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费晟 《太平洋学报》2014,(11):55-62
南太平洋岛国的华人移民社会最初形成于19世纪中后期,主要是近代中国劳工输出的结果。"二战"后,华人移民基本实现了本土化;20世纪80年代中后期又出现新的移民潮,形成较大规模的华人移民群体。无论从历史还是从现实来看,华人移民都积极参与并推动了南太平洋岛国各项事业的发展,由此确立起较高的经济与政治影响力。不过,华人移民群体也不可避免地被当地社会内部冲突与矛盾所波及,并受到部分西方媒体及少数政客的借题炒作。本文认为,从我国发展对南太平洋岛国战略关系的角度看,岛国华人社会将扮演日益重要且积极的纽带角色。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战结束后,澳大利亚政府顺应潮流,逐步软化乃至最终摒弃歧视有色人种族的“白澳”政策,当地华人因此而取得了较为宽松的生存环境。从50~60年代起,澳大利亚的华人社会和华人文化得以复苏和发展。与此同时,华人也越来越多地溶入当地主流社会,其文化特征和文化模式均有所变化。进入70~80年代,由于澳大利亚在移民政策上转向更为开明的多元文化主义,加上华人圈中永恒激荡着的民族归属感,随着华人社会的日益壮大,华人文化在澳大利亚更得到了空前规模的张扬。  相似文献   

吴明罡 《社科纵横》2010,25(9):132-134
鸦片战争后,大量中国东南沿海居民移居新加坡,并在那里繁衍生息,形成了相对固定的华侨华人社会。新加坡华侨华人因为移民的时间相对较短,爱国爱家思想浓厚,为保证华侨华人社会的独立,他们积极发展华文教育,创办了大量的私塾和义学等传统教育机构,进入19世纪末期以后,随着中国教育体制改革的进行,新加坡华侨华人社会在维新人士的带动下,开始创办新式华侨学校,积极发展丰富实用的新式华文教育,保护了中华民族的特性,促进了新加坡华侨华人社会的和谐与进步。  相似文献   

悉尼华人服务社增加粤语社工近日,悉尼华人服务社位于奥本区的移民定居服务在原有的普通话服务基础上增加说粤语的社工,以方便为更多华人提供服务。据了解,华人服务社移民定居服务主要是  相似文献   

当今,加拿大华裔的人数不多,约为三十万,占全加人口的1.5%。近年来加拿大移民政策有所改变,以及1997年香港将回归大陆,华人移居加拿大的数量也许在今后十年内有所增加。加拿大华裔较少并不是偶然的,而是长久以来加拿大政府在移民问题上采取种种歧视政策的结果,也是欧裔加拿大人排外心理作用的结果。本文将对决定华裔人数以及制约华人移居加拿大后生活状况的社会、经济条件,作一简略考察。首批华人移居大不列颠哥伦比亚省,是正值弗雷泽河流(Fraser Valley)发现黄金的19世纪50年代。他们中的一些人来自美国加州,曾在那儿当过矿工,而另一些人直接来自于中国。他们作为廉价劳动力颇受欢迎,因为当时采矿业以及铁路、公路和隧道  相似文献   

不消除偏远山区农民的贫困问题,中国就无法实现全面小康,这已是共识.浙江省对原来居住在高山、深山的农民,在资金投入、规费减免、用地安排、整合资源、提供帮扶、促进转移就业等方面给予支持,鼓励他们移到河谷、平原生活,使移民在生活环境、生活水平、住房条件、子女教育、生活方式等方面取得明显改变,成效显著.由于政府对就业帮扶工作仍旧不足,以及土地产权的局限和户口制度的限制,加上农民自身素质有限,导致已经下山的移民在生产、生活、就业、教育中依然存在种种困难,也使还在高山、深山上生活的农民心怀担忧,不肯迁移下山.因此,加大资金扶持力度,强化政策宣传,推动社会保障工作,加强社会监督,帮助移民就业,推动户籍制度改革是促使移民更好山下生活的有效措施,更好推进下山移民工作的有力保障.  相似文献   

美国境内中国人的心理健康状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现在有不少人向往到国外去,那么,在国外定居的华人生活状况如何呢?本文系根据三位美籍华人、女社会学家的专著《正规中国文化及其反常行为》第15章编译。文章的主旨是阐明美国境内中国人的处境及其心理状况——一句话,在美国是否生活得痛快。她们以美国各大城市唐人街的各种“中国人”(华侨、美籍华人和华裔)作为调查对象,客观地分析了美国华人社会的各种情况。本文着重指出,由于语言的障碍和两种文化的冲突,使移民进入美国的中国人长期在谋职、就业等方面遭遇巨大的困难,因而绝大多数移民只能从事工时长、待遇低和繁重的体力劳动,而且几乎没有机会改善自己的处境,他们的生活相当悲惨。这对于以美国为天堂,千方百计想要移居美国去发财致富的各种类型的中国人,特别是年轻人来说,无疑是一剂非常有效的清凉剂。由于两种文化的冲突,华人备受歧视,因苦闷而酗酒、吸毒,甚至犯罪和自杀,这是美国华人社会的凄凉画面。文章对这些阴暗面给予了忠实的反映。对镀金、淘金这类美梦的迅速破灭,文学作品也时有揭露,然而从理论上、从心理上去分析调查,把事实真相呈现在读者面前,将比文学作品的感人力量要大得多,因为社会学家的解剖刀是由表及里的,是更真实、更科学的。本文对中国传统文化的连续性、坚轫性给予高度赞扬,和其他美籍亚洲人相比,美籍华人被同化的程度与速度都要小得多,低得多。文章对中国式传统家庭的温暖,敬老爱幼,亲朋间相互关切,流露出无限的赞美之情,从而反衬出美国社会以个人为中心,不赡养老人,不关顾亲友是多么冷酷无情。作者们关心华人的命运,这和美国宣传工具对华人社会所作的庸俗、肤浅而又歪曲事实的宣传,在本质上说明了两种文化在唐人街问题上的冲突。当然,文章也有其不足之处,那就是缺乏对华人社会政治动向的分析,特别是少数华人的动摇,根本未曾涉及。不过,这个问题太敏感,作者有其难处,而且又超出社会学的范畴,因而只好回避。但是瑕不掩瑜,文章基本上是公正而又客观的。  相似文献   

易地扶贫搬迁是国家的一项重要扶贫开发计划,是惠及全国几千万人的扶贫工程,通渭县也把易地扶贫搬迁作为帮助农民脱贫致富和改变农民生活的重要工程。但是在调查中发现其存在一些问题,比如有就业率低、收入低;就业结构不合理;就业渠道单一、就业信息不畅等。根据上述问题提出的相关建议有加大宣传,积极引导移民就业;转变政府思路,"重搬迁、更重就业";加强移民职业技能培训,提升移民就业竞争力;提供良好的就业咨询和服务,保障移民的权益。  相似文献   

<正>我国历史上因生态环境问题所导致的移民现象存在已久。自20世纪90年代末期以来,面对日趋严峻的生态环境问题,"生态移民"作为西部地区解决生态环境问题的主要对策应运而生。近年来,随着生态移民实践的广泛开展,学术界对生态移民问题的研究逐渐深入,生态移民的早期研究也取得了初步成果。内蒙古地区地域辽阔,景色壮美,作为我国最大的草原区,这里是我国北方地区的一道重要绿色屏障,庇佑着祖国北疆生态和谐。但20世纪50年代之后,内蒙古草原却出现了持续的退化、沙化状态,昔日水草丰美的大草原,如今却正在逐渐演变为威胁北方生态环境的"风沙源地"。生态环境的恶化相继引发了严重的社会发展问题,因生态环境恶化而致贫、返贫现象在这片区域不胜枚举。为了应对日益严峻  相似文献   

周建辉 《江右论坛》2007,8(8):19-20
随着市场经济的进一步发展,社会对人才的需求也不断增大,在就业竞争日趋激烈的令天,为了使学生更好地适应社会,教师应该掌握高职语文教学创新的概念,积极探索教学创新的方法,创新教学内容,提高学生就业素质,凸显职业教育特色.  相似文献   

Objective. This study explores the entrepreneurial tendencies of Mexican immigrants in metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) on the U.S. side of the Mexican border vis‐à‐vis the U.S. interior. Methods. Using 2000 Census data available in the 5% Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, we empirically analyze the self‐employment rates and earnings of Mexican immigrants residing in U.S. cities near Mexico versus those in nonborder MSAs. Results. Our findings indicate that Mexican immigrants in MSAs along the U.S.‐Mexico border have significantly higher self‐employment rates (but lower earnings) than their counterparts in the rest of the United States and non‐Hispanic whites in border cities. Explanations for these findings include the existence of trade opportunities in U.S. border cities as well as intense labor market competition that crowds a greater share of immigrants into self‐employment. Conclusion. Immigration reform that curtails the immigration flow from Mexico might hinder small business formation and economic development on the U.S. side of the Mexican border.  相似文献   

Environmental consequences are frequently cited as a justification for restricting immigration to the United States, but there is little empirical research on the environmental consequences of immigration to support such arguments. The research that does exist shows immigration to be less environmentally harmful than native population growth, but is hampered by small samples and fails to account for spatial autocorrelation of air quality. We use the air quality domain of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Quality Index (EQI) to examine the association between immigrant and native populations and local air quality across all counties in the continental U.S. We employ spatial models to account for spatial autocorrelation of air quality across the counties, controlling for indicators of economic development and location characteristics. We find that native population is strongly associated with worse air quality, while foreign-born population is associated with better air quality. However, this association varies by immigrant country of origin, with East Asian immigrants in particular associated with worse air quality, and by immigrants’ year of entry, with some immigration cohorts positively associated with air quality, and others negatively. These findings highlight the importance of population characteristics in understanding population-environment linkages.  相似文献   

Immigrant Environmental Behaviors in New York City   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective. This article compares environmental behaviors of immigrants and the native-born to answer questions about potential impacts of immigration on the U.S. environment. Methods. We consider immigrant/native-born differences in the likelihood of engaging in environmentally friendly behavior. With data from a survey of New York City residents, we test two hypotheses regarding environmental behavior: (1) controlling for environmental orientation, environmental knowledge, acculturation, community attachment, and economic status will reduce immigrant/native-born differences, and (2) controlling for race will increase immigrant/native-born differences. Results. Our analysis provided no support for the second hypothesis, but there were varied results for the first hypothesis depending on the type of environmental behavior considered. Conclusions. Our findings for New York City show that fears of immigrants being less likely to engage in environmentally friendly behaviors are unfounded. Of greater significance to environmental organizations is the lower level of immigrant involvement in environmentally oriented political behaviors, suggesting that continued immigration will present challenges both in making the environmental movement more ethnically diverse and in maintaining its vitality.  相似文献   

Objectives. The idea that immigration increases crime rates has historically occupied an important role in criminological theory and has been central to the public and political discourses and debates on immigration policy. In contrast to the common sentiment, some scholars have recently questioned whether the increase in immigration between 1990 and 2000 may have actually been responsible for part of the national decrease in crime during the 1990s. The current work evaluates the influence of immigration on crime in urban areas across the United States between 1990 and 2000. Methods. Drawing on U.S. Census and Uniform Crime Report data, I first use ordinary least squares regression models to assess the cross‐sectional relationship between immigration patterns and rates of homicide and robbery among U.S. cities with populations of at least 50,000. Second, I employ pooled cross‐sectional time‐series models to determine how changes in immigration influenced changes in homicide and robbery rates between 1990 and 2000. Results. In the ordinary least squares models, immigration is associated with higher levels of homicide and robbery. However, the pooled cross‐sectional time‐series models suggest that cities with the largest increases in immigration between 1990 and 2000 experienced the largest decreases in homicide and robbery during the same time period. Conclusion. The findings offer insights into the complex relationship between immigration and crime and suggest that growth in immigration may have been responsible for part of the precipitous crime drop of the 1990s.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This paper documents the effects of increasingly restrictive immigration and border policies on Mexican migrant workers in the United States. METHODS: Drawing on data from the Mexican Migration Project we create a data file that links age, education, English language ability, and cumulative U.S. experience in three legal categories (documented, undocumented, guest worker) to the occupational status and wage attained by migrant household heads on their most recent U.S. trip. RESULTS: We find that the wage and occupational returns to various forms of human capital generally declined after harsher policies were imposed and enforcement dramatically increased after 1996, especially for U.S. experience and English language ability. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the labor market status of legal immigrants has deteriorated significantly in recent years as larger shares of the migrant workforce came to lack labor rights, either because they were undocumented or because they held temporary visas that did not allow mobility or bargaining over wages and working conditions.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships between social networks and immigration stress among first‐generation Chinese immigrants. Using data from a larger study of health behavior among first‐generation Mandarin/English‐speaking immigrants residing in the Los Angeles metropolitan area (N = 1,183), this study found that Chinese immigrants living closer to immediate family and maintaining larger social networks experienced lower immigration stress. Unexpectedly, immigrants with larger family sizes and who participated in voluntary associations (e.g., religious, alumni, and nationality associations) reported increased immigration stress. The findings suggest that practitioners need to be cautious of a possible downside in designing interventions to expand social networks among immigrant clients. The study is especially important in the context of a rapidly increasing immigrant population from Mainland China to the USA. Key Practitioner Message: ● Working with immigration families should incorporate assessment of their social network;Interventions designed to facilitate supportive social networks should differentiate different social network ties;Different social network ties may affect the stress level of immigrants differently.  相似文献   

Immigration to the United States has experienced a phenomenal increase in the last decades. Following the dissolution of the “Iron Curtain” in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Eastern Europeans have been free to emigrate. Since then, there has been an increase in their numbers in the U.S. This study is an analysis of the socio-demographic profile characterizing the immigration from Eastern Europe. It examines income levels and the poverty status for Eastern European immigrants (at the individual and family levels). The study also examines educational attainment and language proficiency. The findings show that, generally, the educational attainment of people coming form Eastern European (e.g., Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia) countries is high compared to those coming from other region (e.g., Mexico). The results also indicate that while some immigrants from Eastern Europe have relative low levels of poverty (e.g., Slovenia), the majority of them are confronted with high levels of economic strain.  相似文献   

In the past decade, the People’s Republic of China has become the leading source country of immigrants to Canada. However, little is known about the experience of Chinese gay immigrants in Canada. Using narratives collected through a qualitative study, we show the way in which Chinese gay men construct their experience of immigration in Canada. Unlike the national discourse that claims Canada is a friendly nation for members of the LGBTTQ community, the experiences of Chinese gay immigration present a different story. As racialised gay men, they continue to be subjected to social violence in Canada – albeit differently from what they experienced in China. The analysis demonstrates the complexity of social marginalisation experienced by these men, the understanding of which is essential for social workers to engage in practice with them that is socially transformative.  相似文献   

Objective. In this article, we develop and test a model of competing theoretical explanations of Latino attitudes toward immigration; specifically examining their policy preferences on legal immigration, illegal immigration, and a proposed policy for dealing with illegal immigrants. We also consider whether Latino attitudes toward legal and illegal immigration are related and comprise a single coherent structure. Method. Using data from a 2004 national survey of Latinos, we perform regression, logit, and ordered logit analyses to examine the determinants of Latino attitudes toward immigration. Results. We highlight three important findings. First, our results demonstrate “within‐group” differences in immigration attitudes among Latinos, based on both national origin and generational status; we find that Mexicans are more pro‐immigration than Latinos from other countries and that foreign‐born Latinos have much more positive attitudes about immigration than second‐generation and third‐generation Latinos. Second, we find that Latino support for various aspects of immigration is primarily a function of ethnic and linguistic identity and attachment to American culture, with self‐interest, contextual variables, and political and demographic attributes playing a smaller, more specialized role. Finally, we demonstrate that Latino attitudes toward legal and illegal immigration are highly interrelated. Conclusion. There is a coherent structure underlying Latino attitudes toward legal immigration, illegal immigration, and a policy option for dealing with illegal immigrants. Our tests of competing theoretical approaches reveal the importance of national origin and ethnic attachment and acculturation in explaining differences among Latinos on their attitudes toward immigration.  相似文献   

党芳莉 《唐都学刊》2013,29(5):82-86
2009年7月15日广州黑人冲击派出所,以及随后网上对《东方天使》的参赛者“黑女孩”娄婧的一些讨论,使得黑人群体受到全国媒体乃至世界媒体的关注,境外媒体称“中国首次爆发了有关种族歧视的不同寻常的公开讨论”,“中国人对黑人抱有天真的种族主义”。与此同时,移民大国——英国国内关于移民的讨论也达到了白热化的程度,移民报道在文化与政治领域的重要性得到了前所未有的关注。通过分析经济危机时期英国媒体的移民报道策略、成因和危害,并与中国媒体的黑人报道做简单比较,以期为正在走向世界的中国传媒以启示。  相似文献   

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