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我国人口老龄化问题严峻,人口红利消失,劳动力供给出现短缺,延迟退休政策被提上议程,老年人的人力资源再开发成为缓解社会压力的良策.从劳动力市场的供给方——低龄老年人、劳动力市场的需求方——用人单位两个角度出发,运用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方式,借鉴CHARLES数据库设计问卷,对北京、天津、济南三地展开调研,发现超四成低龄老年人有意愿再就业,再就业意愿与年龄、累计工龄为负相关关系,与经济压力、退休前年薪、健康状况和社会适应性等为正相关关系.再就业的低龄老年人中,普遍存在渠道狭隘、待遇降低、保障不健全等问题.此外,老年劳动力市场的供需并不匹配,企业对老年劳动力的需求远低于供给.  相似文献   

唐钧 《社会工作》2021,(2):1-10
当前中国老年服务的问题可谓纷繁复杂,而其中最主要的影响因素应该是对于老年服务发展的思路不清晰.本文研究发现,机构服务初衷是老年照护专业化,机构服务的市场当以民营为主,要寻求资本与民营机构的合作共赢,才是中国老年照护机构的发展思路.在此过程中,应强化机构对失能老年人的长期照护,转变照护服务伺候"老人"的传统观念,大力培养...  相似文献   

组织实施好劳动力再就业工程是关系改革、发展、稳定的全局性大事 ,因此 ,必须更新就业观念 ,实现市场就业及多渠道就业 ;必须增加劳务输出 ,实行灵活的就业制度 ;必须启动经济增长 ,以从根本上解决下岗职工的再就业问题。同时 ,要健全制度 ,完善政策 ,推进再就业工程的顺利实施  相似文献   

英国:公医制公医制由政府主办,包括财源筹措与照护的提供。1990年,英国颁布《全民健康服务与社区照顾法案》,由中央授权给地方政府主导和负责社区照顾,并鼓励民间机构提供更多的老年人服务。现已建成分工明确、条理清晰的老年照护体系。在财源筹措方面,以税收财源为主,占64%,私人财源占36%;基本原则为"残补原则",强调资产调查;照护方案包括国民健康服务和个人社会服务。长期照护以社区及居家照护为主,占86%,机构式照护占14%。总体而言,国家健康照护体制是由上而下,中央政府高度介入资源  相似文献   

由于经济和社会发展水平、所有制结构、产业结构和其他因素的影响 ,黑龙江省在下岗再就业问题上与广东等沿海省份相比具有明显的差异性。必须从发展经济、完善市场和发展社区等几个方面合力推进 ,逐步化解就业矛盾 ,真正促使黑龙江再就业工作取得明显的进展  相似文献   

龚文娟 《社会》2007,27(3):156-156
本文通过对湖北省武汉、荆州、洪湖三个地区973名失业者的调查,描述了失业者的再就业行为的基本状况,并运用高级统计方法分析了影响失业者再就业行为的主要因素。研究发现:失业者再就业态度积极,但多数人从事着社会地位低、无稳定性的非正式职业或自雇职业;个体的社会特征因素对失业者再就业行为的影响显著,而再就业意愿对再就业行为的影响不显著。所以,本文不支持失业者由于就业期望过高而制约其再就业的看法。  相似文献   

高职毕业生是人力资源市场的高技能人群,其人力资本价值对中小城市经济发展和社会进步具有积极促进作用。该文以江苏省淮安市为例,通过问卷调研并建立Logistic回归模型,实证分析淮安市高职院校大学生本地就业意愿及影响因素,同时针对个人、家庭、经济、社会以及产业等方面存在的阻碍高职大学生本地就业的因素,提出了相应对策,包括:通过主导产业带动,提升本地就业吸引力;改善社会环境,优化高技能人才吸引政策;政校企协同,强化人才政策宣传和落地实施等。  相似文献   

面对老年人口快速增长,社会养老服务需求急剧增加的严峻形势,内蒙古自治区党委、政府加大了养老服务体系建设力度。各盟市相继建成了以供养城镇"三无"人员养老为主的综合福利园区,建设床位4212张;81个旗县(市、区)建成了综合社会福利中心,建设床位5992张;全面推进盟市、旗县老年养护院建设,重点为贫困、高龄、失能和半失能老年人提供养老服务;新建478个社区老年人日间照料中心,建设床位9560张;大力推广乌兰察不市"集中居住,分户生活,自治管理,互助服务"的农村牧区互助养老幸福院建设模式,  相似文献   

席明  李红梅  石光乾 《社科纵横》2008,23(6):146-148
高职高专大学毕业生的就业现状与存在的问题是整个社会经济发展过程中的一部分,是实现中国由人口大国向人力资源强国迈进的一个关键环节.甘肃省高职高专大学生就业问题表现为就业结构性矛盾突出;社会对高职高专大学生认投炔桓?就业市场"人才高消费"现象的影响;学校整体办学定位与省内社会经济发展不相适应;对毕业生就业指导与服务工作的相对缺失;大学生就业观念普遍存在偏差等原因.  相似文献   

充分就业内涵剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"充分就业"概念,仅从宏观的角度理解充分就业的内涵是不全面的.它应包含三个层面:个体、微观与宏观.个体中的充分就业是指劳动者与劳动相关的个体特质与工作岗位相匹配,劳动者在其工作岗位上能充分发挥自己的能力和作用,实现个人效用最大化的就业状态.微观中的充分就业是以一个组织为研究对象,通过人力资源配置,使之与组织内部的诸生产要素能有机地结合在一起,以实现组织利润最大化目标的就业状态.劳动者宏观中的充分就业是指所有有愿意并有能力工作的劳动者都能获得与之相适应的社会劳动岗位.  相似文献   

李连芬 《创新》2016,(4):112-120
在新经济常态背景下,随着人口老龄化程度不断加深,我国财政支出将面临越来越大的挑战,发展养老产业将成为我国应对人口老龄化问题的必然选择。养老产业的发展有利于减轻政府负担,提高老年人生活质量,促进产业调整,缓解就业压力。我国的养老市场规模庞大,并且供不应求,政府高度关注养老产业,为我国大力发展养老产业提供了可行性。但是,尽管目前"保险系""央企系""房企系"等社会资本已经注入,养老产业仍然存在着政府的引导和支持力度不足,缺乏专业人才,相关产业整合难度大,国民养老观念落后等问题。因此,我国应尽快完善相关政策以加强引导和扶持的力度,积极调动社会资源使投资主体多元化,加强养老产业人才队伍建设,加快转变养老观念。  相似文献   

Employment is a crucial avenue through which young people with disability can experience material wellbeing and social participation. While the low employment rates of young people with disability are well established, little is known about the stability of employment status – that is, the degree to which individuals remain in or move in and out of employment. This article uses longitudinal data from a large Australian national data set to investigate the transitions between full‐time, part‐time and non‐employment for young people with and without disability. Considerable mobility was found between employment states for both young people with and without disability, with young people with disability more likely than their peers without disability to transition to reduced levels of employment and less likely to transition to increased levels of employment. Social background and contextual factors predicted employment for young people with disability; however, disability represented an additional penalty even after taking these factors into account. Findings suggest a need for social policy targeted specifically towards the barriers to maintaining and increasing employment experienced by young people with disability.  相似文献   

Americans stereotype elderly people as warm and incompetent, following from perceptions of them as noncompetitive and low status, respectively. This article extends existing research regarding stereotyping of older people in two ways. First, we discuss whether the mixed elderly stereotype is unique to American culture. Data from six non-U.S. countries, including three collectivist cultures, demonstrate elderly stereotypes are consistent across varied cultures. Second, we investigate the persistence of the evaluatively -mixed nature of the elderly stereotype. In an experiment, 55 college students rated less competent elderly targets (stereotype-consistent) as warmer than more competent (stereotype-inconsistent) and control elderly targets. We also discuss the type of discrimination—social exclusion—that elderly people often endure.  相似文献   

建国初期的失业压力引发了北京市劳动就业制度的变革,并最终建立起统一的劳动力介绍和招聘制度,从根本上解决了失业问题,提高了私营企业职工的政治和经济地位。这一变革在客观上推动了私营工商业社会主义改造的实现,但也对后来的经济发展产生了不利影响。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本,现阶段总体就业形势严峻。随着高校的大规模扩招,毕业生总体供大于求。大学生就业难仅仅是一般劳动就业问题,女大学生就业难除了劳动就业问题以外,还附带有劳动力市场上的性别歧视问题。本文首先对女大学生的现状进行分析,然后对女大学生就业难提出具体有针对性的对策,以便消除女大学生就业中的"性别歧视",实现男女大学生的平等就业,充分发挥女性人力资源的重要作用。  相似文献   

Young people tend to bear the brunt of adverse employment consequences of a crisis due mainly to the precarious nature of their job and their over-representation among jobseekers who are having to find employment when jobs are scarce. Using quarterly welfare payment data for the period 2019–2021 from the Department of Social Services, we noted a marked increase in the percentage of 16- to 21-year-olds who received youth allowance (other) payments. While a greater proportion of Indigenous youth than non-Indigenous youth received the payments from 2019 to 2021, the gap widened following the outbreak of the pandemic. Further, applying regression analysis to data from the 2019 and 2020 waves of the 2015 Cohort of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Youth (LSAY), we find no statistically significant change in individual-level labour force status between 2019 and 2020. However, pandemic-induced labour market crises appear to have been associated with reduced work hours, heightened career concerns and sustained nonemployment, where potential impacts are larger among traditionally vulnerable youth groups such as female, Indigenous and overseas-born young persons. The study highlights the need for recognising the intersectionality of youth and other forms of identity (such as gender, Indigenous status and nativity) while designing labour market policies.  相似文献   

推迟退休年龄是应对人口老龄化的重要措施.利用第六次人口普查汇总数据,以40岁为年龄起点分析从中年到老年就业参与状况,并结合"五普"数据运用队列分析方法探讨老年人口就业状况的变化轨迹.结果显示,在法定退休年龄处,人口在业比例有一个明显的下降梯度,但法定退休年龄对老年群体的就业行为影响程度存在明显的城乡差异.城镇人口在业比例在50-60岁间明显下降,而农村人口在业比例下降则发生在60岁以后.此外,在业老年人口中超过80%为农村老年劳动力.虽然当前在农村地区并未实行退休制度,但农村养老金的发放以退休年龄为起点,因此,在调整退休年龄时需要特别关注农村老人,避免养老金的延迟发放使其陷入贫困和老无所依.  相似文献   

An employment survey among people in Toronto who left Ontario Works — a classic "work-first" regime — shows clear secondary labour market status. Most interventions typical of work-first programmes did not have a positive effect on job quality: contrary to the "stepping stones" theory that poor initial jobs lead to better jobs, those who changed jobs after leaving assistance experienced poorer job quality. A shift in orientation to "sustainable employment" is required to address the employment needs of those on social assistance. Policy must also address the fact that the social assistance caseload includes a size able group that face significant barriers to employment other than education or skills.  相似文献   

刘文勇 《求是学刊》2007,34(6):82-87
自从2002年中央明确提出振兴东北老工业基地以来,解决产业结构调整、升级与就业问题之间的矛盾成为必须要解决的"瓶颈性"障碍。本文将老工业基地就业问题基于经济增长与结构调整的背景之下进行了探讨,明确总结了现阶段黑龙江省的三次产业以及工业内部的就业结构性特征,并结合国外典型就业特征的分析,提出了促进黑龙江省就业水平提升的对策建议。  相似文献   

Policies that encourage the aspirations of disabled people for mainstream employment might be an effective way to increase their workforce participation rate. This study aims to determine which people in sheltered employment aspire to a job beyond their current sheltered employment job. We asked 64 people with sheltered employment jobs about their workplace and job fit, their intentions to stay in their current job and their future job aspirations. The key finding is that perceptions of fit indirectly and adversely affect aspirations via intention to stay. Participants who felt they fitted planned to keep working at their sheltered workplace, but a stronger intention to stay made it less likely that they could identify an alternative to sheltered employment. These results were not influenced by age or the time spent in sheltered employment. Policy should therefore support people in sheltered employment to develop realistic job aspirations. Helping disabled people to identify opportunities beyond sheltered employment can avoid complacency and free up sheltered job opportunities for other disabled people. But policy changes are required to leverage sheltered employment as a first step for disabled people to develop mainstream job aspirations and facilitate transitioning beyond sheltered employment job options.  相似文献   

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