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Correspondence to Catherine Humphreys, Department of Applied Social Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL Summary The investigation and assessment of allegations of child sexualabuse constitute a difficult and contentious area for practitionersinvolved in this process. When these allegations emerge in thecontext of divorce, the problems of assessment appear to becompounded. This paper argues that when mothers raise concernsabout child sexual abuse during divorce proceedings these areoften construed as vindictive or misguided. Such constructionsof mothers have significant implications for the protection,or lack of protection of children in these circumstances. Theway in which this ‘knowledge’ about mothers hasdeveloped is explored and held up against the results of empiricalstudies which show that there is little basis for this constructionof mothers. Possible explanations for this incongruity are suggestedwith a view to progressing child protection in this area. As the court cases go on I can see the hopelessness of the wholething. It's getting stronger in me to want to take the law intomy own hands. I wouldn't say it's revenge, it's not ... I meana mother protects its young. You wouldn't see a lioness lettingsomething attack its young. (A mother expressing her desperation that the Family Court ofAustralia has ordered her to send her child on visits to herex-husband who she believes sexually abused their child.)  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Matthew Colton, Department of Social Policy and Applied Social Studies, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK. Summary This paper reports findings from an exploratory study on sexualabuse by men who work with children. As a first step towardsfilling a major gap in the relevant research literature, in-depthinterviews were carried out with a small sample of men servingprison sentences for sexually abusing children in their trust.The paper focuses on their accounts of their life histories,including their experiences of prison treatment programmes,and provides a detailed picture of their thinking, feelingsand motivations. In revealing how the men construct their ownsense of masculine identity within social and professional contextsthat are dominated by a heterosexual, white male hegemony, thepaper challenges purely psychological explanations of why mensexually abuse. It concludes that sexual abuse in organizationalsettings is less likely to be challenged if masculinity is notfocused on as an issue of power.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Willm Mistral, The Mental Health Research and Development Unit, 3 East, 2.10, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY,UK. E-mail W.Mistral{at}bath.ac.uk Summary Professional awareness of child mental health problems and sexualabuse has increased greatly over the past 20 years, and thisis especially true for young people under the care of socialservices. The current paper provides an overview of the researchliterature on needs and service provision in this area. It goeson to describe an innovative interagency project in Dorset whichoffers flexible, fast track intervention packages to lookedafter young people with a profile indicating sexual abuse, whohave been reluctant to engage with conventional child and adolescentmental health services. The paper includes preliminary resultsfrom an evaluation of this project and discusses the implicationfor future service provision.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Kate Stewart, 8 Sellbourne Villas, St Marys Road, Bradford BD9 4NN Summary This article suggests that the moral dimension of sexual abusehas remained implicit rather than explicit. As such, it hasreceived little examination and thought with the result thatthe blunt instrument of common sense morality is applied withoutanalysis. The article examines the way in which this commonsense morality is differentially applied to the event of sexualabuse and the events of the professional system's reactionsto sexual abuse. It proposes a form of moral mapping which willhelp children and professionals disentangle and analyse themoral dimensions of sexual abuse and other events in children'slives.  相似文献   

Summary The sexual abuse of children by persons who work with them -institutional abuse - is a focus of major concern among policymakers, practitioners and the public. Despite this, knowledgeabout it remains limited. This paper presents findings froma study of institutional abuse cases referred to social servicedepartments or the police in eight local authority areas. Whilesuch cases were relatively uncommon and constituted a smallproportion of all child protection referrals, some involvedlarge numbers of victims and abusers. Institutional abuse casesin the present study shared some characteristics with the majorityof (intrafamilial) abuse cases, but there were also importantdifferences, such as the proportion of male victims and theextent to which abuses used techniques of targeting and entrapment.Contrary to media representations, the institutional abuse reportedhere was not just a problem of children's homes, social workor the public sector, but occurred in a wide variety of settingsand sectors and was perpetrated by a range of occupational groups.If all children are to be protected, then policy and practicemeasures to prevent abuse need to be directed towards a muchwider range of institutions.  相似文献   

to andrewdurham{at}warwickshire.gov.uk Summary This paper uses a post-structural framework to examine the experienceand impact of child sexual abuse on the lives of seven youngmen aged between 15 and 24. The study highlights the importanceof survivors' perspectives and of allowing children and youngpeople to speak for themselves and theorize their own experiences.The study's sensitive methodology allowed the young men to besupported throughout the research and feel able to impart hiddenfeelings and anxieties which they had held on to for significantperiods of time. The research showed how the perpetrators tookextensive measures in targeting and gaining access to and silencingthe boys they sexually abused. Through purposefully constructedrelationships, the boys were made to feel responsible and guiltyabout being abused and therefore found it extremely difficultto tell. A social context of patriarchal relations, with genderconstructions characterized by compulsory heterosexism and homophobiasignificantly exacerbated the experiences of the young men.This context was shown to create circumstances and ‘normal’power relationships that allowed the abuse to happen, creatingmany opportunities for the abusers to justify their actionsand further silence their victims.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that when a woman finds out aboutthe sexual abuse of her children the consequences for her areserious and can represent a major life crisis. Women in thisposition frequently report a lack of professional understandingand support. The current study explores the experiences of women attendinga busy peer support group at the NSPCC in York. It demonstratesthe vital role that peer support can play. It traces a varietyof factors which mean that family, friends and social workersare not well placed to help. At the heart of these difficultiesare the powerful feelings of guilt and failure in their roleas mothers which the women experienced as a result of the sexualabuse of their children. For these women it was impossible toshare with social workers their doubts about their own abilitiesas mothers, particularly in a context in which those workerswere making judgements about their ‘ability to protect’.On the other hand the support group provided a safe and non-judgementalforum in which these powerful emotions could be expressed anddealt with. The study explores the role that social workerscan play in relation to such groups.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ms. B. Penhale, Team Leader, Social Work Department, West Norwich Hospital, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich NR2 2TU. Summary Within the last six years, concern about the abuse of elderlypeople by their informal carers has increased in Britain. However,problems remain in the identification and treatment of boththose who are abused and their abusers. The purpose of thispaper is to consider some of the barriers to the identificationof abuse; to look at the similarities and differences betweenthe abuse of elderly people and other forms of family violence(in particular child abuse) and to discuss the implicationsof these for social work practice.  相似文献   

Understanding Adolescent Female Prostitution: A Literature Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Dr Jill Jesson. Aston Business School, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B47 7ET. Summary Sexual behaviour and sexuality are currently topical issuesof concern for child care social workers. Social workers arespending more and of more of their time with children who comeinto care because of sexual abuse, or who have an involvementin the ‘rent’ scene or Prostitution. In additionmany teenage young women come into care because of social orparental concern over their lsquo;promiscuous’ behaviour.The review of research on adolescent prostitution offers severalexplanations for involvement in prostitution. which vary accordingto the discipline of the author. Explanations vary from pathologicaland personal psychology factors to the wider social aspectsof the family and local environment. This literature reviewwas used as a basis for research which examined the incidenceof female prostitution for a social services department. Thisis a relatively new field of interest and consequently thereis very little British research published on the issue of adolescentprostitution, or on under age (16) prostitution. There is nopublished research on girls in care and prostitution. We needto know much more about the reality of young people's livesbefore social workers can offer a meaningful response.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Mr Chris Beckett, Anglia Polytechnic University, School of Community Health and Social Studies, Cambridge CB1 1PT, UK. Summary This Critical Commentary examines the widespread use of themetaphor of the witchhunt in relation to child sexual abuseinvestigations when they are perceived as being unjustified.The use of this metaphor can be seen to be part of a backlash,part of a widespread desire to discredit the evidence that sexualabuse is widespread. However, it is argued here that the metaphoris actually quite apt in the case of the recent wave of convictionsof residential care workers, where the methods used have beenquite suspect—and genuinely reminiscent in some respectsof those used in historic witch hunts. It is suggested thatlegitimate child protection will ultimately be the loser ifthis is not addressed.  相似文献   


Women born before 1945 are the older women of today. Many of these women were subjected to childhood physical and sexual abuse and spouse battering at a time where there were no laws to protect them and few people discussed such subjects. Some of these women became substance abusers or lived with substance abusers. While there are retrospective studies on the experiences of adult women who suffered abuse in the family, little is known about the experiences of women over the age of 60 years.

Similarly, there is information on substance abuse among young and middle-aged women, but very little information on or about older womens' experiences with substance abuse. In this study, we review the literature on abuse and substance abuse. We present three clinical cases of older women who have experienced various forms of abuse and who in turn abuse substances. The cases are analyzed. Assessment, treatment, and evaluation methods for social workers are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is based on qualitative findings from a mixed methods project which investigated the roles of managers of children's homes and the relationship of these to their use of resources and the outcomes for young people in their care. The research formed part of the Costs and Effectiveness of Services to Children in Need research initiative, originally funded by the Department of Health. Main findings from the project overall and in particular from the multi-level modelling analysis indicated that the influence which the process of providing care has on the kind of outcomes experienced by young people is of paramount importance. This paper provides a brief overview of the project and its aims. Drawing on the qualitative strand of the project and overall project findings, the paper investigates three aspects of managing children's homes: establishing working relationships with staff teams, the role of managers and bringing about working with the young people in their care. It situates the role of manager within the wider context of literature on leadership and investigates what leadership in children's homes entails. Finally, the paper highlights the importance of the role of manager in relationship to the development of good practice in children's homes.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a subsample of 24 young females aged 8–16 years who were referred to specialist services in England during the 1990s because of their abusive sexual behaviours. The characteristics, backgrounds and behaviours of the sample are summarized and compared both with the males in the total population studied and with findings from the limited international literature on young female sexual abusers. Key findings include the higher rates of sexual victimization amongst females, their lack of prior criminal convictions, their somewhat younger ages at referral and their fewer victims. A smaller selection of case studies is used to illustrate the range of circumstances and behaviours leading to referral. Follow‐up interviews with two female ex service users, who are now in young adulthood, indicate that their childhood sexually abusive behaviour is more a marker of vulnerability than of risk of abusive behaviour in adulthood. Their struggles now as parents, in adult relationships and their ongoing health difficulties are outlined.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Kay Tisdall, University of Edinburgh School of Social and Political Studies, Adam Ferguson Building, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LL, UK. E-mail: K.Tisdall{at}ed.ac.uk Summary International attention is being brought to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. In contrast, HIV and AIDS risk being forgottenissues for those living in Scotland. Yet in 2002, numbers ofreported infections have begun to rise. Children and young peopleare even more likely to be affected by parental HIV now, asparents live longer and are able to have more children. Verylittle is known in Scotland about affected children and whethercurrent service provision meets their needs. This research projectsought to address certain of these gaps, by gathering quantitativedata from service providers and qualitative data from interviewing28 affected children and young people. The research found adearth in policies and services, and a failure to audit need.HIV education in schools did not acknowledge that pupils mightbe living with parents who had HIV illness. Children and youngpeople tended to be very involved in the health care of theirparent but none of them received direct support from healthworkers. On the whole the children and young people did notenjoy support from statutory social workers but appreciatedthe support and activities provided by workers in the voluntarysector.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of research about adolescent neglect funded by the Department of Children, Schools and Families (now the Department for Education) and the Department of Health. The paper examines what is known from literature about the causes of adolescent neglect, together with its potential consequences for well‐being. Drawing on qualitative data, the concept of neglect is explored from the perspectives of young people themselves and the professionals who work with them. Consideration is given to examples of interventions and preventative models geared towards addressing adolescent neglect. Key findings indicate that there is a need for both a re‐examination of current definitions of neglect in the light of age‐related distinctions and perspectives, and a fuller understanding of the particular needs of adolescents who are experiencing neglect. Additionally, the research highlights that there is a lack of research knowledge about neglectful parenting and the behaviour of young people, as well as limited understanding of interventions with neglected adolescents. Key themes from the research are discussed in terms of their implications for future practice, policy and research in relation to working to improve the welfare of neglected young people.  相似文献   

Summary To foster children is no longer regarded as the main objectiveof the child care services. However, fostering is once againa matter of social work and public debate. The paper explainsthat more types of children are now being assessed as requiringfostering at a time when social service departments are findingit difficult to expand their number of foster homes. This greaterdemand for foster homes coincides with recent researches whichhelp to clarify the nature of fostering. Accordingly, a distinctioncan be made between 'exclusive' and 'inclusive' fosterings.It is considered that a conflict exists between popularity ofexclusive fostering and research findings which stress the valueof inclusive fostering. Research is also identifying the contributionwhich social workers can make in the fostering field. But thedesired inputs of training, low caseloads and staff stabilitypose problems for social work management. Finally, the researchfindings discussed in the paper are used to argue that the forthcomingChildren Bill is not only based on false assumptions about thebehaviour of natural parents but will also promote exclusiverather than inclusive fosterings. A plea is made that childwelfare policy be seen in a larger context of social reform  相似文献   

Correspondence to Malcolm Payne, Professor of Applied Community Studies, The Manchester Metropolitan University, 799 Wilmslow Road, Didsbury, Manchester M20 8RR. Summary Recent research about young people and adults who ‘gomissing’ raises important issues for social work and thesocial services. Large numbers of young people go missing eachyear, becoming vulnerable to exploitation and at risk of committingcrime and suffering from other social difficulties. Adults leavebehind families with practical and emotional difficulties. Adefinition of ‘going missing’ should focus on absencefrom social expectations and responsibilities. Five groups ofmissing person are identified: runaways, pushaways, throwaways,fallaways and takeaways, reflecting different social situationsin which going missing occurs. It is argued that going missingis one of a range of choices which people in difficulties maymake, depending on their approach to problems in their livesand the availability of opportunities. Effective local co-ordinationto focus on reasons for going missing, on reunions and returnsto residential care or home, and to provide emotional and practicalhelp to people ‘left behind’, are required, providedthat care is taken to protect people who go missing becausethey are subject to abuse and violence.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven old people's homes in England were studied to investigatehow money was distributed within the home, what it had to coverand how it could be spent. The level of the Personal Allowanceand the problems of providing shopping facilities are discussed.The relationship between questions of money and independence,initiative and responsibility in old peoples' homes are consideredand suggestions are put forward to increase old peoples' choiceand control over their own lives.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Helen Westcott, Lecturer in Psychology, Gardiner Building, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA Summary The findings of a small qualitative study of sexually abusedchildren's and young people's experiences in investigative interviewsare presented. Fourteen children, nine girls and five boys,aged six to eighteen years participated. They were questionedabout all aspects of the investigative interview: its location,duration, structure and content. Additionally, the childrenwere asked about the presence of others during the interview,and their feelings concerning the interview, as well as whatthey liked/disliked, found helpful/unhelpful, about the interviewand interviewers. A number of issues were raised by the youngpeople, concerning their choice about what was happening (e.g.where the interview was held and who was present), as well asdifficulties with some interviewers' language, and problemswith evidential requirements for specific details. The interviewswere experienced as stressful by the majority of children. Methodologicalissues are highlighted, and the findings are discussed in thelight of recent legislation affecting children, especially the1991 Criminal Justice Act and ‘Memorandum of Good Practice’.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Prof Gillian Parker, Nuffield Community Care Studies Unit, Leicester University, 108 Regent Road, Leicester, LE1 7LT Summary Despite a large literature on marriage and growing ones on disabilityand on caring there is little which specifically examines theexperience of disability and caring within marriage. This paperdraws on evidence from a small-scale qualitative study of couplesunder pensionable age where one partner had become disabledsince marriage. Partners were interviewed both together andseparately allowing exploration of ‘both sides’of the relationship. The paper first examines the couple's sexualrelationship and the ways in which impairment and caring affectedit. Both partners' views about the nature and meaning of marriageand how this related to their continuing relationship are thenexplored. Finally, by comparing different marriage and by comparingthe same marriages at different points in time, factors whichmight predispose marriages to break up after one of the partnersbecomes disabled are discussed. The research shows that marriedcouples are left virtually unsupported, either practically oremotionally, at times when their relationship may be under considerablestrain. Sexual relationships may falter or cease because oflack of knowledge, embarrassment or not knowing whom to approachfor help. Other couples may be left in an empty shell of a marriagebecause no practical alternatives to their situation are offered.  相似文献   

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