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The Armed Forces have made a commitment to strengthening families in an effort to reduce the risk for families and to facilitate family adaptation to the strains and hardships of military life. However, research on enlisted families needed to guide the development of family programs is limited. Assuming critical family strengths may be observed in the context of family transitions, this study of 1,000 Army families faced with the crisis of family relocation to West Germany revealed the importance of Stressors and strains, family and personal strengths, and community supports — which varied across stages of the family life cycle. The findings highlight the importance of developing family programs tailored to meet the needs of families at the couple, preschool and schoolage, adolescent and launching, and empty nest stages of the family life cycle. Specific family strengths and community supports relative to family life cycle stages are identified.  相似文献   

One long-standing project within lesbian studies has been to develop a satisfactory working definition of "lesbian." This article proposes two new models of a definition using principles of social psychology. Each model (a) utilizes the premise that gender lacks a categorical essence and (b) separates behavioral adherence to cultural stereotypes of femininity and masculinity from one's gender self-categorization. From these premises, I generate and critique two internally coherent models of lesbian identity that are inclusive (to different degrees) of various gender identities. For each model, the potential inclusion of trans men, trans women, genderqueers, and lesbian-identified cisgender men is evaluated. The explanatory power of these models is twofold. One, the models can serve as theoretical perspectives for scholars who study the intersection of gender and sexual identity. Two, the models can also characterize the everyday experience of people who have tacit working definitions of lesbian identity.  相似文献   

To explore the impact of the foot-in-the-door technique on residential energy conservation 66 homeowners were asked to curtail their consumption of electricity by 10%. In the Foot-in-the-Door condition this target request was preceded by a more moderate one to answer a short energy conservation questionnaire. Homeowners in the Second Request Only condition simply received the conservation request while those in the First Request Only condition received the questionnaire alone. These groups were compared to a Control group of homeowners who were never asked to comply to either request. The groups did not differ in electricity consumption during the 2 week baseline period or in their percentage change from baseline during the 4 week request period. However, throughout the 12 week follow-up period homeowners in all three request groups consumed significantly less electricity than Controls. In addition, the Foot-in-the-Door group contained significantly more Conservers than any other group. These findings were contrasted with the results of behavioral energy studies emphasizing strong external justifications. The implications of minimal justification techniques for producing long-term maintenance of energy conserving behaviors and for promoting their occurrence across a large population of individuals were also discussed.  相似文献   

In migration research, the voice is usually given to those who move, but in this article, those who stay are at the centre of attention. The study aims to present the stayers’ practices of everyday life in transnational families in an attempt to highlight the experience of staying and understand the stayers’ role in the migration project. The study is based on semi-structured life story interviews conducted in 2020 with people who in the 1980s stayed in the northeastern part of Poland when their relatives migrated internationally. In the almost four-decade perspective, staying appears as a powerful condition and an active process, closely interrelated with migration. Also, the migration project does not appear dependent so much on the range and availability of communication technologies – limited in the 1980s – but on transnational families’ engagement in that project and desire to accomplish it.  相似文献   

Official statistics indicate that 22-44% of women in CARICOM countries are sole heads of households. Some have argued that there are so many female-headed households in the Caribbean simply because those societies have failed to realize the nuclear family norms espoused by the American sociologists of the 1950s. On the contrary, family formations are adaptations to economic and social conditions, with the nuclear family being only one of many family forms. Women have long been acknowledged as the backbone of Caribbean families. In the dominant culture of the region, marriage is not considered necessary for procreation, so women may choose to have and raise children independently. The female-headed household widely seen in the Caribbean is becoming more widely seen in the West. The notion that single-parent families are dysfunctional needs to be re-examined and equal recognition and support given to all family forms.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes, from a cross-national perspective, some commonly used models of evidence-based practice and relates them to social work practice with children and families. We first identify concepts and dimensions central to an analysis of the outcomes of social work practice. We then present and discuss key components of social work practice that any evidence-based model must take into account. Finally, we provide some examples of strategies that may be useful to practitioners and policy makers across nations and cultures in order to build a solid knowledge-base for effective social work practice.  相似文献   

This article explicates the concept of respect as philosophers discuss and utilize it. After identifying the main questions about respect which philosophers have raised and addressed, including questions about the nature, importance, objects, grounds, psychological and behavioral elements, and implications of respect, I sketch an account of the most general elements of the attitude of respect and identify different kinds of respect and their connections to and differences from similar attitudes such as esteem and honor. I then discuss the most influential account of respect for persons, that of Immanuel Kant. The final section explores the importance of respect in moral, social and political life and in moral, social, and political theory, and highlights some implications for issues in applied ethics and social and political theory.  相似文献   

The incidence of bulimia is on the rise, while its knowledge base is presently limited. The author attempts to contribute to our knowledge by sharing clinical case material which highlights characteristics of the disorder. Bulimia has been connected with anorexia nervosa as well as being considered a separate diagnostic category. Such differences of opinion reflect the newness of the knowledge and account for the variation of prognostic judgments about the disorder. Etiology of the disorder is still under investigation by researchers. Possible etiological factors are suggested. The cluster of these psychosocial factors in the patient's history include reinforcement at an early age by a parent for self care, other directedness, and the overevaluation of food in the family.  相似文献   

In January 2001 the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) published a document: Libraries, Museums, Galleries and Archives for All: Co‐operating Across the Sectors to Tackle Social Exclusion. As the then Secretary for State, Chris Smith, put it: ‘There have been some comments that it is not the business of [such bodies] to be involved in social regeneration by serving a wider and more diverse audience. I cannot agree. It is clearly right that these national treasures should be available and accessible to all citizens, and there need be no conflict between the dual responsibilities of responding to the needs of society today, and protecting and conserving treasures for future generations.’ The pressure was thus on for libraries, museums, galleries and archives to show that they were taking such issues seriously and developing social inclusion as ‘a policy priority’.1 Existing and additional funding were clearly implied to be at stake—providing a carrot and a stick for those involved.

One response to this government initiative was an internal conference at the Public Record Office in Kew devoted to ‘Social Inclusion’ which took place in June 2001. Historians of African Caribbeans and of gays and lesbians, officials from the DCMS, archivists and others were invited to give papers. I gave a presentation on ‘Social Exclusion: Perspectives from a Historian of Ethnicity and Immigration’. What follows is a revised version of this paper (although I have largely kept the informality of the original). My contribution to the conference itself reflected at least to some extent the vision of the founders of Immigrants & Minorities nearly 20 years earlier and many of those who have contributed to the journal subsequently.2  相似文献   

Precarious work is universal, though its forms and consequences vary across countries due to institutional, cultural, and historical differences. This article reviews recent research on precarious work from a global perspective, emphasizing the comparative and interdisciplinary research needed for a comprehensive understanding of the structural transformations in contemporary capitalism that promote precarious work. The article has three foci. First, research that details the diverse forms of precarious work, which have become increasingly heterogeneous as national labor markets have been interwoven with global production networks. Second, research on precarious work that emphasizes its disparate impacts for women, youth, the elderly, racial and ethnic minority groups, and migrants, revealing an articulation of precarity and social cleavages. Third, research on the politics associated with precarious work and how some precarious workers have successfully organized and mobilized their interests, such as by unionizing and becoming involved in electoral politics. Still, questions remain regarding precarious work: how precarious workers differ from regular workers in representing their interests and demands and whether precarious workers are a new, independent social class or remain part of a changing working class. Finally, topics for future research on the global dimensions of precarious work are discussed.  相似文献   

Using data for 154 cities, we test a model of the determinants of interracial homicide that is informed by both Blau's macrostructural theory and elements of the general criminal opportunity perspective. Consistent with Blau's theory, in a multivariate analysis the relative frequency of interracial homicide is positively related to racial heterogeneity, population size, and population density, and inversely related to racial residential segregation and racial socioeconomic inequality. We also find that the level of employment is positively related to the rate of interracial homicide. This result is consistent with the hypothesis, derived from routine activities theory, that the dispersion of activities away from primary group locations and toward more racially heterogeneous settings increases the volume of intergroup contacts. Overall, our analyses reveal that a macrostructural-opportunity perspective offers considerable insight into the determinants of intercity variation in the racial patterning of homicide.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Reno, Nevada, November 8–12, 1989.  相似文献   

Twentieth century economists have made countless attempts to resolve the causes and cures of unemployment. However none have ventured to consider unemployment not as a social problem but as a market response to political and economic incentives. By treating unemployment as a labor market, where workers rationally select periods of joblessness and where special interest groups profit from unemployment, this paper develops a theoretically consistent model to explain the effects that policy and economic variables have on unemployment. Empirical results support this approach and the worker disincentive effects of UI compensation by estimating simultaneously a demand and supply for unemployment.  相似文献   

The effects of divorce and separation on children can be traumatic and long lasting. Any intervention has to be aware of, and sensitive to, the aims of custodial parents. A group-based intervention aimed at helping children to be less vulnerable to both emotional problems and future abuse is described. The results of such groups suggest that future intervention needs to treat the panacea of increasing child-parent communication with some caution, and should instead recognize that children make their own choices about when to speak out and what to say within their own family situation. Intervention should instead be geared towards helping children to sort out their own feelings and letting them decide how they want to express them.  相似文献   

A sample of the intentionally childless was compared with a sample of parents who exerted an equal amount of control over their family size by planning the number, timing, and spacing of their children. While both the childless and the parents expressed high levels of marital and life satisfaction, the intentionally childless were significantly more satisfied with their marital relationships. The childless were less conforming, had higher self-esteem, and were equally as empathic as the parents. The childless and the parents were markedly similar with regard to background factors and in their perceptions of their childhood and of their parents' relationship.The authors wish to thank Linda Gorin Sibner for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.Bonnie Burman received a B.A. and a M.S.W. from UCLA. She is currently a doctoral student in clinical psychology at the University of Southern California. Diane de Anda is associate professor, School of Social Welfare, UCLA. Requests for reprints should be sent to Dr. de Anda, UCLA, School of Social Welfare, 405 N. Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. 90024.  相似文献   

The southwestern borderland region of the United States is characterized by a large immigrant population, high levels of poverty, high unemployment rates, and a growing number of homeless families. In order to assist these families it is necessary to gain information about the demographics and service needs of this population. The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of homeless families in El Paso using the “point in time” technique. Face to face interviews were conducted with 95 homeless families. The data was compared to information on homeless families presented in Ten Cities, 1997-1998: A Snapshot of Family Homelessness Across America as well as to demographic characteristics of domiciled families in El Paso. What emerges is the unique profile of the homeless family in this southwestern city.  相似文献   

The meaning of mediation across generations was examined qualitatively in 20 grandparent–parent–grandchild triads.Parental mediation was the most dominant type of intergenerational mediation. However, evidence was found also regarding grandparent's and grandchild's mediation.The role of the mother as a mediator was recognized and accepted by all generations, although it was not always accepted happily by the mothers. Our results showed that grandparent's mediation is present in intact families, but mostly in cases of family crisis. Finally, grandchild's mediation emerged especially when the bond between the grandparent and the parent was weak or problematic.Findings of this study provide a first insight in examining intergenerational mediation from a tri-generational approach.  相似文献   

The North American Agreement on Free Trade (NAFTA) has stirred passionate debates in Canada. Proponents predicted that increased trade liberalization would create more jobs, greater multinational investment, and an overall better standard of living. Opponents, however, argued that NAFTA would lead to wage cuts, job losses, the erosion of labor standards, and the harmonization of labor laws to the lowest common denominator. I systematically examined the evidence and found that with some exceptions, the predicted negative effects have not materialized. Furthermore, the NAFTA labor side agreement has enjoyed moderate success in bringing labor concerns to the fore. This paper is part of a larger project on NAFTA and Industrial Relations done with Roy J. Adams (McMaster University). I am very grateful for his insightful views and assistance. I also thank Frantz-Pierre Jerome, Senior Policy and Program Officer at the Canadian NAO, for reviewing a previous draft of this article.  相似文献   

Using a justice perspective, this study investigates the relationship between union instrumentality and union loyalty in terms of union ability to address both outcome-based and process-based membership concerns. The results of hierarchical regression analysis using a sample of 451 train crew members from four railroads showed that member satisfaction with outcome-based concerns (i.e., pay, time spent away from home, safety climate) did not significantly affect union loyalty, but that member satisfaction with process-based concerns (i.e., effectiveness of the grievance procedure and satisfaction with communication from national union leaders) was significantly related to union loyalty. Moreover, process-based concerns explained additional variance in union loyalty beyond that accounted for by outcome-based concerns. Results are discussed in light of the justice and human resource literatures.  相似文献   

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