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张品 《社会工作》2011,(24):87-90
在教育成为居住的配套设施和基础教育资源分布不均衡的情况下,中国政府颁布了"就近入学"的教育政策,重点校就学范围内的房屋便成了学区房。学区房是教育政策、教育需求者、教育配置、市场等多种力量共同作用形成的一种社会空间,呈片状分散于城市中,其中居住的大多是以孩子就学为目的的家庭。学区房与教育资源配置密切相关,它的出现加剧了教育资源分配不平等,引起"人户分离",同时也缓解了老城社区衰落。  相似文献   

张品 《社会工作》2011,(12):87-90
在教育成为居住的配套设施和基础教育资源分布不均衡的情况下,中国政府颁布了"就近入学"的教育政策,重点校就学范围内的房屋便成了学区房。学区房是教育政策、教育需求者、教育配置、市场等多种力量共同作用形成的一种社会空间,呈片状分散于城市中,其中居住的大多是以孩子就学为目的的家庭。学区房与教育资源配置密切相关,它的出现加剧了教育资源分配不平等,引起"人户分离",同时也缓解了老城社区衰落。  相似文献   

张品 《社会工作》2011,(6):75-78
城市空间包括地理空间、社会空间、经济空间,教育在这三种城市空间的建构中发挥着巨大作用。教育塑造特殊的地理空间并牵引地理空间拓展;教育创造了独特的居住空间并加剧空间分异;教育生产了商业空间和产业空间。从教育的视野解读城市空间的变迁是研究城市空间变迁的新思路。  相似文献   

张品 《社会工作》2011,(3):75-78
城市空间包括地理空间、社会空间、经济空间,教育在这三种城市空间的建构中发挥着巨大作用.教育塑造特殊的地理空间并牵引地理空间拓展;教育创造了独特的居住空间并加剧空间分异;教育生产了商业空间和产业空间.从教育的视野解读城市空间的变迁是研究城市空间变迁的新思路.  相似文献   

义务教育资源的合理配置,对开发区的社会、经济、交通、城市化发展推动作用显著。城市开发区因为具有城市新区的性质,需要政府全面建设开发区区域内以教育资源为代表的城市公共服务设施。合理规划、在开发区设立教育行政部门、根据入住人口适时调整教育资源布局,使教育与经济相协调,才能促进开发区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的发展,城市居住空间的分异越来越明显。本文以问卷调查的方式,收集整理了天津城市居民住房情况的信息资料,运用SPSS统计分析软件对这些信息进行了分析,将影响天津城市居住空间的因素分成性别、年龄、户籍、婚姻状况、受教育程度、个人月收入、家庭月收入等七类。分别阐述了这七类因子与居住空间分异的差异关系,揭示了正在不断加剧的大城市居住空间分异现象,思考大城市摆脱居住分异的对策。  相似文献   

大力发展社区教育是提升市民素质和建设学习型城市的重要途径。中心城市拥有丰富的社区教育资源,如何对这些资源进行有效地开发、利用,整合与优化,以促进社区教育的发展,本文结合广州社区教育发展进行总结分析,进而提出了中心城市社区教育资源的整合与优化的一系列途径。  相似文献   

在城市化进程中,城市人口的增加和城市产业结构的改变都对教育资源的配置、教育结构的调整提出了新的要求,而在农村,由于生态移民、劳务输出及劳务移民、教育移民等活动造成农村居民大规模流动导致生源逐步萎缩,教育规模逐步缩小。研究探索城市化进程中统筹城乡教育协调发展、合理配置教育资源,为城乡居民提供优质教育,对促进经济社会和谐发展、提高全体国民素质具有重要的现实意义。本文以宁夏为研究对象,总结分析了城乡教育发展现状、未来发展趋势和社会需求,提出了统筹城乡教育协调发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

在居住郊区化的背景下,广州城市人口空间分布与以往有了很大的不同,这种不同最直观表现在城市人口内部迁居行为上。文章通过问卷调查方法,对当前广州城市内部迁居意愿的空间特征、影响因素等进行了研究,发现广州居住郊区化仍处于初级阶段,并针对在广州居住郊区化进程中出现的问题提出一些针对性的建议。  相似文献   

上海城市居住空间分异的社会学研究*   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
杨上广  王春兰 《社会》2006,26(6):117-117
随着中国社会经济转型,当前中国大城市居住空间正呈现重构与分异的演变趋势。本文以上海为例,首先,分析了上海商品住宅的空间分异格局及成因;其次,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面分析了上海居住空间分异的态势;然后,探讨了城市居住空间分异的社会效应;最后,对当前中国大城市居住空间分异与重构的演变态势进行一定的思考。  相似文献   

This paper documents the views of a sample of 80 children and young people, aged 10–18 years, living in foster and residential care placements in England, regarding their educational experience whilst being looked after. The children were interviewed as part of an ongoing evaluation of the Taking Care of Education project, a development programme designed to facilitate improvements in the education of looked after children, co‐ordinated by the National Children's Bureau and funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. Interviews with the sample asked children to assess their current educational progress and identify individuals who supported or hindered their education, as well as the availability of educational support in care placements. Teaching staff were frequently mentioned as providers of support, whilst social workers were often associated with hindering educational progress. Children and young people had access to a range of educational supports in care placements, and these were more widely available in residential settings than in foster care. Children offered a range of pertinent suggestions as to how the educational experience of those in the public care system might be improved.  相似文献   

李贞  李燕 《创新》2009,3(3)
农村义务教育落后是我国长期存在的问题,一个重要原因是城乡教育资源配置不合理,无法切实保障农村地区义务教育事业的发展。这种二元化的教育结构已经影响到中国人口的教育质量,社会的公平与协调发展。农村税费改革后,原有的收费取消了,新的资金来源缺乏保证,城乡义务教育差距有进一步拉大的风险。积极有效地配置财政教育经费,有利于保证农村义务教育资金,提高农村教师的经济地位,改善农村义务教育水平,使城乡义务教育均衡发展。  相似文献   

西部地区农村城镇化与人居环境建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李富荣  张萍 《唐都学刊》2005,21(2):76-79
西部地区农村城镇人口和乡村工业的过度集中以及对自然资源开发强度的日益加大,使污染物排放量急剧增长,生态环境遭到破坏,农村城镇人居环境不断恶化。人居环境的恶化反过来又限制了西部农村经济的发展。因此,通过树立新的发展观、城镇规划要注意对生态环境的保护、开展农村城镇居民绿色住宅工程、发展生态农业和环保产业等措施,以良好的农村城镇人居环境推动西部地区经济的持续、协调和稳步发展。  相似文献   

In this study we assess child poverty in South Africa by estimating multivariate models using household-survey microdata from 1995. The applied poverty line defines children as poor if they live in households with a disposable per capita income less than US$1 Purchasing Power Parity. In South Africa, people living under such income conditions must be considered extremely poor. The results show that children living in South Africa face a risk of being poor comparable to that of the average world inhabitant. Child poverty in South Africa is an issue with strong racial connotations. Large variations in child poverty rates across provinces are found and most of South Africa's poor children live in rural areas. The educational level of household head is a strong predictor of child poverty. The probability of child poverty is vigorously reduced if a household receives wage earnings, but is affected by households' demographic structure.  相似文献   

朱桂莲 《唐都学刊》2005,21(4):49-52
以孔子为代表的先秦儒家学者提出的以“德治”为手段,构建“仁者治国、老少安怀”的社会政治目标和以“君子”、“圣人”为标准,构建“道德教化”与“自我修身”相结合的人才培养目标模式及以人性的善恶程度的不同为依据,提出思想道德教育目标的分层理论等思想道德教育目标理论,对我国的当代思想道德教育的目标理论研究具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

Professions that provide services to people with disabilities typically do so from a clinical perspective. Yet evidence on the exercise of clinical judgment raises a number of questions about its influence. Other factors such as economics, bureaucratic exigency, politics, service traditions, and societal prejudice may render reliance on clinical judgment little more than a mythology. This paper examines the status of clinical judgment in two areas of policy and practice, namely, placement of students in special education settings, and residential placements and programs for people with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

To examine geographic variation in labour force participation rate (LFPR) of working‐age people with disability in Australia and associated factors. This study uses Australian Census 2016 data at Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) and engages multiple linear regression to explore the relationship between the dependent variable,= LFPR of people with disability, and diverse independent variables that reflect collective characteristics of people with disability and their non‐disabled peers within SA2. While LFPRs for people with disability varied greatly by SA2, people with disability had considerably lower LFPR than their non‐disabled peers in all areas. The LFPRs tended to be higher in SA2s with higher percentages of people with disability who had completed year 12 or gained post‐school education, with higher household income, and where a higher proportion of people with disability mainly spoke English at home. These results indicate that where people live matters. Geographic variation in LFPR for people with disability is associated with geographic variation in their educational attainment and other social and community characteristics of the areas in which they live. This study contributes towards gaining a more sophisticated and nuanced understanding of the factors that influence LFPR of people with disability in relation to their local community environment.  相似文献   

Data from the total urban population 75 years and older in Kungsholmen, Stockholm were used to calculate the distribution of home help services. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information about education, occupation, living conditions, Katz Activities of Daily Living Scale, contact with the family, medical treatment and also questions about help needed and functional ability. Home help was considered to be provided when the subjects reported receiving home help service from the municipality. The number of hours of home help and the services received were registered. The results show that 86% of the elderly population in the Municipality of Kungsholmen live in their own homes, even when they are very old. Twenty-seven percent of those over 74 years and 33% of those over 80 years received home help services. The people receiving help were mostly women, single living, older and with disability detected by the Katz Activities of Daily Living Scale. The predicting factors of hours of home help are older age, condition of single living, disability detected by the Katz Activities of Daily Living Scale and less years of education. Our results also show that, among those who receive home help service, those with disability in the activities of daily living get more hours of help. However, a considerable group of elderly people are disabled but do not receive any home help. Our data stress the need for more attention by health care planners of domiciliary and intensive care and residential facilities for the high risk population (very old, living alone and with disability).  相似文献   

我国高教园区教育资源的整合与共享——以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高教园区是随着我国高等教育的快速发展而产生的新事物,建设高教园区的目的是拓展高等教育的发展空间,整合高校资源,降低办学成本,提高办学效益。然而,通过对江苏省12座地级市的11个高教园区及12所高校新校区的教学资源配置及利用状况的调查表明,高校虽然建在了一起,但教学资源的整合、利用与共享的目标尚未实现。基于此,应成立专门的组织协调机构,制定切实可行的规章制度,在体育场馆、图书文献资源和实验室设备上加大整合力度,为培养高素质、高质量人才全面实现资源共享。  相似文献   

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