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继承人成长模式是目前中国家族企业理论和实践的热门议题,也是保障和提高家族企业跨代持续发展的首要问题。在家族企业传承和转型的关键时期,作为创业的主力军,家族企业海归继承人的多元文化经历和文化框架转换为其创业学习过程提供了独特资源和路径,本文基于文化心理学的动态建构主义视角,以6个家族企业的海归继承人为研究对象,采用探索性多案例研究方法,通过扎根理论的数据处理程序提炼基于文化框架转换的海归继承人创业学习关键过程要素,包括海外获取性创业学习、创业动机促发、实验性创业学习(直觉和编译创业学习)3个创业学习阶段中,文化构念网络可用性、通达性和情境适用性的构建策略及其与创业学习过程的互动协同机制,试图在家族企业传承背景下构建基于文化框架转换的家族企业海归继承人创业学习过程理论模型,从文化心理学视角解读文化框架转换对家族企业海归继承人创业学习方式、路径选择和创业能力形成的微观作用机制,为家族企业海归继承人这一独特创业群体的成长提供富有前景的答案,为家族企业传承和跨代创业提供启迪和借鉴。  相似文献   

The Pygmalion Effect is a case of the self-fulfilling prophecy, whereby the expectations of leaders influence the performance of followers (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009; Rosenthal, 1993). Intra-family succession processes, which are hardly ever formalised in small- and medium-sized family enterprises, provide a natural context to explore the perceptions that predecessors have about their successors and where the Pygmalion Effect is expected to occur. However, little is known about how a predecessor’s expectations can affect intra-family firm succession processes. Based on qualitative interviews with key family and non-family members, expectations were analysed in four in-depth case studies of intra-family SME succession processes. The findings show that the Pygmalion Effect operates over time and embraces incumbent, successor, and key stakeholders’ expectations, which support the new leader when facing succession-related challenges.  相似文献   

接班人的选择与培养对于家族企业的生存发展至关重要。本文通过文献回顾、深度访谈和问卷调查方式,采用探索性和验证性因子分析方法构建了家族企业接班人的胜任—绩效模型。结果显示,模型具有较好的拟合度,家族企业接班人胜任能力包括社会网络、政府关系、发现机会、承担风险、资源整合、战略决策、学习创新和科学管理八个因子,其中,前四个因子和后四个因子可以分别归属于管理素质和管理技能两个一级因子;家族企业的继承绩效包括客观绩效和主观绩效两个因子,其中,客观绩效包括人才结构、产品技术、品牌形象、市场份额、利润增长和企业规模六个二级因子,而主观绩效主要包括家族满意和员工满意两个二级因子;社会网络、学习创新、政府关系、资源整合等因子对于家族企业的继承绩效具有更显著的相关性关系,而社会网络和政府关系对于企业继承的影响颇具中国特色。  相似文献   

改革开放30年,大批早前创业成功的家族企业面临着接班传承的问题。而对于前辈企业家创业精神的传承,比企业所有权和控制权的继承更重要。企业家是市场经济的主角,创业精神则是企业家的灵魂,创业精神的继承和发扬,直接影响着家族企业的可持续发展。创业意图是创业精神的原始体现,先有创业意图才会激发创业行为,创业意图是所有创业活动的根本基础和出发点,也是企业家创业精神及其传承的研究切入点。中国大量的家族企业准接班人目前都处于大学教育阶段,文章以其为研究对象,运用并扩展了计划行为理论模型,通过实证数据深入辨析了各种相关因素对家族企业后代创业意图所产生的不同影响。研究结论为家族企业传承以及创业学研究都提供了有益参考,另外文章中所运用的Smartpls软件在进行探索性研究时具有强大的功能,值得引起各位学者的重视。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(3):419-435
Decision-making is a complex cognitive activity filled with bias. Leader decision-making is unique because it occurs in a social context. We examine how biases resulting from social network dynamics complicate leaders' decision-making. In particular, we focus on a specific case of leader cognition: nepotism in the succession decisions in the context of family businesses. Succession often leads to a decline in performance because leaders frequently choose family members as their successor, a form of nepotism. We show that even when a leader can overcome individual decision biases, a bias in sampling resulting from families' strong ties can still allow a leader to wrongly conclude that family members are better qualified than external candidates when the opposite is true. We demonstrate this phenomenon using simulation modeling and explore solutions to family business succession planning.  相似文献   

This paper was motivated by the increasing interest in the corporate governance debate on how effective structure and processes may influence entrepreneurial transitions. Along the entrepreneurial process, little research to date has investigated the exit in the context of entrepreneurial family firms. Previous literature has considered the exit mainly as a failure for entrepreneurial families, but when uncertainties arise this choice may enable ownership transitions, thus facilitating survival and long term strategies. Among the exit options, a private equity buyout may balance the family’s wealth protection and the firm’s future growth. However, which family specific characteristics and strategic needs may affect the exit option still remains a neglected topic. Drawing on corporate governance literature and recent research addressing entrepreneurship in family firms, this paper investigates, by a single case study, the bridging role of private equity buyout for going through entrepreneurial transitions. Findings suggest that a private equity buyout is a governance mechanism that may sustain an entrepreneurial transition by realigning family interests and goals. It may also allow the family commitment for improving organizational capabilities required by an entrepreneurial transition.  相似文献   

We propose that outside CEO candidates will have greater bargaining power than insiders. As a result, outside CEO successors will likely receive greater total compensation than inside CEO successors. Outside successors, meantime, pose more risk to the hiring firm than inside successors due to higher information asymmetry. As a result, outside successor compensation packages are tilted towards more performance-related pay-at-risk, while inside successor packages have a higher percentage in salary. In addition, outside successors may want to utilize the structure of their compensation at their previous firm in their new contracts. Using a sample of 99 firms with outside successors who were not CEO in their prior firms, matched by industry and size to firms that hired inside candidates, we find evidence supporting these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Based on Brickley’s (2003) call for research on the CEO/turnover relation, we examine determinants of CEO age at succession. Utilizing the similarity–attraction paradigm, we propose that board members will select new CEOs that are similar to their own age. We find a strong positive relation between successor CEO age and average board member age. Thus, the similarity–attraction paradigm seems to play a role in board of director selection of CEO successors. However, we also propose that poor prior performance may mitigate similarity–attraction. Our results are also consistent with this hypothesis because we find no relation between successor CEO and board age following poor prior performance. Finally, the hiring of an age-similar CEO does not reduce the companies’ subsequent financial performance and may even have a slightly positive impact on it.  相似文献   

The author presents the psychological concept of transference and it’s relevance for daily management life in companies. This aspect can above all be found in hierarchical working relationships were the transference of unsolved and repressed conflicts of collaborators coming from their personal biography appear rather frequently. But also the dynamics within teams may be influenced by transference phenomena. Explanation is given how these transference-based conflicts can develop counterproductive dynamics. Based on three case examples the author illustrates these dynamics. He finally comes to the conclusion that the knowledge of the transference phenomena and how to deal with them consciously is an important management soft skill that improves manager’s and leader’s efficiency.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102130
Firms often retain their former CEOs on the board after succession to benefit from the former CEOs’ firm-specific expertise. However, their presence can inhibit successor CEOs from implementing meaningful strategic change, as the former CEOs seek to preserve their personal legacy and may see the strategic landscape differently, especially when the successor CEO is hired from outside the firm. Using a strategic leadership interface perspective, we propose that board members can alleviate this potential tension and enable strategic change. To test our theory, we focus on a subsample of succession events: when the former CEO stays on board as chair and the successor CEO is an outsider. This scenario is likely to result in strategic tension and cognitive differences between these two organizational leaders. We find that in such situations, boards with a higher proportion of outside directors experience greater post-succession strategic change; we find no effect in other succession scenarios. We isolate legacy conservation as a motivating factor by showing that the effect manifests for divestitures but not for acquisitions.  相似文献   

Drawing on the psychological concept of scarcity mindset as a lens, we explore UK-based ethnic entrepreneurs' accounts of their behaviors and choices to theorize ethnic business venture failure. Our findings suggest the constraints of ‘having too little’ entrepreneurial resources can induce three organizing tensions in organizing, community embeddedness, spatial and segment spawning, and dispositional optimism––which may operate in combination or serially to precipitate ethnic venture failure. Our findings contribute to research on conflicting demands in entrepreneurship by showing how resource constraints, sometimes played out in the form of enduring inequalities within markets and society-at-large stymies the conversion of contradictory yet mutually constituting demands in organizing into potentially productive outcomes.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial orientation is widely acknowledged as a strong predictor of firm performance. It is therefore critical to understand the factors and conditions that nurture it. In this paper, we investigate what configurations of motivations and personality traits trigger entrepreneurial orientation in three strategic leadership situations: successor of a family business, family-oriented founder, non-family founder. Strategic leaders in these situations are differently exposed to the opportunities and constraints to pursue entrepreneurial posture, because of the influence of family embeddedness and organizational resistance. We apply Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis to a sample of 257 Italian SME owner/managers. We identify 12 coherent configurations of internal and external motivations, and personality traits that are all conducive to entrepreneurial orientation. These configurations are consistent with features of the family and organization environments in which the entrepreneurial action takes place; furthermore, in each strategic leadership situation, different configurations of attributes lead to entrepreneurial orientation.  相似文献   

Internationalisation is a key dimension of a firm's strategy process. Yet, research on why and how family firms internationalise is underdeveloped. As one of the most critical issues family firms face, how intergenerational succession can influence their internationalisation remains an important question. Given the extraordinary succession and internationalisation circumstances pertaining to China, we conducted a qualitative case study analysis of eleven newly internationalised Chinese small- and medium-sized family firms that had recently undergone a succession from the first to the second generation. Three distinct intergenerational succession patterns among our case firms were identified, revealing three underlying types of incumbent-successor relationships. Based on our findings, we put forth propositions on how these patterns influence the next-generation's level of attitudinal commitment toward and resources available for internationalisation, and link these to the firm's overall internationalisation capabilities and international involvement. Our findings suggest that the connection between intergenerational succession and internationalisation strategy of family firms is significantly influenced by the nature of the underlying incumbent-successor relationship and therefore much more complex than previously considered.  相似文献   

作为创业过程的重要活动之一, 创业退出并未引起学者太多的关注, 大多数现有研究文献从企业家、企业、行业和宏观环境去分析创业退出的原因, 而忽略了创业家族的影响.本文以家族期望作为分析单元, 从理论上探讨了家族期望落差与创业退出之间的关系, 以及寻租活动在其间的传导效应.本文的经验分析主要得到了以下研究结论: (1) 新创企业的创始人及其家族具有多重期望目标, 包括家族财富、家族声望、家族团结以及人丁兴旺期望的实现. (2) 家族期望落差对企业家是否选择创业退出具有显著的影响, 即家族的财富丰腴、团结和谐和社会声望期望落差越大则家族企业创始人越倾向于退出经营领域, 而人丁兴旺期望落差越小则越有可能坚持创业. (3) 寻租行为在家族期望落差与创业退出之间起中介传导效应, 即家族期望的未实现将导致企业主倾向于选择非法性寻租行为, 而寻租的高成本与潜在的风险则会进一步增加其退出创业的可能性.  相似文献   

未来5~10年,将是家族企业新老交替的动荡期"交接班危机将成为中国民营企业发展的第一大难题!未来5~10年,将是家族企业新老交替的动荡期。"方太集团董事长茅理翔接受《经理人》采  相似文献   

Leader succession often occurs because a performance decline highlights the need for change within an organization. When this need is especially high, successors are likely to be drawn from different cognitive communities than those of the replaced incumbents. Successors representing different cognitive communities carry out more change immediately after succession. This increased, rapid change will be most effective when the new leaders have had successful recent “top-job” experience. When successors lack recent top-job success, too much change too soon will actually hurt performance. We find moderate support for these relationships using panel data from the USA's National Football League.  相似文献   

Since decisions are made through the political process in local government, planners are being advised to modify their style of planning. Planners acknowledge the need to modify the practice of planning, but reforms are introduced within the framework of the comprehensive plan which continues to serve as the principal planning instrument. This results in internal conflicts within the planning process. In this paper a proposal is made for a planning system which is composed of a series of interacting building blocks. The planning process is molded to fit the management function and capability of those involved in the decision process. Plans are developed as management tools and the planning process accommodates the multiple centres which interact to produce a community's policies and strategies.  相似文献   

赵曙明 《管理学报》2012,(8):1111-1117
改革开放30多年来,中国民营经济迅猛发展,优秀民营企业家不断涌现,企业传承及继任者选择问题也随之凸显。基于国内外关于民营企业继任者选择的研究文献,结合现实案例,分析了内部继任模式、职业经理人继任模式和团队继任模式的本质特征及优劣势;探讨了3种继任模式的约束条件及对企业可持续绩效的影响;最后,为中国民营企业继任问题提出管理建议。  相似文献   

Strategic planning is about nothing, if it is not about attempting to achieve desirable futures. In the past this has often been seen as an excuse, or indeed a necessity, for fixed goals which are constantly timed. Such a state of planning has, fortunately, for a long time now been discredited and this paper concentrates upon the concepts of strategic planning within the changing corporate environment, an environment which therefore has to effect both the goals as well as the process of planning. Furthermore, the author concentrates upon the concept of a planning, allocating, and monitoring cycle of strategic planning which sets the strategic planning concept within a process cycle as well as within an effective allocative structure. The author considers this latter point an extremely important one since, as he says, ‘planning can become a very sterile and barren activity if it is not viewed integrally with acting and doing’. Finally, this paper concentrates on the important fact that planning must, within a dynamic environment, be an iterative and a learning process.  相似文献   

In England, Since the 1970s, a system of negotiated project-specific agreements between local planning authorities and developers/landowners has evolved into the sole mechanism by which part of land value uplift ‘released’ by the grant of planning permission is captured by government. In 2010, in an attempt to simplify and speed up the planning process – negotiated planning agreements were regarded as time-consuming and a brake on development – the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was introduced. Originally intended as a simple flat rate charge to replace site-specific planning agreements, CIL now sits alongside that mechanism so that developers pay CIL to help fund infrastructure provision in the locality, whilst planning agreements help mitigate the impact of their development and provide affordable housing. The experience of running a system of negotiated planning agreements alongside a non-negotiable infrastructure levy offers an opportunity to evaluate these policy shifts in order to assess their strengths and weaknesses and whether there are any wider lessons for international discussions of best practice in land value capture. Drawing on survey findings the paper considers the implementation of CIL alongside planning agreements, the revenue and expenditure patterns, and the impact of these combined land value capture mechanisms on development activity and, in particular, on affordable housing supply.  相似文献   

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