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Correspondence to Brid Featherstone, Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Applied Social Studies, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP Summary This article explores the lack of impact that feminism has hadon analyses of physical abuse. It links this to the kinds offeminist theory which have been used to explore family violencegenerally. These have been based on fixed notions of men, womenand children. It argues for perspectives which are characterizedby an appreciation that gendered positions are neither fixednor inevitable, but, rather, subject to constant struggle andredefinition. It argues that the concept of power may not bethe most helpful concept to use when exploring emotional relationshipswhich are characterized by vulnerability and dependency, andthat the concept of domination may be more helpful. Finally,the paper draws on the work of Virginia Goldner and her associatesto posit the possibility of working on a number of levels, fromthe psychological to the material.  相似文献   

Summary Some findings of a survey into the experiences of men releasedfrom prison are reported, where they relate to their use ofprison welfare and after care services. These are discussedin the context of issues such as through-care, rate of take-up,and the factors which may be influential in determining whethera man makes use of after care on release from prison. It isproposed that for more isolated men the probation service shouldadopt a ‘reaching-out’ strategy.  相似文献   

Parenting by men who abuse women: issues and dilemmas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Enabling children of abused women to maintain a positive relationshipwith the perpetrator is extremely complex in the light of thepotential danger for women and children and the conflictingneeds, interests and rights of different family members. Nevertheless,we can no longer ignore the role of abusive men as fathers.Holding such men accountable for their children's well-beingmay, under certain conditions, contribute to the healthier emotionaldevelopment of their children. This article critically discussesthis controversial issue by examining available literature on(a) children's perceptions of their violent fathers, (b) abusivemen as parents, qualifications for abusive men's access to theirchildren, and (d) intervention with children of abusive menand their fathers.  相似文献   

Summary The new Diploma in Social Work (DipSW) requires practice teachersand academic tutors to foster student empowerment while at thesame time ensuring practice competence. A model for achievingthese aims is that of adult learning. This paper traces thedevelopment of adult learning research and offers suggestionsfor effective teaching methods. It argues that the principlesof adult learning could provide a unified framework for professionaltraining and that, moreover, this educational approach couldbe used to benefit social work practice itself.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr K. J. Bentley, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1001 West Franklin Street, Richmond, V A 23284-2027, USA. Summary The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of ashort-term model of intervention on schizophrenic out-pattentsand their relatives. The author implemented an in-home ten sessioneducational and skills training programme adapted from existingmodels. The intervention's effects on patient's clinical statusand social functioning, relative's attitudes, and family stresswere evaluated using a multiple baseline acroos four cases,as well as pre, post, and follow-up data.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Neil Thompson, 1, Worcester Road, Bangor on Dee, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL13 0JB. Summary This paper explores the negative impact of sexism on both womenand men and considers what active part men can play in challengingand undermining sexism. The costs of living and working in apatriarchal society are outlined, and related to the differingexperiences of women and men. It is argued that, although womenclearly bear the brunt of sexism, gender stereotyping is notwithout significant costs for men. This leads us into an exploration of possible anti-sexist strategiesthat men can promote and implement as part of the developmentof anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice. The aimis not for men to ‘colonize’ or take over the struggleto achieve emancipation from oppressive gender norms. Rather,it is for men to play a part in the collective struggle to removethe inhumanity of patriarchal social relations. The paper is grounded within a professional value base premissedon a commitment to combating discrimination and oppression,and within a theory base informed by existentialist philosophy(Thompson, 1992a).  相似文献   

Correspondence to Mike Fisher, Department of Social Work, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN. Summary Recent evidence about the extent of caring for older peopleby older people themselves, and about the importance of spousecare, has challenged existing debates about gender and care.Male carers, particularly older husbands, have been ‘discovered’.This paper attempts to reconceptualize the debate about genderand caring to take account of these developments, particularlyto develop an understanding of the caring activities of oldermale carers and to elaborate the implications for communitycare policy. The evidence suggests there are circumstances where men acceptthe obligation to care, undertake intimate personal care, andderive identity and reward from their caring work, driven bysimilar motives and experiencing similar struggles as women.Rather than seeking maximum distinction between the motivesand experiences of women and men carers, the paper suggeststhat one important way to promote non-sexist community careis to explore the conditions where men's caring is undertakenand how it can be understood and developed.  相似文献   

Summary In order to improve outcomes in temporary foster care the authorbelieves there is a need to develop alternative models for practicethat would (a) define the social work task (b) specify in operational terms how that task would be accomplishedand thus would be amenable to empirical testing. (Temporaryfoster care is defined as the provision of substitute familylife for a child received into care, where there is a clearintention to re-unite the natural family at a future date). This article deals with the essential preliminaries to the developmentof a practice model. The first part surveys the relevant literature;part two develops a theoretical framework for practice aroundthree themes which are considered central to a considerationof foster care. These are the separation experience, the placeof the natural family, and role clarification. Other crucialvariables such as the age of the child, the nature of the problem,or the parents' potentiality for change are not dealt with withinthese papers, but are nevertheless seen as important issuesto be considered at the stage of designing a model for practice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Bill Whyte, Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Adam Ferguson Building, University of Edinburgh, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LL. Summary There has been a renewed interest in recent years on the purposeof Guardianship but only limited empirical data on how it isbeing used under the current Mental Health legislation. Thispaper attempts to address both issues. The paper presents someof the findings of a Scottish study which examines the implicationsof this legislation and covers a range of issues including usesof Guardianship; a profile on the Mental Health Officers (ApprovedSocial Workers) involved and their role in assessment; who becamethe guardian and how they exercised their role; and broaderlegal issues. Unlike a recent paper (Evans, 1989) the authorsbelieve the legislative framework is inadequate to promote initiativeand good practice in this field and that there is a need fora new debate on the purposes of Guardianship with particularreference to the powers needed to care for and protect a rangeof adults with differing needs who might be considered ‘atrisk’ in the community.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Department of Social Work, School of Applied Social Studies, University of Bristol, 8 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TN. Summary The article explores the strengths and limitations of existingcross-cultural, cross-national and anti-discriminatory theoryand research in the child protection field. The way in whichstructural, cultural, personal and inter-personal factors combineto create the child's protective environment is analysed anda framework for an integrated approach to anti-oppressive understandingand practice is suggested. The framework identifies four factorswhose impact at national, community and family levels needsparticular consideration. These factors are the value attachedto children, the status of women and carers, the social interconnectednessof children and carers, and the extent and quality of the protectivesafety nets available. Examples are provided to illustrate theframework's usefulness in practice. It is argued that childprotection theory and practice in Britain needs to take moreaccount of collective and community-based approaches if anti-oppressiveand user-empowering practice is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Summary Available studies suggest that around 10 per cent of the populationmight self-identify as a lesbian woman or gay man (Davies andNeal, 1996). It follows that social workers will engage witholder people who are homosexual. It does not follow that theywill know who they are, as this is a group often characterizedby its invisibility. This paper reports the results of a small-scale,exploratory study which examined how older lesbian women andgay men perceived their needs should they become ill or disabledas they age (Langley, 1997). Their concerns were viewed in thecontext of their past as well as present lives, and oppressionwas a unifying theme. Some of the findings are examined in orderto highlight key challenges for social work practice. Theseinclude: (i) working with invisibility and fear of oppression;(ii) developing awareness and recognition of lesbian and gayrelationships and supportive networks; (iii) the need for anti-oppressiveempowering services which match the needs and circumstancesof older lesbian women and gay men; (iv) importantly, the needfor greater awareness of the heterosexist assumptions whichinfluence institutional responses and individual practice.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is an attempt to assess the significance of the introductioninto this country of an ‘integrated’ or ‘unitary’approach to social work. An attempt is made to clarify the relationshipbetween paradigms, theories and models. The author claims thatan integrated approach to social work may represent a shiftfrom a predominantly individualistic conceptual model of practiceto an interactionist one. These conceptual models are comparedand critiques of the integrated model are examined. The questionis posed: is it possible to have an integrated model of practicewithout an integrated theory? Some suggestions are made concerningthe essential characteristics of such a theory and the possiblecontribution of sociology to its development Finally, some implicationsof the model for practice and for social work education arediscussed.  相似文献   

Michael Sheppard, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Polytechnic South West, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA. Summary A survey was undertaken of all referrals for compulsory admissionreceived by a city mental health centre over a one year period.The centre receives the overwhelming majority of all these referralsin the city. Referrals from GPs were compared with other referralsfocusing particularly on women. The results indicate GPs discriminatedagainst women, referring considerably more women than men withless emphasis on major (psychotic) mental illness. The involvementof approved social workers (ASWs) in the assessment processwas associated with diversion of many of the women away fromcompulsory admission, although even they appeared affected bypatriarchal assumptions. GPs' behaviour with regard to sectionsis consistent with reports about sexist practice in other areasof work. This, however, is particularly grave with sectionsbecause of civil liberties implications. The article concludesthat ASWs need be aware of potential sexist GP practice, thattheir psychosocial perspective is critical to assessment andthat ASW training should include gender issues.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Morag McGrath, Centre for Social Policy Research and Development, Bryn Afon, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DG. Summary This paper is based on a survey of Community Mental HandicapTeams (CMHTs) in Wales undertaken in 1987. After briefly describingthe range of community teams, individual planning is examined.It is argued that although other models for service co-ordinationat a case level are possible, teamwork has the advantage ofalso providing a framework for service planning and development.Teams' progress in planning and their perceptions of barriersto effective planning are outlined. Despite deficiencies indifferent areas of team functioning, teams can be seen to havemade much progress in terms of service development. Apart fromresource limitation, a central theme in discussing constraintsto more effective team working was the appropriate level ofdelegated responsibility. It is suggested that this is a crucialfactor when considering three important concepts in the All-WalesStrategy for the development of mental handicap services—needs-ledservices, local community-based services and consumer participation.These three concepts are explored within a continuum of teamdevelopment from ‘traditional’ through ‘transitional’to a ‘needs-led’ service model. The necessary managementsupport to achieve a needs-led model is summarized. Althoughfurther research is required to evaluate the different modelsof multi-disciplinary teams and the new arrangements advocatedin the White Paper of separating service assessment and purchasingfrom service delivery, the experience of the CMHTs in Walespoints to the potential of multi-disciplinary teamwork.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Joanne Neale, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, Heslington, York Y010 5DD, UK. E-mail: jsn3{at}york.ac.uk Summary There has been no recent large-scale systematic UK investigationof differences between male and female drug users seeking treatment.Equally, there has been no debate within the social work fieldregarding how best to address any gender-specific needs of drug-usingclients. This is despite the fact that social workers frequentlywork with both drug-dependent individuals and members of theirfamilies. This paper examines differences between men and womenbeginning a new episode of drug treatment in Scotland and considerssome of the implications of the findings for social work practice.Data were collected from structured interviews conducted with1,033 individuals (715 males and 318 females) in a range oftreatment settings. Chi-square statistics were computed to investigatesex differences on key categorical variables relating to: (i)patterns of drug use; (ii) education, employment and income;(iii) offending behaviour; (iv) housing circumstances; (v) healthstatus; and (vi) personal relationships. Analyses identifiedmany differences between the men and women interviewed, butalso many common difficulties faced by respondents of both sexes.Additionally, the extensive range of problems and stressfullife circumstances encountered suggested that the lives of individualsseeking drug treatment were extremely heterogeneous. It is concludedthat social workers can employ a range of practical interventionsand theoretical approaches when working with both male and femaledrug-using clients.  相似文献   

Summary An assessment framework based on nine course objectives is described.Each course objective has related placement objectives whichbecome increasingly demanding as the course progresses. Studentson placement are required to produce written tasks to show howthey have applied their understanding of each placement objectivein their practical work. It is suggested that this framework improves the comparabilityof placements and the availability of evidence for pass/faildecisions. The framework provides a syllabus for learning oneach placement.  相似文献   

Summary Generic Social Work practice theory is at a promising stageof development. Utilizing concepts from systems theory a numberof new holistic practice models are now available which canbe applied in any setting. A further frame of reference is requiredthat captures the wide range of social work activity. The aim of this paper is to propose eight tasks and thirteencommon roles of practice which are presented in the form ofa model designed to delineate the role and task matrix of thegeneric practitioner. Practice experience suggests that these tasks and roles constantlymerge into, or follow one another. Some of the roles and tasksseem better understood and theoretically developed than others. The formulation that is offered is currently being empiricallytested. Practitioners, educators and practice researchers areinvited to specify the roles and tasks they regard as centralto practice, to check these against the model offered here,and to present any fundamental differences in forms that lendthemselves to empirical research.  相似文献   

Summary This paper seeks to explore some of the factors underpinningsocial work's apparent resistance to feminism and to dilineateways in which a more active relationship might benefit socialwork's women consumers. It argues that, by marginalizing feminism,social work has perpetuated individualistic explanations andresponses to women's specific needs and problems. Finally, insuggesting some practical strategies for making use of feministideas and experiences, particular consideration is given tosome of the contradictions which may be engendered for thosesocial workers who are actively endeavouring to integrate feministperspectives into their practice.  相似文献   

Summary The provision of a social work service depends significantlyupon assessment of the social situation of clients as determinedby social workers. It is argued that the social worker's ‘understanding’of the social situation is framed within a particular way ofthinking about cause and effect. Three different models of suchthinking are used in practice. They are identified as the linearmodel, systems analysis and the management model. The originsand attributes of each model are described and related to thesocial, economic and political environments which have influencedtheir separate developments. The value base underlying eachmodel is explored. Issues relating to the present position ofsocial work are clarified.  相似文献   

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