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黑格尔所论述的国家是作为理念意义上的理想类型的国家,即国家是伦理普遍性和单一性的统一,是作为伦理共同体与公民这一伦理主体之间的统一,是具有伦理实体和伦理精神的伦理共同体.国家共同体是由国家公民组成的,公民是伦理主体,公民与国家之间的关系是伦理主体与伦理共同体之间的关系.黑格尔的公民与国家关系理论,对于当代中国现代国家理念的确立和国家制度的建设,对于公民意识教育和公民社会建设,对于提升公民对国家信任感和依赖感,促使公民自觉承担国家责任、履行法律义务等,具有重要的启迪意义和价值.  相似文献   

王银娥 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):10-14
现代市场经济社会讲求互信伦理、互助伦理、法治伦理。客观地审视和反思SARS事件 ,可以发现我们民族、社会在有关公共制度安排与治理等方面存在的一些深层次问题。对此 ,我们应创造和提供公共伦理形成所需要具备的基本条件———现代公共生活领域 ;建构现代公共伦理赖以生成和发挥作用的现实载体———现代开放的公民社会的“社群”组织 ;面向生活世界 ,探寻、甄别、确立并认同作为公共伦理核心的社会“公共价值” ;公共价值的确立需要以政府和个人共同承诺的公共责任为保障。  相似文献   

全球场域“双重结构”中的人类交往,凸显多元行为体的相互建构、共同演化以及共同走向“类的共同体”的世界历史进程。全球性是这一进程的产物,核心特征是重视人类本位以及人类交往的“非中心化”。开启人类公共伦理讨论,指向的是构建基于全球性的公共性伦理框架,维护全球场域的公共性和多元行为体的合作共存,发展彼此承认、承诺的伦理原则、道德规范和集体行动策略。因全球性彰显的“类本质”,全球治理成为推动人类关系“再造”以及人类主体重构的“人类治理”,构建人类公共伦理并推动伦理内化则是全球治理的主要内容以及人类关系重建的组成部分。  相似文献   

公民伦理是公民社会的公民道德原则在学理意义上的扩展性诠释.寻思公民伦理的普适性依据,它需要从人性、人的道德情感及其共同体社会的整体理性架构中得以验证.公民伦理把主体的自由平等、交往的合理性以及社会合作的有效性要求作为构建的取向.因此公民伦理自处于一个可普遍泛化的世界关联系统之中.  相似文献   

城郊失地农民社区既是城市化下的被动“变身”,也是政府主导下的正常“转型”,其生成的特殊性决定了其治理的特殊性.城郊失地农民社区现行的治理组织体系杂乱、公共参与不足、自治基础薄弱,并由此导致了居民的认同感和归属感不强,参与程度不高等一系列问题,这些问题产生的根本原因是良善治理机制缺失、公民精神不足、自组织水平低下、社会资本匮乏.基于此,城郊失地农民社区治理的完善应从三个方面着手:重构治理机制,理顺组织体系;培育公民精神,促进公共参与;重塑社会资本,夯实自治基础.  相似文献   

顾世春 《创新》2018,(3):23-29
新技术引入社会后,在为人们带来福利的同时也时常引起一些伦理问题,而且根据"穆尔律令",随着新技术日益广泛的应用,它们的伦理问题还将增加.实际上,新技术的伦理问题在其研发阶段就蕴含了.为了使输入到社会的新技术符合社会的伦理价值,我们可以在研发阶段对其进行前瞻性的伦理治理.工程师、科学家、管理者和政府官员是前瞻性技术伦理治理的主体,他们可以按照"两阶段"模式进行治理.经过前瞻性的伦理治理,输入社会的新技术将达到伦理可接受和社会满意.  相似文献   

认为大学治理是集政治、科学管理和伦理于一体的复杂问题;伦理是大学治理的底色,认为大学治理需要伦理道德引领.大学治理的伦理建设首先要将"法治—德治—真理—幸福"塑造为大学的伦理价值目标体系;其次,要推进大学治理的主体伦理建设,构建大学内部治理的多元主体治理格局,确立多元治理主体之间的权责统一关系,保证多元主体有效参与大学决策;再次,要加强大学治理的制度伦理建设,将制度建立在公义基础上,促进大学成员的互信与合作;最后,要以关系理性的思维方式建构大学治理的价值规则,在多元价值之外创造通用的、公共的价值,推进大学的公共价值治理.  相似文献   

本文围绕着“克隆人:不可逾越的伦理禁区”这一主题,首先从技术层面阐述了克隆人实验所要面临的无可逾越的伦理难关;然后具体分析了克隆行为是如何损害被克隆者的公民权益的,从而得出禁止克隆人已经成为我们社会的一项新的道德命令的结论;最后从克隆人问题的论争中,引发出对现代化运动的核心价值诉求、公民社会的根本伦理原则以及伦理学在这个史无前例的科技时代中的重要功能和神圣使命等问题的一此理论探索。  相似文献   

保护公民的基本权利乃是国家的伦理职责所在,也是一国宪法的应有之义.然而公民的基本权利并不仅限于宪法明示的条文,还包括可以从宪法推演出来的隐性权利.隐性权利以国家政治伦理为基础.可以通过法律制定、宪法规定、宪法解释和宪法适用等多种途径来实施宪法的隐性权利.  相似文献   

公民伦理是公民社会的公民道德原则在学理意义上的扩展性诠释。寻思公民伦理的普适性依据,它需要从人性、人的道德情感及其共同体社会的整体理性架构中得以验证。公民伦理把主体的自由平等、交往的合理性以及社会合作的有效性要求作为构建的取向。因此公民伦理自处于一个可普遍泛化的世界关联系统之中。  相似文献   

我国网络问政的主要形式及其发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络问政作为连接政府与公众的桥梁,正以其独特的影响力在我国政治社会生活中发挥着重要作用。当前,我国网络问政存在有序的自上而下、无序的自上而下、无序的自下而上和有序的自下而上四种形式。网络作为公民问政的新型载体,其开放性和平等性激发了公民的参与热情,大大降低了公民参与问政的成本,但也表现出代表性不足、参与的非理性、非规范性等弊端。今后,政府需要建立制度规范、提高网络问政领导能力,网民需要培育良好的网络道德、树立公民意识,并通过完善立法、提高技术水平和借鉴国外良好做法等途径来整体提高我国网络问政水平,更好地推动我国民主政治建设。  相似文献   

非政府组织中的公民参与   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着全球化时代的到来,当代西方公民参与面临着民主参与精神和公共领域衰落、公民身份和权利流失、公民共和主义和公民自由主义内在张力等困境,并通过非政府组织平台,实现了进入"生活政治"和"公民治理"的转向.近年来我国非政府组织获得了蓬勃发展,其中的公民参与具有特殊的"中国"意义和取向,因此,积极促进非政府组织中的公民参与,推进"公民治理",就成为中国民主法治进程中重要而持续的社会动力.  相似文献   

助推社区治理,是当前社区教育服务社区建设的重要议题,也是社区教育研究的热点命题。依据治理的基本特征,结合当前我国社区治理实践中存在的问题和困境,本文认为,社区教育应该从提升公众参与的组织化水平、提升居民的社区归属感、培育社区居民的现代公民意识等三个着力点推进社区治理创新。  相似文献   

Increasing interest in participatory budgeting has been observed in local governments around the world. This paper stresses direct citizen participation in the budgeting process leads to good governance, deepens democracy and improves social justice, while also highlighting some challenges in its efficiency and effectiveness. Unlike participatory budgeting, the Sub-borough Chiefs Forum is a community-based representative democratic mechanism; it could be regarded as a form of participatory budgeting in a broad sense. If so, then did the Taipei programme simply duplicate the goals of the Forum or lead to a better governance by making up for the inadequacies of the Chiefs Forum? To find out whether the Taipei participatory budgeting programme made a difference, we carried out qualitative and quantitative comparisons of projects passed under the participatory budgeting process and at the Forum. We also interviewed several participatory budgeting participants and sub-borough chiefs. The findings suggested that participatory budgeting and the Forum generated different proposals and budget requests, and the Taipei programme supplemented the shortcomings of the Forum and therefore led to deeper civic engagement and better urban governance.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,全球治理这一术语开始广泛传播,然而无论是其价值诉求还是政治主张都面临着太多争议。本文对全球治理的结构、过程、合法性和原动力进行理论总结,并对全球治理的规则和机制进行了相关分析。本文认为,全球治理的原动力在于适当地赋予非国家公共权力治理的合法性,以及普通公民对普遍价值和世界主义的学习能力。  相似文献   

While the traditional assumption is residents have more confidence in governments that are closest to them, empirical studies supporting this claim remain limited. In this study, we test the claim that ‘small is beautiful’ by comparing citizen reactions to similar types of decisions affecting Utah residents made by political leaders at different levels of governance. Our primary goal is to test the claim that trust is higher for local governments. Our secondary goal is to examine potential determinants of trust and whether they vary across levels of governance. The central finding from this study is that, despite claims to the contrary, citizens are not necessarily more trusting of government closer to the people and higher levels of government can engender as much trust as more local levels of government. Our findings also emphasize that regardless of the level of governance considered, interrelations exist between residents’ views of procedural justice and trust in these officials.  相似文献   

多学科视角下的社会抗争研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,中国社会抗争的性质、动因和治理问题形成了各具特色又相互关联的研究理路:社会抗争的社会学研究更多地从社会(结构)出发,研究社会结构、社会分层等因素对社会抗争的结构性影响;社会抗争的法学研究更多地从公民(主体)出发,研究公民权利维护和救济以及国家对社会抗争的法治;社会抗争的政治学研究侧重从国家和政府(制度)出发,以抗争政治学为理论范式,关注社会抗争的性质和治理。本文分析了社会抗争研究的三种理论路径,希望社会抗争治理研究上能形成合力。  相似文献   

"Community" has taken on a new significance in Australian social policy discourse. Seemingly sound and morally justifiable, in the context of neo-liberalism the language of community positions non-profit delivery of services as superior to state-provided services. As a consequence, non-profit community services are being centrally positioned to mediate the relationship between the state and citizen subjects. In the first part of this paper we trace some of the key historical developments in Australia's welfare state and patterns of governance that are propelling the non-profit sector from the margins to the centre. The second section examines the relationship between Australia's shifting political landscape and the emerging welfare regime. One key feature of this new regime is the attempt to relocate citizenship away from the domain of the state and into that of civil society. The article concludes by sketching out some research themes, focusing, for example, on the impact of devolution of governance in terms of client rights and public accountability.  相似文献   

The importance of good governance is praised by many academics and practitioners. The prominence of the subject suggests that measurement is important. However, setting out to measure the quality of governance empirically is controversial. Doubts regarding the feasibility and meaningfulness of this undertaking are widespread in the literature. Recognizing the potential caveats, the current article discusses a set of guidelines for structuring a theoretically sound local governance assessment tool based on the Decision Analysis and Operational Research literatures. The authors argue that using a multi-criteria model which employs several objective (quantitative and qualitative) indicators and relies on a participatory method to aggregate them is a suitable way of developing sensible Local Governance Indicators. The purpose here is to provide a detailed roadmap for any country (or region, or locality) willing to engage in the assessment of the quality of local governance. The real-world implementation of a model developed according to these guidelines could help raise awareness, promote good practices and increase the ‘governance literacy’ of citizens. By operationalizing good governance, analysts may also be able to further investigate the relationships between local governance practices and several socio-economic factors.  相似文献   

This study examines citizen participation in agency policy making across levels of governance in the United States, to address the following questions: Do citizens pursuing economic policy goals participate and wield influence in agency policy making differently than do citizens pursuing noneconomic policy goals? Does citizen participation in state policy making differ from that in national policy making? Analysis of policy making and participation in one policy sector, public forest management, suggests that citizens favoring economic (timber) goals participate more, and perceive greater influence, in state agency decisions, while those favoring noneconomic (environmental preservation) goals participate more, and perceive greater influence, in national agency decisions. These differences result from several factors, including legal constraints, agency composition, use outcomes, geographic location of stakeholders, and job mobility.  相似文献   

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