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叶飞  李怡娜  张红  雷宣云 《管理学报》2009,6(6):743-750
以广东省珠三角地区制造企业为调查对象,对供应链信息共享影响因素、信息共享程度与企业运营绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究.研究结果表明:供应链伙伴特性对信息共享程度与企业运营绩效均有显著的正向影响;供应链伙伴关系不仅通过信息共享间接影响到企业运营绩效,而且直接影响到企业运营绩效;供应链伙伴间信息化水平落差越小,伙伴间信息共享程度与企业运营绩效就越好;供应链伙伴关系对企业运营绩效有显著的正向影响.鉴于此,企业在选择供应链合作伙伴时应着重考虑伙伴特性与信息化水平落差;企业应加强供应链伙伴关系建设,尤其应重视伙伴间信任关系的建立;企业应加强与供应链上下游伙伴之间信息共享与交流.  相似文献   

供应链伙伴信息共享的博弈与激励   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
针对产销双方对供求信息掌握的不对称性,分析了实现供应链合作伙伴信息共享的条件,从保证供应链合作伙伴信息共享的实现出发,建立了信息共享的博弈模型,分析了共享需求信息和成本信息前后期望利润变化,提出了在制造商与分销商信息共享的激励机制。通过激励机制,改变Nash均衡解的利润分配,在价格优惠和一次性补贴下,使供应链伙伴均获得信息共享带来的收益增加。  相似文献   

目前学术界对于影响供应链整合的因素以及这些因素如何影响到供应链整合的研究相对匮乏。本研究以供应链管理为视角,构建了伙伴关系、物流能力和供应链整合之间关系的概念模型。基于来自218家供应链上下游企业的调查数据,采用结构方程模型(SEM)的方法对上述概念模型进行了实证研究。研究结果显示:伙伴关系、物流能力对供应链整合均有显著的正向影响;同时结果显示,伙伴关系对物流能力也具有显著的正向影响,且透过物流能力,伙伴关系对供应链整合的间接影响高于其直接影响。此外研究结果还显示,不同规模及行业企业的伙伴关系和物流能力对供应链整合的作用大不相同。本文不仅为研究伙伴关系对供应链整合的影响路径和作用机理提供了一个新的视角,而且还为我国不同规模及行业企业如何利用伙伴关系和物流能力来提升供应链整合提供了决策的依据。  相似文献   

基于信任的供应链伙伴关系维系管理方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在契约的基础上进行基于信任的伙伴关系维系管理是保证节点企业间融洽合作关系的有效策略之一.本文首先分析了供应链伙伴关系管理实践中需要注意的问题以及信任与供应链伙伴关系的内在联系;在供应商开发程序的基础上融入信任诊断、协商沟通和改进供应链伙伴关系提高绩效的过程,提出了一种基于信任诊断的供应链伙伴关系开发程序进行多层伙伴关系维系的方法,包括基于信任的伙伴关系诊断层、伙伴关系协商沟通层和伙伴关系修正层.最后给出了支持该方法不同组成元素的企业实际运作例证.  相似文献   

供应链协同与信息共享的关联研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
蔡淑琴  梁静 《管理学报》2007,4(2):157-162,179
将协同分成管理协同、技术协同与人机协同3类。据此定义了供应链协同,分析了信息共享在不同条件下存在的价值差异,探讨了供应链协同与信息共享的内在关联。研究结果表明,信息共享是供应链协同实现的必要但不充分条件。在某些条件下,信息共享并不能解决供应链中的协同问题,相反还可能增大协同工作量。要避免这种情况发生,提前进行合理的信息共享设计是必须的。  相似文献   

信息共享是维系供应链各成员企业间关系的重要纽带之一。在信息共享的过程中不可避免的存在一些障碍:信息化水平差异、标准化管理欠缺、资金投入的限制等,为了更好的发展供应链信息共享,不仅需要了解这些障碍,也需要了解产生这些差异的原因。  相似文献   

现在企业间的竞争实际上是供应链的竞争,信息共享是实现供应链管理的基础,关系到供应链的整体效益。本文通过对供应链节点企业缺乏信任而导致信息不共享的问题进行分析,提出供应链信息共享的激励策略和信任合作机制。  相似文献   

供应链是一个复杂系统,需要成员间通过信息共享来降低“牛鞭效应”,实现决策同步,减少库存,提高市场相应,因此信息共享是供应链研究中一个重要内容。在对信息共享的研究中,研究人员多是基于供应链成员间某种委托代理关系提出促进信息共享的激励机制,缺乏对供应链管理中信息共享的机理进行研究。基于此,本文就这个问题,对在实施信息共享过程中供应链成员收益、成本、风险以及相互关系等机理进行了研究。  相似文献   

本文构建起了供应链治理机制与供应链绩效之间的相互作用关系理论模型,并进而对信息共享在其中所起的中介效应及信息技术水平在其中所起着的调节效应进行剖析。以380份来自于供应链相关岗位的中高层管理人员及技术人员的问卷作为样本,利用结构方程模型对社会控制、正式控制、信息技术水平、信息共享及供应链绩效之间的相关关系进行实证研究。研究结果表明:(1)社会控制对信息共享及供应链绩效均产生正向影响,信息共享对供应链绩效也产生正向影响;而正式控制则对信息共享产生显著的负向作用关系,且其对供应链绩效的作用关系并不显著;(2)信息共享在社会控制和供应链绩效之间的作用关系中起着部分中介的作用,但其在正式控制-供应链绩效间的中介作用则并不显著;(3)信息技术水平对于社会控制-信息共享和正式控制-信息共享间的关系具有调节效应。  相似文献   

We consider a supply chain consisting of one supplier and two value-adding heterogeneous retailers. Each retailer has full knowledge about his own value-added cost structure that is unknown to the supplier and the other retailer. Assuming there is no horizontal information sharing between two retailers, we model the supply chain with a three-stage game-theoretic framework. In the first stage each retailer decides if he is willing to vertically disclose his private cost information to the supplier. In the second stage, given the information he has about the retailers, the supplier announces the wholesale price to the retailers. In response to the wholesale price, in the third stage, the retailers optimize their own retail prices and the values added to the product, respectively. Under certain conditions, we prove the existence of equilibrium prices and added values. Furthermore, we obtain the condition under which both retailers are unwilling to vertically share their private information with the supplier, as well as the conditions under which both retailers have incentives to reveal their cost information to the supplier, thus leading to a win–win situation for the whole supply chain.  相似文献   

Designers and retailers in consumer products industry are faced with high demand volatility and potential loss of profit from design piracy. Many retailers rely on third-party supply chain managers (SCMs) to manage global supply chains. A SCM starts raw materials procurement and production process based on expected demand and takes financial risks associated with demand uncertainty. But a retailer often delays sharing product design information with SCM forcing it to expedite production and distribution processes incurring additional financial penalties. To analyse economic impact of delayed information sharing under uncertain demand, we develop a mathematical model. Our model indicates that higher demand volatility lessens the effect of penalty associated with delayed information sharing for retailers. The model also shows that for a given demand volatility, per-unit premium increases asymptotically for a retailer compared to marginal production cost increase for SCM. Such findings are not intuitive for SCMs or retailers.  相似文献   

Information sharing has been cited as one of the major means to enhance supply chain performance. It allows companies to better coordinate their activities with their supply chain partners that lead to increased performance. This study conceptualises and assesses several factors that influence the degree of information sharing in supply chains, namely integrated information technologies, internal integration, information quality and costs–benefits sharing. The relationship between the degree of information sharing and organisational performance is then tested. Data from 150 manufacturing companies were collected and proposed relationships are examined using structural equation modelling. The results show that integrated information technologies and information quality have positive influence on the intensity of information sharing. However, internal integration and costs–benefits sharing do not relate to the intensity of information sharing. This study finds that information sharing does not directly relate to organisational performance. Its relationship is mediated by collaboration practices with supply chain partners. This suggests that information sharing is essential but insufficient by itself to bring significant performance improvements.  相似文献   

基于返回策略与风险分担的供应链协调分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于返回策略分析供应链协调与风险分担问题.该模型含有两种常见的返回政策:比例回购和折价回购.研究结果表明返回策略可以协调供应链.供应链协调时供应链风险在供应商和销售商之间的分担情况由回购折价参数和回购比例参数决定,并且风险分担情况符合一般的收益和风险之间的权衡关系,即获得的收益越高,承担的风险就越大.供应商的最优回购契约是:供应商允许销售商对剩余订货全部按批发价退货,供应商采用边际成本加成定价的方式来确定批发价,加成比例由市场需求的满足率决定;在最优情形下,节点企业分担的风险之比等于两企业在供应链最优订货量处的边际成本之比.  相似文献   

As examples of the practice show, revenue-sharing agreements between independent companies are arranged to coordinate a supply chain. Using an incomplete contracting model this article identifies conditions under which revenue-sharing agreements as well as pricing agreements are favorable for the involved companies. The main results show that revenue sharing increases the investment tendency of the upstream company to make revenue affecting specific investments and, under certain circumstances, increases the expected profit of both companies. Therefore, revenue sharing should be used if the success of the supply chain depends on a supply chain-crossing differentiation strategy.  相似文献   

组织学习影响因素、学习能力与绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:59  
回顾了国内外关于组织学习理论及组织学习与绩效关系方面的研究成果,基于中国201家企业调查数据,对采用定性方法提出的组织学习过程模型(6P-1B模型)进行了定量的实证研究.结果表明:6P-1B模型提出的7个方面的组织学习能力与组织绩效有紧密的正相关关系;各组织学习能力的机理要素与各组织学习能力之间有紧密的正相关关系;企业所感知的外界环境的变化程度不同、员工之间的目标正相关程度不同,使得企业在组织学习的机理要素方面的表现存在显著差异.这些研究结果对6P-1B模型的理论逻辑提供了一定的统计检验的支持,同时也给管理者提供了一些关于如何提高组织学习能力的方法和启示.  相似文献   

全球主要股市间信息溢出的变异性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用线性与非线性Granger因果关系检验对不同阶段的全球主要股市间(包括美国、英国、日本、香港以及中国大陆)均值(收益)以及波动(风险)溢出效应及其变异性特征进行实证分析.研究发现:股市间的均值和风险溢出具有非线性特征;全球股市信息与风险联动性、互动性不断加强,传导路径也更加复杂;中国大陆股票市场在开放度、信息传导效率以及国际影响力方面朝着良性方向发展.  相似文献   

聂佳佳 《管理科学》2013,16(5):69-82
研究了信息分享对制造商回收模式选择的影响.分别建立了集中式回收模式下的信息分享模型以及零售商不分享和分享信息下的3 种分散式回收模型( 零售商、制造商和第3 方回收模型) . 研究发现: 1) 分散式回收模式下零售商分享其私有预测信息对其收益是不利的,但信息分享使得制造商回收模式下供应链预期利润增加; 2) 通过建立信息分享补偿机制使得零 售商有动机分享其需求预测信息; 3) 零售商对信息的分享策略和制造商对回收模式的选择取决于预测信息精度和回收旧产品价格的高低.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine the value of vendor-managed inventory (VMI) over independent decision making with information sharing (IS) under non-stationary stochastic demand with service-level constraints. For this purpose, we utilize mixed-integer linear programming formulations to quantify the benefits that can be accrued by a supplier, multiple retailers and the system as a whole by switching from IS to VMI. More specifically, we investigate the incremental value that VMI provides beyond IS in terms of expected cost savings, inventory reductions, and decrease in shipment sizes from the supplier to the retailers by conducting a large number of computational experiments. Results reveal that the decision transfer component of VMI improves these performance measures significantly when the supplier׳s setup cost is low and order issuing efficiency is high. The benefits offered by VMI are negligible under the problem settings where the supplier׳s order issuing efficiency is low and the production setup serves solely a single replenishment under IS.  相似文献   

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