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卞孝萱先生在《现代国学大师学记》中概述清末民初国学大师的治学关意,表述国学大师治学得失,开拓研究现代国学大师的范围,提出甚多值得研究的民国学术史的课题。他虽师事有关大师,评论却不讳其失,论述观点为前人未导。该著可开拓研究现代国学大师群体的视野,不独是个人自述,也是半部民国学术史。 相似文献
Carolyn Knight 《Social work with groups》2013,36(3):230-242
To enhance student's learning about group work in the field practicum, one undergraduate program provided a continuing education workshop to field instructors in which core group work content was identified as were suggestions for how they could provide appropriate learning opportunities for their students. Results suggest that such training may positively affect students' opportunities to practice group work. The findings also are consistent with previous research that has demonstrated that social work students often have only limited opportunities to practice group work in the field. 相似文献
论信息反馈对传播的重要性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
信息反馈对传播者而言至关重要,决定着传播内容的编辑、调整,同时受者也会在交流中取得自己所需.重视传播中的信息反馈,就要研究其传播原理和具体研究方法,从而真正架起传、受者间的桥梁,让传播尽量朝良性方向发展. 相似文献
J. Alicia Mason Lonnie R. Helton Sophia Dziegielewski 《Journal of social service research》2013,39(3):230-247
ABSTRACT A Midwestern university assessed 108 graduate social work students. Student preferences were examined regarding their perceptions and satisfaction with distance education versus traditional classroom settings. With a standardized measurement scale and 6 qualitative interviews being utilized, results identified several interpersonal and environmental characteristics influencing positive preference. Using an independent sample t-test, significant differences were found between the two types of learning environments. Results showed a preference for the standard, face-to-face format, and the results identified several variables that contribute to significant advantages and disadvantages of using distance education technology. Recommendations are provided for future research and explication of factors contributing to satisfaction with the learning environment. 相似文献
Evidence presented in Salmon (2001; Econometrica 69(6) 1597) indicates that typical tests to identify learning behavior in experiments involving normal form games possess little power to reject incorrect models. This paper begins by presenting results from an experiment designed to gather alternative data to overcome this problem. The results from these experiments indicate support for a learning-to-learn or rule learning hypothesis in which subjects change their decision rule over time. These results are then used to construct an adaptive learning model which is intended to mimic more accurately the behavior observed. The final section of the paper presents results from a simple simulation based analysis comparing the performance of this adaptive learning model with that of several standard decision rules in reproducing the choice patterns observed in the experiment.JEL Classification: C92, C72 相似文献
The Valuing People White Paper (Department of Health, 2001)requires services to secure a plan for all service-users withlearning disabilities living with older carers and promisesthem and their families more choice and control over how andwhere they live. This paper examines the views of the oldercarers (aged over seventy) of sixty-two adults with a learningdisability about planning for the future. Fifty-six took partin interviews in their own homes and six completed a questionnaire.All carers were white and recruited from one local authorityin response to the requirements of the White Paper. Findingsindicate that a significant proportion (thirty-four55per cent) is either not ready or is unwilling to make futureplans. Barriers to planning include a perceived lack of needdue to the existence of two carers, a lack of awareness of timescalesinvolved in securing housing, difficulties in letting go, alack of confidence in available housing options, and the existenceof mutually supportive relationships. The findings show a needfor a proactive approach to information and support provisionto enable these families to work through a process of makingplans for the future. This is essential to prevent the needfor emergency placements in response to crisis and in turn toensure that adults with learning disabilities have genuine choiceand involvement in how and where they live. 相似文献
Kelly Cox M.D. Hon. B.Sc. FRCPC Christine T. Chambers Ph.D. Nancy F. Bandstra Hon. B.Sc. Jennifer A. Parker Ph.D. 《Accountability in research》2013,20(5):342-356
While many researchers accept the principle that participants have a right to receive information learned from their participation in research, there are few studies examining the impact of receiving results on participants. This study was developed to examine the impact on parents of the receipt of individual results of research-based psychological testing of their children. A summary of the child's individual results of standardized measures of language and development was sent by mail with the questionnaire designed to assess the impact of receiving results. Response rate from the mailed questionnaire was 55.6% (n?=?74/133). Most parents reported the results as helpful and positive. The majority would receive results again. Overall, the sharing of individualized feedback from psychological testing conducted as part of a research study was well accepted by parents. This practice appears ethically permissible with appropriate support options for addressing participant concerns upon receiving the results as well options for clinical follow-up for the child. 相似文献
《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):330-345
ABSTRACTHow can one learn to perceive? The study of an expert training shows how olfactory learning combines two operations and modalities of experience: firstly, it rests upon doubt and the questioning of perception to turn its undisputable evidence into a changing plurality. Secondly, perception is reconstructed and stabilized according to a set of chosen constraints, thanks to a perpetual control and reworking of the inadequate perceptions.This analysis brings us to reconsider the interpretation of the notion of “attention”. Trainees focusing on their perception do not make it more salient, precise and detailed, as per the representational interpretation of perception. They question it. In so doing, they foster a surge of “shades” and make it plural and variable. Attention denotes here a process of perceptual destabilization, through doubt.Additionally, in the cases studied, the reflexivity that enables learning shows deconstructive aspects: through doubt, the surrounding world turns from self-evident to changing and plural. This does not fit the usual constructive character of reflexivity, as in “mind-” or “self-building” processes, for instance. At the core of the learning process, the shifting modalities of perception seem to open the door to a larger variety of understandings of reflexivity and their correlative selves. 相似文献
人类学习是一个广袤的课题。近来,不同文化背景下人们的学习信念问题引起国内外研究者越来越多的关注。学习模式是一个包含学习风格等多个层面的复杂的意义系统,东西方传统文化影响下形成了两种不同的学习模式,学习模式以内隐的方式影响个体的学习过程和行为。通过对以努力的学习观为主的孔子学习模式和以批判创新为主的苏格拉底学习模式的比较分析,可以看出西方研究者对东方学习方式存在一些误解,教育者在现代教育中应该充分考虑学习行为中的文化因素的重要性。 相似文献
陈革 《广州城市职业学院学报》2011,(3):68-70
学习建设和党风学风建设是我们党的政治属性、组织属性,也是我们党的优良传统。步入新世纪,从传统学习提升到建设学习型党组织目标是我们党及各级党组织创新党建工作的新理念、新定位、新课题,是提高党建工作科学化水平的重大举措。 相似文献
ABSTRACTIn this introductory essay we examine through a ‘temporally inflected lens’ some of the complex entanglements of learning, senses, and sense making; body-sensory experience and practice; and culture and society. We thereby aim to bring into dialogue inter-/multisensorial approaches to education as a project and praxis and processes of ‘enculturation’, which have always, in one way or the other, involved ‘embodied’ learning (and imaginaries thereof), rather than mere ‘mental processing’. We first situate the ‘turn’ to the senses, across a range of disciplinary fields, brought on by a growing interest in ‘modes of meaning-making’, including the visual, aural, audio-visual, material, bodily, and spatial. Secondly, we investigate the explanatory potential of enculturation and embodiment as seemingly entangled notions. From this, we derive the concept of ‘embodied enculturation’ for the study of situated, historical entanglements of sensory learning and education. We link this proposed research paradigm to incisive scholarship on ‘cultural learning’ through sensorial lenses, after which we tease out six key questions or concerns emerging from a review of relevant, recent research. These key concerns help to contextualize state-of-the-art ‘sensuous education scholarship’ introduced in the final section of the article and elaborated further in the ensuing contributions to this special issue. 相似文献
郑静东 《广州城市职业学院学报》2013,(1):82-88
本实证研究以广东外语外贸大学国际学院学生作为调查对象,通过问卷、访谈及测试的形式考察其学习策略与英语成绩之间的关系。研究结果表明学习策略对学习者的成绩提高并不能起到显著的作用。基于此,进一步对制约学习策略发挥作用的其它学习者因素进行探讨,进而对大学英语教学营造更好的自主学习环境提出相应的建议。 相似文献
19世纪与20世纪之交,西学东渐出现高潮,其间中国文学受到全面影响,主要表现在文学观、文体形式、思想意蕴、美学形态等方面。西学东渐为中国文学注入了生机与活力,促使中国文学由传统走向现代,由本土走向世界。中国文学的现代性由此生成。 相似文献
温婷 《广州城市职业学院学报》2013,(4):59-63
选择广州市具有代表性的三个家庭,通过个案追踪的方式,剖析其对学习型家庭理念的理解并重点跟踪这三个家庭在创建学习型家庭过程中遇到的问题及困难。提出学习型家庭的创建是一个系统工程,需循序渐进;需有的放矢,分类指导;应加强弱势群体家庭的智力支持;构建社区、学校、家庭共同创建学习型家庭的有效模式和长效机制。 相似文献
Shaoguang Wang 《Social Sciences in China》2013,34(3):23-37
本文回顾了过去一个世纪政治学在中国的发展, 尤其是过去30年间的发展。其主 要观点是, 这个学科领域已经走过了两个阶段, 即“取经”与“效仿”。它正在进入 第三个阶段, 即本土化或中国化。不过, 即使对中国学者而言, 本土化也并非易事。本土化要求我们具有清晰的本土问题意识, 善于从我们独特的视角对中国和世界政治 现象进行创造性的思考, 并有意识地在思考过程中创造新关键词、新概念体系、新基 本假设、新分析框架、新研究方法, 最终把这种思考上升到一般性理 论。 关键词: 政治学 中国政治 学习 本土化 The article reviews the development of political science in China in the last century, especially in the last 30 years. It shows that the discipline has gone through two stages, namely, uncritical learning and gullible emulating. It is entering a new stage: conscious indigenization of political science. It argues that indigenization is not an easy task even for indigenous academics. Therefore a project of indigenization requires a conscious and active effort on their part. Without critical introspection, indigenization is impossible. 相似文献
王绍光 《Social Sciences in China》2011,(3):23-37
本文回顾了过去一个世纪政治学在中国的发展,尤其是过去30年间的发展。其主要观点是,这个学科领域已经走过了两个阶段,即“取经”与“效仿”。它正在进入第三个阶段,即本土化或中国化。不过,即使对中国学者而言,本土化也并非易事。本土化要求我们具有清晰的本土问题意识,善于从我们独特的视角对中国和世界政治现象进行创造性的思考,并有意识地在思考过程中创造新关键词、新概念体系、新基本假设、新分析框架、新研究方法,最终把这种思考上升到一般性理论。 相似文献
发展终身教育,推动学习型社会建设,是各级政府的法定职责。通过回顾国内外终身教育或终身学习立法实践的历程,重点介绍我国终身教育(或学习型社会建设)立法进程,结合我国终身教育立法实际,提出有关学习型社会建设立法的几点思考。 相似文献
This paper presents an ecological model approach to conceptualizingrisk of sexual violence against people with learning difficulties,which takes account of the complex social processes involvedin the creation of risk. The concept vulnerability,often assumed to be a risk-creating characteristic of peoplewith learning difficulties, is too simplistic to take accountof all the processes involved in the formation of risk of sexualviolence. Risk is influenced by personal attributes, self-defenceskills, environments and socio-cultural factors. These riskfactors are closely interlinked and constantly interact withone another. The ecological model provides a tool for examiningthe impact that interactions between individuals and socialenvironments have on an individuals learning and thedevelopment opportunities that have the potential to increaseself-defence skills. 相似文献