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A conference to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the"Double Learning and Double Emulation"Program was held at the Great Hall of the People on January 29. The conference,hosted by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and the leadership group of the"Double Learning and Double  相似文献   

Family Forum Held in Shenzhen两岸四地家庭论坛在深圳成功举办The two-day family forum, with the theme"Harmonious Families and Beautiful Life,"was recently held in Shenzhen Guangdong Province.The forum was sponsored by the Shenzhen Women's Federation and the Shenzhen Society for the Research of Women's Development.More than 150 experts,scholars, representatives of families and people involved in projects concerning women,from nearly 30 organizations from  相似文献   

Learning English to Welcome Olympics全国妇联机关开展"迎奥运、学英语、从我做起"活动Since its launch on September 14,the activity,with the theme"starting from me and learning English to welcome the Olympics,"has been helping the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF)staff members improve their English.The activity is part of the series of activities under the theme"Bringing English into Millions of Families."The flexible and diverse teaching methods of the ongoing activity have been stimulating participants'interest in learning English and their earnest to be involved in the Olympics.The teachers are from the International Department of the ACWF and the Women's Foreign Language Publications of China.  相似文献   

Welcoming the Olympics with a Healthy Lifestyle节能减排健康生活亲子携手喜迎奥运On September 23,the achievements of the 2007"Double-qualified Family"activity were displayed at the Jingmao International Community in Beijing's Tongzhou District.Gu Xiulian,Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress(NPC)and President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),attended and presented a silk banner to the volunteer families who have participated in the grand series of activities involving environmental construction for the Olympics.The phrase"double-qualified family"refers to a family in which the parents try to be qualified parents,and try to cultivate their children to be qualified people.  相似文献   

Intelligence Project儿基会启动智力扶贫工程The China Children and Teenagers' Fund set up a training center in Chicheng County,Hebei Province,on March 26.It also marked the launch of the Intelligence Project,an initiative aimed at helping poor children attend school.  相似文献   

Activity Launched to Promote Knowledge, Technology,Hygiene in Rural Areas全国妇联"三下乡"活动情暖老区On January 11,2007,a ceremony was held in Zuoquan County,Shanxi Province,by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF)to launch an activity aimed at promoting knowledge, technology and hygiene in rural areas in 2007 to enhance rural women's development.Leaders of the ACWF and local  相似文献   

ACWF President Visits Women's University for Teacher's Day顾秀莲主席慰问中华女子学院教师Leaders from the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF)visited teachers at China Women's University on September 8,two days ahead of Teacher's Day. Gu Xiulian,President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),congratulated the university's teaching staff to mark the special day.She also talked to the school's volunteers,who provided services during the Beijing Olympics."Volunteers made an  相似文献   

Organizations Publicize Laws广泛宣传法律Two laws-the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and the Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China -took effect on January 1, 2008. Recently,the local women's federation,labor bureau and trade union in Guangrao County,Shandong Province, helped publicize the laws in  相似文献   

Fourth Session of Executive Committee of the Ninth National Women's Congress of China Held全国妇联九届四次执委会在北京举行The Fourth Session of the Executive Committee of the Ninth National Women's Congress of China was held in Beijing on December 14-15, 2006. Wang Zhaoguo, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's  相似文献   

Women Cadres in Tibet Receive General Training全国妇联举办地县妇女干部西藏培训班The All-China Women's Federation(ACWF)held a training class for grassroots-level cadres,from local women's federations,in Nyingchi,Tibet,from August 21-25.The aim of the class was to improve the cadres'comprehensive quality and capability.Basang(who uses  相似文献   

ACWF Leaders Visit Ai r Force in Northeast China顾秀莲慰问中国人民解放军驻辽宁部队Gu Xiulian,President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),and Liu Xiaolian ACWF Vice-President,recently visited the air force in Dandong,a city in Northeast China's Liaoning Province. They presented computers,recorders and other gifts to the soldiers on behalf of the ACWF,China Children and Teenagers' Fund,and the China Women's Development Foundation. Gu talked with the local officers and  相似文献   

‘Pink Grand Ceremony'Attracts Women"粉红盛典"吸引新女性Lectures based on the theme"Pink Grand Ceremony Cares for Women"attracted more than 800 women in April.The lectures,held in Qingdao,Shandong Province,were hosted by the women's federation  相似文献   

Presidents of Women's Federations Meet in Beijing全国省区市妇联主席工作会议在京举行The 2007 meeting of the presidents of women's federations,from the provincial and municipal levels,was held in Beijing on June 22.Gu Xiulian,Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),spoke at the meeting.The meeting was hosted by Huang Qingyi,Vice-  相似文献   

New ACWF President Guides Women's Work in Central China全国妇联主席陈至立赴安徽调研The development of women's cause should keep pace with the progress of the economy and society,Chen Zhili, recently elected President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),said during  相似文献   

Art Festival for Seniors,Middle-aged中老年艺术节新闻发布会在京举行An art festival for seniors and the middle-aged in China will be held in December 2008 in Shenzhen,a city in southeastern China's Guangdong Province. A news conference,to announce the art festival,was held in Beijing on October 7.That date,he ninth day of the ninth  相似文献   

Contributing Love to AIDS-orphaned Children"12·1"关注孤儿万户爱心家庭公益行动在云南启动The All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China and the State Council H(?)V/A(?)DS Working Committee Office(SCAWCO)launched,in Kunming,Yunnan Province,on November 25,2006,an activity to raise people's concern for children left orphaned by AIDS.  相似文献   

'Warm China 12.1' Program Launched关爱艾滋病致孤儿童Gu Xiulian,President of the All-China Women's Federation,and Wang Jianzhou, President of China Mobile,launch"Warm China 12.1"in Beijing on July 4.The purpose of the program is to provide care to children left orphaned by AIDS全国妇联主席顾秀莲和中国移动通信集团公司总裁王建宙共同点燃小桔灯,正式启动项目The"Warm China 12.1"program, implemented by the Legal Affairs Department of the All-China Women's  相似文献   

Gu Urges Construction of Houses顾秀莲:给受灾的同胞们一个温暖的家Gu Xiulian,President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF), met Zhang Yan,President of the Mianzhu Municipal Women's Federation, and Zhong Xiaoqin,a female representative of the Women's Federation of Shifang,in Beijing on May 26.Mianzhu and Shifang were two of the cities  相似文献   

Launching Women's Programs,Columns河南南阳市妇联携手媒体开辟四大栏目"We are finally able to calm down and begin to solve our problem;""Their stories help me to understand that one cannot wait and be dependent in the face of adversity,but should strive;""We finally have a place of our own to speak out;""If my husband beats me again,I can come to the women's federation and use the law."All of  相似文献   

Symposium on Women's Rights and Gender Awareness Held in Hainan妇女人权与社会性别高层研修班在海南举办To enhance efforts to protect women's rights and interests in China,a senior-level symposium on women's rights and gender awareness was held in Haikou,Hainan  相似文献   

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