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Contemporary pleas for an activating welfare state and social security system emphasize that getting benefit claimants back to work is more important than providing income compensation for social risks connected with unemployment or illness. The Dutch system of incapacity benefits, however, is far removed from this normative ideal of a proactive social security system. Resumption of work after a spell of incapacity benefit is the exception rather than the rule. This article examines possible ethnic differences in resumption of work following incapacity benefit. We use a unique register data file from Statistics Netherlands that contains information about all incapacity benefit claimants in the Netherlands in 1999. In the analysis we follow these benefit claimants for three years and examine what their labour market position was in 2002. We find that resumption of work after incapacity benefit is even more the exception for migrant workers with a Turkish or Moroccan ethnic background. Contrary to our assumption, this difference from native Dutch workers cannot be explained by unfavourable personal characteristics of Turkish or Moroccan benefit claimants – their personal characteristics (gender, age, low educational level) appear to be rather favourable for resumption of work. In the current literature, these differences in outcomes between ethnic groups are often attributed to certain ‘ethnic‐specific’ or cultural factors. This article argues that we should be careful of explaining different outcomes between ethnic groups by (alleged) cultural phenomena. There are other explanations possible such as differences in work motivation, lack of ‘transition facilities’ in companies and differential treatment by employers or social security officials.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the distinctions between disability and incapacity for work, from both a theoretical and an operational perspective. Disability refers mainly to a functional limitation in ordinary activity; incapacity for work concerns people who are unable to work because of a medical condition. Although the terms overlap, they are conceptually distinct. People can be disabled without being unable to work, and unable to work without being disabled. Clarifying these distinctions is important for policy: social security benefits for disability are liable to be given on different principles from benefits for incapacity. The implications are considered for systems in development.  相似文献   

With the increased attention on labour market participation, the field of work reintegration support has grown dramatically. In order to improve professionals' performance, standards and performance measures are introduced in this field. We question whether this will improve the quality of their work. Closer scrutiny needs to be paid to the inherently normative and structuring role of professional judging. We applied the concept of ‘frames of reference’ to the process of professional judgement in work reintegration. This concept helped us to understand how a work reintegration professional structures a client's story through implicit rules that escape formalization and control mechanisms. On the basis of 24 in‐depth interviews with diverse work reintegration professionals in the Netherlands, we distinguish five of these frames: a procedural, a work‐focused, a caring, a learning and a facilitating frame of reference. Furthermore, we show that professionals differ widely in the images they have of clients, leading to a large variety in judgement of, and interaction with, clients. Though differences between professionals are inherent to a complex and dynamic field as work reintegration, the current variety in professional‐client contact in work reintegration seems to depend too much on arbitrary professional preferences. Therefore, reflection on these differences, both among professionals and by policymakers, is needed in order to improve the professional practice of work reintegration service.  相似文献   

My aim was to study the experiences and priorities of two age groups of social work students practicing in client-centered social work. This article is based on the research on rationality and language games in social work. The target groups of the research project as a whole were the actors: the heads and social workers or activists in public social welfare and health care agencies and institutions and in voluntary associations and action groups, and finally, two subsequent classes of students from a school of social work, during their practicing periods. This article concentrates on the trainees. At first, the trainees wrote essays and kept diaries. Secondly, they marked their standings on graphs visualizing different types of information contents and social relation structures. Thirdly, they made their choices of reasons for and solutions to social problems on a problem wheel. The trainees' study, using different data gathering techniques, partly confirms the results of the research of the other actor groups, in which the data were derived using questionnaires and interviews. The trainees' study shows variation in the respondents' priorities within and between specified social problem categories. Qualitatively analyzed, however, the characterizations of social work, both those who currently act in and those aiming to enter this field, resemble one another.  相似文献   

Social work is frequently described as a problem-solving activity. Social workers are expected to identify social problems, thoroughly investigate them and take proper measures to solve them. Superficially, this kind of definition is unassailable and harmless (and, of course, partly valid), but in a deeper sense it denies us access to important concepts, perspectives and, hence, possibilities of interpretation, regarding the activity we call social work. Following this line of thought, there is a blind spot in the self-understanding of social work. This article outlines an alternative perspective on social work emphasizing making visible new possibilities of interpretation and action rather than solving problems. In connection with a recently reported research project, Organization and Human Change in Social Work, specific features of social work are suggested and discussed. The aim is to contribute to the development of a theoretical identity of social work, based on its own specific characteristics.  相似文献   

The Nordic countries have been experiencing paradigm shifts from a focus on problems, pathology and deficits to more strengths-based, capacity-building and inclusive approaches, especially in the field of child welfare. This article describes joint Nordic (Nordplus) Master level courses that have been introduced to promote a more inclusive and empowering way of working with children and families. The overall theme of the Nordplus project is democratisation of child welfare work. The project includes three separate courses: (i) Empowerment and family decision making in child welfare; (ii) Strengths and solution oriented child welfare work; (iii) Children, youth and participation. The project brought together masters students from the Nordic countries and professional academics from the Nordic countries, South Africa and Australia. This article describes and problematises the learning process and the outcomes of the project. An important aim of the project was to interrogate the relationship between the global and the local.  相似文献   

The implementation of the 2005 Mental Capacity Act in Englandand Wales heralds a new era for social work practitioners andresearchers. Protecting and empowering vulnerable adults—animportant element of adult-care social work—relies ona legal framework that attempts to balance adults’ rightswith the desire to protect them. The new Act is part of thatframework, addressing the fundamental issue of when and howdecisions can be made on behalf of people who lose decision-makingabilities (‘capacity’). The Act encompasses themeaning of incapacity and best interests, advance directivesconcerning treatment, managing people’s affairs and makingdecisions for them, overseeing the delegation process, and research.In explaining how the Act addresses some of these challenges,the article alerts practitioners and researchers to the keyareas in which the Act will make a major impact.  相似文献   

Domestic violence and substance use are issues which pervadesocial work practice, yet are often on the margins of the knowledgebase for practitioners and their managers. This article providesan overview of the literature on substance use and domesticviolence, highlighting the problems with the separation of bothpractice and policy in these areas. Research on substance useand the needs of women survivors of domestic violence are explored,alongside the more substantial literature on perpetrators ofdomestic violence and patterns of substance use. The problemsof a simplistic analysis which suggest that there is a causallink between substance use and domestic violence are highlighted.Using data from an on-going research project, the sources ofthe continuing and dysfunctional separation of work in theseareas are explored.  相似文献   

Between 2003 and 2011, the Pathways to Work (PtW) initiative was established across Great Britain, as policymakers sought to address the ‘health‐related, personal and external barriers’ faced by people who were out of work and claiming incapacity benefits (IBs). In the first 18 districts that PtW was rolled‐out, the Public Employment Service (Jobcentre Plus) and National Health Service (NHS) organizations worked in partnership to deliver ‘condition management programmes’, which helped IB claimants to cope with health problems. Evaluation research has identified significant health benefits associated with these condition management programmes, but there has been less discussion of the role of frontline NHS professionals in ensuring that services worked effectively on the ground. This article deploys the concept of ‘boundary spanning’ to explore the role of NHS professionals within PtW. Drawing on more than 50 in‐depth interviews, the article concludes that these NHS staff played a key boundary spanning role in facilitating partnerships, based on an ability to engage with the values/practices of other partner organizations (especially Jobcentre Plus) and a willingness to challenge established professional boundaries and ways of working. The article notes that recent policy initiatives have abandoned the PtW partnership approach in favour of more familiar models of contracting out, and that NHS professionals have been excluded from the delivery of health/employability services. It is argued that these recent changes may negatively affect the quality and range of health‐related services available to people on IBs.  相似文献   

This article describes the process of generating hypotheses from empirical, qualitalive data. Arguing that a discovery oriented, qualitative method of hypothesis generation has great potential for the development of social work knowledge, the paper shows how the grounded theory method originated by Glaser and Strauss (1976) builds on both induction and deduction and develops the research design over the course of the research. The conceptual framework, the research question, the sample, and the hypotheses evolve in response to the empirical patterns which the researcher discovers in the conduct of the research. The processes of hypothesis generation are demonstrated through examples taken from a research project on factors which distinguish perpetrators of child sexual abuse from persons of similar background and who have not acted out sexually with children. A discovery-oriented approach can help build social work knowledge of the situation-to-be-measured and changed.  相似文献   

Strategic Outreach to Families of All Reservists (SOFAR) is a pro bono mental health project that offers support, psychotherapy, psychoeducation, and prevention services to extended family members of National Guard and Reservists who have served in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) from deployment through reunion and reintegration. SOFAR began in Massachusetts in 2004. In this article, I discuss the plight of all families of soldiers with an emphasis on the special burdens of National Guard and Reservists, citizen‐soldiers. I also show how SOFAR has helped these families and make recommendations for expansion of services to these family members.  相似文献   

This article focuses on STOP4-7, an ecological early intervention programme for children with serious behavioural problems in Belgium, which includes social skills training for children, management training for parents and classroom management training for teachers. We argue how this type of social work benefits from empirical research on its effects on children and parents. Yet social work research that addresses these questions needs to extend its focus to overt and covert inclusion and exclusion mechanisms that operate through social work. Finally, we argue that, in the case of STOP4-7, social work is embedded in the process of social and political framing of the problems it is supposed to solve. By extending the focus of social work research to the very construction of social problems, we show how social workers may perform their agency as reflective practitioners, rather than being objects of interventions.  相似文献   

Social workers who treat children of deployed servicemembers may feel poorly prepared to work competently with military families and will benefit from understanding the immediate and long-term effects of parental deployment upon children. This review consolidates a substantial, shifting knowledge base and establishes a coherent theoretical framework for social workers to learn about the effects of war-specific deployment cycles for servicemembers, and the relationship among family members' and children's experiences with deployment separation. The author considers important lessons learned during the Vietnam War and the unique experiences specific to current wars. This article compares the Vietnam War and the more recent wars' characteristics of military deployment, demographic characteristics of service members, servicemembers' family characteristics, and research findings about the psychosocial effects of deployment on children. A case vignette is presented to clarify how an understanding of deployment and reintegration is necessary for the treatment of servicemembers, families, and children by social workers.  相似文献   

John Lawler, University of Bradford Management Centre, Emm Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD9 4JL Summary The article draws on the results of a research project whichexplored management in social services departments from theperspective of third tier managers within those organizations.The article outlines some of the major current debates withinsocial services management and discusses the experiences andidentifications of those managers who were part of the study.The results indicate a fragmentation at this level of management—afragmentation of experience, attitudes and management approaches.The implications of this and other findings are considered asthey affect the areas of: research development; policy development;social work management; social work practice; and social workeducation.  相似文献   


The article uses a wide range of archival and literary sources to examine perceptions of mental incapacity. It looks first at what quantifiable measures may and may not tell us about the nature of madness in eighteenth-century Scotland and about the relationship between pathologies and the 'normal' structures of society. It seeks to test a common assumption or assertion that 'madness is a female malady because it is experienced by more women than men' (Showalter). It further questions whether those with mental problems were really just the victims of an oppressive (professional and male) form of discourse by offering a nuanced analysis of the social context in which mental disability was identified. The second half of the article explores certain qualitative aspects of how insanity was construed by the sane, in order to assess the extent of gendering in the day-to-day understanding of mental problems. These aspects include the connections between madness and issues such as emotion, language, class, suicide, alcohol and 'work'.  相似文献   

The Western welfare states are under reform. An important part of these reforms is the introduction of market type mechanisms for the deliverance of public services. Over the years, many countries have chosen to contract out employment reintegration services. The underlying notion of contracting out is the belief that the introduction of market elements in the production of public services increases effectiveness and efficiency. In addition to the cost benefit argument for contracting out public services, ideology is often brought forward as an important factor explaining why public services are provided in‐house. In this article, we analyze to what extent cost benefit arguments and ideology affect the make or buy decision of Dutch municipalities. The Dutch employment reintegration market poses an interesting case in point since Dutch municipalities have the option to either provide employment reintegration services themselves or to buy services on the market. Our analysis shows that cost benefit arguments do not play a role in the make or buy decision of Dutch municipalities. Ideology, however, does. Municipalities that adhere to the principles of New Public Management more often opt to buy employment reintegration services on the market. Also the outcomes of municipal elections have been found to be of importance – left‐wing municipalities more often choose in‐house service provision.  相似文献   

"爱满新航"未成年子女关爱行动项目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈涛  陈锋  王小兰 《社会工作》2011,(4):14-18,24
一、项目服务背景针对服刑在教和刑释解教人员未成年子女的关爱行动,有利于社工与服刑在教和刑释解教人员建立起帮教服务关系,使他们感受到来自社会的关心和帮助,从而在思想认识上发生转变,加快他们认罪、服罪、悔罪意识的提升,同时也有利于帮助其未成年子女健康成长,提升社会适应能力,最终促使两代人能够更好的融入社会.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to foster an awareness of the need for gender‐sensitive research in the context of the methodological and ethical challenges posed by such research. We trace the development of gender sensitivity and masculinity in social work practice and research and connect this to an overview of the issues posed by research on sensitive topics. Reflecting on a research project involving Chinese male sexual abuse survivors, we draw conclusions illustrating and proposing a range of methodological practices and ethical safeguards. We underscore the importance of gender‐sensitivity in performing research on sensitive topics with men in a Chinese community.  相似文献   

Transition to re‐entry (aftercare) is a stressful event for therapeutic community residents. While several authors agree on the importance of social support during reintegration, few studies have focused on the experiences of re‐entry clients themselves and their significant others during this period. Using a case‐study design, the present study examines the re‐entry process of four TC‐residents and three of their social network members during a six‐month period, starting at the time of their transfer to the halfway house. Clients and their significant others have mixed feelings about the reintegration period, although both are mainly positive. Clients report difficulties in leaving behind the TC‐mentality and building up a stable social network; they are surprised about the frequent contacts with substance (ab)use in mainstream society. Significant others misjudge clients’ feelings about transition and relapse. Many significant others have a positive attitude towards the use of substances. The tendency in mainstream society to increasingly accept the use of substances intensifies clients’ need for early guidance in building up stable supportive networks. Significant others need well‐grounded information on the reintegration process and on relapse.  相似文献   


The reintegration of ex-offenders into the community has emerged as a key concern of the criminal justice system as prison populations have increased globally. High recidivism rates indicate that prisons have not adequately prepared many prisoners for life after prisons. There are three issues this article explores: first, to unpack the theoretical and methodological issues in understanding the nebulous concept of ‘recidivism’; second, to provide a critique of the ‘risks–needs–responsivity’ model which has formed the basis of prison rehabilitation; and third, to suggest ways to mitigate the effects of institutionalisation to achieve positive rehabilitation and reintegration outcomes.  相似文献   

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