “digital natives,” our teens positioned themselves in contrast to both their parents and younger siblings, both of whom are criticized as addicted themselves. A consistent theme is the influence of peer groups who socially compel addictive behaviours, including the fear of missing out, rather than the technologies per se. Wider implications for thinking beyond solely young people as suffering from online addiction are considered.  相似文献   

The federal Department of Justice is not going to allow supervised injection facilities (SIFs) to go forward, with Rod J. Rosenstein, deputy attorney general, drawing a clear line in the sand in an Aug. 27 op‐ed in The New York Times ( https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/27/opinion/opioids‐heroin‐injection‐sites.html ). “Advocates euphemistically call them ‘safe injection sites,’ but they are very dangerous and would only make the opioid crisis worse,” he wrote, calling them “B.Y.O.D.” facilities (for “bring your own drugs,” which they are). In SIFs, people can be revived by naloxone if they overdose; if they inject alone, which happens often, they can't.  相似文献   

Briefly Noted     
Last month, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that combining gabapentin or pregabalin with central nervous system (CNS) depressants such as opioids could result in serious breathing problems for patients with underlying respiratory problems, or in the elderly. New labeling will be required on gabapentin and pregabalin, the FDA said. There is less evidence supporting such a risk in otherwise healthy people, the FDA said in the Dec. 19, 2019, warning. Gabapentin, first approved in 1993, is not a controlled substance. It is approved to treat various conditions, including seizures, nerve pain, fibromyalgia and restless legs syndrome. Pregabalin, first approved in 2004, is Schedule V on the Controlled Substances Act, the lowest‐risk category of controlled substance. “With the evolution of the opioid crisis, getting ahead of new concerns or addressing those that are already evident requires examining signs of misuse and abuse as soon as any signal emerges,” said Douglas Throckmorton, M.D., deputy director for regulatory programs in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, in announcing the warning. “Reports of gabapentinoid abuse alone, and with opioids, have emerged and there are serious consequences of this co‐use, including respiratory depression and increased risk of opioid overdose death. In response to these concerns, we are requiring updates to labeling of gabapentinoids to include new warnings of potential respiratory depressant effects.” Drug manufacturers are also being required to conduct clinical trials to evaluate the abuse potential of all gabapentinoids, particularly when combined with opioids, said Throckmorton. The downside is that prescribers could inadvertently increase opioid use by not using these medications, Throckmorton acknowledged, saying “we do not want to unintentionally increase opioid use by turning prescribers away from this class of pain medications.” For more information, go to https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug‐safety‐and‐availability/fda‐warns‐about‐serious‐breathing‐problems‐seizure‐and‐nerve‐pain‐medicines‐gabapentin‐neurontin .  相似文献   

Briefly Noted     
The biennial International Drug Policy Reform Conference, sponsored by the Drug Policy Alliance and held Nov. 7–9 in St. Louis, Missouri, was full of varying sessions on harm reduction and reform — 45 of them in all. An article by Filter editor Will Godfrey summed up his perspective — he was the only print reporter so far to have covered the entire conference. We asked him what his feeling was about the prospects for treatment and harm reduction working together, as they have in the past. “There's plenty of friction, but there can and should be rapprochement between the harm‐reduction and traditional treatment communities,” he told ADAW. “Many people in the harm‐reduction movement pursue traditional recovery, and there are treatment folks who support harm reduction. All should be trying to save lives and empower people. Harm reductionists' legitimate concerns about mainstream treatment include its coercive or controlling deployment, its frequent eschewal of evidence‐based practices and its promotion of abstinence at the expense of stigmatizing people who use drugs. Treatment advocates often overlook that most people who use drugs are fine. And in any case, everyone must be free to choose their own path.” But the fact that two approaches — one more radical than the other — coexist still is bound to make some treatment providers uncomfortable. After all, some of the speakers said that even supervised consumption sites are unfair to drug users, who have no need to be “supervised,” and instead should be free to use drugs. All viewpoints were there. “There's constant debate in the harm‐reduction movement about working to change systems that inflict harm from the inside, versus calling for radical reforms from the outside,” said Godfrey. “I think both approaches are simultaneously necessary.” Not everyone saw the conflict. “I have to say that I didn't see an anti‐public health movement there at all,” Maia Szalavitz, who is writing a history of harm reduction and is respected in both harm reduction and some, at least, treatment camps, told ADAW. “There has always, of course, been tension between activists and researchers and between people who want to fight within the system and those who want to tear it all down.” For the Filter article, go to https://filtermag.org/drug‐policy‐reform‐movement/ .  相似文献   

This article responds empirically to the question posed by Stan Cohen about “why, when faced by knowledge of others’ suffering and pain—particularly the suffering and pain resulting from what are called ‘human rights violations’—does ‘reaction’ so often take the form of denial, avoidance, passivity, indifference, rationalisation or collusion?”. Our context is Mexico's “war on drugs.” Since 2006 this “war” has claimed the lives of around 240,000 Mexican citizens and disappeared around 60,000 others. Perpetrators include organized criminal gangs and state security services. Violence is pervasive and widely reported. Most people are at risk. Our study is based on qualitative interviews and focus groups involving 68 “ordinary Mexicans” living in five different Mexican cities which have varying levels of violence. It investigates participant proximity to the victims and the psychological defense mechanisms they deploy to cope with proximity to the violence. We found that 62 of our participants knew, directly or indirectly, one or more people who had been affected. We also found one dominant rationalization (defense mechanism) for the violence: that the victims were “involved in something” (drugs or organized crime) and therefore “deserved their fate.” This echoes prevailing state discourses about the violence. We argue that the discourse of “involved” is a discourse of denial that plays three prominent roles in a highly violent society in which almost no-one is immune: it masks state violence, stigmatizes the victims, and sanctions bystander passivity. As such, we show how official and individual denial converge, live, and reproduce, and play a powerful role in the perpetuation of violence.  相似文献   


Homelessness has gained increasing attention since the 1980s in the United States. And the numbers of individuals and families experiencing homelessness are growing, with a 20,000 person, or 3% increase, from 2008 through 2009 (“State of Homelessness,” 2011). In spite of persistent investigation and activism on how to prevent and end homelessness, there is not agreement on what causes homelessness or how to stop it (McNamara, 2009). What is apparent, however, is that the homeless population is not homogenous. Therefore, the standard models of service, whether from governmental or non-governmental organizations (NGOs), end up neglecting the needs of portions of the population of people who face homelessness. Governmental and non-governmental service providers have recognized the existence of the unique sub-populations of people who are homeless and are attempting to understand and meet the needs of people outside the prevailing understanding of homelessness. This project works with a collaborative of such service providers through a multiple methodological approach to generate better understanding on the two key areas necessary to create models of service for people who are in the “gap” subsector of the homeless population. First, investigation was undertake to learn systematically who is included in the “gap” population among the homeless community, or, in other words, what traits those who continue to cycle in and out of homelessness, and thus are part of this “gap” population, share. Secondly, the project explores what organizations are currently serving these people, and how are they doing so. In other words, this project also ask what are the trends or practices that exist nationally and locally for serving people who fall into this category of homelessness? Findings suggest central traits including mental illness, substance abuse and a history of incarceration as factors spanning members of the “gap” population. Though there are caveats and practices to be avoided, these people are surviving or even thriving through the service primarily of faith-based non-governmental organizations, unfettered by the policy and funding constraints of governmental entities.  相似文献   

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the federal National Institutes of Health, has advice for parents in the midst of the opioid epidemic: “[T]alk openly about the effects of opioids and other drugs with your children and stay actively engaged in their lives.”  相似文献   

Last month, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) took what many view as a first step toward retracting its now‐infamous “Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain” issued in 2016.  相似文献   

This essay addresses two journalists' very public criticism of a blog that chronicles a woman's fight with cancer. I examine the role of fame in this controversy. Are the expectations for maintaining “privacy” actually stricter for people who are not famous? How do shifting boundaries between private and public (exacerbated by social media, which allow anybody to have a “public” persona) and shifting understandings of what constitutes “fame” affect the traditional understandings of what is appropriate to share?  相似文献   

On Sept. 6, as the remnants of Hurricane Dorian were heading for Cape Cod, the Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders' (CCSAD's) plenary speaker John F. Kelly, Ph.D., Elizabeth R. Spallin Professor of Psychiatry in the Field of Addiction Medicine at Harvard Medical School and the founder and director of the Recovery Research Institute, gave the 1,100 attendees — many of them representatives of the treatment field — some welcome news: 75% of people who once had a problem with drugs and alcohol are now in remission. “Think about that,” said Kelly, who has become a mainstay of the speaker circuit in the addiction field. “This disorder has a good prognosis, despite, sadly, the opioid crisis.”  相似文献   

The authors explored the importance of sex for 1,289 women living with HIV in Canada. Approximately half of women viewed sex as “very” (19.6%) or “somewhat” important (32.3%) and the remaining reported “neither important or unimportant” (22.0%), “somewhat unimportant” (5.4%), or “not at all important” (20.1%). Women who had a regular sex partner, identified as African, Caribbean, or Black, were more educated, believed HIV treatment prevents transmission, or had better physical health-related quality-of-life reported greater importance of sex, whereas those who were older, used illicit drugs, or experienced violence in adulthood reported lesser importance. Findings underscore the diversity of women's perspectives within the context of their lives.  相似文献   

This study set out to validate the hypothesis (belief) that homeless people were likely to commit minor offenses as solutions to their conditions. Jails, and maybe prisons, would provide three meals a day, a place to sleep, and minimal health care-especially during the winter months. Instead, the data did not support the hypothesis. Contrary to the reported practices of some homeless people in Colorado who are described as committing non-serious but timed offenses to go to jail, it found a homeless population in jail who give a literal interpretation to the political phrase “the invisible people.” They were not in jail because they were homeless, but instead they were in jail for serious crimes (murder, rape, drugs, robbery) and their homelessness was a side fact Since it was not likely that this group would seek to address or resolve their homelessness, it was recommended that jail social workers identify their needs to them, track them into social welfare networks, with a designated contact person, prior to their release.  相似文献   

Estimating the characteristics of the “disabled” population is necessary for some governments and of interest to health researchers concerned with producing disability prevalence rates. Because generating easy-to-understand estimates of disability in the population is important, this article provides U.S. population estimates for two disability-related measures by using the 2009 to 2011 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample file. The number of people who have “independent living” and “ambulatory” difficulties is calculated from a sample of 9,204,437 (representing >309 million people). The percentage for “disabled” is found to vary by racial and ethnic category, sex, age, citizenship status, educational attainment, and state-level regions divided by weather.  相似文献   

This article innovatively combines the analysis of both cultural and outdoor activities in Canada, activities that have been mostly studied separately until now. This study thus feeds into the debate between the distinction framework (focusing on the highbrow/lowbrow opposition) and the omnivorism thesis (distinguishing between omnivorous and univorous groups) in cultural sociology. From Latent Class Analysis (LCA), this study identifies five clusters, which differentiate people practicing either or both cultural and outdoor activities. The clusters are labelled as follow: “tele-univore,” “digital indoor,” “conventional indoor,” “outdoor univore,” and “omnivore.” Binary logistic regressions reveal that education, age and rural/urban identity are the key factors in identifying who practices which activities. The findings are threefold. First, while confirming the omnivore theory, our results show that cultural capital matters more than economic capital in explaining who participates in which activities. Second, rural people tend to be slightly more engaged than urban people in consumptive and motorized outdoor activities and less in all cultural activities. Third, the shift to digitization and the increase in outdoor activities appears to have exacerbated the divide between older and younger generations.  相似文献   

In an environment like Soviet Russia where it was difficult, if not impossible, to make assertions that contradicted the official Communist Party word, political humor can be used to challenge, subvert, or uphold official “truths.” The Russian Soviet anekdot—a politically subversive joke—provides an intimate view into the perspective of the Russian people living under Soviet rule. The anekdot serves as a discourse of “cultural consciousness,” connecting otherwise atomized people to a homeland, collective culture, and memory. In conducting a paired content and critical discourse analysis of 1,290 anekdoty collected from Russian archives, I explore how this oral folklore served to construct a Russian collective consciousness that (1) resists Party rhetoric, social policy, and ideology, but also (2) adopts and reifies social boundaries established by Soviet discourse by constructing particular groups as “other.” Those who are familiar with cultural folklore—and the historical context to which it refers—are taught who are the perpetrators responsible for injustices, who are the victims, and how we should feel about these different people; folklore also gives insight into the perspectives of those from the hegemonic '"center."  相似文献   

In the present work, we investigated the pop cultural idea that people have a sixth sense, called “gaydar,” to detect who is gay. We propose that “gaydar” is an alternate label for using stereotypes to infer orientation (e.g., inferring that fashionable men are gay). Another account, however, argues that people possess a facial perception process that enables them to identify sexual orientation from facial structure. We report five experiments testing these accounts. Participants made gay-or-straight judgments about fictional targets that were constructed using experimentally manipulated stereotypic cues and real gay/straight people's face cues. These studies revealed that orientation is not visible from the face—purportedly “face-based” gaydar arises from a third-variable confound. People do, however, readily infer orientation from stereotypic attributes (e.g., fashion, career). Furthermore, the folk concept of gaydar serves as a legitimizing myth: Compared to a control group, people stereotyped more often when led to believe in gaydar, whereas people stereotyped less when told gaydar is an alternate label for stereotyping. Discussion focuses on the implications of the gaydar myth and why, contrary to some prior claims, stereotyping is highly unlikely to result in accurate judgments about orientation.  相似文献   

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