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组织从经验中学习: 现状、问题、方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
组织从经验中学习是组织学习的重要方面.本文系统综述分析了前人在这方面的研究成果和观点,包括组织从经验中学习的模式、过程,组织从经验中学习的影响因素,组织从经验中学习的障碍,组织从经验中学习的成效等.分析了前人研究存在的缺陷:缺乏系统框架,缺乏深入机理,缺乏案例研究及对企业有实际指导意义的方法体系.针对这一系列的问题,文章提出了进一步的研究方向及框架.  相似文献   

陈国权 《管理学报》2007,4(5):602-609
提出了团队学习和学习型团队的定义,建立了团队学习的9个行为和能力要素,开发了团队学习能力的定义和几种测量模型。采用513个样本数据进行了统计检验,表明所建立的团队学习能力的测量模型具有好的信度和效度,并发现了团队学习能力与团队绩效之间具有显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

领导影响团队成员学习能力二维多层次模型的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先提出团队领导可以通过提高自身学习能力和与团队成员发展良好关系这两个维度来积极影响团队成员的个人学习能力的理论模型,随后我们以国内某大型企业集团所属21家工厂的130个团队领导和941名团队成员为样本,应用多层线性模型(HLM)对理论模型进行验证.研究发现领导学习能力和领导成员关系分别从能力和关系维度对成员学习能力具有显著正向影响,并且上述两组关系分别受到领导成员间建设性争论和团队心理安全的正向调节.此外,当团队成员学习能力被向上聚合到团队层次后与团队绩效显著正相关.最后,我们对本研究的贡献、不足以及未来的改进方向进行了讨论.  相似文献   

研发团队领导、团队反思与研发团队绩效关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对研发团队的特点,以团队领导和团队反思理论为基础,提出了研发团队领导、团队反思与团队绩效之间关系的概念模型,并采用SEM方法进行了实证检验。结果表明,变革型领导和交易型领导都会对团队绩效直接产生影响,但前者的影响更显著;变革型领导能够通过团队反思影响团队绩效,而交易型领导不能。团队反思在鼓励性激励、智能激发、个性化关怀三个变量分别与研发团队绩效作用过程中起到了一定的中介作用。  相似文献   

团队心理授权、组织公民行为与团队绩效的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在探讨团队心理授权对团队绩效产生影响的作用机制,即团队心理授权是否会通过团队水平组织公民行为的中介作用对团队绩效产生影响.采用多元回归和结构方程建模分析了团队心理授权、团队水平组织公民行为以及团队绩效之间的关系,研究样本自于32家企业的156个工作团队的568名员工.结果表明:团队心理授权对团队水平组织公民行为、团队绩效有正向影响;团队水平组织公民行为在团队心理授权与团队主动性之间具有完全中介作用,在团队心理授权与团队工作绩效之间具有部分中介作用.  相似文献   

本文根据变革型领导理论和团队效力理论,引入团队效力作为过程变量,提出了新产品开发团队领导行为、团队效力和团队绩效之间关系的研究框架和14个研究假设,并对67个团队样本进行了实证检验.研究表明,新产品开发团队领导的关怀度、目标导向和过程导向对团队绩效有显著影响,而且团队领导的目标导向和过程导向通过团队效力对团队绩效产生显著影响.最后,还提出了提高新产品开发团队绩效的有效措施.  相似文献   

王晶晶  杜晶晶 《管理学报》2009,6(5):671-677
通过对212位高管团队成员的实地访谈和有效问卷,揭示了高管团队心理契约、集体创新和团队绩效之间的关系.研究结果表明,高管团队心理契约与集体创新、团队绩效均具有显著正相关关系;高管团队心理契约对团队绩效的影响是通过集体创新这一中介变量表现出来的.集体创新在高管团队交易型心理契约与团队绩效关系中起部分中介作用,在关系型心理契约与团队绩效关系中起完全中介作用.  相似文献   

组织学习影响因素、学习能力与绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:59  
回顾了国内外关于组织学习理论及组织学习与绩效关系方面的研究成果,基于中国201家企业调查数据,对采用定性方法提出的组织学习过程模型(6P-1B模型)进行了定量的实证研究.结果表明:6P-1B模型提出的7个方面的组织学习能力与组织绩效有紧密的正相关关系;各组织学习能力的机理要素与各组织学习能力之间有紧密的正相关关系;企业所感知的外界环境的变化程度不同、员工之间的目标正相关程度不同,使得企业在组织学习的机理要素方面的表现存在显著差异.这些研究结果对6P-1B模型的理论逻辑提供了一定的统计检验的支持,同时也给管理者提供了一些关于如何提高组织学习能力的方法和启示.  相似文献   

创业团队企业家精神与公司绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
企业成长过程中创业团队企业家精神能否得到有效传承将直接影响企业的可持续发展.在文献回顾的基础上提出评价创业团队企业家精神的4个维度,并通过对206住企业高管成员的实地访谈和179份有效问卷的数据分析做实证研究,结果表明.创业团队企业家精神与团队绩效、公司绩效具有显著正相关关系,团队绩效作为中介变量影响创业团队企业家精神与公司绩效的关系,协作进取维度对团队绩效和公司绩效的影响作用尤为突出.  相似文献   

王艳 《经营管理者》2013,(26):97-97
个人与团队之间是一个相互依存的过程,一个好的团队必须要有一个好的领导,一个领导也必须要由一个好的团队去支撑,这样才能发展壮大。团队中个人努力也是一种投入,而努力的程度又取决于外部环境和个人满足感。依据团队绩效与个人努力的交互关系,讲述管理者如何从工作关系、公平性、绩效关系和薪酬关系等方面增强个人努力程度进而提高团队整体绩效。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of supportive learning culture, team creativity, and collaborative knowledge creating practices on team performance. A survey was used to collect data from a total of 228 knowledge workers from nine Korean organizations. Analyses included measuring item internal consistency, validating proposed constructs, and examining structural relationships using Structural Equation Modelling. The proposed research model was validated in terms of item internal consistency and a model-fit in the Korean business context. Supportive learning culture had a positive and direct influence on team creativity and on the teams' collaborative knowledge creation practices; however, it had an indirect influence on the team performance through the variables of team creativity and knowledge creation practices. In the conclusion, limitations, implications, and further research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

网络能力、资源获取与新企业绩效关系实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
网络能力是在网络导向驱动下,利用关系技巧和合作技巧进行一系列网络构建和网络管理活动,以实现资源获取目标的能力.在中国转型经济时期,网络能力对于新企业克服资源约束,实现生存和成长具有重要作用.拓展了网络能力的理论内涵,将网络能力划分为网络导向、网络构建和网络管理三个维度,建立了网络能力、资源获取与新创企业绩效关系模型,以322家新企业为样本进行实证分析.研究结果表明,网络导向对网络构建和网络管理具有显著正影响,网络构建和网络管理对知识资源获取和运营资源获取具有正影响,知识资源与新企业绩效显著正相关,知识资源获取对运营资源获取具有正影响.研究结论还表明运营资源对新企业绩效无显著影响,但知识资源可以加强两者之间关系,说明新企业只有具备很强的资源管理能力才能将运营资源转化为企业绩效.  相似文献   

The study examines the interaction effects of constructive politics and market turbulence on the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship. The proposed structural model tests the mediating role of constructive politics between the entrepreneurial orientation and performance constructs and the moderation effect of market turbulence on this mediating relationship. Data were collected from 145 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the United Arab Emirates. The results suggest that entrepreneurial orientation indirectly affects performance through constructive politics. Furthermore, the results indicate that the relationship between constructive politics and the firm's performance was stronger during low market turbulence. Findings suggest that entrepreneurial-oriented SMEs should embrace constructive politics where influence and power can be channeled to enhance financial performance, especially in market stability.  相似文献   

How does servant leaders' unique ability to place each follower's needs above their own influence relationships between followers and impact their collective performance? In a study that integrates principles of servant leadership with the social comparison theoretical framework, we tested a group-level model to examine how servant leadership induces low perceived differentiation in leader-member relationship quality (perceived LMX differentiation) within a group, which strengthens team cohesion and in turn positively influences team task performance and service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors (service OCB). Our sample comprised 229 employees nested in 67 work teams. Structural equation modeling results indicate that servant leadership significantly predicts low perceived LMX differentiation; perceived LMX differentiation is strongly related to team cohesion such that the lower the perceived differentiation, the stronger the team's cohesiveness. And, team cohesion is also strongly related to both the team's task performance and service OCB. Perceived LMX differentiation and team cohesion mediate the effect of servant leadership on both team task performance and service OCB.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to bridge the micro-macro divide by addressing continued calls from strategic leadership and affect researchers to examine the black box to consider how CEO characteristics relate to top management team (TMT) affective experiences, and, in turn firm outcomes. We further consider the role of one key contextual factor in this relationship: TMT heterogeneity. We predict that CEO personality, specifically, emotional stability, is positively associated with TMT affective tone. Moreover, we posit that the relationship between TMT affective tone and firm performance depends on TMT task-related heterogeneity, such that positive affective tone benefits firm performance in heterogeneous TMTs, whereas negative affective tone benefits firm performance in homogeneous TMTs. Using a novel methodology that measures key psychological aspects of the CEO and TMT, we examined 50 TMTs from publicly-traded companies to test our predictions. Our findings offer theoretical contributions to the strategic leadership, affect and diversity literatures as well as managerial applications for CEO selection and management and managing diversity in upper echelons.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(6):1080-1094
Considerable theoretical and empirical work has identified a relationship between transformational leadership and team performance and creativity. The mechanisms underlying this link, however, are not well understood. To identify the intervening processes inherent in this relationship, we experimentally manipulated the leadership style assigned to 44 teams taking part in a resource-maximization task. Teams were exposed either to a leader using inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, or a control condition. Our findings reveal important differences between leadership styles in communication and team outcomes (objective task performance and creativity). These results suggest that different dimensions of transformational leadership should be emphasized depending on the outcome sought. In addition, our results provide evidence for a sequential mediation model where leadership influences team outcomes through overall team communication and trust in teammates. This study suggests mechanisms by which transformational leaders may impact team outcomes, which has implications for team building and leadership training.  相似文献   

We used longitudinal data from 205 members of 53 student teams who competed in a complex business simulation over 10 weeks to test: (1) whether shared leadership and performance were related reciprocally over time; (2) the relative magnitude of those relationships; and (3) whether a shared leadership intervention changes those relationships. We also considered the influence of team members' mean level personality to account for compositional effects. As anticipated, shared leadership and performance were related positively and reciprocally over time. Moreover, the shared leadership to performance relationship grew stronger and positive whereas the performance to shared leadership relationship remained fairly consistent over time. As expected, the intervention positively related to the trajectory of shared leadership. Finally, we did not find evidence for the hypothesized relationships of personality on shared leadership nor the strength of the intervention.  相似文献   

现有研究主要从团队构成和合作过程两个视角来解释创业团队对新企业绩效的影响.论文从创业团队治理这个新的视角研究新企业中的上述问题,通过大样本实证研究表明:1)新企业创业团队既需要正式契约、股权安排等正式治理机制,也需要团队建设性争论等非正式治理机制;2)签订正式契约对创业团队绩效的影响具有企业阶段特性,它在企业创立2年之后有显著的正向影响作用,但在创立不超过2年时期,影响较弱;3)绝对控股权安排对创业团队绩效的影响也具有企业阶段特性,在企业创立不超过2年时期,存在显著正向影响,但在创立超过2年之后,影响变为不显著;4)创业团队遵循团队建设性争论能显著提高创业团队绩效.  相似文献   

In today's complex and rapidly changing business environment, team innovation is increasingly critical to the survival and success of organizations. Although the relevant literature highlights the importance of leadership in team innovation, previous studies have mainly focused on transformational leadership and have yielded inconsistent results. To address this void, this study integrates the goal-setting theory into the input-process-output framework and proposes a moderated mediation model to examine the relationship between inclusive leadership and team innovation. The results of hierarchical regression analysis from two survey-based field studies in China demonstrated that team voice mediated the relationship between inclusive leadership and team innovation and performance pressure moderated the direct relationship between inclusive leadership and team voice as well as the indirect relationship between inclusive leadership and team innovation via team voice such that the relationships were stronger when performance pressure was high.  相似文献   

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