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在从传统向现代社会过渡的转型过程中,农村社会的家庭关系出现了一系列的变化,家庭关系的主轴已经发生了从父子轴向夫妻轴的重大转变,以情感为基础的夫妻之间的亲密关系已成为现代家庭成立的基础。农村家庭关系的另一个重大转变是婆媳之间共同谱写着一首协奏曲,婆婆通过观念的变革与担当二度母亲来获得晚年的赡养资源,而媳妇则为了留守在家里的孩子得到好的照顾而与婆婆建立和谐的关系。  相似文献   

夫妻权力模式与女性家庭地位满意度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐安琪 《浙江学刊》2004,(2):208-213
第二期中国妇女社会地位调查资料显示,农村家庭丈夫拥有更多实权的为最多,而城市平权型家庭为最多;九成以上男女都对自己的家庭地位感到很满意或较满意,但妻子的满意度低于丈夫.对夫妻权力模式与女性家庭地位满意度的关系及其影响因素的路径分析结果显示:资源假说、文化规范论、相对的爱和需要理论都在夫妻权力影响因素的回归模型中有一定的解释力.但个人拥有实权仅对妻子的家庭地位满意度有微弱影响,而被访者对家务分工和婚姻是否满意是最重要的家庭地位满意度的预测指标,夫妻沟通时不被对方所尊重、配偶动手打人与家庭地位满意度呈负相关,并在妻子模型中有更强的解释力.  相似文献   

本文根据文献研究构建了农村夫妻教育背景特征、妇女家庭权力束、妇女家庭地位满意度等三个构面.分析了农村夫妻教育背景对妇女家庭权力行为(客观)和妇女家庭地位满意度(主观)的直接或间接关系程度.通过对荆门市某村典型调查,主要研究结论:教育背景对农村妇女家庭权力结构和妇女家庭地位意度有直接影响;妇女家庭分工权力普遍直接影响妇女家庭地位满意度,生育权直接影响妇女受尊重的满意度.夫妻教育背景对妇女家庭权力与妇女家庭满意度有明显问接影响.  相似文献   

夫妻关系是超血缘的最亲密的两性关系。它包含着情感、经济和性三个层面。三个层面之间相互联系、相互影响。故夫妻间经济关系的变化会影响到其他层面的关系。而社会经济体制的转型和变更又必然引起家庭中夫妻经济关系的变化。鉴于此 ,本文试比较社会经济体制转型前后 ,即计划经济与商品经济条件下 ,夫妻经济关系的变化 ,及这一变化所产生的影响。一、计划经济体制下夫妻经济关系的状态及特征改革开放前 ,我国实行计划经济的管理模式。虽说分配原则是“各尽所能 ,按劳分配” ,但实质体现在分配上却是低工资、高就业 ,平均主义、大锅饭。这种…  相似文献   

王维维 《社科纵横》2008,23(9):116-118
家庭的核心功能已经由传统社会的劳动生产功能转变为现代社会的情感满足功能,家庭由生产的单位转变为了情感的避风港.现代社会中家庭的不稳定性以及离婚率的升高与家庭核心功能的这种转变有着密切联系.因此,重建适合于现代家庭的家庭伦理对于满足人们的情感需要以及维持家庭的稳定性都是必要的.  相似文献   

家庭是构成社会的细胞,只有做到家庭和谐,才能实现社会和谐,而夫妻如何相处是家庭和谐与否的关键。儒家认为:"不学礼,无以立。""礼"是天地之间的秩序,在家庭中,"礼"更是极为重要。在近日举行的首届河北省公民德行教育论坛上,来自黑龙江省的  相似文献   

本文基于资源依赖理论的主要思想,从对Y机构"一个社工多个婆婆"现象的分析出发,探讨Y机构与政府之间的依赖关系与不对等权力产生的原因,并提出转变这一关系现状的行动策略:资源转化、资源拓展与资源控制。  相似文献   

1 人由生而少而壮而老至死,为人的生命周期。由夫妻的结合组成家庭开始直到夫妻双方都死亡而告终的整个家庭生活过程叫家庭生命周期。这个家庭中又孕育着新的家庭,或者说再生产着新家庭。家庭制度的存在和发展正是无数单个家庭的无数生命周期不断更新的结果。我们把夫妻双方结婚成家到夫妻双方死亡为止的家庭过程称为家庭生命周期,这与逻辑是一致的,与历史也是一致的。家庭的起点是婚姻,并且婚姻关系是家庭关系的核心,所以我们以婚姻关系的始终作为家庭生命周期确定的标准。  相似文献   

基于皖西农村的个案研究发现,在家庭经济理性与教育流动的双重驱动下,隔代陪读成为农民家庭的一种教育策略。隔代陪读兼顾了农民家庭经济积累和教育再生产,比较顺利地推动了家庭现代转型。与此同时,由隔代陪读所形塑的代际居住空间的分离与代际分工合力,不仅稀释家庭内部关系的政治性,同时还凸显陪读老人的社会价值。在这种教育策略安排下,隔代陪读强化了代际关系,调整了家庭权力结构与伦理秩序,减轻了农民家庭现代转型的阵痛。  相似文献   

本文关注的是中国农村社会和农村家庭中不同年龄和代际间的社会平等问题。文章描述了农村老年人的物质生活和社会生活状况,指出农村老年人群体性的相对贫困现状,以及老年人生活质量和社会经济地位的弱化与农村整体生活水平逐步提高之间存在结构性矛盾,认为农村以年龄和代际为界的社会分化业已形成。文章还通过对家庭养老制度面临的资源困境的分析,进一步解释了经济、社会和文化变迁是如何通过改变农村的家庭制度和家庭中的代际关系对老年人的生活及其权力和权利状况产生影响的。  相似文献   

贾俊侠  申超 《唐都学刊》2010,26(4):7-10
冯奉世家族成员大多文武兼备,极具才气,但他们的仕途经历和命运却跌宕起伏。通过史料分析,发现造成冯氏家族的悲剧命运的原因主要与西汉中后期"重儒生、轻边功"的社会背景、外戚与宦官之间的倾轧以及冯氏家族成员的勇于任事、开拓进取、光明磊落、不愿趋炎附势的性格有关。  相似文献   

The Recognition of Wifely Labour by Welfare States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article is concerned with questions about the amount of support given by welfare states towards the maintenance of a wife engaged in housework and child care. It compares the value of the support supplied by the tax/benefit packages of 15 countries. The article defines support for wifely labour as the difference between the net disposable income of a single person and a couple with the same earnings. In analysing the data, three models are used: the “traditional” model where the wife is economically dependent on her husband; the “modern” model where the wife remains outside the labour market while she has young children; and the “dual breadwinner” model where the mother of young children is in full- or part-time employment. Much of the analysis is concerned with patterns of social policy in which support for wives is associated with support for children. While the evidence shows that welfare states do provide support to wives, both with and without young children and engaged in paid as well as unpaid work, the levels of support vary greatly between welfare states. The variations are not associated with the generally discussed categorizations of welfare state types.  相似文献   

民国时期北京婚姻家庭中妇女的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期北京婚姻家庭中的夫妻平等关系没有完全确立。传统社会中的男尊女卑、妇女无经济地位现象还相当严重,典妻、卖妻、停妻再娶等现象仍然大量存在。同时,城市下层民众中的姘靠现象层出不穷,部分妇女也不惜以改嫁再婚作为谋生的依靠。这一时期婚姻家庭中夫妻关系的变革,呈现出新旧并存、传统与近代相互交融的特征。  相似文献   

Families and social work interventions in their lives are at the core of child welfare. Child welfare practices can shape children's and parents' family memories and narratives of different family relations. However, there is little social work research so far based on the personal narratives of people who have lived in care. The study data consist of the written life stories and biographical interviews of three women who have lived part of their childhood in children's homes. In their narratives, the most central family relation was their relationship to the mother. They used different narrative strategies in their stories while trying to manage both living their childhood in care and presenting their mother morally in the same story. The central moral and emotional stance in the narratives of the mother–daughter relationship was love. Through the analysis, three moral characters of the mother were constructed. The first told about an absent mother, the second a loved and loving mother and in the third, the mother's moral character was continuously negotiated and contested. Constructing a personal story and moral character of oneself and of one's mother can be truly risky in the context of a childhood in care.  相似文献   

The paper contrasts the role and structure of youth work in modern and late modern societies. Modern societies linked citizenship to inclusion in production and youth work helped the transition of young people from childhood to inclusion into the labour market and citizenship. When postwar full employment eased these transition processes then youth work concentrated on leisure provision and dealing with the small numbers of excluded young people. Late modern societies redefine citizenship in terms of market choices but also create increasing risks, which a declining state can no longer manage, and a growing use of social exclusion as a form of social control. These changes demand a new role and structure for youth work.  相似文献   

Global population aging has led to considerable disquiet about future support for frail older people; however, the determinants are poorly understood. Moreover, most industrialized societies have witnessed considerable changes in family behavior (e.g., rises in divorce and declining fertility). Such trends may have adversely affected the support systems of older people; nonetheless, only recently has research begun to address this issue. Employing data from the longitudinal British Household Panel Survey (1991–2003) and the 1998 Indagine Multiscopo sulle Famiglie "Famiglia, soggetti sociali e condizione dell'infanzia," we investigated the association between family disruptions due to divorce, separation, or death and three key dimensions of informal support: (i) frequency of contact with unrelated friends (among all respondents aged 65 years and over); (ii) co-residence with children (among unmarried mothers aged 65 years and over); and (iii) regular or frequent help received from children (e.g., household assistance including care) among parents aged 65 years and over. In addition, we conducted a comparative investigation of the relationship between family disruptions and the use of home care services (i.e., health visitor or district nurse; home help; meals-on-wheels) among parents aged 65 years and over. Our findings suggest that in a culture like the U.K.'s, where relations between kin are primarily influenced by individualistic values, support in later life appears to be primarily related to need, whereas in societies with a strong familistic culture (like Italy's), support is received irrespective of the older person's individual characteristics.  相似文献   

Following parental separation, children's closeness to grandparents has been reported to be linked to their family situation and differences in adjustment. This relationship has not been investigated longitudinally. This study investigated children's relationships with grandparents over time in different family settings, and associations with intergenerational relationships. Data from 385 children, with longitudinal analyses on 140, were collected at two time points over a five‐year period. Associations between closeness of the child–grandparent relationship and adjustment were not found at the later time point. There was a mean drop in frequency of contact over time, but not in closeness. However, there was stability of individual differences in both frequency of contact and closeness; closeness to the maternal grandmother was particularly stable for children living with a single mother. Intergenerational links were found with the mother's own childhood experiences, particularly in single‐mother families. Following parental separation, the matrifocal bias in kinship patterns was accentuated.  相似文献   

Violence in the American Family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper reviews current knowledge on violence between family members in the United States, including how and why family violence became a topic of interest after years of being masked by a public and professional perceptual blackout. It presents data from a nationally representative sample of 2,143 American families that measured the extent of child abuse, wife abuse, husband abuse, and violence between siblings. The paper then reports differences in child abuse rates according to factors such as the age and sex of the child, family income, occupation, stress, unemployment, social isolation, and previous exposure or experience with violence. It is suggested that the roots of family violence lie in the organization of the family and in the implicit cultural norms tolerating or approving violence as a means for social control.  相似文献   

The relationship between an elderly person and other members of his family is worthy of study from the point of view of both young and old. The extended family, rather than the nuclear or immediate family, is the relevant unit for the majority of people including the elderly. The evidence available from industrialized societies shows that the elderly can gain considerable support during the process of ageing by being included in the modified extended family. While institutions for the elderly are undoubtedly necessary, more elderly people could remain integrated in the normal community providing family life survives and is supplemented by an active policy of home help.  相似文献   

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