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郑州市救助保护流浪少年儿童中心(以下简称中心)作为民政部与联合国儿童基金会合作项目执行单位,自2001年合作项目开展以来,在流浪儿童救助保护的基本模式方面进行了大胆的探索和创新,形成了独具特色的、深受流浪儿童欢迎和喜爱的"郑州模式":以救助保护流浪少年儿童中心为依托,以"全天候街头救助点"(固定点和流动车)为纽带,以"类家庭"和"家庭寄养"为途径,以"技能培训"为手段,坚持跟踪回访,注重调查研究,开展与高校社工师生合作,强化社区预防,提供网络服务,定期总结评估,构筑综合性、功能全的全方位流浪儿童救助保护网络。以达到救助一名流浪儿童,回归主流社会一个健康人的目的。  相似文献   

三年来,在苏州市委、市政府的直接领导下,苏州市救助管理站暨流浪儿童保护教育中心,扎实有效地开展着救助管理工作,逐步建立起市、县(区)、街道、社区四级救助工作网络,为受助人员提供了人性化的救助服务,尤其在救治“流浪乞讨病人”、教育流浪儿童和安置救助对象等方面成效显著。截至  相似文献   

越南流浪儿童的救助保护工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为借鉴国际社会开展流浪儿童救助保护的先进管理理论和成功经验,推进我国流浪儿童救助保护工作机制尤其是流浪儿童的职业培训工作的健康发展和完善提高,在联合国儿童基金会的安排和支持下,2003年9月9日至16日,民政部社会福利和社会事务司组团,由河南省郑州市、湖南省长沙市、天津市等3个项目单位的  相似文献   

通过对泰州市救助管理站三年内登记救助的流浪未成年人进行分析归类,流浪未成年人大致分为四类:贫困型流浪、教育问题型流浪、家庭问题型流浪、主动型流浪。在心理救助过程中,可以根据情况选择运用提供社会支持、改变不良行为习惯、改变不良的认知以及同伴之间相互学习等方法对流浪儿童进行心理救助。  相似文献   

本文在嵌入式发展的视角下,通过对现有的流浪儿童社会救助体系进行深入地了解和分析,探讨在政府主导下社会工作机构及社会工作者在流浪儿童救助流程中的角色和存在的症结,分析广州市社会工作机构与政府组织相互嵌入的现实问题,提出嵌入式发展视角下的流浪儿童救助体系流程再造,从而促使形成一个新的整体救助网络。  相似文献   

2003年8月1日《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》的实施,标志着中国政府正式废除了强制性收容遣送制度,建立起自愿性社会救助制度,标志着中国儿童福利服务对象由传统的孤  相似文献   

目前中国流浪儿童问题突出,中国将在立法方面加强对流浪儿童的救助管理。流浪儿童作为社会特殊群体,它的救助、保护和管理一直受到国内外社会的广泛关注。据了解,中国自2003年开始实施对《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理  相似文献   

怎样使流浪儿童回归主流社会,融入到正常儿童群体中,是从事流浪儿童救助工作者迫切需要探索的课题。作为给予他们提供服务和支持的工作人员,如果我们通过正确社工理念、社工理论和社工方法的引导,  相似文献   

目前,我国绝大多数流浪儿童救助机构都能满足流浪儿童的基本救助需求,但对流浪儿童更需要的心理辅导、社会适应、教育培训、能力提升等方面的需求有所缺失。本文以广州市为例,从优势视角出发,探讨如何运用社会工作方法健全流浪儿童救助模式,以帮助流浪儿童正确认识自身的潜能优势、提升自我适应发展能力,进而真正回归社会,实现社会和谐。  相似文献   

加强社会福利和救助管理机构基础设施建设,是加强民政事业单位建设的重要内容,是做好社会福利和救助管理工作的必要条件.在国家发改委的重视支持下,儿童福利机构建设和流浪未成年人救助保护体系建设项目己纳入国家"十一五"规划,并于今年开始正式实施.  相似文献   

根据笔者的调查,流浪少年儿童流浪期间生活没有保障,有65%的流浪少年儿童曾经受到过欺负,有30.1%的流浪少年儿童曾经被人诱劝加入组织。所以,必须对流浪少年儿童实施主动救助。郑州大学社会工作专业的大学生志愿者将外展社会工作方法应用于流浪少年儿童的救助与保护,大力开展街头巡回救助,同时吸收已经接受救助的流浪少年儿童参与进来,协助外展社会工作者发现和帮助还在街头流浪的少年儿童,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Most HIV-infected parents in Stockholm are of African origin. Many of them have several children, but their social network is often limited. This article looks at the networks of these families in relation to different aspects of HIV in order to improve the support strategies. The theoretical basis of the study rests on network and ecological systems theory. The social networks of the families in the study were found to be generally of similar size in Sweden and in the home country. However, of 47 HIV-infected parents only 21 (45%) had disclosed their HIV status to friends and relatives in Sweden. The lack of a social network was especially prominent among single women. Contact with counsellors at the HIV clinic and the social welfare office increased the probability of disclosure about HIV infection. The lack of knowledge about HIV transmission and about whom to inform about the infection stresses the importance of improved counselling. The support strategies aimed at broadening the patient's network and breaking their isolation need to be continued and strengthened.  相似文献   

姜春艳 《社会工作》2009,(22):21-23
我国的流浪儿童数量呈上趋势。但目前的救助多从矫正流浪儿童的偏差行为入手,以遣送回家为最终目的,并没有真正保护儿童的切身利益。笔者通过在南京流浪儿童保护中心的实证案例调查,用ERG需求理论和优点视角进行分析,从而提出了中心可以开展的新服务,包括对原生家庭的关注和儿童本身的培训等,力图对南京流浪儿童保护中心的实际工作有所帮助和借鉴。  相似文献   

杨竹  陈鹏  章祖平 《社会工作》2011,(6):53-56,88
随着我国廉租住房保障制度的实施,廉租住房住户作为一个特定聚居群体逐渐形成,完善的社会支持网络是他们维持日常生活、应对危机的重要保证。廉租住房住户社会支持网主要由非正式支持构成,在经济困难解决、情感宣泄和社交支持三方面起着重要作用,但该群体社会支持网较脆弱,网络规模小、结构单一,部分住户甚至缺乏基本的社会支持。这样的社会支持网现状难以有效地化解日后生活过程中可能遭遇的生活危机与困难,这既无益于个体生活状况的安定,也无益于社会秩序的稳定。因此,本文尝试提出廉租住房住户社会支持网络的建构策略,即以社区为平台,以社区服务组织和社区工作者为依托,以赋权理念为指引,以廉租住房住户需求为基础来帮助他们建构多类型、多主体介入的社会支持网络。  相似文献   

This paper adopts a qualitative case study on the generalist service delivery model of I‐Care, a Durban‐based non‐governmental organization that works with male street children. Fifteen face‐to‐face interviews were conducted with 10 I‐Care employees and 5 former street children. A focus group was set up with I‐Care employees. Although existing literature is forthright about a generalist approach for children at risk, it remains unclear how to implement this approach in practice. This paper reviews a continuity of 5 fundamental social work practices for working with street children: (a) outreach work, (b) child–family and child–community mediation, (c) transitory care centres and programmes, (d) brokerage, and (e) mentorship and follow‐ups. The study analyses how these practices contribute to the capability and agency expansion of the street children and outlines challenges that service providers and former street children experience. The main challenges acknowledged are balancing between the agency and protection of street children and the adaptation of children to street life. The study proposes intervention strategies to overcome these challenges.  相似文献   

This study examined the stability and coherence of African‐American children's social support networks. Participants included a total of 106 3‐ to 4‐year‐old children attending Head Start centers located in the southeast. Children completed a social network interview in two consecutive years at the Head Start centers. These interviews tapped multiple dimensions of the support network including social embeddedness, proportion of the network providing support, and perceived support. Analyses focused on both the rank‐order stability of children with respect to network characteristics as well as stability of network relationships (the same individuals included in the network at both time periods). Results indicated age‐related increases in network size for adult and child categories, network size across three support domains, proportion of support scores, and perceived support from adults. In addition to age‐related changes, analyses revealed considerable rank‐order stability with respect to structural network dimensions, but very little rank‐order stability in proportion of support and perceived support scores. In contrast, both structural and supportive components of the children's networks were shown to be coherent over a one‐year period when specific network member relationships were examined. Discussion highlights both continuities and discontinuities in young children's social networks, and how data obtained in this study contribute to theory building and the systematic examination of African‐American children's emerging social networks.  相似文献   

程福财 《社会》2009,29(5):168-186
流浪儿童现象是一个普世性的问题。本研究通过对上海火车站地区49名流浪儿童的民族志调查发现,流浪儿童问题的生成主要是由社会转型过程的家庭功能失调、从农村到城市的人口流动和儿童对自主童年的追求等因素造成的。这些因素的存在,使得社会文化已确定的规范性儿童照顾模式与儿童的实际生活条件之间产生明显的断裂,进而迫使儿童外出流浪以寻找替代性的生存机会。  相似文献   

我国政府历来重视对流浪儿童的救助保护,也取得了相当的成绩,但该领域的政策体系尚存缺陷与不足,难以满足社会发展的需要。立足现实,从社会政策的视角,探究流浪儿童救助保护政策的现状,并提出有关对策建议,以期建立健全该领域的社会政策框架。  相似文献   

Little is known about the buffering role of social support among orphans living in Africa. This study examined (1) how perceived social support (PSS) varied across orphan‐related characteristics (e.g., orphan status, such as single, maternal or paternal, and their living environments, such as in child‐headed households, on the street, in an orphanage or in a foster home) and (2) the relative importance of sources of PSS (relatives/community/adults and peers) and functional social support (emotional/informational/instrumental and social) and its association with emotional well‐being and mental distress. The participants included 430 orphaned Rwandan children and youth aged between 10 and 25 years (Mean age = 17.74), of whom (n = 179, 41.6%) were females and (n = 251, 58.4%) were males. Result showed that children living in an orphanage exhibited a higher level of PSS from all sources of social support than did children in other living environments. A higher level of PSS from relatives, communities and adults was associated with high level of emotional well‐being, and only adult support was associated with low level of mental distress. Furthermore, the functional PSS indicated that emotional support and companionship support were equally important in their association with higher levels of emotional well‐being and lower levels of mental distress. The findings highlight the importance of having different sources of social support and their functions in relation to psychosocial well‐being.  相似文献   

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