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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 375 毫秒
Book reviewed in this article:
Pollard, A. H. A Service Course in Statistics.
Penǵ, K. C. The Design and Analysis of Scientijic Experiments.
Neyman, J. A Selection of Early Statistical Papers of J. Neyman.
Chiang, C. L. Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics.
Jenkins, G. M., and Watts, D. G. Spectral Analysis and its Applications.
Harris, Bernard (Editor). Spectral Analysis of Time Serie. Proceedings of an Advanced Seminar conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, U.S. Army, and the Statistics Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 3–5, 1966.
Sarkadi, K., and Vincze, I. (Eds.). Studies in Mathematical Statistics: Theory and Applications.
Pearson, Karl (Ed.). Tables of the Incomplete Beta-Function (with a new Introduction by E. S. Pearson and N. L. Johnson).
Kendall, M. G., and Doiǵ, A. G. Bibliography of Statistical Literature: pre-1940 with supplements to the volumes for 1940-49 and 1950-58.
Albert, A. E., and Gardner, L. A., Jr. Stochastic Approximation and Nonlinear Regression.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Anderson, V. L., and McLean, R. A. Design of Experiments. A Realistic Approach.
Seneta, E. Non-negative Matrices: An Introduction to Theory and Applications.
Mann, N. R., Schafer, R. E., and Singpurwalla, N. D. Methods for Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Life Data.
Maunder, W. F. (Ed.). Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources , Volumes I and n. Published for the Royal Statistical Society and the Social Science Research Council
Roussas, G. G. Contiguity of Probability Measures. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics No. 63
Ney, Peter and Port, Sydney (Eds.). Advances in Probability and Related Topics.
Belz, Maurice, H. Statistical Methods in the Process Industries.
Preston, Christopher J. Gibbs States on Countable Sets. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics No. 68
Namias, Jean (Ed.). Applications of Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions.
Plackett, R. L. The Analysis of Categorical Data.
Box, G. E. P., and Tiao, G. G. Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Patil, G. P., and Joshi, S. W. A Dictionary and EIibZiography of Discrete Distributions.
Feller, W. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applicatwm.
Selected Statistical Papers (Mathematical Centre Tracts 26 and 27).Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam.
Maurice, R. (Editor). Nationa.1 Accownts Satistics: Sources and Methods.
Wonnacott, T. H., and Wonnacott, R. J. Introductory Statistics.
Dinkelbach, W. Sensitivitatsanalysen und parametrische Program-mierung.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Smith, W. L., and Wilkinson, J. H. (Editors). Proceedings of the Symposium on Congestion Theory, held at the University of North Carolina 1964.
Rao, C. R. (Editor). Contributionns to Statistics
Kendall, M. G., and Doig, Alison G. Bibliography of Statistical Literature, 1940–1949 Oliver & Boyd.
Guttman, I., and Wilks, S. S. Introductory Engineering Statistios.
Brunk, H. D. An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics.
Wetherill, G. Barrie. Sequential Metho& in Statistics.
Neveu, J. Mathematical Foundations of the Calculus of Probability.
Skorokhod, A. V. Studies in the Theory of Random Processes.
Goodwin, Crawford D. W. Economic Enquiry in Australia.
Krickeberg, K. Probability Theory.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Guidelines for Clinical Trials in Cancer. Second edition. Edited by Richard J. Fisher, Alan S. Coates and John H. Colebatch. Sydney: The Clinical Oncological Society of Australia
Statistical Tables for the Design of Clinical Trials. By David Machin and Michael J. Campbell. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Second edition. By P. Armitage and G. Berry. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications
Dictionary and Classified Bibliography of Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work. Volume 1: Discrete Models. By G. P. Patil, M. T. Boswell, S.W. Joshi and M. V. Ratnaparkhi. Fairland, Maryland
Dictionary and Classified Bibliography of Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work. Volume 2 : Continuous Univariate Models. By G.P. Patil, M.T. Boswell and M.V. Ratnaparkhi. Fairland, Maryland
Dictionary and Classified Bibliography of Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work. Volume 3 : Multivariate Models. By G.P. Patil, M.T. Boswell, M.V. Ratnaparkhi and J.J.J. Roux. Fairland, Maryland
Asymptotics for Generalized Chi-square Goodness-of-Fit Tests. By F.C. Drost. Amsterdam
Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Communities. By P.G.N. Digby & R.A. Kempton. London
Point Processes and Their Statistical Inference. By Alan F. Karr. New York: Marcel Dekker  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cochran, William G. Sampling Techniques.
Buckland, William R., and Fox, Ronald A. Bibliography of Basic Texts and Monographs on Statistical Methods.
Shilov, G. E. How to Construct Graphs, and Natanson, I. P. Simplest Maxima and Minima Problems. Topics in Mathematics.
Whittle, P. Prediction and Regulation by Linear Least Square Method.
Beryland, O. S., Gavrilova, R. I., and Prudnikov, A. P. Tables of Integral Error Functions and Hermite Polynomials.
Amos, D. E., and Koopmans, L. H. Tables of the Distribution of the Coeficient of Coherence for Stationary Bivariate Gaussian Processes.
Vesselo, I. R. How to Read Statistics.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Neyman, J., and Pearson, E. S. Jiont Statistical Papers of J. Neyman and E. S. Pearson.
Pearson, E.S. The Selected Papers of E. S. Pearson.
Doornbos, R. Slippage Tests.
Fabrycky, W. J., and Torgersen, P. E. Operations Economy: Industrial Applications of Operations Research.
Krishnaiah, P. R. (Ed.). Multivariate analysis.
Takacs, Lajos. combinatorial Mehods in the Theory of stcohastic processes.
Yovits, Gilford, Wilcox, Staveley, Lerner (Editors). Research Program Effectiveness.
Noether, G. E. Elements of Nonparametric Statistics.
Hodges, J. L., and Lehmann, E. L. elements of Finite Probability.
Lamb, H. H. The Changing Climate.
Runyon, R. P., and Haber, A. Fundamentals of Behavioral Satatistics.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Aitchison, J. and Dunsmore, I. R. Statistical Prediction Analysis.
Owen, D. B. (Ed.). The Search For Oil.
Wendt, D. and Vlek, C. (Eds.). Utility, Probability and Human Decision Making. D. Reidel, Dordrecht.
Stout, W. F. Almost Sure Convergence.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Mendel, G. Experiments in Plant Hybridisation.
David, F. N., Kendall, M. G., and Barton, D. E. Symmetric Function and Allied Tables.
Van Berckel, J. A. Th. M., Brandt Corstius, H., Mokken, R. J., and Van Wijngaarden, A. Formal Properties of Newspaper Dutch.
Thorp, E. O. Elementary Probability.
Mode, E. B. Elements of Probability and Statistics.
Lee, A. M. Applied Queuing Theory.
Meyer, P. A. Probability and Potentials.
Eilon, S., Hall, R. I., and King, J. R. Exercises in Industrial Management.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Lancaster, H. 0. Bibliography of Statistical Bibliographies.
Johnson, N. L., and Leone, F. C. Statistics and Experimental Design in Engineering and the Physical Sciences.
Weeǵ, G. P., and Reed, Georǵia B. Introduction to Numerical Analysis.
Langley, R. Practical Statistics.
Friday, F. A. The Elements of Probability and Sampling.
Kurth, Rudolf. Introduction to Stellar Statistics.
Sverdrup, E. Laws and Chance Variations. Basic Concepts of Statistical Inference.  相似文献   

Andersen, P. K., Borgan, O., Gill, R. D. and Keiding, N. Statistical Models based on Counting Processes
Anderson, T. W. and Finn, J. D. The New Statistical Analysis of Data
Azzalini, A. Statistical Inference—based on the Likelihood
Borodin, A. N. and Salminen, P. Handbook of Brownian Motion—Facts and Formulae
Brockwell, P. J. and Davis, R. A. Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting
Chapman, M. and Wykes, C. Plain Figures
Clarke, G. M. and Kempson, R. E. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Experiments
Goldstein, H. and Lewis, T. (eds) Assessment: Problems, Developments and Statistical Issues; a Volume of Expert Contributions
Grenander, U. Elements of Pattern Theory
Högnäs, G. and Mukherjea, A. Probability Measures on Semigroups
Levitas, R. and Guy, W. Interpreting Official Statistics
van der Linden, W. J. and Hambleton, R. K. (eds) Handbook of Modern Item Response Theory
Ross, S. M. Simulation
Simonnet, M. Measures and Probabilities
Small, C. G. The Statistical Theory of Shape
van der Vaart, A. and Wellner, J. A. Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cox, D. R., and Lewis, P. A. W. The Statistical Analysis of Series of Events.
Rao, C. Radhakrishna. Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications.
Bennett, B. M., and Horst, C. Supplement to Tables for Testing Significance in a 2 × 2 Contingency Table.
Huitson, A. The Analysis of Variance.
Moran, P. A. P., and Smith, C. A. B. The Correlation between Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Inheritance.
Searle, S. R. Matrix Algebra for the Biological Sciences.
Feller, W. An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications.
Ashton, Winifred D. The Theory of Road Traffic Flow.
Kemeny, J. G., Snell, J. L., and Thompson, G. L. Introduction to Finite Mathematics.
Coale, A. J., and Demeny, P. Regional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Clinical Trials . By D. Schwartz, R. Flamant and J. Lellouch
Survival Models and Data Analysis . By Regina C. Elandt-Johnson and Norman L. Johnson.
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes . By I. V. Basawa and B. L. S. Prakasa Rao.
Time Series: Data Analysis and Theory . (Expanded Edition). By David R. Brillinger.
Nonparametric Sequential Selection Procedures . By H. Biiringer, H. Martin and K.-H. Schriever.
Statistical Methods. (7th Edition) . By G. W. Snedecor and W. G. Cochran.
Statistical Analysis of Weather Modification Experiments . By Edward J. Wegman and Douglas J. DePriest.
Multicomponent Random Systems . Edited by R. L. Dobrushin and Ya. G. Sinai.
Proceedings of the Second Pragae Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics . Edited by Peter Mandl and Marie HuSkovi.
Jacob Wolfowitz: Selected Papers . Edited by J. Kiefer.
Introduction to Multivariate Analysis . By C. Chatfield and A. J. Collins.
Elements of Statistical Analysis . By Hans W. Gottinger.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Nixon, J. W. Glossary of Terms in Official Statistics.
Deming, W. Edwards. Statistical Adjustmemt of Data.
Bloemena, A. R. Sampling from a Graph.
Patil, G. P., Kamat, A. R., and Wani, J. K. Certain Studies of the Logarithmic Series Distribution and Related Tables.
Lindley, D. B. Introduction to Probability and Statistics.
Brownlee, K. A. Statistical Theory arrd Methodology in Science and Engineering.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Matrices with Applications in Statistics (2nd Ed.). By F. A. Graybill. Belmont: Wadsworth
Clinical Trials: Issues and Approaches. Edited by Stanley H. Shapiro and Thomas A. Louis. New York and Basel
Introductory Statistics with Applications in General Insurance. By I. B. Hossack, J. H. Pollard & B. Zehnwirth. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology. By Hugh G. Gauch, Jr. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Connectivity in Multi-factor Designs: A Combinatorial Approach. By Lothar Butz. Berlin: Heldermann  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
1. Aitken, C. G. G. Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists, p. 155
2. Bartholomew, D. J. Uncertain Belief: Is it Rational to be a Christian?, p. 156
3. Conolly, B. and Vajda, S. A Mathematical Kaleidoscope: Applications in Industry, Business and Science, p. 157
4. Dorling, D. A New Social Atlas of Britain, p. 157
5. Fleming, M. C. and Nellis, J. G. International Statistics Sources: Subject Guide to Sources of International Comparative Statistics, vols 1, 2, p. 158
6. Gilks, W. R., Richardson, S. and Spiegelhalter, D. J. ( eds ) Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice, p. 158
7. Glasserman, P. and Yao, D. D. Monotone Structure in Discrete Event Systems, p. 159
8. Hernández-Lerna, O. and Lasserre, J. B. Discrete-time Controlled Markov Processes: Basic Optimality Criteria, p. 160
9. Marcoulides, G. A. and Schumacker, R. E. ( eds ) Advanced Structural Equation Modelling: Issues and Techniques, p. 161
10. Rao, C. R. and Toutenberg, H. Linear Models: Least Squares and Alternatives, p. 162
11. Smithers, G. Advanced Modular Mathematics: Pure Mathematics 1; Westover, G. Advanced Modular Mathematics: Statistics 1, p. 163
12. Wickens, T. D. The Geometry of Multivariate Statistics, p. 164  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Hájek, J., and Sidák, Z. Theory of Rank Tests.
Dynkin, E. B., and Yushkevich, A. A. Theorems and Problems on Markov Processes (Russian).
Chover, J. (Ed.). Markov Processes and Potential Theory. Proceedings of an Advanced Symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, United States Army, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, May 1–3, 1967.
Murthy, M. N. Sampling Methods and Theory.
Sudman, S. Reducing the Cost of Surveys.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
von Holstein, Carl-Axel S. Staël (Ed.). The Concept of Probability in Psychological Experiments.
Lainiotis, Demetrios, G. (Ed). Estimation Theory.
Karlin, S. and Taylor, H. M. A First Course in Stochastic Processes.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
John, J. A. and Quenouille, M. H. Experiments
Kendall, M. G. and Stuart, A. The Advanced Theory of Statistics
Everitt, B. S. The Analysis of Contingency Tables
Maxwell, A. E. Multivariate Analysis in Behavioural Research.
Krishnaiah, Parachuri R., (Ed.). Multivariate Analysis-IV
Santaló, Luis A. Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Bosq, D. Nonparametric Statistics for Stochastic Processes: Estimation and Prediction
Khuri, A.I., Mathew, T. & Sinha, B.K. Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models
Latouche, G. & Ramaswami, V. Introduction to Matrix Analytic Methods in Stochastic Modeling
Maitra, A.P. & Sudderth, W.D. Discrete Gambling and Stochastic Games
Rolski, T., Schmidli, H., Schmidt, V. & Teugels, J. Stochastic Processes for Insurance and Finance
Chung, K.L. & Williams, R.J. Introduction to Stochastic Integration  相似文献   

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