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陈明 《南亚研究》2003,(1):73-79
佛教文学是世界文学园地中的一朵奇葩 ,历来为治文学史者所注目。摩里制吒是印度佛教史上仅次于马鸣菩萨的作家 ,佛教赞颂文体的主要创立者之一 ,曾在印度文学史上留下光辉的一页。随着佛教在印度的衰亡 ,他的作品在印度本土销声匿迹 ,但在印度之外的佛教世界 ,他的声名却长盛不衰。本文从出土文书的角度出发 ,着重考察了他的《四百赞》在丝绸之路上的传播情况 ,旨在使读者对这一印度佛教文学史上的代表性作家的代表作品多一些认识。  相似文献   

李南 《南亚研究》2011,(4):131-145
《胜乐根本续》是佛教密宗无上瑜伽部母续最为重要的经典之一,在藏传佛教中也有极大的影响。婆和婆吒著《胜乐续释》年代久远,内容重要,且无汉文译本。本文对两部经籍的文本和主要内容进行评介,并提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

关于《金刚经》梵本及汉译对勘的几个问题(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一在大乘佛典中,《金刚经》是一部提纲挈领的重要经典。它简明扼要地概括了般若思想的核心内涵,观点鲜明地阐述了主观世界与客观世界的关系这一哲学的根本命题,在整个佛教发展史中占有异常重要的地位。这部经典在古代流传甚广,现在保存下来的梵文写本和各种语言的译本之多在佛经中恐怕也是首屈一指的。《金刚经》目前在世界上共有三种刊行梵本(即马克斯·米勒的校勘本、新疆和阗本和吉尔吉特本)和六种汉译本,此外还有尼泊尔写本、藏文译文、和阗语译本、粟特语译本、回鹘语译本、蒙古语译本和满语译本。从现存的这些传本来看,《金刚经》在古代流传的主要地区是印度(尤其是(?)宾)、尼泊尔、中亚、中国、日本和朝鲜。  相似文献   

张广 《学术交流》2022,(5):166-178
《新水浒传》是日本作家吉川英治基于《水浒传》日译本创作的现代小说,它开日本《水浒传》改写之先河,在《水浒传》日本接受史上具有里程碑意义。但《新水浒传》所据日译本即底本,至今不明。这导致相关研究缺乏可靠的文本支撑。从《新水浒传》文本的外部、内部可考,其底本为120回《水浒传》译本。各译本所据《水浒传》版本为:幸田露伴《国译水浒全书》的底本为《李卓吾批评忠义水浒全书》,佐藤春夫《新译水浒传》的底本是上海商务印书馆1929年《一百二十回的水浒》。上述两个译本是全译本,文本信息最为全面,是《新水浒传》文本生成的支撑性资料。  相似文献   

党素萍 《南亚研究》2010,(3):134-144
《八千颂般若经》是大乘佛教的重要经典,中国古代多次予以翻译。本文根据梵文校勘本和六个汉译本所进行的梵汉对勘,分析不同时期汉译本的特点,并揭示各汉译本与梵本的关系,由此一窥从东汉到北宋佛经翻译的历史流变。  相似文献   

李南 《南亚研究》2012,(4):129-142
《喜金刚本续》是佛教密宗无上瑜伽部母续最为重要的经典之一,在藏传佛教中影响深远。本文对于此部经典的重要内容,包括独具特色的喜金刚禅修法门以及该经所体现的哲学思想予以评述,介绍了汉译本的译者,并且就第五品中梵汉藏不同版本的一些偈颂进行比对,提出少许初步的看法。  相似文献   

《中国游记》是芥川龙之介的一部力作,在日本和中国都产生过较大的影响。迄今为止,《中国游记》在中国大陆先后出版过两个节译本和三个全译本。对《中国游记》各种译本进行比较研究,可以理清《中国游记》在中国译介的脉络,同时对促进《中国游记》及芥川龙之介的研究也将具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

在现代日本学术界,青木正儿是一位久负盛名的汉学家。能象他那样对中国文学艺术有全面而深入理解的人是不多的。他主要从事于中国文学史的研究,尤其以研究明清戏曲史见长。其主要论著大都有中译本,有的甚至有多种译本,如他的《中国文学概说》既有隋树森译本,还有郭虚中译本(书名《中国文学发凡》)。他的《中国近世戏曲史》(初名《明清戏曲史》)既有王古鲁的全译本,另外还有郑震的编译本;有的译本还多次再版,如隋译本《中国文学概说》一九三八年初版,一九四七年再版,一九八二  相似文献   

本研究利用语料库方法和网络在线工具建立《中庸》英译语料库,从单词、语句和语篇三方面对理雅各和辜鸿铭《中庸》英译本的翻译风格标记进行统计分析,考察译本风格特征的异同.通过数据对比和分析,发现两个英译本的表达均通顺自然、译本整体用词难度和阅读难度趋于一致、上下文衔接自然、译本明晰化特征明显、文体均趋于口语化.相比之下,辜鸿...  相似文献   

谈《苔丝》的三个中译本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,文学名著的复译,似乎已成为中国译坛的时尚。法语界的《红与黑》被炒得沸沸扬扬,译本多达十五、六种。以南京大学许钧教授为首的一批有识之士,趁热打铁,组织了《红与黑》译本大讨论,像一粒投入水中的石子,打破了许多年来笼罩着文学翻译批评界的沉寂。与法语界的喧嚣景象成为鲜明对比的,是似乎仍在作壁上观的英语界。目前《简爱》、《傲慢与偏见》、《苔丝》等名著的译本虽然数目也已十分可观,但是质量良莠不齐,亟待批评界的评论及监督。据我们所知,目前《苔丝》的译本有7种①,也许数目更多。这里本文拟就其中的三种常见译本谈谈个人…  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus cues and social reinforcement on urinary incontinence of three wheel-chair bound, nursing home residents was investigated using a multiple-baseline across subjects. The residents included three seriously impaired elderly women who were offered the opportunity to use the toilet hourly and taken to the toilet on a 2-hour schedule. Praise and cookies were provided as a consequence for appropriate urination in the toilet. Following the intervention opportunities for toileting increased, and there was a decrease in urinary incontinence, and an increase in appropriate urinary toileting.  相似文献   

Praise is a common feature of interpersonal interaction. It is used to encourage, socialize, ingratiate, seduce, reward, and influence other people. These assorted usages reflect a widespread belief in the efficacy of praise for altering the behaviour and affective state of the recipient. Despite this assumed power of praise, and despite its salience and frequency in human social interaction, research interest in praise has been sporadic and intermittent, and not united within an all-embracing theoretical model.
In this article we will present an analysis of the effects of praise. We will begin by considering how to define praise. Next, we will examine the view of praise as social reinforcement, a conception which roots praise firmly within an empiricist framework; this appears to have been the predominant theoretical view guiding previous research on praise. We will conclude, however, that this view is conceptually inadequate to account for the empirical evidence. Because of that conclusion, our next step will be to provide a novel examination of the likely processes and consequences involved in praise. The remainder of the article will then be devoted to examining, where it is available, empirical evidence relevant to our analysis.  相似文献   

张连举 《唐都学刊》2006,22(5):31-33
唐代江河津渡架设桥梁已很进步与普及,木梁、石梁、舟梁应有尽有。唐代的诗人们也纷纷以如椽巨笔书写虹桥彩梁的丽姿倩影,抒发因桥触发的情志感慨。无论是西京长安的灞桥、渭桥,还是东京洛阳的天津桥,抑或是架设在城郊乡野的板桥,尽管有些桥身早已灰飞烟灭,但其桥名依然存留在不朽的诗章里。唐代诗人用言情味最浓的诗歌来赞叹称颂桥之美景,来抒发情志感慨,从中不难感受到唐人生活的浪漫甘苦。  相似文献   

衡量消费社会中人的价值,在于看其手中握有的支配权利的大小,这是个人价值实现的模式———几个世纪以来,这种模式一直被视为文明社会的中心内容。那么,这一理念的深层含义是什么?它与提高限制无止境消费行为的能力又有什么联系?这能够在“现代认同”这一概念中找到答案。现代认同的起点就是内在自我的起点。现代人必须处于自觉自为的自主程度才能找到自我,而这种自主程度归根到底需要独立的私人性。现代认同并不关乎能否与宇宙哲学的秩序相匹配,而在乎能否回应自我内心的需要和欲望。能否实现这些最终关乎自我个人的情感生活,这是构成幸福生活的关键因素———幸福生活就是根据情感上的满足程度来确定的。  相似文献   

Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) has clear implications on livability of cities and public health. Unfortunately, MSWM is often considered the responsibility of the Government alone. On the other hand, there is near unanimity world over among all key stakeholders on the need for citizens to involve themselves well in this process since they are the primary generators of municipal solid waste. However, lack of awareness among citizens and communication between Government and citizens is a major impediment in realizing this. Therefore, there is a need for some policy initiatives that would bridge this communication gap. Accordingly, this paper develops a framework for formulating a Waste Management Communication Policy (WMCP) that identifies the key concerns of the citizens and the appropriate channels to create awareness among them. In this paper, econometrics based Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) models are developed to identify appropriate communication channels based on socio-economic categories of the citizens. The models and their analyses provide actionable insights for planning a targeted outreach campaign for MSWM awareness.  相似文献   

We show in this article that bang-bang portfolio strategies where the investor is alternatively 100% in equity and 100% in cash are dynamically inefficient. Our proof of this result is based on a simple second-order stochastic dominance (SSD) argument. It implies that this is true for any decision criterion that satisfies SSD, not necessarily expected utility. We also examine the stop-loss strategy in which the investor is 100 percent in equity as long as the value of the portfolio exceeds a lower limit where the investor switches to 100 percent in cash. Again, we show that this strategy is inefficient under second-order risk aversion. However, a slight modification of it–in which all wealth exceeding a minimum reserve is invested in equity–is shown to be an efficient dynamic portfolio strategy. This strategy is optimal for investors with a nondifferentiable utility function.  相似文献   

Government officials like the idea of just a small number of households in their respective jurisdiction receiving social assistance. A large number is seen as costly to the public treasury, and declining caseloads are generally viewed as a mark of success for both the economy and the government of the day. But what factors account for the size of a Canadian province's social assistance caseload? This article aims to shed light on this question, with a focus on single adults without dependants (and without serious disabilities) during the 1989–2017 period. One important finding is that when the value of social assistance benefit levels for this group increases by 1% in a province, the social assistance caseload for this demographic rises by 0.457%. Put differently, there is indeed an important behavior response associated with higher benefit levels. In response, we propose that provincial officials budget for higher take up levels when they increase benefit levels for this household group.  相似文献   

Recent statistics show a growing number of older adults who are living alone and are socially isolated. It is against this background that, in recent years, many interventions have been developed to address social isolation among the elderly. Evaluative studies show that most interventions are hardly effective, though. An important reason for this is the heterogeneity of the socially isolated. This article offers insight into this heterogeneity by presenting a typology with different profiles of socially isolated older adults and the intervention implications of this typology. The typology is derived from an extensive qualitative study on socially isolated elderly individuals in the Netherlands. The typology imposes some degree of order to a diversity of circumstances, ambitions, and possibilities of the socially isolated elderly, thereby deepening the understanding of the heterogeneity of this population. The definition of social isolation used in this study starts from a societal angle of incidence, namely the current policy context of Western European welfare states, in which governments emphasize the importance of independence and self-reliance of their citizens. Developed from that perspective, the typology provides a theoretical basis for applying interventions aimed at increasing self-reliance of social isolated elderly. This perspective on social isolation also has consequences for the way in which the effectiveness of interventions to alleviate social isolation is assessed.  相似文献   

Assuming a decision maker accepts the basic axioms of von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theory and is therefore an expected utility maximizer, this paper argues that the domain of the decision variables in a multiobjective program should be altered in order to guarantee that it will be compatible with the maximize expected utility critierion. Stochastic dominance is employed to approximate this new domain, and for a certain class of decision problems it is shown that this approximation is very good.  相似文献   

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