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In this paper we present a new estimator of the conditional density and mode when the co-variables are of functional kind. This estimator is a combination of both, the k-Nearest Neighbours procedure and the functional local linear estimation. Then, for each statistical parameter (conditional density or mode), results concerning the strong consistency and rate of convergence of the estimators are presented. Finally, their performances, for finite sample sizes, are illustrated by using simulated data.  相似文献   

Let X1 be a strictly stationary multiple time series with values in Rd and with a common density f. Let X1,.,.,Xn, be n consecutive observations of X1. Let k = kn, be a sequence of positive integers, and let Hni be the distance from Xi to its kth nearest neighbour among Xj, j i. The multivariate variable-kernel estimate fn, of f is defined by where K is a given density. The complete convergence of fn, to f on compact sets is established for time series satisfying a dependence condition (referred to as the strong mixing condition in the locally transitive sense) weaker than the strong mixing condition. Appropriate choices of k are explicitly given. The results apply to autoregressive processes and bilinear time-series models.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new automatic and location-adaptive procedure for estimating regression in a Functional Single-Index Model (FSIM). This procedure is based on k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) ideas. The asymptotic study includes results for automatically data-driven selected number of neighbours, making the procedure directly usable in practice. The local feature of the kNN approach insures higher predictive power compared with usual kernel estimates, as illustrated in some finite sample analysis. As by-product, we state as preliminary tools some new uniform asymptotic results for kernel estimates in the FSIM model.  相似文献   

We consider the recursive estimation of a regression functional where the explanatory variables take values in some functional space. We prove the almost sure convergence of such estimates for dependent functional data. Also we derive the mean quadratic error of the considered class of estimators. Our results are established with rates and asymptotic appear bounds, under strong mixing condition. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed estimator is illustrated throughout an empirical study.  相似文献   

Qingguo Tang 《Statistics》2013,47(2):388-404
A global smoothing procedure is developed using B-spline function approximation for estimating the unknown functions of a functional coefficient regression model with spatial data. A general formulation is used to treat mean regression, median regression, quantile regression and robust mean regression in one setting. The global convergence rates of the estimators of unknown coefficient functions are established. Various applications of the main results, including estimating conditional quantile coefficient functions and robustifying the mean regression coefficient functions are given. Finite sample properties of our procedures are studied through Monte Carlo simulations. A housing data example is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

We propose a modification of local polynomial estimation which improves the efficiency of the conventional method when the observation errors are correlated. The procedure is based on a pre-transformation of the data as a generalization of the pre-whitening procedure introduced by Xiao et al. [(2003), ‘More Efficient Local Polynomial Estimation in Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors’, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98, 980–992]. While these authors assumed a linear process representation for the error process, we avoid any structural assumption. We further allow the regressors and the errors to be dependent. More importantly, we show that the inclusion of both leading and lagged variables in the approximation of the error terms outperforms the best approximation based on lagged variables only. Establishing its asymptotic distribution, we show that the proposed estimator is more efficient than the standard local polynomial estimator. As a by-product we prove a suitable version of a central limit theorem which allows us to improve the asymptotic normality result for local polynomial estimators by Masry and Fan [(1997), ‘Local Polynomial Estimation of Regression Functions for Mixing Processes’, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 24, 165–179]. A simulation study confirms the efficiency of our estimator on finite samples. An application to climate data also shows that our new method leads to an estimator with decreased variability.  相似文献   


Let (T, C, X) be a vector of random variables (rvs) where T, C, and X are the interest variable, a right censoring rv, and a covariate, respectively. In this paper, we study the kernel conditional mode estimation when the covariate takes values in an infinite dimensional space and is α-mixing. Under some regularity conditions, the almost complete convergence of the estimate with rates is established.  相似文献   

This work deals with a local linear non parametric estimation of the generalized regression function in the case of a scalar response variable given a random variable taking values in a semimetric space. The rates of pointwise and uniform almost complete convergence are established for the studied estimator when the sample is an α-mixing sequence. Two real datasets are used to illustrate the performance of a studied estimator with respect to the kernel method.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of local linear estimation of the regression function when the regressor is functional. The main result of this paper is to prove the strong convergence (with rates), uniformly in bandwidth parameters (UIB), of the considered estimator. The main interest of this result is the possibility to derive the asymptotic properties of our estimate even if the bandwidth parameter is a random variable.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate nonparametric estimation of some functionals of the conditional distribution of a scalar response variable Y given a random variable X taking values in a semi-metric space. These functionals include the regression function, the conditional cumulative distribution, the conditional density and some other ones. The literature on nonparametric functional statistics is only concerning pointwise consistency results, and our main aim is to prove the uniform almost complete convergence (with rate) of the kernel estimators of these nonparametric models. Unlike in standard multivariate cases, the gap between pointwise and uniform results is not immediate. So, suitable topological considerations are needed, implying changes in the rates of convergence which are quantified by entropy considerations. These theoretical uniform consistency results are (or will be) key tools for many further developments in functional data analysis.  相似文献   

Histogram density estimator is very intuitive and easy to compute and has been widely adopted. Especially in today's big data environment, people pay more attention to the computational cost and are more willing to choose estimators with less to compute. And so, many scholars have been interested in the various estimates based on the histogram technique. Under strong mixing process, this article studies the uniform strong consistency of histogram density estimator and the convergence rate. Our conditions on the mixing coefficient and the bin width are very mild.  相似文献   

This paper studies the behaviour of the kernel estimator of the regression function for associated data in the random left truncated model. The uniform strong consistency rate over a real compact set of the estimate is established. The finite sample performance of the estimator is investigated through extensive simulation studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the asymptotic properties of the kernel estimator for non parametric regression operator when the functional stationary ergodic data with randomly censorship are considered. More precisely, we introduce the kernel-type estimator of the non parametric regression operator with the responses randomly censored and obtain the almost surely convergence with rate as well as the asymptotic normality of the estimator. As an application, the asymptotic (1 ? ζ) confidence interval of the regression operator is also presented (0 < ζ < 1). Finally, the simulation study is carried out to show the finite-sample performances of the estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a novel approach to fit a functional linear regression in which both the response and the predictor are functions. We consider the case where the response and the predictor processes are both sparsely sampled at random time points and are contaminated with random errors. In addition, the random times are allowed to be different for the measurements of the predictor and the response functions. The aforementioned situation often occurs in longitudinal data settings. To estimate the covariance and the cross‐covariance functions, we use a regularization method over a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The estimate of the cross‐covariance function is used to obtain estimates of the regression coefficient function and of the functional singular components. We derive the convergence rates of the proposed cross‐covariance, the regression coefficient, and the singular component function estimators. Furthermore, we show that, under some regularity conditions, the estimator of the coefficient function has a minimax optimal rate. We conduct a simulation study and demonstrate merits of the proposed method by comparing it to some other existing methods in the literature. We illustrate the method by an example of an application to a real‐world air quality dataset. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 524–559; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Time series data observed at unequal time intervals (irregular data) occur quite often and this usually poses problems in its analysis. A recursive form of the exponentially smoothed estimated is here proposed for a nonlinear model with irregularly observed data and its asymptotic properties are discussed An alternative smoother to that of Wright (1985) is also derived. Numerical comparison is made between the resulting estimates and other smoothed estimates.  相似文献   

The paper investigates various nonparametric models including regression, conditional distribution, conditional density and conditional hazard function, when the covariates are infinite dimensional. The main contribution is to prove uniform in bandwidth asymptotic results for kernel estimators of these functional operators. Then, the application issues, involving data-driven bandwidth selection, are discussed.  相似文献   

Let X1,., Xn, be i.i.d. random variables with distribution function F, and let Y1,.,.,Yn be i.i.d. with distribution function G. For i = 1, 2,.,., n set δi, = 1 if Xi ≤ Yi, and 0 otherwise, and Xi, = min{Xi, Ki}. A kernel-type density estimate of f, the density function of F w.r.t. Lebesgue measure on the Borel o-field, based on the censored data (δi, Xi), i = 1,.,.,n, is considered. Weak and strong uniform consistency properties over the whole real line are studied. Rates of convergence results are established under higher-order differentiability assumption on f. A procedure for relaxing such assumptions is also proposed.  相似文献   


In this paper, we study the complete consistency for the estimator of nonparametric regression model based on martingale difference errors, and obtain the convergence rates of the complete consistency by using the inequalities for martingale difference sequence. Finally, some simulations are illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper describes a wavelet method for the estimation of density and hazard rate functions from randomly right-censored data. We adopt a nonparametric approach in assuming that the density and hazard rate have no specific parametric form. The method is based on dividing the time axis into a dyadic number of intervals and then counting the number of events within each interval. The number of events and the survival function of the observations are then separately smoothed over time via linear wavelet smoothers, and then the hazard rate function estimators are obtained by taking the ratio. We prove that the estimators have pointwise and global mean-square consistency, obtain the best possible asymptotic mean integrated squared error convergence rate and are also asymptotically normally distributed. We also describe simulation experiments that show that these estimators are reasonably reliable in practice. The method is illustrated with two real examples. The first uses survival time data for patients with liver metastases from a colorectal primary tumour without other distant metastases. The second is concerned with times of unemployment for women and the wavelet estimate, through its flexibility, provides a new and interesting interpretation.  相似文献   

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