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中国农民的环境公正意识与行动取向——以小溪村为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘春燕 《社会》2012,32(1):174-196
不同民族和文化对环境公正及运动的地方化理解,有别于西方主流含义,构成全球环境公正和环境治理的前提。本文以一个中国基层农村社区的居民反对当地钨矿开采而进行的上访为例,试图揭示在独特的产权结构下中国农民的环境公正意识及行动取向。在这一个案中,少数钨矿老板一方面通过垄断并无偿使用公共资源获得暴利,另一方面却将严重的生态问题以环境零成本的方式转嫁给当地。这种“私人赢利,集体买单”的现象,是村民感到环境不公的根源。与西方社会尤其是美国公众在“环境公正”问题上强调“公平分配”环境利益与环境危害立法的政治参与诉求不同,当前中国农民在环境公正问题上的关注,主要集中在政府与企业在无偿获得公共利益的同时是否承担相应的集体或社会责任方面。  相似文献   

A small set of allocation principles is said to be behind several theories of distributive justice. However, disagreement about the appropriate relationship between these notions remains, so that compromises between principles may generate more agreement. Truncated utilitarianism is a prominent candidate. It demands maximising total wealth subject to a floor level of individual wealth for all people. Based on some well-known distributive notions, we developed a questionnaire setting and confronted student respondents with corresponding allocation problems, where an exogenously given poverty line served as a floor. However, support for allocations resulting from this specific interpretation of truncated utilitarianism remained rather low. This is surprising because the respective solution was close to an equal split of resources, and aspects of efficiency and responsibility were explicitly introduced to promote more general acceptance. We argue that people may either wish to see higher floor levels or are more inequality averse than probably expected. Moreover, high support for an unconditional consideration of the poverty line can be witnessed, even though aspects of responsibility, but not efficiency arguments, display an influence. In general, attitudes with respect to the equality?Cefficiency trade-off are found to remain heterogeneous, although different equality concerns are prominent. Furthermore, trade-offs are moderated by the responsibility principle.  相似文献   

王翀 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):30-32
作为公共权力的运作者和实施者,公务员应承诺包括行政道德责任在内的许多责任。现实中,行政道德责任的落实并不容易甚至出现缺失状况。为此,应该强化道德人格,坚持制度正义原则。道德人格是实现行政道德责任的依据,制度正义原则是实现行政道德责任的保障,二者相辅相成,共同促进责任的实现。  相似文献   

Miller SE, Hayward RA, Shaw TV. Environmental shifts for social work: A principles approach The social work profession is rooted in a history of addressing the needs of vulnerable populations. Generally, however, this history has not extended to issues relating to the natural environment. Building on a framework of environmental justice, this article proposes a shift from the artificial separation of the social and natural environments in its person‐in‐environment focus to an expanded holistic understanding of the dynamic interplay between human society and the natural environment. It examines issues surrounding environmental and ecological justice, and proposes a principles approach to move the profession towards a paradigm of environmental justice using as its template the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice adopted by the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit in the USA in 1991. It discusses the value of these principles in enhancing social work's capacity to address issues of environmental concern. It proposes that, with greater awareness of the effects of environmental issues on high‐needs populations, the profession would be better able to balance environmental and human concerns.  相似文献   

从气候伦理上看,代内正义是解决代际正义的前提。在应对气候变化的研究和谈判中,不断强调代际气候正义,实际上是要求所有当代人抛开历史责任共同减少排放。这隐藏着发达国家的一个“阴谋”:放弃自己的历史责任。无论是代际还是代内,分配正义的核心价值都要求对弱势群体给予特殊关照。气候变化产生的利益与损失存在着不平等分配。气候变化的受益者是否有义务向受害者提供补偿或援助,已经成为一个迫切的伦理道德问题。  相似文献   

转型期中国公众的分配公平感:结果公平与机会公平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟天广 《社会》2012,32(6):108-134
本文考察了中国公众的结果公平感和机会公平感,检验并比较了社会结构解释和相对剥夺解释在中国的适用性。研究发现,大多数公众认可结果公平和机会公平,且机会公平感高于结果公平感,但二者仅微弱相关。结果公平感由收入水平决定,机会公平感主要受教育水平影响。外资和私营单位雇员比国有和集体单位雇员更具机会公平感,城市中下层就业者对结果和机会分配均持批评态度。“个体相对剥夺”而不是“群体相对剥夺”对分配公平感有决定性影响,结果公平感只受横向剥夺影响,而机会公平感则主要受纵向剥夺影响。  相似文献   

现有生物多样性立法虽已形成来源多元、规模庞大的规范群,却面临共性不足、特性不彰的体系化困境。共同但有区别的责任原则蕴含了本体论与方法论的双重价值,因而在国内法之维存在适用的合理性,也能够为生物多样性立法的体系化提供有益理论滋养。在本体论方面,共同但有区别的责任原则的价值在于实质正义,可被解构为同等情况同等对待的同一性正义与特殊情况特殊对待的差异性正义。至于方法论价值,共同但有区别的责任原则指向的是在提炼共性与承认特性的基础上实现类型化。在共同但有区别的责任原则指引下,生物多样性立法体系是以实质正义为核心的内在体系与以类型化为思路的外在体系的合一构造。其中,为建构统而有别的生物多样性立法外在体系,宜制定一部统领性的《生物多样性保护法》,并依据领域与地域的特性进行差异化立法。  相似文献   

在现实生活中,人们总要求政府承担起社会正义的责任,但却不知道怎样才是对政府责任的证成;而在现实的政治生活中,批评政府作为不当或不作为的事情并不少见。本文在论述政府对社会正义责任的证成的基础上,提出了社会正义的维度,以及社会正义实现的决策方法。尤其给出了社会公正度的函数和数学模型,这一量化标准,对于推动社会公正的决策提供了可行的途径,有助于社会公平正义的实现。  相似文献   

The article analyses arguments for reform of public sector pension schemes by the UK Coalition government on the grounds that existing provision is ‘unfair’. Three dimensions of ‘fairness’ are discussed. That between public and private sector provision; between the costs to public sector employees and other taxpayers; and between members of public sector schemes. The article argues that there are serious weaknesses in the Coalition position on each of these dimensions of ‘fairness’. It suggests that these weaknesses are rooted in the discussion of public sector pensions in isolation from the overall pattern of occupational pension provision in the UK and that a more satisfactory analysis requires reference to principles of distributive justice.  相似文献   

As an economic factor affecting access to justice, the cost of justice naturally constitutes an element of judicial reform. It is the overall deconstruction of the cost of civil justice, rather than partial observation and analysis confined to litigation costs, that can legitimize the sharing of court and litigation costs and clarify the demarcation between public and private costs. This first-order rule of cost-sharing is intended to establish a balance between the state’s investment of public resources in the judicial system and the costs borne by the litigant. The second-order rule of cost-sharing centers on the distribution of litigation costs among litigants. This requires not only the setting up of the goal of just and equitable sharing of litigation costs, but also the overall consideration of the adjustment function of the cost mechanism in litigation and pursuit of the general improvement of the justice system. The third-order cost-sharing rule should focus on giving full play to the legal services market and social organizations in sharing the cost of litigation. Its success will depend on the development of professional ethics and on legal regulation.  相似文献   

Cuts in public spending and financial constraints faced by Swedish municipalities have led to an increased interest in issues concerning priorities. This interest reflects a practical need to meet current rationing with accurate allocative decisions, where the interests of different areas and categories of users are dealt with in a well-considered way. In social work, these needs today are obvious. The article raises issues concerning priorities with relevance for social work in the Swedish social services. The purpose is to develop a conceptual and theoretical framework regarding how priorities on different levels of decision-making are made, where the main focus is on different principles as grounds for and forms of prioritizing. Central are the following questions: What actors can be identified in the process of shaping priorities in social work? What are the principles behind allocative decisions made on different levels of the municipal organization? Which categories of potential and actual users gain advantages or suffer disadvantages from different allocative principles? A theoretical division into first- and second-order decisions and of allocations from notions of efficiency, justice and self-interest offer the main structure for the article. First-order decisions are political decision-making concerning the total amount of resources distributed to various sectors or programs. Second-order decisions deal with the issue of how to allocate given resources among claimants or possible users. Efficiency is discussed from the aspects of productivity, marginal utility and longterm effects. Material principles of justice dealt with are the principles of need, increment, contribution and merit. Self-interest is discussed in terms of self-serving bias, group-oriented interests and professional gain.  相似文献   

转型时期司法中的民意现状与策略设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙日华 《太平洋学报》2010,18(12):19-28
中国转型时期,法官对司法中的民意采取了比较模糊的回应手法,缺乏对民意精细化和程序化的分析与运用,导致了司法公信力的缺失。因此,法官需要对民意进行灵活的识别,有针对性地回应。民意的回应策略需要坚持论辩主义精神,建立在程序主义基础之上。对法律方面的民意须保持警惕,并充分地解释;运用事实方面的民意还原事实真相,节约司法成本;思考结论性民意背后的推理逻辑,但不直接采纳结论性的意见;将制度建设的民意作为日后司法改革的参考资料。建立科学合理的媒体交流平台,需要媒体在民意与司法之间保持客观公正的立场与姿态,避免媒体的不当报道加剧司法与民意的矛盾。改善司法的运作模式和法官选任机制,降低日后回应民意的司法成本。  相似文献   

The author responds to reviews of his book, Planting Hatred, Sowing Pain: The Psychology of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Reviewers argue that you cannot understand the psychology of this conflict from an objective perspective, without taking issues such as historical context and social justice in consideration. The author argues that this detachment is necessary in order to find a solution, since we need to move beyond an orientation to the past that amounts to a culpability paradigm, and into an orientation to the future and a resolution paradigm. Only after you achieve peace and build mutual trust, could the parties be ready to do soul searching and take responsibility for their past actions.  相似文献   

在我国当下,形式理性的法律面临现实困境,即:司法裁决不能被公众认可,法律的权威和公信力也在下降.法官“以证据为根据”的裁判理念虽然符合法律实践理性的要求,然而也易引致对正义价值追求的放弃和忽视;公众则视“以客观事实为根据”为司法不言自明的正义要求.如何破解这一困局?文章对“以事实为根据,以法律为准绳”原则在我国的观念认知进行了梳理,认为该原则在公众与司法者之间存在认知差异,从而导致裁决不能被认可.回应型法的有关理论值得借鉴,它认为应以法律的目的缓和引导制度,使其不拘泥于形式主义和仪式性,以探究法律中蕴涵的公正价值.在司法裁判中,应以公正为价值,兼顾对外部社会现实的关照,建立起以“证据事实”为基础、以“客观事实”为依归的“法律真实”标准.  相似文献   

党英武 《唐都学刊》2006,22(4):41-43
构建和谐社会离不开两大系统,也就是社会系统和自然系统。自然系统受三大自然法则的约定即“共生共灭、互生互灭、此生彼灭”。社会系统受四大法则的约定即“共生共灭、共生共利、互生互利、互竞互长”。依据四大法则而引申出了和谐社会的八大社会伦理原则,即公平正义、共生共利、互生互动、互生互利、互生互享、互生互责、公平竞争、和谐发展。依据社会伦理的八大原则引申出了和谐社会的八大运行机制,即公平正义的社会秩序保障机制、社会生存环境的维权机制、社会生存与发展的动力机制、社会利益协调机制、社会利益分享机制、社会责任分担机制、社会公平竞争机制、社会和谐发展机制。  相似文献   

在西方和中国学者的政治社会论述中,现代公共领域概念涵盖了政治公共领域、文化公共领域和日常生活的公共领域三个相互关联又各具独立性的论题,其中日常生活的公共领域与当代中国人的生存现实最为切近。中国当代公共行为文明的构建蕴含着三个依次递进的价值原则:基于利益纽带的工具性价值,在自主意识与伦理责任之间达成均衡的"健全的个人主义",以及基于"健全的人道主义"的公共精神。  相似文献   

Sustainable development aims to address economic, social, and environmental imperatives; yet, in practice, it often embodies a neoliberal market logic that reinforces inequalities. Thus, as the social work profession grapples with its role in advancing environmental sustainability, practice models must explicitly attend to social and economic justice. For example, environmental gentrification refers to situations in which the cleanup of contaminated land or the installation of environmental amenities intentionally or unintentionally catalyzes increased housing costs, thereby contributing to the displacement of vulnerable residents. With the goal of contributing to practice knowledge, we conducted a systematic review of peer‐reviewed articles (1997?2017) to learn how community groups have responded to the threat of environmental gentrification. We found that community organizations employ a range of strategies, including blocking development, negotiating for protections, planning alternatives, and allying with gentrifiers. We conclude by exploring ethical implications and practice principles to help social workers engage in truly sustainable development. Key Practitioner Message: ? The term environmental gentrification describes situations where improvements to environmental quality increase real estate prices, contributing to the displacement of vulnerable residents; ? An environmental justice framework attending to procedural, distributional, and recognition‐based claims provides a model for social work practice; ? Opportunities exist for social workers to take an intersectional rather than siloed approach to integrate economic, social, and environmental concerns.  相似文献   


The recent increase in the number of girls involved in the juvenile justice system has resulted in increased academic and public attention. Thus far, this attention has focused on entry into the juvenile justice system rather than longer-term consequences. This research helps fill this gap by examining a sample of 700 maltreated and/or impoverished juvenile court–involved females. Competing risks models were used to control for time from juvenile-court entry to adult outcomes: criminal justice system involvement, use of public mental health or substance use services, and income maintenance use. Results indicate that there are distinct predictors associated with the different outcomes, although learning disability and adolescent parenthood were associated with higher risk of both mental health/substance use services and income maintenance. Individualized services for juvenile court–involved girls are suggested. Prospective, longitudinal research is needed to investigate intrapsychic and behavioral dynamics associated with females' young adult outcomes.  相似文献   

胡东  范辉清 《学术交流》2005,(11):61-65
传统行政法关于法律责任功能、公正优先兼顾效率价值取向、“原则+制度”立法技术模式等一些观念,看似毋庸置疑的通说正解,却影响着我国行政程序法典化的良性发展。澄清模糊认识,明确法律的有效运行不能单靠法律责任的强制力,应取决于法律机制整体上的优化配置程度以及法律与客观社会的同步协调程度;确立公正价值的本位价值地位;将原则的规定所体现的隐性的法律精神,通过具体的法律条文演绎成显性的法律制度。通过各个具体制度的综合效力有机运行使“纸上的正义”转化为“现实的正义”,对目前行政法制建设起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

The social reforms in China since the late 1970s represent an arduous process in which the Chinese nation, in its own way, has reflected upon the many disadvantages of the “civilization of modernity,” and has explored, created and practiced “Chinese values,” pursuing and shaping new spiritual convictions and new (rational) value beliefs for its national culture. In a deeper sense, “Chinese values” are endowed with a marked orientation toward practice and follow the logic of genuinely implementing society's “public values” on the basis of the intrinsic and organic integration of the personal and public and the national and cosmopolitan. This manifests the pursuit of a noble belief in justice and a commitment to a universal and genuine good life for the Chinese populace today. What “Chinese values” seek to forge is an image of “the Chinese” that manifests not only the disposition and breadth of vision of a contemporary “citizen of the world,” but also the fine traits of tolerance, benevolence, responsibility, and courage, as well as self-esteem, self-improvement, confidence, and self-reliance.  相似文献   

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