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The smoothness of Tukey depth contours is a regularity condition often encountered in asymptotic theory, among others. This condition ensures that the Tukey depth fully characterizes the underlying multivariate probability distribution. In this paper we demonstrate that this regularity condition is rarely satisfied. It is shown that even well-behaved probability distributions with symmetrical, smooth and (strictly) quasi-concave densities may have non-smooth Tukey depth contours, and that the smoothness behaviour of depth contours is fairly unpredictable.  相似文献   

On the Tukey depth of an atomic measure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper gives a relation between the convex Tukey trimmed region (see [J.C. Massé, R. Theodorescu, Halfplane trimming for bivariate distributions, J. Multivariate Anal. 48(2) (1994) 188–202]) of an atomic measure and the support of the measure. It is shown that an atomic measure is concentrated on the extreme points of its Tukey trimmed region. A property concerning the extreme points which have 0 mass is given. As a corollary, we give a new method of proof of the Koshevoy characterization result.  相似文献   

This paper deals with recursive M-estimators of a location parameter θ in stationary processes when scale is regarded as a nuisance parameter. For the nonrecursive M-estimators, the median absolute deviation is a useful estimator of scale. Two recursive variants of the median absolute deviation are proposed and the performance of the resulting recursive estimators is examined in a numerical study.  相似文献   

A median-based estimate of the location (i.e. intercept) parameter in an autoregressive time series is considered. Specifically, the asymptotic joint distribution of the location estimate and a location invariant estimate of the AR parameter vector is derived. Applications of this result to rank-based estimates are briefly discussed and illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

This work presents a closed formula to compute any muitivariate factorized expected value from the knowledge of the joint cumulative distribution function (cdf) of any random variable. Additionally, a new nonparametric estimator alternative to the sample average is presented for the univariate case.  相似文献   

Let X1:, X2:, …, Xn be iidrv's with cdf F?, F?(x)=F (x-θ), R. Let T be an equivariant median-unbiased estimator of θ. Let πε(F)={G = (1 -ε) F+εH, H any cdf} and let M(G, T) be a median of T if X1 has cdf G. The oscillation of the bias of T, defined as

Bε(T)=sup (M(G1 T) :G1,G2:∈πσ:(F)} ,is considered and the estimator with the smallest B$epsi;(T) is explicitly constructed  相似文献   

In this paper it is shown that data depth does not only provide consistent and robust estimators but also consistent and robust tests. Thereby, consistency of a test means that the Type I (αα) error and the Type II (ββ) error converge to zero with growing sample size in the interior of the nullhypothesis and the alternative, respectively. Robustness is measured by the breakdown point which depends here on a so-called concentration parameter. The consistency and robustness properties are shown for cases where the parameter of maximum depth is a biased estimator and has to be corrected. This bias is a disadvantage for estimation but an advantage for testing. It causes that the corresponding simplicial depth is not a degenerated U-statistic so that tests can be derived easily. However, the straightforward tests have a very poor power although they are asymptotic α-levelα-level tests. To improve the power, a new method is presented to modify these tests so that even consistency of the modified tests is achieved. Examples of two-dimensional copulas and the Weibull distribution show the applicability of the new method.  相似文献   

A table of asymptotic relative efficiencies of a large variety of R-estimators is given and some of its uses discussed.The family of distributions used includes both those common in the robustness literature and those that correspondent to various rank tests for location.  相似文献   

We considered the problem of estimating effects in the following linear model for data arranged in a two-way table: Response = Common effect + Row effect + Column effect + Residual. This work was occasioned by a project to analyse Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data on daily temporal deviations from flight plans for commercial US flights, with rows and columns representing origin and destination airports, respectively. We conducted a large Monte Carlo study comparing the accuracy of three methods of estimation: classical least squares, median polish and least absolute deviations (LAD). The experiments included a wide spectrum of tables of different sizes and shapes, with different levels of non-linearity, noise variance, and percentages of empty cells and outliers. We based our comparison on the accuracy of the estimates and on computational speed. We identified factors that significantly affect accuracy and speed, and compared the methods based on their sensitivity to these factors. We concluded that there is no dominant method of estimation and identified conditions under which each method is most attractive.  相似文献   

It is argued that model selection and robust estimation should be handled jointly. Impulse indicator saturation makes that possible, but leads to the situation where there are more variables than observations. This is illustrated by revisiting the analysis of Tobin's food data.  相似文献   

We propose two density estimators of the survival distribution in the setting of the Koziol-Green random-censoring model. The estimators are obtained by maximum-penalized-likelihood methods, and we provide an algorithm for their numerical evaluation. We establish the strong consistency of the estimators in the Hellinger metric, the Lp-norms, p= 1,2, ∞, and a Sobolev norm, under mild conditions on the underlying survival density and the censoring distribution.  相似文献   

We construct weighted Cramér-von Mises location estimators which are asymptotically normally distributed throughout an ?e-contamination neighbourhood of a given, strongly unimodal distribution function, and which minimize the maximum asymptotic variance in such neighbourhoods. Applications to the estimation of a normal or logistic mean are given.  相似文献   

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