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城市居民最低生活保障制度的确立保障了城镇贫困家庭的基本生活,同时也催生了低保家庭这一特殊的弱势群体。本研究通过自编的幸福感问卷对合肥城市低保家庭进行幸福感调查,反映了当前合肥市低保家庭的幸福感总体特征、影响因素以及低保政策与其之间的关系。  相似文献   

近期,甘肃省武威市对2002年的低保对象进行了一次全面复查。各县区民政部门通过新闻媒体宣传、印发传单、入户调查、查看花名册、会议审定等形式,进企业、进单位、进家庭,采取“看、问、核、听、示、定”的办法,进行了面对面核查登记。即:看民政办及社区居委会各项低保规章制度、发放程序是否完善规范,看低保对象家庭的居在条件,家庭人员的结构变化,家中摆设以及家庭人员的穿戴情况;问低保  相似文献   

日本最低生活保障制度(以下简称低保制度)具有文化理念的优势和制度体系的完善性。日本低保制度与我国低保制度在法律属性、文化背景、经济背景和社会背景等方面具有同质性,这奠定了我国农村低保制度借鉴其成功之处的基础。据此,我国应建立农村低保法律体系,明确规定农村低保的保障基准,高效创设农村低保的实施程序。  相似文献   

吉林省安图县民政局认真总结2002年低保工作,对今年的低保工作制定了详细的工作计划,推行“四清、两建、二推”工程。四清:一是清查低保户。对已有的低保对象进行一次清理,认真核算收入甚准,切实掌握底数,实行动态管理;二是清理档案。对固定低保家庭档案进行认真清理、查漏补缺,对需要调整的低保家庭档案进行分类管理;  相似文献   

试论北京市低保资格审核的规范化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市居民最低生活保障制度在社会中起着最后安全网的作用,它是以家庭经济调查为前提的选择性救助制度。本文根据福利行政的特点,从低保管理的规范化角度分析了北京市低保资格审核制度运作中存在的问题。借鉴国内外先进经验提出对策,即提高社会救助部门核算居民家庭收入的专业化水平,培养社会工作专业人才,依靠法律规范管理机关和社保对象之间的关系。  相似文献   

近年来,江西省吉安市吉州区狠抓城乡低保规范化,不断完善制度,探索低保管理模式,扎实推动低保规范化管理向精细化管理迈进。一是确保对象家庭情况真实准确,精细在入户调查中。对于保障是否合理,摸清对象的家庭实际困难情况是关键,该区要求乡镇、街道调查过程中,坚持"六查  相似文献   

目前我国的城镇居民最低生活保障工作完全是靠国家和地方政府包了,国家和地方政府给的钱仅仅是保证最低生活水平的吃饭钱,至于低保对象的看病、住房、水电及其他开支仍然无着落,因此民政部门每天接待来信来访的低保对象多半反映的是要求提高低保标准,以解决看病、住房、水电等费用开支不足的困难,然而民政部门却无法帮助低保对象解决这些困难。  相似文献   

江西省德兴市在社区中建立和完善“-栏-组-箱-电-折”五个一制度,使社区低保工作做到“阳光”操作,全过程“透明化”,受到群众的欢迎。 德兴市有15个社区居委会,共管理低保对象4280户、9710人,为确保低保工作公平、公正、公开,该市在全市各社区居委会中推行了“-栏-组-箱-电-折”五个一制度。一栏:在全市15个社区居委会设立了公示栏,把低保政策、保障对象户主姓名、家庭人  相似文献   

2001年下半年以来,在党中央、国务院高度重视下,经过各级政府特别是各级民政部门的不懈努力,城市居民最低生活保障工作取得突破性进展,低保覆盖面迅速扩大,大量符合低保条件的城市困难居  相似文献   

岳鹏 《社会福利》2003,(8):62-62
晋城市城区为加强城市低保规范化管理步伐,在低保工作中实行“五专”管理。一是成立了专门管理机构——低保管理中心,对全区的最低生活保障工作进行统一管理和组织落实。二是建立了专业工作队伍,各街道办事处设立了专职低保管理员,各社区居委会确定了专职低保工作员,组成了一支吃苦耐劳、事  相似文献   

As the nation struggles with the great increase in the numbers of older adults, many questions arise about how to provide housing and long-term care options that will ensure the quality of life of older adults. This study demonstrates that older adults and their families perceive quality of life more positively once moved from a nursing home to an assisted living facility using Medicaid funds. Results of this exploratory study are promising and suggest that having housing options available across the continuum of care with individualized case management offers older adults the hope for "quality living".  相似文献   


Despite a growing body of literature that contradicts previous stereotypes, negative myths about late life sexuality have persisted. These attitudes had been more entrenched in nursing homes where residents' sexuality have been perceived primarily as behavioral. At one nursing home, a policy and video training program on sexual expression was developed, with staff training, environmental modifications, and work with families, based on sexual expression as a right of consenting adults. This policy can serve nursing homes which face challenges presented by new cohorts of older adults and their families.  相似文献   

This in‐depth follow‐up study of 15 foster youth shows the importance of an ‘open foster family’, open to letting the foster youth into the family life and to cooperating with the adolescent's birth family. Previous findings about the importance of negotiations, mutual rituals, and having fun together in foster families for the creation of social bonds and belonging are strengthened in the follow‐up interview. A lack of these mutual practices is observed prior to disruptions. Most adolescents still living with the same foster family feel a sense of belonging to both their foster and birth families, especially when both families cooperate. This is most evident in kinship families. Over time, adolescents in traditional foster families have also strengthened their social bonds to the foster family, which makes the difference to youth in network foster families less pronounced than in the previous study. Despite life changes, above all changing schools and peers, most adolescents reveal personal agency by still coping with their situation. However, therapeutic support is now more common than 1 year ago, for girls in particular. Methods used are interviews, network maps and text responses (‘beepers’).  相似文献   

随着老龄化时代的到来和人们生活质量的提高,老年临终关怀受到越来越多的关注。社会工作是一项助人自助的专业工作,可以通过综合运用个案工作、小组工作、社区工作三大社会工作专业方法,对临终老人及其家属进行多层次、全方位的介入。  相似文献   

王瑞静 《社会》2022,42(3):62-91
本文通过考察云南哈尼族阿卡人家庭内部的祖孙关系及其在治疗祈福仪式“拴线礼”中的呈现,探索其建构社会的方式和过程。研究发现,阿卡父系家庭在强调丰产和家族延续的福气观念下,突出“老人大”和“孙子比老人大”的双向式等级结构。该结构经由辈分、性别、居住地、血亲、姻亲等差别变量的叠加互动,从家庭仪礼中扩展出卷动多个家系和村寨的人群等级关系,构建出更广大的社会世界,既体现了男/女性后代和姻亲对于家族延续的不同重要性,也表达了多姓村寨共同体内部的互助团结与整合精神。本文为等级、礼物和家庭研究拓宽了讨论空间。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a survey of 108 elderly heterosexual and homosexual men and women in urban Central and Southern California. The purpose of the study was to test the assumption that elderly gay men and lesbians are more depressed and socially-isolated than their heterosexual cohort. The findings indicate that there are no significant differences between older heterosexuals and homosexuals in regard to depression and social support. However, the sources of social support from friends, while heterosexual elderly derive more support from family. The findings suggest a need to redefine the concept of family to include "friendship families." Future research which investigates the way in which these friendship families are created and maintained has the potential to benefit all elderly, especially those who have no biological families or whose biological families are unavailable for support.  相似文献   

Across the OECD, public policies seek to support parents in achieving their desired work/life balance. This article introduces the background to and issues at stake in promoting equal partnerships in families in Germany. Families in Germany face considerable challenges to spending more time together and achieving a more gender‐balanced reconciliation of work and family life, as paid work hours for fathers are long on full‐time jobs and many women are in part‐time jobs. Family policy can play an important role and Germany has made substantial progress in supporting families ahead of and after the birth of a child. Important in this regard are the parental leave reforms of 2007 and 2015 and the extension of childcare supports that better enable fathers and mothers to combine work and family commitments. The article assesses recent developments in family policies in Germany while also drawing from the experiences of countries with longstanding policies to support work/life balance and strengthen gender equality.  相似文献   

In 1990, the Child and Adolescents' Statute was passed in Brazil which led to important changes in shelter homes for children who have been removed due to child maltreatment. However very few studies have been conducted on this population since this policy change; the goal of this study is to assess the multidimensional life satisfaction, stressful life events and social network of children living in shelters compared with those living with their families. The sample consists of 155 children ages 7–16 years living in shelters and 142 children living with their families. Data were collected using a structured interview, the Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Scale, the Stressful Life Events Inventory and the Five Field Map. The shelter sub‐sample had many at‐risk characteristics; they also had significantly greater average scores on stressful life events and social support network, while they had lower than average scores on multidimensional life satisfaction. Factors that significantly contributed to predicting life satisfaction were stressful life events, social support network and conflicts with family members. The findings highlight differences between children living in shelters compared to those living with their families; this article also discusses the policy implications of these findings for child welfare practice in Brazil.  相似文献   

This paper briefly examines current arguments concerning the demise of the traditional family, pointing out that the numbers of lone-parent families are not historically unparalleled and noting that the current emphasis in the "death of the family" debate on the nuclear rather than the extended family marks a significant shift over recent decades. The nature of kinship is briefly examined in historical context, and kin relationships are seen to be fundamentally different on a number of important dimensions from other social relationships. The erosion of kinship as the consequence of the increasing state regulation of family life and the lack of importance it is now generally accorded in modern child welfare systems is considered and the reasons for this are discussed. Finally the article turns to the changes that would be required were kinship decision-making once more accorded a key place in planning for the care of children deemed to be in need of care and protection and the potential, as a model for practice, of the family group conference is considered.  相似文献   

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