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The spheres of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) related to development policy have changed significantly in past years. Therefore NGOs are confronted more and more with areas of tension and contradictions that they influence and challenge with their work. In this context, NGOs that are active in education for sustainable development face a special challenge. All of the contradictions and areas of tension appear condensed in this field and need to be examined and processed adequately from the point of education. The resulting areas of conflict and tension mark the central border area and problems of educational work related to development policy that far outreach the practice of NGOs.  相似文献   

An ongoing controversy in transformation research concerns the relative importance of firm-internal versus occupational segmentation in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) employment system compared to the West German system. In a first step, institutions of vocational education and of the employment system focusing on their impact on labor market segmentation are analyzed. Then, the occupational careers of different birth cohorts of East and West Germans are examined. Empirical results show that the importance of internal mobility increased over time in the GDR. But this change cannot primarily be attributed to personnel policies of firms. It was mainly due to social policies, i.e. the introduction of compulsory army service and of maternity leave, since companies were obliged to take the army recruits and mothers back afterwards. Obviously, the way social policies were institutionalized affected the levels of labor market mobility in both countries more than changes of employment strategies.  相似文献   

Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO) - Dieser Beitrag im Journal Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. stellt dar, wie willentliches...  相似文献   

The study focuses on the concept of team skills. Based on previous research that broke the concept down into sub-skills and documented no positive relationship between team skills and the performance of a group we measured the social perception of team skills. For this purpose four videos were produced that varied the factors contribution to group atmosphere and contribution to task performance of a single person. The team skills and all related sub-skills of this person were rated by external raters (n?=?136). The results clearly showed that the perception of team skills was based exclusively on the factor contribution to group atmosphere. Contribution to task performance, clearly recognized by raters, was not related to the perceived team skills and had a negative effect on the perceived ability to cooperate, the key element in the team skills concept. If the concept is highly appreciated in organisations as evident from various facts, diverting minority opinion will be avoided and group performance would depend largely on the majority decision. Other means to improve team effectiveness, such as group moderation techniques, need to be found.  相似文献   

Secondary analyses, i.e. analyses of data which were not collected for this purpose and/or not by these people, are widely used due to their outstanding advantages. However, their methodological implications are seldom discussed. The widespread secondary use of few data sets has implications for the published knowledge base of the discipline. Known and unknown biases and random error in a particular data set are multiplied in published knowledge. The realm of undetected errors increases if data producer and data user are separated. Furthermore available data sets limit the possibility of introducing new concepts resulting in a path dependency of scientific progress. Consequently, primary data should be valued; using only partly appropriate data sets can improve and validate our knowledge; data sets have to be considered in literature reviews; and indirect measurement or additional macro variables may be used to integrate unconventional concepts. User conferences help closing the gap between data producers and users.  相似文献   

Findings on the quantity and quality of criminal behavior of immigrant groups differ very widely (partly depending on the source of data used) and interpretations differ according to theoretical standpoint. There is also controversy over the reasons why charges are more often dropped in cases against young non-Germans than in cases against German citizens. Data from prosecution service records were analysed (N = 860 suspects) to investigate whether differences could be found in the quality and structure of the offenses of which Germans and non-Germans were accused, or in the outcome of the investigations. Only marginal differences were found in the quality of offenses with which Germans and non-Germans were charged. The primary reason for the higher rate of charges being dropped against young foreigners was found to be lack of evidence. This need not, however, in any way be interpreted as meaning that young foreigners are more successful at hiding the evidence of their crimes. It could simply show that non-Germans are more often falsely accused of committing a crime.  相似文献   

The study analyses the coverage of six regional newspapers on 25 local candidates during the last six weeks of the 2005 German national election by using quantitative content analysis. In an earlier study the physical attractiveness of the 25 candidates has been examined. The study shows that newspapers covered physically attractive candidates much more often and much more positive than unattractive candidates. This held also true when other relevant candidate characteristics (party membership, role as incumbent or challenger etc.) are controlled. The results show that journalists are victims of the same attractiveness stereotypes as other people. But in the case of journalists there may occur more impotent consequences the amount and tone of media coverage on political candidates may affect the results of election campaigns. Causes and consequences of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Financial incentives to work (in-work benefits) are an instrument of labour market policy to motivate the unemployed to re-enter employment. Following neoclassical economic reasoning, such financial incentives should be effective, since the unemployed are expected to maximize financial utility. However, one common empirical finding is that such wage-subsidized employment is rather unstable. Applying Boudons cognitivist model to the ending of wage-subsidized employment the hypotheses are derived that firstly the in-work benefit is interpreted by the employee as a signal for the firm’s violation of the norm of reciprocity and secondly that the employee’s resulting sanctioning behaviour can raise the probability for job terminations. Survey data on in-work benefit recipients is used to test the hypotheses, performing ordered logit and event history analysis in combination with propensity score matching. Results from the empirical analysis support the hypotheses. It is concluded that labour market policy should be based not only on the assumption of economically rational behaviour, if labour market programmes are to be effective.  相似文献   

In this article we propose a financial regime typology that adds the role of cultural legitimacy to financial market regulation. Bridging Comparative Political Economy and Economic Sociology we refer to a German Weberian tradition of institutionalist research that has stressed the intermediate position of institutions between social values and concrete market action. Financial regimes do not only define formal rules and organizational patterns, they also install symbolic boundaries between legitimate and illegitimate finance, providing cultural acceptance to these morally and historically “problematic” markets. The article then explores four fields of institutional regulation of stock exchanges in Germany and UK since the 19th century: (1) the creation of an official arena, (2) rules of market access, (3) the legitimate trading goods and (4) rules for penalizing misconduct. We show that German financial regulation was integrative and wanted to protect the real economy by corporatively embedding finance and restrain harmful transactions. In contrast, British financial regulation was segmental and tried to protect the real economy by installing a socially exclusive club of traders governed by professional expertise and hierarchy. This new typification of financial regimes will help to understand the resilience of national financial regulatory patterns across crises and the obstacles to a transnational harmonization of rules. Political reform-making is tied to institutional principles of the past.  相似文献   

Jessé Souza 《Soziologie》2007,36(4):361-377
The contribution describes the particular conditions that accompanied the development of the Brasilian national identity. ?Brasilianism“ is not only the basis for the dominating self-perception of the Brasilian people. In addition, the national myth forms a dominating foil to the social sciences. The criticism expressed here is mainly directed against the spiritus rector of the Brasilian collective identity, namely Gilberto Freyre and Buarque de Holanda, as well as against their responsibility for the consolidation of the myth of ?Brasilianism“ and the development of an emotional theory of action with the image of the ?affectionate“, ?sensuous“ and ?optimistic“ Brasilian in its center. Following this criticism a rational access is formulated to understand the national myth that is so very constitutive for Brasilia.  相似文献   

Managerial compensation in large companies is subject to many critical concerns; this holds particularly for bonus payments. Empirical evidence shows that nearly three quarter of the German population perceive managers’ incomes as unfairly high. Based on an own survey, we examine what drives fairness perceptions of bonus payments for managers: When do employees assess bonus payments for managers within their own company as unfairly high? Under which conditions do they accept high bonus payments? The analyses show that acceptance decreases with the estimated amount of bonus paid. It increases, however, if aspects of procedural and distributive justice are taken into account.  相似文献   

Associations and unions are under high optimisation pressure because of fewer public money and general changes in society. Many try to cope with this hard situation by looking for business management instruments. Quick solutions are however not easy to get. These organisations are for their members, to a high degree, social communities as well as political action communities and economic or services communities. These three different forms of communities constitute subsystems in associations with their own very specific organisatinal logic. If one of those subsystems get out of balance it would affect the two others. Modern management instruments are useless in changes projects handling changes, as long as the managing committee doesn’t initiate broad and extensive internal discussions about the future direction of the association. Project handling changes have only a chance to succeed, if they equally take into consideration all three subsystems.  相似文献   

Due to their focus on variable-oriented comparisons and large-N samples, survey methods are prone to lack information on the context-specific, practical meaning of measured constructs. This issue is explicated via the concept of “ecological validity”. A sequential quantitative-qualitative mixed-methods-study on anti-American prejudice in Germany is presented to demonstrate how semi-structured qualitative interviews (n = 22) can compensate for lacking ecological validity in standardized prejudice measurements (CATI-survey, n = 808, summer 2011). Qualitative analyses provide context-sensitive insight into the rhetorical functions of anti-American speech. They are used to generate explanatory hypotheses for correlations between anti-American, anti-Semitic, and racist prejudice in the survey data. This complementarity of research methods is closely connected to an enhanced theoretical perspective: The combination of attitude-based and speech-act-theoretical concepts of prejudice helps to increase construct validity in the example study.  相似文献   

Following Boudon social disparities at educational transitions can be linked to primary and secondary effects of social origin. Whereas primary effects describe social differentials in scholastic performance, secondary effects represent social differences in educational choices that are independent of performance. We use four panel surveys of graduate cohorts that have obtained eligibility for higher education between 1983 and 1999, provided by the German Higher Education Information System (HIS). By applying counterfactual decomposition methods we estimate the relative importance of primary and secondary effects at the transition to tertiary education. Our results indicate that secondary effects are the main driving force in the creation of social disparities at the transition to tertiary education, accounting for more than 80% of the differential between service class and working class offspring. Particularly financial aspects connected to the choice of post-secondary alternatives, interest in academic work and the type of Abitur degree can explain these effects. Furthermore, even though we observe a small increase in social selectivities at the transition to higher education, the relative importance of primary and secondary effects does not change within our observation period.  相似文献   

The empathy ability and the willingness of violent delinquents (rapist, sexual abuser and physical injuries authors) especially for the suffering of their victims is investigated. Several groups of violent delinquents are differentiated: The mental ill, the criminal and the empathy and pity reluctant. The indexed treatment possibilities for each group are presented. The most adequate cognitive-behavioural group treatment is sketched and illustrated with practical experience. “Empathy”, “sensibility” and related notions are not so clearly defined in the scientific discussions which leads to a missing general consensus. Therefore, it seems important and useful to make some basic reflections about these notions, in relation with the offender-victim dynamic in violent crimes and the professional dealing with violent delinquents, and that, before closer investigating, in the second section, some chosen offendervictim relations referring to the empathy and drawing conclusions for dealing with violent delinquents. At the end, practical experiences concerning the work with sexual child abusers are described.  相似文献   

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