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我国财政补贴规模之巨、范围之广、影响之深,早已引起了经济理论界和实际工作者的特别关注.如果在经济学中可以借用“黑洞”来形容某些无限扩张的需求状况的话,“财政补贴黑洞”则是其中之首.一、回顾与现状我国的财政补贴始于50年代初期,但真正的财政补贴“黑洞”则形成于70年代末期.目前,财政补贴  相似文献   

中国现代形而上学的建构存在着“逻辑”(知性 )和“生命”两条进路 ,牟宗三的道德形而上学是对熊十力生命进路的继承。这一形而上学在净化传统儒家“意义本体论”的同时 ,又将“良知”变成了吞噬一切的“黑洞” ,在某种意义上是对原始儒家“存在合理性”的偏离。  相似文献   

本文用特征数法研究四进制m位数黑洞问题,不论m是多么大的数,对于黑洞的个数、黑洞的周长都作出了一般性的结论。对于求的元素的黑程,也找到了较简捷的一般性的方法。  相似文献   

在穆旦诗歌中,“时间”既是一个核心意象,又是一个贯穿性的主题.穆旦诗歌对“二十世纪”、“八小时”等现代时间概念的书写,揭示了人在“现代”的困境和无奈,洞穿了“现代时间”中的生存黑洞;穆旦诗歌对“季节”的现代性透视,彰显了现代生命个体崭新的时间体验,并因而拓展了“季节”书写的审美维度和现代内涵.在对时间经验的多层面书写中,穆旦诗歌展示了“时间之流”中不断挣扎的现代自我,企图抵达时间密道中的灵魂拯救.  相似文献   

心的天国─—许地山小说论谭丽娟(一)许地山是于宗教徒,他以悲悯情操,谛视红尘凡世的生离死别、喜怒哀乐,以冷静的思辨和对生命悲剧性的深切凝视,试图在人生苦难的黑洞中寻找一条理想的飞渡深渊的虹桥。宗教的力量在于“内功”─—齐心修身。许地山的依佛教,导致他...  相似文献   

研究文学史时间问题,是打开文学史理论之门的一把极为重要的钥匙,其中包含了文学史现象的所有现实的丰富性和矛盾性.可以说,它的有机构成网络就是文学史本体的有机构成网络.它是一个包含“黑洞时代──星河时代”、“暂时时间──永恒时间”、“现实时间──审美时间”等一系列由宏观到微现、由现象到本质的不同层次的矛盾对立面的取代消长、互融互渗的复杂结构体。对于文学史时间结构的研究,将有利于揭开某些常识理论的迷雾,深入到文学史本体论深层,从而更有效地触及文学史理论的本质.  相似文献   

霍金于2004年对自己的黑洞理论进行修正,认为万物进入黑洞后,经若干年的演变,会重新开始新的轮回。而这一理论与老庄的熔炉理论极为相似。黑洞理论与熔炉理论的哲学基础都是循环论,而且都认为这种循环是无止境的,物质在不同的循环阶段以不同的形态存在着。  相似文献   

近段时期来,市场经济浪潮给一些亏损企业带来了较大冲击,随着亏损企业的增加和亏损金额的增长,为了勉强维持其存在,大量社会资金和资产不得不投向亏损“黑洞”,出现了劣难汰优难胜、企业生而不灭、存而不亡的奇异现象。为了正视并分析这种现象,本文拟对亏损企业不灭的必然性、“负效应”等问题作一些探讨。 亏损企业“不灭”的原因分析 1.传统的企业经营机制,使国家对全民所有制企业的生产经营承担无限责任,企业吃国家的“大锅饭”,实质上就是劣企“吃”优企,国家有意无意中充当了劣企存续的“保护神”,从而使大量的  相似文献   

孔令玉 《天府新论》2006,20(Z1):6-8
关于时间和空间的问题是一个古老而又神秘的问题,古代的管子、墨子、庄子、柏拉图、亚里士多德无不对此进行了深刻的思考,形成了各自的时空观念:“从人到神,从大爆炸到黑洞,从上帝到第一推动力,宇宙万物之道,时间和空间……”〔1〕可以说,人类历史上每一次科学和认识的质的突破  相似文献   

宋佳  赵新奎 《甘肃社会科学》2012,(1):184-187,220
建立了“寻-避租博弈模型”和“争租博弈模型”,提出了“寻租黑洞”效应,证明了无论是“寻-避租博弈”还是“争租博弈”均倾向于两败俱伤,“争租博弈”将导致更加极端的负效果,同时从行为博弈的角度上支持了塔洛克的“暂时性收益陷阱”理论;分析了主要的四种垄断权力的寻租,即寻租自然垄断、生产要素垄断、法律特权垄断和特许经营垄断,揭示了各自寻租活动的特征;由于无论是寻租方、挣租方还是避租方都会在短期诱惑的驱使下参与博弈,并且长期承受损失,唯有创租者获得无成本收益,因此创租才是寻租活动的根源,治理寻租活动的根本方法是遏制创租.  相似文献   

本文用数值方法讨论了中心含有大质量黑洞星团的核在几个作用(蒸发及潮汐)下的演化特征,结果表明:所有的核均会收缩。  相似文献   

朱宾忠 《河北学刊》2007,27(6):236-239
从内战结束获得自由开始,至20世纪70年代,美国黑人的权益在南方社会遭到多方面的限制和剥夺。美国作家福克纳的小说形象地反映了这个问题。他从法定权益、政治生活、经济活动等方面表现黑人的"二等公民"地位以及由此产生的"二等公民"意识。福克纳的创作表达了他对黑人群体的同情,批判了种族主义文化,但也反映出他在种族问题上的某些局限性。  相似文献   

李蕊  舒也 《浙江社会科学》2012,(5):141-144,160
让.雷诺阿的电影,横跨了无声电影与有声电影、黑白电影与彩色电影等不同的阶段,在世界电影史上是一个独特的标本。他的电影表现出了一种独特的风格——"让.雷诺阿风格"。"让.雷诺阿风格"包括以下几个方面:一、现实主义和心灵表现的结合;二、长镜头、深景深镜头、复杂的场面调度等电影语言的开创性的运用;三、介乎传统与现代之间的突然转变的格调。在现实主义风格和现代奇幻风格之外,存在着一种以"突然转换的格调"为特征的中间形态——"让.雷诺阿风格"。  相似文献   

冯平 《阴山学刊》2011,(5):63-66
The term "Other" is a key concept in the framework of postcolonialism.This paper attempts to analyze the native black people’s role-"the Other" in the process of colonization.The British writer Doris Lessing finds the unltimate expression in her first novel The Grass Is Singing.With the settlement of the colonizers,the South Africa has been rendered by the white colonizers as "the Other World" and the native people are regarded as "the Other" who are degraded into unspeakable animals by white people.  相似文献   

As homeownership has been expanding in the United States over the past several decades, residential segregation between blacks and whites has been declining in most metropolitan areas. However, the degree to which the residential patterns of new homebuyers have mirrored these overall trends in segregation and how the massive increase in home buying has related to changes in segregation has remained largely unexplored. This paper examines the segregation of new black homebuyers from white households, new white homebuyers from black households, and black and white households from each other using Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data from 1992 to 2010 merged with data from the Census and ACS. I find that black homebuyers are less segregated from white households than black homeowners overall and black households in general, providing evidence in support of the spatial assimilation model that would predict better outcomes for homeowners. Also consistent with the spatial assimilation perspective, I found in the multivariate models that increased income parity between blacks and whites and growth in black lending are associated with average declines in black/white household segregation from 1990 to 2010. Although subprime lending was not associated with overall changes in segregation, metropolitan areas with higher percentages of loans to blacks from subprime lenders experienced increases in segregation of both black homeowners from white households as well as white owners from black households.  相似文献   

Using a sample of middle class blacks and whites living in urban and suburban areas, this article focuses on how perceptions of the racial composition of neighborhoods influence leisure-time physical activity. Using an ordinal representation of an underlying continuous indication of the perceived percentage of blacks and whites within an egocentric neighborhood, the results show that black men are significantly less likely to be physically active in neighborhoods perceived as predominately white. Alternatively, they are more likely to be physically active in neighborhoods perceived as racially diverse and predominately black. Conversely, for black women, white women, and white men, physical activity increases as the perception of one's neighborhood becomes increasingly white. Black women are significantly less likely to engage in physical activity in neighborhoods perceived as predominately black and urban. Drawing upon the intersectionality framework, I discuss how perceptions of criminalization and safety lead to different levels of leisure-time physical activity for middle class black women and men relative to their white middle class counterparts.  相似文献   

网络治理的“最大变量”在技术服务犯罪化的“最大增量”中呈现张力。信息网络犯罪的技术基础性、技术归责和主体归责的边界混同,导致技术服务犯罪参与处罚范围扩张、司法认定缺乏定型性。例外、常规、中立模式的归责方案存在理论缺陷。以新型网络犯罪独立说为代表的独立归责模式存在法益保护、构成要件、罪量标准的解释障碍,网络黑灰产业链的组织架构并未改变网络帮助行为的违法从属性。主体关系反向认定行为关系的“基础犯罪事实-辅助犯罪事实”区分之中,行为不法层面的技术服务行为具有事实、规范、程序的双重从属性,结果归责兼具参与性和独立性,实现罪责自负原则下的罪刑均衡。  相似文献   

在分析两种语言中含有色彩词“红”与“黑”的习语的基础上,从语义对比的角度探讨这两种语言在习语运用中的共性与差异,以使学习者在使用习语时表达得体,从而提高语言交际能力。  相似文献   

政文同构、政法同构、政经异构和“差异”是保持一个社会稳定均衡运行的关键,其微观基础在于实现“理”、“力”、“利”的不同配置。苏共丧失政权和国民党的“黑金”政治都同“权力”和“金钱”的结合紧密相关。本文借鉴历史的经验教训,对在社会主义市场经济条件下建立“差异”政治学、建设社会主义政治文明提出了新见。  相似文献   

For more than 40 years, studies have reported that the higher the proportion of blacks in a community, the more white men earn, but the less black men earn. Researchers have speculated that black men earned less because earnings discrimination increases with percent black. Others have suggested that the negative effect of black representation on black men's earnings reflects black men's limited occupational opportunities. This study (1) investigates whether pay discrimination and regional location condition the relationship between black representation and workers' earnings and (2) examines the relationship between black representation and earnings for women. The results, based on 1980 Census data for black and white workers from 267 SMSAs, show that black representation was associated with higher earnings for white men and lower earnings for black men in both the north and south, and that part of the effect for southern black men stemmed from earnings discrimination. Southern black men's earnings gains from black representation offset some of the effects of discrimination, while northern black men encountered costs of black representation even in the absence of earnings discrimination. These findings reflect the disparate economic opportunities of black men in each region as manufacturing jobs have disappeared from the north and relocated to the south. For women, black representation led to higher earnings for blacks and whites. I argue that black representation does not lower black women's earnings because occupational sex segregation prevents black women from threatening white men's economic status.  相似文献   

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